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== Treatise ==
== Treatise ==
To make the concordance as compact as possible, the Vienna version replaces the Glasgow version in the fourth column in the short sword, and the Salzburg and Augsburg copies share the final column in the long sword.
Ringeck's gloss might be said to have kicked off the modern HEMA movement: a complete transcription of the Dresden version was included by [[Martin Wierschin]] in his landmark ''Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des Fechtens'' in 1965, which was the first "HEMA book". This transcription was later translated to modern German by Christoph Kaindel in the 1990s. Forty years later, a new transcription was authored by [[Dierk Hagedorn]] and posted on the Hammaborg site in 2008.
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The first English translations were produced in 2001 by [[Jörg Bellinghausen]] and [[Christian Tobler]]. An early draft of Bellinghausen's translation of the long sword was posted on the ARMA site, whereas Tobler's translated was published by [[Chivalry Bookshelf]] in ''Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship''. Jörg Bellinghausen indicates that he completed translation afterward, but it was lost in a computer mishap and he never reproduced it; instead, in 2003 [[David Rawlings]] completed his work by translating the remaining plays of the long sword as well as the short sword section. A fourth English translation was produced by [[David Lindholm]] and published in 2005 by [[Paladin Press]] in two volumes: ''Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword'' and ''Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Arts of Combat: Sword-and-Buckler Fighting, Wrestling, and Fighting in Armor''.
  | title = Long Sword Gloss
| width = 180em
Other translations produced in the '00s include an anonymous French translation posted on the ARDAMHE site, Eugenio García-Salmones' Spanish translation posted on the AVEH site in 2006 (translated from the French), Gábor Erényi's partial Hungarian translation posted on the Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum site in 2009, and [[Andreas Engström]]'s Swedish translation posted on the GHFS site. In 2010, Keith Farrell translated the Swedish into a fifth English version, and in 2013, Federico Malagutti translated Farrell's English into Italian.
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All of these translations were based exclusively on the Dresden version, which was the only version known in the 20th century and thought to be unique (perhaps even an autograph) until other versions began surfacing in the 21st.
{| class="master"
The Glasgow Fechtbuch was identified in [[Sydney Anglo]]'s 2000 opus as merely "[R. L.] Scott's Liechtenauer MS",<ref>Sydney Anglo. ''The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe''. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000. pp 312-315.</ref> but it was eventually determined to contain writings of Ringeck. In 2009, the first 24 folia were transcribed by [[Anton Kohutovič]] and posted on the Gesellschaft Liechtenauers site, and the complete manuscript was translated by [[Dierk Hagedorn]] and posted on Hammaborg. It's unclear when the Rostock version was first identified as pertaining to [[Joachim Meyer]], but it began circulating prior to 2009 and [[Kevin Maurer]] authored a partial transcription in 2011, after which Ringeck's section was recognized; [[Dierk Hagedorn]] posted a complete transcription on Hammaborg in 2015.
! <p>Illustrations</p>
! <p>{{rating|A}}<br/>by [[Christian Trosclair]]</p>
On the other hand, the Salzburg version was well-known going back at least to Wierschin, and transcriptions were posted by [[Beatrix Koll]] on the [[Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg]] site in 2002 and by [[Dierk Hagedorn]] on the Hammaborg site in 2009; likewise, the Aubsburg version was known going back at least to [[Hans-Peter Hils]], and a transcription by [[Werner Ueberschär]] was posted on the Schwertbund Nurmberg site in 2012. However, the fact that these manuscripts included fragments of Ringeck's gloss was not realized until they were added to Wiktenauer in the 2010s. Likewise, the Vienna version has been known as a manuscript illustrated by [[Albrecht Dürer]] for centuries, but the attribution of the short sword teachings to Ringeck wasn't made until [[Dierk Hagedorn]]'s transcription of 2016.
! <p>[[Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)|Dresden Version]] (1504-19){{edit index|Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>[[Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)|Glasgow Version]] (1508){{edit index|Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
In 2015, [[Christian Trosclair]] authored a sixth translation of the long sword section for Wiktenauer, which was the first that incorporated all five known versions of that section. In 2017, Trosclair's translation was translated to Indonesian by Pradana Pandu Mahardhika. Trosclair later revised his translation in 2021-22.
! <p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (ca. 1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>Fragments<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]] and [[Werner Ueberschär]]</p><section end="credits1"/>
More recently, [[Stephen Ceney]] authored a seventh translation of the long sword section, based on Dresden and Glasgow, which he self-published in ''Ringeck{{middot}} Danzig{{middot}} Lew Longsword'' in 2020. He also authored the first translation of the Glasgow version of Ringeck's mounted fencing and donated it to Wiktenauer.
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<div id="long_sword" style="background:transparent; clear:both; font-weight:normal; padding:3px; text-align:left; width:0em; min-width:0em;">
<table class="master">
  <th id="LSIllustrations0"><p>Illustrations</p></th>
  <th id="LSTrosclairb0"><p>{{translation rating|C}} (2022)<br/>by [[Christian Trosclair]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSTrosclaira0"><p>{{translation rating|A}} (2015)<br/>by [[Christian Trosclair]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSFarrell0"><p>{{translation rating|C|Draft Translation (Dresden only)}} (2011)<br/>by [[Keith Farrell]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSRawlings0"><p>{{translation rating|start|Incomplete Translation (Dresden only)}} (2003)<br/>by [[David Rawlings]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSBellinghausen0"><p>{{translation rating|start|Incomplete Translation (Dresden only)}} (2001)<br/>by [[Jörg Bellinghausen]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSSalzburg0"><p>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|Salzburg Version]] (1491){{edit index|Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSDresden0"><p>[[Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)|Dresden Version]] (1504-19){{edit index|Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSGlasgow0"><p>[[Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)|Glasgow Version]] (1508){{edit index|Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)|Glasgow Version]] (1508)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSAugsburg0"><p>[[Rast Fechtbuch (Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82)|Augsburg Version]] (1553){{edit index|Rast Fechtbuch (Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Werner Ueberschär]]</p></th>
  <th id="LSRostock0"><p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
{{ringeck row LSJB|1
| <p>[1] {{red|b=1|Here begins the interpretation of the Recital}}</p>
<p>In this, the knightly art of the long sword lies written, which Johannes Liechtenauer, who was a great master in the art, composed and created. By the grace of god he had let the Recital be written with obscure and disguised words, so that the art shall not become common. And so Master Sigmund ein Ringeck, at the selfsame<ref name="word-d">Word omitted from the Dresden.</ref> time known as<ref>"Known as" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> fencing master<ref>D. ''schirmaiste~'', R. ''schiermeister''.</ref> to the highborn prince and noble Lord Albrecht, Pfalzgraf<ref>Count Palatine</ref> of the Rhine and Herzog<ref>Duke</ref> of Bavaria, had these same obscure and disguised words of the Recital glossed and interpreted as lay written and pictured<ref>"and pictured" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> here in this little book, so that any one fencer who can otherwise fight properly may well go through and understand.</p>
{{paget|Page:MS Dresd.C.487|010v|png|lbl=10v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 011r.png|1|lbl=11r|p=1}}
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| {{paget|page:MS E.1939.65.341|022r|jpg|lbl=22r}}
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 035r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 035r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[2] {{red|b=1|The foreword of the Recital}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>1</small>
| Young knight, learn;<br/>&emsp;Loveth god; furthermore honor women
| <small>2</small>
| Thus cultivate your honor.<br/>&emsp;Practice chivalry and learn<ref name="line-d">Line omitted from the Dresden.</ref>
| <small>3</small>
| Art which decorates you [and]<br/>&emsp;In combat exalts with honor.
| <small>4</small>
| Wrestling's good fetters,<br/>&emsp;Lance, spear, sword, and Messer
| <small>5</small>
| Manfully put to good use<br/>&emsp;And make useless in other's hands.<ref name="line-d"/>
| <small>6</small>
| Hew therein, charge there;<br/>&emsp;Rush onwards, hit or let drive.
| <small>7</small>
| Those maturing<ref>lit: hastening. hasten, maturare, accelerare, see Grimm</ref> in this wisdom<ref>alt: instruction</ref>,<br/>&emsp;This one sees praises.
| <small>8</small>
| Hold yourself to this:<br/>&emsp;All art has length and measure.
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 006r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 006r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|3
| <p>[3] {{red|b=1|This is the text of many good common lessons of the long sword}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>9</small>
| If you wish to examine the art,<br/>&emsp;Go left and right with hewing
| <small>10</small>
| And left with right<br/>&emsp;that is, if you desire to fence strongly.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this is the first lesson of the long sword: That you shall learn to hew the hews properly from both sides, that is, if you otherwise wish to fence strongly and correctly. Understand it thusly: When you wish to hew from the right side, so see that your left foot stands forward. If you then hew the over-hew from the right side, so follow-after the hew with the right foot. If you do not do that, then the hew is false and incorrect, because your right foot remains there behind. Therefore the hew is too short and may not attain its correct path below to the correct other side in front of the left foot.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 006v.png|1|lbl=06v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 006v.png|1|lbl=06v}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|4
| <p>[4] The same when you hew from the left side and [you] do not follow-after the hew with the left foot, thus the hew is also false. Therefore note, from whichever side you hew, that you follow-after with the same foot, so you may conduct all your plays with strength and all other hews shall be hewn thusly as well.</p>
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{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 012v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 013r.png|1|lbl=13r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 006v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 006v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|5
| <p>[5] {{red|b=1|Again, the text about a lesson}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>11</small>
| Whoever chases after hews,<br/>&emsp;They allow themselves to hardly enjoy the art.
| <small>12</small>
| Hew nearby, whatever you wish:<br/>&emsp;No change comes in your shield;
| <small>13</small>
| To the head, to the body,<br/>&emsp;Do not omit the fleshwounds.<ref>D. ''Zeck'': Tick; R. ''Zeckruhr'': Insect bites.</ref>
| <small>14</small>
| With the entire body fence<br/>&emsp;Whatever you desire to conduct strongly.<ref>Possibly "strongly desire to conduct".</ref>
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this is<ref name="mdi-d">"Note, this is" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> when you come to him with the onset: you shall not focus nor wait upon his hew as he conducts it against you. Because all fencers who focus and wait upon another's hew and wish to do nothing else than displace, they permit such art little joy because they often become struck with it.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 006v.png|3|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSJB|6
| <p>[6] Item. You shall<ref>"You shall" omitted from the Rostock.</ref> note that every thing which you wish to fence, conduct it with the entire strength of the body; and cleave him in with that nearby to the head and to the body, so he may not change-through in front of your point; and with that hew, in the binding of the swords you shall not omit the fleshwounds to the nearest opening (which will be delineated hereafter in the five hews and in other plays).</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|7
| <p>[7] {{red|b=1|Again, a lesson}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>15</small>
| Hear what is bad for that:<br/>&emsp;Do not fence from above left if you are right,
| <small>16</small>
| And if you are left,<br/>&emsp;In the right [you] are also severely hindered.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this lesson hits upon two people, one left and one right, and understand it thusly: When you come to him with the onset, if you then judge and decide to strike the opponent, then do not hew the first hew from the left side. Because it is weak and with that, may not hold against when one binds strongly upon it. Therefore hew [from] the right side, so you may work strongly with art (whatever you wish).</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|8
| <p>[8] The same is if you are left. So likewise do not hew from the right side, because the art is quite awkward [when] a lefty conducts from the right side. It is also the same [of] a righty from the left side.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 014v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|9
| <p>[9] {{red|b=1|This is the text and a lesson about before and after}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>17</small>
| Before and after, the two things<br/>&emsp;Are the one origin of all art.
| <small>18</small>
| Weak and strong,<br/>&emsp;In-the-moment; with that mark the word.
| <small>19</small>
| Thus, you may learn<br/>&emsp;To work and ward with art.
| <small>20</small>
| If you frighten easily,<br/>&emsp;Never learn any fencing.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this is that before anything, you shall understand the before and the after well, because these two things have one origin which gives rise the entire art of fencing. Understand it thusly: The before, this is so that you shall always come forth with a hew or with a thrust to his opening before the moment he comes with his [strike] to yours.<ref>Lit: "Before the moment he comes with his to you".</ref> Thus he must displace you. Then work swiftly in the displacement in front of you with the sword from one opening to the other, so he may not come before your work with his plays. But if he runs-in to you, then come forth with the wrestling.</p>
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{{ringeck row LSJB|10
| <p>[10] {{red|b=1|Here note that which is called the after}}</p>
<p>Note, if you may not come in the before, then wait upon the after. These are the breaks of all plays which he conducts upon you. Understand it thusly: When he comes-before such that you must displace him, so swiftly work in-the-moment with the displacement to the nearest opening, so you hit him the moment before he accomplishes his play. Thus you have seized the before and he remains after.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 015v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 016r.png|1|lbl=16r|p=1}}
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{{ringeck row LSJB|11
| <p>[11] You shall also note in the before and after how you shall work with the word "in-the-moment", according to the weak and according to the strong of his sword, and understand it thusly: The sword has its strength from the hilt of the sword up until the middle of the blade; with that you may resist<ref>''wiederhalten'': lit. "hold against"; to withstand, resist.</ref> when someone binds you thereupon. And farther, from the middle up until the point, has its weak which cannot resist. And when you understand these things properly, you may properly work with art, and with it protect yourself and furthermore teach princes and lords so that they may properly remain steadfast with the same art, in play and in earnest; but if you fear easily, you should not learn the art of fencing, because a fragile discouraged heart, it does no good when it becomes struck by any art.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 016r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 016v.png|1|lbl=16v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 016r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 016v.png|1|lbl=16v|p=1}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|12
| <p>[12] {{red|b=1|This is the text of the five hews}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>21</small>
| Learn five hews<br/>&emsp;From the right hand against the defense.<ref>Alternately: weapons.</ref><ref>D. ''Wer dz wäre'': "Whoever defends these".</ref>
| <small>22</small>
| We happily consign<ref>Alternately: avow, legally promise.</ref> them<br/>&emsp;To the rewards<ref>Possibly "wages".</ref> in the Arts.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}.<ref name="word-d"/> Note, the Recital sets down five obscure hews. Many masters of the sword do know nothing to say about this: that you should not learn to make other hews,<ref>Lit: "hew other hews".</ref> when from the right side, against those who arrange themselves against you in defense. And if you select one hew from the five hews, then one must hit with the first strike. Whoever can break that without their harm will be praised by the masters of the Recital, because his art shall be praised better than another fencer who cannot fence the five hews against it. (And how you shall hew the five hews, you find that written hereafter in the same five hews.<ref>"In the same five hews" omitted from the Rostock.</ref>)</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 016v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 017r.png|1|lbl=17r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 017v.png|1|lbl=17v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007v.png|1|lbl=07v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007v.png|1|lbl=07v}}
| <!--
          --><section begin="Hauptstücke"/>
{{ringeck row LSJB|13
| <p>[13] {{red|b=1|This is the [text] of the plays of the Recital}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>23</small>
| Wrath-hew, crooked, thwart<br/>&emsp;Has squinter with parter
| <small>24</small>
| Fool displaces<br/>&emsp;Following-after, run-over
| <small>25</small>
| Set the hew, change-through, yank<br/>&emsp;Run-through, cut-off, press the hands
| <small>26</small>
| Hang and with openings<br/>&emsp;Strike, catch, sweep, thrust with blows.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, here the proper principal-plays of the art of the long sword are named, as all are specifically titled with their names so that you can better understand them. They are seventeen in number, and it begins with the five hews.</p>
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{{ringeck row LSJB|14
| <p>[14] Item. Now note the first hew called the wrath-hew<br/>The second the crooked-hew<br/>The third the thwart-hew<br/>The fourth the squint-hew<br/>The fifth the scalp-hew<br/>The sixth they are the four guards<br/>The seventh the four displacements<br/>The eighth the following-after<br/>The ninth the running-over<br/>The tenth the setting-aside<br/>The eleventh the changing-through<br/>The twelfth the yanking<br/>The thirteenth the running-through<br/>The fourteenth the cutting-off<br/>The fifteenth the hand-pressing<br/>The sixteenth the hanging<br/>The seventeenth they are the windings</p>
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| <p>[15] And how you shall uncover with the hanging and winding, and how you shall conduct all the forenamed plays, you find that entirely written hereafter.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 018v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <!--
          --><section end="Hauptstücke"/><section begin="Zornhaw"/>
| <section begin="wrath-1"/><p>[16] {{red|b=1|This is the wrath-hew with its plays}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
{{ringeck row LSJB|16
| <small>27</small>
| Whoever hews over<ref>''ober'' is an adjective, ''oben'' is an adverb.</ref> you,<br/>&emsp;The wrath-hew point threatens him.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Understand it thusly: When one cleaves-in above from his right side, so also cleave-in a wrath-hew with him, with the long edge strongly from your<ref>R. "the".</ref> right shoulder. If he is then soft upon the sword, so shoot-in the point forward long to his face and threaten to stab him (as stands done hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d">Clause omitted from the Dresden.</ref></p><section end="wrath-1"/>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 019r.png|1|lbl=19r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 019r.png|1|lbl=19r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|17
| <section begin="wrath-2"/><p>[17] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the wrath-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>28</small>
| If he becomes aware of it,<br/>&emsp;So take-off above without driving.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is<ref name="di-d">"This is" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> when you shoot-in the point with the wrath-hew (as stands done before next to this):<ref name="clause-d"/> if he then becomes aware of the point and displaces the thrust with strength, so back-off<ref>''abrucken'': "''removere''" (remove), "''absetzen''" (offset).</ref> your sword up above from his and cleave-in again above to the other side on his sword to his head (as stands done here).<ref name="clause-d"/></p><section end="wrath-2"/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 019r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 019v.png|1|lbl=19v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 019r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 019v.png|1|lbl=19v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 007v.png|3|lbl=-}}
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 008r.png|1|lbl=08r}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|18
| <section begin="wrath-3"/><p>[18] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the wrath-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>29</small>
| Be stronger back<br/>&emsp;And thrust. If he sees it, take it down<ref>D. ''wider''[sic]: "again".</ref>
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this is<ref name="mdi-d"/> when you cleave-in with the wrath-hew (as stands done before next to this):<ref name="clause-d"/> if he displaces it, and with that remains strongly upon the sword, so be strong back against him upon the sword, and drive up with the strong of your sword into the weak of his sword, and wind your hilt forward in front of your head upon the sword, and so thrust him high to the face (as stands pictured here).<ref name="clause-d"/></p><section end="wrath-3"/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 019v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 020r.png|1|lbl=20r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 019v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 020r.png|1|lbl=20r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 008r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 008r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|19
| <section begin="wrath-4"/><p>[19] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the wrath-hew}}</p>
<p>When you thrust-in high with the winding (as stands pictured<ref name="word-d"/> before), if he then goes up with the hands and displaces the high thrust with the hilt, so also remain standing in the winding and set the point down between his arms and the chest (as stands pictured here below).<ref name="clause-d"/></p><section end="wrath-4"/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 020r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 020v.png|1|lbl=20v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 008r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 008r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|20
| <section begin="wrath-5"/><p>[20] {{red|b=1|A break against the taking-off}}</p>
<p>Note, when you bind with someone strongly on his<ref name="the-d">D. "the".</ref> sword, if he then draws his sword from your sword up above and cleaves-in again on the sword above to the other side toward your head, so wind-in<ref>D. ''bind'': "bind-in".</ref> strongly with the long edge high to his head.</p><section end="wrath-5"/>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 020v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 020v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 008r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 008r.png|4|lbl=-}}
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          --><section begin="Krieg"/>
{{ringeck row LSJB|21
| <section begin="wrath-6"/><p>[21] {{red|b=1|Here note a good lesson}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>30</small>
| Note this precisely:<br/>&emsp;Cut, thrust, leaguer; soft or hard,
| <small>31</small>
| In-the-moment<ref>R. ''Jun ger'' [sic].</ref> and drive-after[sic]<br/>&emsp;Without hurry. Do not rush your war:<ref>R. ''dem krieg'': "the war".</ref>
| <small>32</small>
| Whoever's war aims<br/>&emsp;Above, they become ashamed below.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is what you shall quite precisely note: when one binds on your sword (with a hew or with a thrust or otherwise), [note] whether he is soft or hard upon the sword. And when you have sensed this, so you shall know in-the-moment which is the best for you: whether you work<ref>D. ''hurten'': "to rush".</ref> upon him with the before or with the after. But with that you shall allow yourself to be without hurry [and] not too rushed with the war, because the war is nothing other than the windings upon the sword.</p><section end="wrath-6"/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 020v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 021r.png|1|lbl=21r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 021v.png|1|lbl=21v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 008v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 008v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|22
| <section begin="wrath-7"/><p>[22] Item. Deploy the war thusly: When you cleave-in with the wrath-hew, then as soon as he displaces, drive up with the arms and wind-in the point upon the sword to the upper opening. If he then displaces the thrust, so keep staying in the winding and stab the low opening with the point. If he then further follows-after the sword with the displacements, then drive-through with the point below his sword and hang-in the point above to the other opening of his right side. Thus he becomes ashamed above and below, because you can otherwise conduct the techniques correctly.</p><section end="wrath-7"/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 021v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 022r.png|1|lbl=22r|p=1}}
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| <!--
          --><section end="Zornhaw"/>
{{ringeck row LSJB|23
| <section begin="wrath-8"/><p>[23] {{red|b=1|How one shall properly find hews and thrusts in all winding}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>33</small>
| In all winding,<br/>&emsp;Learn to properly find hew, thrust.
| <small>34</small>
| You shall also, with<br/>&emsp;Testing, hew, thrust, or cut
| <small>35</small>
| In all hits<br/>&emsp;If you wish to confound the masters.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is how you shall properly find hew, thrust, and cut in all winding: so when you wind, you shall immediately test which of the three is best to conduct: the hew, or thrust, or cut.<ref>"The hew, or thrust, or cut" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> Thus, you do not hew when you should thrust, nor cut when you should hew, nor thrust when you should cut.<ref>"Nor thrust… cut" omitted from the Rostock.</ref><includeonly></p></includeonly><section end="wrath-8"/> <section begin="wrath-9"/><includeonly><p></includeonly>And note, when someone displaces the one, that you hit them with the other. So if one displaces your thrust, then conduct the hew. If someone runs-in, then conduct the under-cut into their arm.<ref name="sentence-r">Sentence omitted from the Rostock.</ref> Remember this<ref name="word-d"/> in all hits and bindings of the sword, if you wish to confound the masters who set themselves against you.</p><section end="wrath-9"/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 022r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 022v.png|1|lbl=22v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 022r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 022v.png|1|lbl=22v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 009r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <!--
          --><section end="Krieg"/><section begin="Blossen"/>
{{ringeck row LSJB|24
| <section begin="wrath-10"/><p>[24] {{red|b=1|About the four openings}}</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>36</small>
| Know to target the four openings;<br/>&emsp;Thus you strike wisely.
<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 017r.jpg|3|lbl=17r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 017v.jpg|1|lbl=17v|p=1}}
| <small>37</small>
| Go upon all<br/>&emsp;Without doubt how he bares.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. You shall here note the four openings on the man which you shall always fence to. The first opening is the right side; the second is<ref name="word-r">Word omitted from the Rostock.</ref> the left side<ref name="word-r"/> above the girdle of the man. The other two are also the right and the left sides below the girdle.<section end="wrath-10"/> <section begin="wrath-11"/>In the onset, precisely observe the openings with which he uncovers himself against you. Artfully target the same without danger with the shooting-in of the long point and<ref name="word-dr">Word omitted from the Dresden and the Rostock.</ref> with following-after, and also with the winding upon the sword,<ref name="clause-d"/> and otherwise with all techniques, and do not pay attention<ref>Alternately: ponder, weigh, calculate, estimate, consider.</ref> to how he bares against you with his techniques. So you fence wisely and from that make attacks which are excellent, and with those do not allow him to come to his plays.</p><section end="wrath-11"/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 022v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 023r.png|1|lbl=23r|p=1}}
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| <p><br/></p>
{{ringeck row LSJB|25
<br/><br/><br/><br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 017r.jpg|3|lbl=17r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 017v.jpg|1|lbl=17v|p=1}}<ref>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)]], ff 17rv</ref>
| <p>[25] {{red|b=1|The text and the gloss about the doubling and about the mutating: how they break the four openings.}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>38</small>
| If you wish to reckon yourself,<ref>Alternately: avenge, take full legal retribution.</ref><br/>&emsp;Artfully break the four openings:
| <small>39</small>
| Double above,<br/>&emsp;Mutate right<ref>Alternately: straight, upright, properly.</ref> below.
| <small>40</small>
| I say to you truthfully:<br/>&emsp;No master defends themselves without danger.
| <small>41</small>
| If you have understood this properly,<br/>&emsp;He may hardly come to blows.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is when you wish to reckon yourself upon another such that you wish to break the four openings with art: so conduct the doubling to the upper openings against the strong of his sword, and the mutating to the other opening. Thus I say to you truthfully that he cannot defend<ref>D. ''schüczen'', R. ''behuetẽ''.</ref> himself from that, and may neither come to strikes nor to thrusts.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 023v.png|1|lbl=23v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 024r.png|1|lbl=24r|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 009v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 009v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|26
| <p>[26] {{red|b=1|The doubling}}</p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-r"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when you cleave-in with the wrath-hew (or otherwise high), if he displaces you with strength, then in-the-moment shove<ref>Rostock hews off at this point and picks up in the middle of the sixth subsequent play, probably indicating a missing page.</ref> your sword's pommel under your right arm with the left hand, and strike him through the maw, with crossed hands, upon the sword behind his sword's blade (between the sword and the man); or strike him with the play<ref>Alternately: part, piece.</ref> upon the head.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 024r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSJB|27
| <p>[27] {{red|b=1|Note the mutating}}</p>
<p>Deploy the mutating thusly: When you bind him with the over-hew (or otherwise on the sword), then wind the short edge upon his sword and drive well up with the arms, and wind your sword's blade outside above his sword and thrust him to the low openings, and this conducts to both sides.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 024r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| <!--
          --><section end="Blossen"/><section begin="Krumphaw"/>
| <p>[28] {{red|b=1|The crooked-hew with its plays}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>42</small>
| Crook on<ref>''aufkrummen'': Lat. ''sursum torquere'', twist, turn or bend up; twist, turn, bend, or cast back; avert, deflect .</ref> swiftly,<br/>&emsp;Throw the point upon the hands.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}.<ref name="word-s">Word omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> This is how you shall hew crooked to the hands, and conduct the play thusly: When he hews from your<ref>Likely a scribal error and should be "his".</ref> right side to the opening<ref>"The opening" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> with over- or under-hews,<ref>S. "the over- or under-hew".</ref> spring away from the hew with the right foot against him well to his left side, and strike him<ref>Possibly "it".</ref> with crossed<ref>S. ''vß gestreckten'': "outstretched".</ref> arms with the point<ref name="word-s"/> upon his<ref name="the-d"/> hands. And also conduct this play against him when he stands against you in the guard of the oxen.<ref>Sentence omitted from the Salzburg; instead, it segues into the [[Lew]] gloss of the same verse, describing how the Crooked hew breaks the Ox.</ref></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 024v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 025r.png|1|lbl=25r|p=1}}
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 018v.jpg|3|lbl=18v|p=1}}<ref>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)]], ff 18v</ref>
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{{ringeck row LSJB|29
| <p>[29] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the crooked-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>43</small>
| Crook whoever sets well<br/>&emsp;With stepping, he sunders many hews.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is how you shall offset the over-hew with the crooked-hew; conduct the play thusly: When he cleaves-in above from his right side to the opening, so step with the right foot to his left side [and fall]<ref>This phrase has no verb, likely due to scribal error; it has been completed based on the version in the treatise of [[Hans Medel]].</ref> over his sword, with the point upon the earth in the barrier-guard. Deploy this to both sides. You may also strike him to the head from the setting-aside.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 025r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 025v.png|1|lbl=25v|p=1}}
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{{ringeck row LSJB|30
| <p>[30] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the crooked-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>44</small>
| Hew crooked to the flats of<br/>&emsp;The masters if you wish to weaken them.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is when you wish to weaken a master, so conduct the play thusly: When he cleaves-in from his right side, so hew crooked with crossed hands against his hew onto his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 025v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 025v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|31
| <p>[31] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the crooked-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>45</small>
| When it sparks above<br/>&emsp;So stand aside, that I will laud.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is when you hew onto his sword with the crooked-hew: so strike-in again quickly with the short edge up-over from the sword to his head, or with the crooked-hew wind the short edge upon his sword and thrust him to the chest.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 025v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 026r.png|1|lbl=26r|p=1}}
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<section begin="Kurtzhauw"/>
{{ringeck row LSJB|32
| <p>[32] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the crooked-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>46</small>
| Do not crooked[-hew]; short-hew,<br/>&emsp;With that seek the changing-through.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is when he wishes to cleave-in above from his right shoulder:<ref>Rostock begins again at this point.</ref> so you act as if you will bind onto his sword with the crooked-hew, and [then] short-hew<ref>"Cut" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> and drive-through under his sword with the point, and wind your hilt to your right side above your head and thrust him to the face (as stands pictured here), and this play breaks it.<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 026r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>&ensp;</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 020v.jpg|2|lbl=20v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 021r.jpg|1|lbl=21r|p=1}}
| <p>[33] {{red|b=1|Again<ref>S. "Item".</ref> a break against the crooked-hew}}<ref name="Note on 32-35">Paragraphs 33 and 35 are substantially similar and are likely based on the same original text. However, they contain significant differences in the beginning of the play and it is unclear which represents the original version; the version found in Rostock and Salzburg seems to refer to the technique in 32, whereas the Dresden refers to 34 (not found in the others). In this compilation, the two versions are displayed separately, first that of the Rostock and Salzburg (33) and then that of the Dresden (35).</ref></p>
<p>Note, when<ref>S. "if".</ref> you shoot-in the point under his sword into his chest (as written before and stands pictured), if he then presses your sword downwards to the earth with the crooked-hew, then wind against your<ref>S. "his".</ref> right side and drive well up over your<ref>S. "the".</ref> head with the arms, and set the point above onto his chest (as is pictured hereafter). If he displaces that, then remain standing thusly with the hilt before the head and work swiftly with the point from one opening to the other. This is called the noble<ref name="word-s"/> war. With that, you<ref name="word-s"/> confound him so completely that he does not know where he shall remain before you.<ref>S. "where he shall guard himself".</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 010r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 010r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|34
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 020v.jpg|2|lbl=20v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 021r.jpg|1|lbl=21r|p=1}}<ref>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)]], ff 20v-21r</ref>
<section end="Kurtzhauw"/>
| <p>[34] {{red|b=1|Note how one shall break the crooked-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>47</small>
| Whoever foils you crooked,<br/>&emsp;The noble war confounds them
| <small>48</small>
| That they do not truthfully know<br/>&emsp;Where they are without danger.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is when you begin to hew him from your right side, above or below: if he then also hews crooked onto your sword from his right side with crossed arms, and with that deflects your hew, so remain with the your sword strongly upon his and shoot-in the point long under his sword to the chest.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 026r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 026r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSJB|35
| <p>[35] {{red|b=1|Another break above the crooked-hew}}<ref name="Note on 32-35"/></p>
<p>Note when you cleave-in above from your right side, if he also then comes upon your sword from his right side with crossed arms, and with that presses that downwards against the earth, then wind against your right side and drive well up over your head with the arms, and set your point above onto his chest.<ref>D. has the word "{{red|b=1|Gloss}}" here; this appears to be a scribal error, as it corresponds to the position of the phrase "as is pictured here-after" in the Rostock, and all instances of that phrase were removed by the scribe of the Dresden.</ref> If he displaces that, then remain standing thusly with the hilt before your head and work swiftly with the point from one opening to the other. This is called the noble war. With that, you confound him so completely that he does not know where he shall remain before you with certainty.</p>
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| <p>[36] {{red|b=1|The thwart-hew with its plays}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
{{ringeck row LSJB|36
| <small>49</small>
| The thwart takes away<br/>&emsp;Whatever approaches from-the-roof.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, the thwart-hew breaks all hews which are hewn from above down; conduct the hew thusly: Stand with the left foot forwards and hold your sword on your right shoulder, and<ref>"Stand with… shoulder, and" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> when he cleaves-in [an] over[-hew] to your head, so spring well<ref name="word-d"/> with the right foot against him from the hew to his left side, and in the springing turn your sword with the hilt high in front of your head, such that your thumb comes under, and strike him with the short edge to his left side such that you catch his hew in your hilt, and hit him in the head (as is pictured here).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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| <p>[37] {{red|b=1|A play from the thwart-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>50</small>
| Thwart with the strong<br/>&emsp;With that note the work.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is how you shall work with the strong from the thwart, and do it thusly: When you begin to hew him with the thwart, so remember that you wind<ref>D. "thwart".</ref> strongly with the strong of your sword upon his. If he then holds strong against,<ref name="wiederhalten">Alternately, ''wiederhalten'': to struggle or resist.</ref> so strike to the head with crossed arms, upon the sword behind his sword's edge (as is done here),<ref name="clause-d"/> or cut him with the play through the maw.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 027v.png|2|lbl=27v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 028r.png|1|lbl=28r|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 010v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|38
| <p>[38] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the thwart-hew}}</p>
<p>Note, when you bind out of the thwart with the strong of your sword upon his sword, if he then holds strongly against [it],<ref name="wiederhalten"/> so shove his sword from you downward to your right side with your hilt (as is pictured here),<ref name="clause-d"/> and strike back-around quickly with the thwart against his right side to his head.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 028r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 028r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSJB|39
| <p>[39] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the thwart-hew}}</p>
<p>Item. When you bind onto his sword with the thwart, if he is then Soft upon the sword, so lay the short edge to his right side upon the neck, and spring with the right foot behind his left, and back him over that with the sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 028r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 028r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[40] {{red|b=1|Another play}}</p>
<p>Item. When you bind onto his sword with the thwart, if he is then Soft upon the sword, so press his sword down with the thwart and lay the short edge afore behind his arms on his neck.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 022v.jpg|2|lbl=22v}}
| <p>Item. If he takes you by the neck from the right side, then drop your left hand from your sword and Press his sword from your neck with your right and step across with your left foot to his right side in front of his feet and enter with your left arm above both of his arms near the hilt and direct him to dance or stab him below between the legs to the maker.</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 001r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 001r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[41] {{red|b=1|Here note the break against the upper thwart-hew}}</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 021v.jpg|2|lbl=21v}}
<p>Item.<ref name="word-grs">Word omitted from the Glasgow, the Rostock, and the Salzburg.</ref> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when you bind him from your right side with an over-hew (or otherwise<ref>"Or otherwise" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> on his sword), if he then strikes-around with the thwart to the other side, so come forward as well with the thwart-hew<ref>"-Cut" omitted from the Dresden, the Glasgow, and the Rostock.</ref> under his sword on his neck (as stands pictured hereafter next to this),<ref>Clause omitted from the Dresden; struck out in the Rostock.</ref> such that he strikes himself the same with your sword.<ref name="clause-dr">Clause omitted from the Dresden and the Rostock.</ref></p>
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{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 021v.jpg|2|lbl=21v|p=1}}<ref>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)]], f 21v</ref>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 001v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 001v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[42] {{red|b=1|Here note the break against the low thwart-strike}}</p>
<p>Note, when you bind<ref>R. "wind".</ref> [against] him on his sword with the over-hew<ref>"With the over-hew" omitted from the Glasgow.</ref> from your right side, if he then strikes-around from the sword with the thwart to the other<ref>R. ''unternn'': "lower".</ref> opening of your right side, so remain with your hilt above your head and turn your sword's edge downward against his hew and thrust him to the lower opening (as stands pictured hereafter next to<ref>"Next to" omitted from the Rostock.</ref> this).</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 002r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 002r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[43] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss: How one shall strike with the thwart to the four openings}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>51</small>
| Thwart to the plow,<br/>&emsp;Join hard to the oxen.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is how one shall strike going-to with the thwart to all<ref name="the-d"/> four openings; understand it thusly: When you come to him with the onset, so note when it is just right, so spring towards him and strike him with the thwart to the lower opening of his left side (as stands pictured next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/> This is called "striking to the plow".</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 002v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 002v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[44] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the thwart-hew}}</p>
<p>Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when you have struck with the thwart to the lower opening (as stands pictured before next to this),<ref name="clause-d"/> so quickly strike up above with the thwart to the other side to his head. This is called "striking to the oxen". And then furthermore swiftly strike<ref>Glasgow adds ''albeg'': "always, continually".</ref> a thwart-strike to the oxen and the another to the plow crosswise from one side to the other, and with that cleave-in an over-hew above to the head, and with that withdraw yourself.</p>
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| <p>[45] {{red|b=1|This is the text and a teaching thereof}}<ref name="line-d"/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>52</small>
| Whoever thwarts themselves well<br/>&emsp;With springing threatens the head.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is how you shall properly spring-out to the side of him with each and every thwart-strike, so that if you wish to strike him you may hit well to his<ref name="the-d"/> head, and be aware that you are fully covered above in the spring<ref name="word-d"/> with your hilt in front of your head.</p>
| <p>&nbsp;</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 003v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 003v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[46] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of yet another play from the thwart-hew, and is called the failer}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>53</small>
| Whoever directs the failer well<br/>&emsp;From below, he hits<ref>Or "connects"; alternately: rouses, stirs (ostensibly your opponent).</ref> according to desire.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note,<ref name="word-d"/> this is<ref name="di-gr">"This is" omitted from the Glasgow and the Rostock.</ref> with the failer all fencers who willingly displace become mislead and struck. Deploy the play thusly: When you come to him with the onset, so act as if you will strike<ref>"Will strike" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> with a free over-hew<ref>G. ''twerhaw'': "thwart-hew".</ref> to his left side to the head, and steal-away<ref>R. "wind".</ref> your sword with the hew and strike him with the thwart to the lower opening of his right side or left<ref>"Or left" omitted from the Glasgow.</ref> (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref>Everything from "and steal away" to the end of the sentence is omitted from the Dresden.</ref> Thus is he contacted and struck below according to [your] desire.</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 004r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 004r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[47] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of yet another play from the thwart-hew, and this is called the inverter}}<ref>Alternately: to turn around.</ref></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>54</small>
| The Inverter overwhelms,<br/>&emsp;Running-through with wrestling as well;
| <small>55</small>
| The elbow wisely take<br/>&emsp;Spring to him in the scales.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, you shall also conduct the play when you bind on his sword with an under- or over-hew. So invert your sword such that your thumb comes-under and thrust him above to the face. So you overwhelm him such that he must displace, and in the displacement, seize his right elbow with your left hand and spring with the left foot in front of his right, and shove him over (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/> Or run-through with the inverter and wrestle, as you will find written<ref name="word-d"/> hereafter in the running-through.</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 004v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 004v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[48] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of a failer}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>56</small>
| Fail twice;<br/>&emsp;If one hits then make the cut with [it].
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this is called the double failer for the reason that one shall conduct a double misleading in one onset. Deploy the first thusly: When you come to him with the onset, so spring with the right<ref name="word-d"/> foot against him and act as if you will strike with a thwart-strike to his left side to his head, and [then] steal-away the strike and strike in<ref>"And strike in" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> to his right side onto his head (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 005r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 005r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[49] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of yet another play from the failer}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>57</small>
| Double it further;<br/>&emsp;Stride-in left and be not lazy.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is when you have struck the first misleading to his right side to his head (as stands<ref>D. "is".</ref> pictured before<ref name="word-d"/> next to this): so with that take the cut under his arms<ref name="clause-d"/> and strike quickly back-around to the left<ref name="right-d">D. "right".</ref> side to his head, and drive over his sword with the short edge from<ref>D. ''mit auß'': "with from".</ref> crossed arms, and spring left (that is, to your left side), and cut him with the long edge through the maw (as is there pictured).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 005v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 005v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[50] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of the squint-hew and of the plays: How a man shall conduct them}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>58</small>
| The Squinter breaks-in<ref>As a thief would break into a house.</ref><br/>&emsp;Whatever the buffalo strikes or thrusts.
| <small>59</small>
| Whoever threatens to change,<br/>&emsp;The squinter robs him of it.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note here<ref name="word-gr">Word omitted from the Glasgow and the Rostock.</ref> that the squinter is a hew which breaks-in<ref>Word is doubled in the Glasgow.</ref> the hews and thrusts of the buffalo ([one] who acquires<ref>''annehmen'': receive, accept, take up, assume, claim, obtain, etc.</ref> victory with power), and<ref name="word-r"/> conduct the hew thusly: When he cleaves-in above from his right side, so hew from your right against his hew into the weak of his sword,<ref>"Into the weak of his sword" omitted from the Rostock</ref> with the short edge [and] with upright<ref>"Upright, elevated, straight, at a right angle"; Glasgow gives ''auff gerackten'', which may be a misspelling of pPvD's ''aus gestrackten'', "out-stretched".</ref> arms, and strike him upon his right shoulder;<ref>"With upright arms… right shoulder" omitted from the Rostock.</ref> so you strike and displace with each other and hit him with the hew<ref name="clause-dg">Clause omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref>R. "pictured here".</ref><ref name="clause-d"/> If he changes-through, shoot with the hew long into his chest and<ref name="word-g">Word omitted from the Glasgow.</ref> also hew when he stands against you in the guard of the plow or when he will thrust you from below.<ref name="sentence-r"/></p>
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| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 006r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 006r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[50] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of yet another play from the squinter}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>60</small>
| Squint if he shortens upon you<br/>&emsp;Changing-through defeats him.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this is a lesson that you<ref name="word-d"/> shall squint with the visage and quite precisely see whether he fences short against you, because with that, [you] shall recognize when he begins to hew you and his arms do not extend long with the hew. So hew as well, and in the hew drive-through with the point under his sword, and wind your hilt to your right side above your head,<ref name="clause-d"/> and thrust him to the face (as stands pictured next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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| <p>[51] {{red|b=1|Item}}. All fencers, they who fence short from the oxen, from the plow, and with all windings before the opponent: freely change-through [against] them out of hews and out of thrusts with the long-point. With that, you plant<ref>S. ''bestetigstu'': "to plant".</ref> it upon the sword so that they must allow you to come to the binding-on<ref>G. ''abent'': "evening", clearly an error; Medel: ''anwinden'': "winding-upon".</ref> and be struck.</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 006v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[52] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of yet another play from the squint-hew}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>61</small>
| Squint to the point<br/>&emsp;And take the neck without fear.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, the squinter breaks the long-point <sup>with a deceit of the visage</sup> and conduct it thusly: When he stands against you and holds the point against the face or against<ref name="word-dg">Word omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> the<ref name="word-g"/> chest from extended arms, so stand with the left foot forward and squint with the visage to his point,<ref>"To his point" omitted from the Rostock.</ref> and act as if you wish to hew to his point,<ref>"To his point" omitted from the Glasgow.</ref> and hew strongly onto his sword with the short edge, and with that, shoot the point long to his neck with a tread-in of the right foot (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-dr"/></p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 007r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 007r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[53] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of yet another play from the squint-hew}}</p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>62</small>
| Squint to the top of the<br/>&emsp;Head if you wish to ruin the hands.
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 027r.jpg|2|lbl=27r}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note,<ref>S. "You may also do this".</ref> when he wishes<ref name="word-s"/> to cleave-in to you a free over-hew<ref>"A free over-hew" omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> from above, so squint with the visage<ref>"With the visage" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> to his head<ref>"To his head" omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> (as if you wish to strike thereon<ref>D., G. "the head".</ref>), and then hew with the short edge against his hew, and strike him upon his sword's blade, with the point down<ref name="word-dg"/> on the hands (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 032v.png|1|lbl=32v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 032v.png|1|lbl=32v}}
| {{paget|Page:MS E.1939.65.341|007r|jpg|lbl=07r}}
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 007v.jpg|300px|center]]
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          --><section end="Schilhaw"/><section begin="Scheitelhaw"/>
| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 007v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[54] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about the parter, and about the plays thereof}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>63</small>
| The Parter<br/>&emsp;Is a danger to the face.<ref>R. includes couplet 64 with this gloss.</ref><br/><br/><br/>
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}.<ref name="word-d"/> Here<ref name="word-gr"/> note the parter is really<ref name="word-d"/> dangerous to the face and to the chest;<ref name="sentence-r"/> conduct it<ref>R. ''denn Schaytler'': "the parter".</ref> thusly: When he stands against you in the guard [of] the<ref name="word-d"/> fool,<ref name="clause-r">Clause omitted from the Rostock.</ref> hew above with the long edge, down from your<ref>D. ''der lange'': "long, high, tall, or lofty".</ref> part to his head,<ref>"To his head" omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> and with the hew remain high with the arms and if he displaces,<ref>"If he displaces" omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> so hang-in<ref>''einhangen'': to adhere, stick to, cleave to, hold on to, engage deeply.</ref> to him with<ref name="word-gr"/> the point, with the long edge above his hilt, and thrust him<ref>"With the long… and thrust him" omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> to the face (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 032v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 033r.png|1|lbl=33r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 032v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 033r.png|1|lbl=33r|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 012r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[55] {{red|b=1|Again a play from the parter}}</p>
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 008r.jpg|300px|center]]
{| class="zettel"
| <small>64</small>
| With its turn<ref>''Kehr'' has two etymologies: one is "to turn", the other is "to sweep away" or to "carry off"; the gloss supports the first derivation.</ref><br/>&emsp;The chest is quickly<ref name="fast">Alternately: strongly, firmly, steadfastly.</ref> threatened.<ref>R. includes this couplet with the previous gloss.</ref>
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}.<ref>G., R., S. "Item".</ref> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> this is when you strike-in and hang<ref>D. "hang-in"; "strike-in and" omitted.</ref> the point<ref>"The point" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> to the face with the parter:<ref name="sentence-gr">Sentence omitted from the Glasgow and the Rostock.</ref> if he then shoves the point<ref>D., G., R. "you".</ref> firmly upward with his<ref>D., G., S. "the".</ref> hilt in the displacement<ref>"In the displacement" omitted from the Salzburg and the Rostock.</ref> of the parter,<ref>"Of the parter" omitted from the Dresden, the Rostock, and the Salzburg.</ref> invert your sword with the hilt high<ref>S. ''fast vber sich'': "firmly upward".</ref> in front of your head (such that the thumb comes below),<ref name="clause-dgs">Clause omitted from the Dresden, the Glasgow, and the Salzburg.</ref> and set the point under his hands<ref>"His hands" omitted from the Dresden, the Glasgow, and the Salzburg.</ref> upon his chest (as stands pictured here).<ref>G. "since".</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 033r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{paget|Page:MS E.1939.65.341|008r|jpg|lbl=08r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 028v.jpg|2|lbl=28v|p=1}}<ref name="S28v">[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)]], f 28v</ref>
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{{ringeck row LSJB|58
| <p>[56] {{red|b=1|How the crown breaks the parter}}<ref>Rostock combines the glosses for couplets 65-67 into a single paragraph; they have been separated here according to their presentation in Dresden and Glasgow.</ref></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>65</small>
| Whatever comes from him,<br/>&emsp;The crown takes it away.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, when you cleave-in above with the parter: if he displaces with the hilt high over his head, this displacement is called the crown, and with it [he] runs-in to you.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 033r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 033v.png|1|lbl=33v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 012r.png|4|lbl=-}}
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 009r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 009r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[57] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss: how the cut breaks the crown}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>66</small>
| Cut through the crown,<br/>&emsp;So you break the hard beautifully;<ref>D., G. ''Schon'', lit. "already", "yet".</ref>
| <small>67</small>
| Press the strike,<ref>D. ''stuch'', R. ''stich'': "press the thrust".</ref><br/>&emsp;Withdraw it with cutting.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, when he displaces the parter (or otherwise another hew) with the crown and with that runs in:<ref name="clause-r"/> so take the under-cut<ref>D., G., S. "cut".</ref> below his hands into his arm and press firmly upwards (as stands pictured next to this);<ref name="clause-drs">Clause omitted from the Dresden, the Rostock, and the Salzburg.</ref> so the crown is broken again,<ref>S. "well broken".</ref> and wind your sword from the under-cut<ref>"From the under-cut" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> into the over-cut,<ref name="word-dg"/> and with that withdraw yourself.<ref name="word-s"/><ref>"And wind your sword… withdraw yourself" omitted from the Rostock.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 033v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{paget|Page:MS E.1939.65.341|009r|jpg|lbl=09r}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
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<p><br/>{{section|Page:MS Var.82 012r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 012v.png|1|lbl=12v|p=1}}</p>
          --><section end="Scheitelhaw"/><section begin="Leger"/>
| rowspan="3" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 009v.jpg|300px|center]]
{{ringeck row LSJB rsa|60|rowspan=3
| <p>[58] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss on the four leaguers}}</p>
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 009v.jpg|300px|center]]
{| class="zettel"
| <small>68</small>
| Four leaguers alone:<br/>&emsp;Keep to those and flee<ref>Imperative of ''fliehen''.</ref> the common;
| <small>69</small>
| Ox, plow, fool,<br/>&emsp;From-the-roof are not disgusting<ref>alt: unpleasant, repugnant</ref> to you.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this<ref name="md-d">"Note, this" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> is that you<ref name="word-g"/> shall not hold to any leaguer other<ref name="word-d"/> than solely to the four which will be<ref>"Will be" omitted from the Glasgow.</ref> named here.</p>
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| <p>[59] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-d"/> The first guard}} is called<ref name="haist-r">"Is called" omitted from the Dresden</ref> the ox; arrange yourself thusly: Stand with the left foot forwards and hold your sword near your right side with the hilt<ref>"With the hilt" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> in front of your head, and let the point hang<ref name="word-g"/> against the face (as stands pictured next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 034r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[60] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-d"/> The second guard}} is called<ref name="haist-r">"Is called" omitted from the Dresden</ref> the plow; arrange yourself thusly: Stand with the left foot forward and hold your sword with<ref name="word-d"/> crossed hands near your right side over your knee such that the point stands against the face (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 034r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 010r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 010r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[61] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-d"/> The third guard}} is called<ref name="haist-r">"Is called" omitted from the Dresden</ref> the fool; arrange yourself thusly: Stand with the right foot forward and hold your sword with outstretched arms with the point upon the ground (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 034r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 034v.png|1|lbl=34v|p=1}}
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| <p>[62] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-d"/> The fourth guard}} is called<ref name="haist-r">"Is called" omitted from the Dresden</ref> from-the-roof; arrange yourself thusly: Stand with the left foot forwards and hold your sword upon your right shoulder (as stands pictured hereafter next to this),<ref name="clause-d"/> or hold it with outstretched<ref>G. ''auß gestrackten'': "upstretched".</ref> arms over your head; and how you shall fence from the guards, you find it all<ref>"It all" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> written in this book.<ref>"In this book" omitted from the Glasgow.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 034v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <!--
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| <p>[63] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of the four displacements which break the four leaguers}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>70</small>
| Four are the displacements<br/>&emsp;Which also severely injure the leaguers.
| <small>71</small>
| Guard yourself from displacing<ref>G. "Guard yourself displacing crossed in front".</ref><br/>&emsp;If it happens, it severely beleaguers you.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, you have heard before that you shall fence solely from the four leaguers, so you should also just know<ref>D. instead continues "that the four displacings, they are the four hews".</ref> that the same four [displacements] break the four leaguers. And the four settings,<ref>''Setzen", possibly a shortening of ''versetzen'', "displaces".</ref> they are the four hews.</p>
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
<p><br/><br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 030r.jpg|5|lbl=30r|p=1}}</p>
<p><br/><br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 030r.jpg|5|lbl=30r|p=1}}</p>
| <p>[64] {{red|b=1|The first hew}}<ref name="word-g"/> is the crooked-hew, which breaks the guard that is named the ox.<ref>D. "oxen".</ref></p>
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| <p>[65] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-d"/> The second}} is the thwart-hew, which breaks the guard from-the-roof.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 035r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[66] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-d"/> The third}} is the squint-hew, which breaks the guard of the plow.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 035r.png|4|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[67] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-d"/> The fourth}} is the parter, which breaks the guard that is named the fool.</p>
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| <p>[68] And guard yourself from all displacements which the simple<ref>S. other.</ref> fencers conduct; they allow the point to go out before the man (low or high on a side), and whoever does that cannot seek the opening on the man. Therefore do not parry,<ref>"they allow the... do not parry" omitted from the Dresden and Glasgow.</ref> and [instead] note when he hews, thus you also hew; and when he thrusts, so thrust as well; and how you shall hew and thrust, you find that written in the five hews and in the setting-aside.</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 011r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 011r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[69] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of a play against the displacement}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>72</small>
| If you are parried,<br/>&emsp;And as it is arriving,
| <small>73</small>
| Hear what I advise:<br/>&emsp;Rip off. Cut quickly with hurry.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}.<ref>S. Item</ref> This is as it arrives that you are becoming parried: so note if one displaces an over-hew,<ref>R. "This is when one displaces your over-hew"; S. "If your over-hew is parried and it comes nearing upon him".</ref> go to him in the displacing with the pommel over<ref>D. "in front of".</ref> his forward-placed<ref>G., S. ''versetzte'': "shifted, misplaced, displaced, parried".</ref> hand, and with that wrench downwards, and with the wrenching strike him there<ref name="word-dgr">Word omitted from the Dresden, the Glasgow, and the Rostock.</ref> on the head with the sword (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-drs"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 035v.png|1|lbl=35v}}
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031r.jpg|1|lbl=31r|p=1}}<ref name="S31r">[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)]], f 31r</ref>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 011v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[70] {{red|b=1|Yet another play against the displacement}}</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031r.jpg|2|lbl=31r}}
<p>Item.<ref name="word-dg"/> Note, when you hew an under-hew from the right side: if he then falls with the sword onto yours so you cannot come up with it, swiftly drive over his sword with the pommel and wrench your blade from his [from] below<ref>"And wrench… his below" omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> and strike him with the snapping, with the long edge to the head<ref>"The head" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> (as stands pictured hereafter next to this);<ref name="clause-ds">Clause omitted from the Dresden and the Salzburg.</ref> or,<ref>S. "also".</ref> if he falls onto your sword against your left side, so strike him with the short edge.</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 012r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 012r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[71] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of yet another play against the displacing}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>74</small>
| Set-upon four ends;<br/>&emsp;Learn to remain thereupon if you wish to finish.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is<ref name="di-d"/> when you cleave-in from your right shoulder: if you wish to quickly finish with him,<ref>G. ''mit dem schwert'': "with the sword".</ref> so note when he displaces [and] strike quickly around with the thwart, and with the strike grasp your sword<ref>D. "grasp with the sword".</ref> in the middle of the blade with the left hand, and set the point into the face (as stands pictured next),<ref name="clause-d"/> or set-upon him to the four openings to whichever you can<ref>G. ''magst'': "may".</ref> best come.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 036r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 012v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 012v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[72] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss of yet another play against the displacement}}</p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-g"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when you set the point into his<ref name="the-g">G. "the".</ref> face with the half-sword (as stands done before next to this):<ref name="clause-d"/> if he displaces that, jab him with the pommel to the other side to his head, or spring with the right foot behind his left and with the pommel drive around his neck, over his right shoulder, [and] around the front of the neck, and with that, back him over your right leg (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 036v.png|1|lbl=36v}}
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| <!--
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| <p>[73] {{red|b=1|This is about racing-after}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
{{ringeck row LSJB|75
| <small>75</small>
| Learn the racing-after,<br/>&emsp;Doubly or cut into the weapon<ref>Alternately: defense.</ref>
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note,<ref name="word-d"/> this is so that you shall learn the racings-after quite well, because they are dual,<ref name="clause-r"/> and<ref name="word-d"/> the first<ref name="word-r"/> conduct thusly:<ref name="word-d"/> when he wishes to cleave-in above him,<ref name="word-r"/> so note while he yanks up the sword to the strike, [and] race-after him with a hew or with a thrust, and hit him<ref>"And hit him" omitted from the Rostock.</ref> to the upper<ref name="word-r"/> opening before the moment<ref name="moment-d">"The moment" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> he descends<ref>D. ''wieder-kommen'': to meet, to encounter, to run into".</ref> with the hew, or fall with the long edge above him onto his arm and with that, press him from you.<ref>"Or fall… from you" omitted from the Rostock.</ref></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 012v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|76
| <p>[74] {{red|b=1|Yet another racing-after}}<ref name="line-r">Line omitted from the Rostock.</ref></p>
<p>Item.<ref>R. "or".</ref> When he begins to hew you downward<ref name="word-d"/> from above, and<ref name="word-d"/> if he then<ref>"If he then" omitted from the Rostock".</ref> allows his sword to go down to the earth with the hew: so<ref name="word-d"/> race-after him with an over-hew<ref>D. ''haw'': "hew".</ref> to the head before the moment<ref name="moment-d"/> he comes-up with the sword, so is he struck.<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 037r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 037r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{ringeck row LSJB|77
| <p>[75] Or if he will thrust you, note the moment he yanks the sword to him for the thrust, so race-after him and thrust him before he completes his thrust.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 037r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 037r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|78
| <p>[76] {{red|b=1|About the outer-cattle-drives}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>76</small>
| Two outer-cattle-drives,<ref>Mähnen, menen, mennen. To drive cattle, to impel an animal to move(in particular a driver or rider with a cattle-drive). To exert command over something reacting. To lead.</ref><br/>&emsp;You work begins thereafter,
| <small>77</small>
| And test the attacks,<br/>&emsp;Whether they are soft or hard.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, the two outer-cattle-drives are the two racings-after upon the sword; conduct it thusly: When he mis-hews himself before you, race-after him. If he then displaces you, so remain with the sword upon his and test whether he is soft or hard with the attack. If he then, with the sword, lifts that of yours upwards with strength, then extend your sword outside over that of his and thrust to his low opening.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 037v.png|1|lbl=37v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 037v.png|1|lbl=37v}}
{{ringeck row LSJB|79
| <p>[77] {{red|b=1|The other outer-cattle-drives}}</p>
<p>Item. When you fence cautiously<ref>''geim'': "watchfully, to observe, cautiously, with foresight".</ref> from the under-hews (or otherwise from the under-attacks): if he then lays over you and winds upon your sword before you come up with that, [and] then remains strong with your sword below upon his winding and works to your upper opening, so follow-after with the sword and take weak of his sword with the long edge, and press down and stab him in the face.</p>
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{{ringeck row LSJB|80
| <p>[78] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about the feeling and about the word "in-the-moment"}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>78</small>
| Learn the feeling;<br/>&emsp;In-the-moment, that word hews severely.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is so that you properly learn the feeling and the word "in-the-moment", and shall understand that the two things belong to the same and are the greatest arts of fencing.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 038r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSJB|81
| <p>[79] {{red|b=1|Item}}.<ref name="word-d"/> And<ref name="word-gs">Word omitted from the Glasgow and the Salzburg.</ref> understand it thusly:<ref>S. "the feeling work thusly".</ref> When you come to him with the onset and<ref>"You come… onset and" omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> one binds another on the sword, so in that you shall feel with the hand (that is, perceive),<ref name="clause-ds"/> just as the swords spark together, whether they have bound soft or hard, and as soon as you have perceived that,<ref>S. "soft or hard".</ref> think of the word "in-the-moment"; that is, in that same swift perceiving<ref>S. "feeling".</ref> of the soft and of the hard, you shall work to the nearest opening,<ref>"To the nearest opening" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> so [he] becomes struck before he will have his insight.<ref>D., G. ''gewar'', S. ''ÿnnen''.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033v.jpg|1|lbl=33v}}
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{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033v.jpg|1|lbl=33v|p=1}}<ref>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)]], f 33v</ref>
{{ringeck row LSJB|82
| <p>[80] {{red|b=1|Item}}. Note,<ref name="word-ds">Word omitted from the Dresden and the Salzburg.</ref> you shall think of the word "in-the-moment" in all bindings of the sword, because </p>
<p>in-the-moment doubles <br/>
and<ref name="word-g"/> in-the-moment mutates, <br/>
in-the-moment runs-through, <br/>
and<ref name="word-g"/> in-the-moment changes-through,<ref name="clause-d"/> <br/>
in-the-moment takes the cut; <br/>
in-the-moment wrestles, <br/>
and with in-the-moment, take the sword. <br/>
In the art, In-the-moment does whatever your heart desires.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 038v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 039r.png|1|lbl=39r|p=1}}
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{{ringeck row LSJB|83
| <p>[81] In-the-moment is a sharp word; with it, any fencer who knows nothing of the word becomes hew. And the word "in-the-moment" is also<ref name="word-g"/> the key in which all of the art of fencing becomes unlocked.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 039r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 013v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 013v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[82] {{red|b=1|This is yet another play text and gloss about racing-after}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>79</small>
| Traveling-after twice:<br/>&emsp;If one joins, make the farewell cut with it.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note,<ref name="word-d"/> this is when he mis-hews himself before you: so race after him with a hew to the upper opening; if he then drives up and binds<ref>D. "winds".</ref> under you upon the sword, so note just as soon as one sword sparks<ref>D. ''blitzscht'': "flashes".</ref> on the other, [and] so fall upon him from the sword with the long-edge over his arm, and also press him from you (as stands pictured next),<ref name="clause-d"/> or cut him from the sword through the mouth. Deploy this to both sides.</p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR|85
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 014r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 014r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[83] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about running-over}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>80</small>
| Whoever aims below,<br/>&emsp;Run-over, then they become shamed.
| <small>81</small>
| When it sparks above<br/>&emsp;Then strengthen, this I will laud.
| <small>82</small>
| Make your work<br/>&emsp;Or press hard twice.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note,<ref name="word-d"/> this is when he targets the lower openings with a hew or with a thrust in the onset: you shall not displace him, rather await, such that you run-over with a hew above into the head or set-upon the point above (as stands pictured hereafter next to this)<ref name="clause-d"/> so that he becomes shamed from you, because all over-hews and all settings-upon over-reach the lower.</p>
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<section begin="Absetzen"/>
{{ringeck row LSDR|86
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 014v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 014v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[84] <ref>D. "Item".</ref>{{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss: how one shall offset hews and thrusts}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>83</small>
| Learn to offset:<br/>&emsp;Skillfully injure, hew, thrust
| <small>84</small>
| Whoever thrusts upon you,<br/>&emsp;Such that your point hits and his breaks,
| <small>85</small>
| From both sides;<br/>&emsp;Hit any time if you wish to step.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is so that you shall learn to offset hews and thrusts alike with art, such that your point hits him and, in that, his becomes broken, and<ref name="word-d"/> understand<ref>G. "note".</ref> it thusly: When someone stands against you and holds his sword as if he will stab you from below, so stand counter against him in the guard of the plow from your right side, and give yourself an opening with the left. If he then under-thrusts to the same opening, wind with the<ref name="word-g"/> sword against his thrust to your left side and step into him with the right foot, so that your point hits and his fails (as stands pictured next).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 015r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 015r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[85] {{red|b=1|Yet another play from setting-aside}}</p>
<p>{{red|b=1|Item}}.<ref name="word-g"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when you stand against him in the guard of the plow from the left side: if he then hews to the upper opening of your left side, then drive up with the sword, and wind<ref name="word-d"/> to the left side against his hew (such that the hilt is in front of your head), and step into him with your<ref name="the-d"/> right foot and stab him in the face (as stands pictured hereafter next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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| rowspan="3" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 015v.jpg|300px|center]]
{{ringeck row LSDR rsa|88|rowspan=3
| <p>[86] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about Changing-through}}</p>
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 015v.jpg|300px|center]]
{| class="zettel"
| <small>86</small>
| Learn to change-through<br/>&emsp;From both sides; stab with violence
| <small>87</small>
| Whoever binds upon you,<br/>&emsp;The Changing-through finds him swiftly.<ref>''Schier'' has the sense of approaching quickly and closely.</ref>
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is so that you shall learn the changing-through well, and conduct it thusly: When you cleave-in or thrust to him in the onset, if he will<ref name="word-g"/> then bind on the sword with a hew or with a displacement, allow the point under his sword and slip through, and with that, thrust-in to him violently at the other side, thus you find the opening upon him swiftly (as stands pictured).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR rsb|89
| <p>[87] Item. If he then becomes aware of the thrust and drives after it with the displacing, then but change-through to the other side.</p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR rsb|90
| <p>[88] {{red|b=1|Item. Another.}}</p>
<p>As you come to him, set your left foot forward and hold the long [point] against his face. If he then hews to the sword (over or under) and will strike it away, allow your point to sink downwards and stab him to the other opening of the other side, and do that against all hews.</p>
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| <section end="Durchwechseln"/><!--
          --><section begin="Pulling"/>
| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 016r.jpg|300px|center]]
{{ringeck row LSDR rsa|91|rowspan=2
| <p>[89] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about yanking}}</p>
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 016r.jpg|300px|center]]
{| class="zettel"
| <small>88</small>
| Tread near in binding;<ref>''Zucken'' has the connotation of yanking something hard or quickly, like yanking or snatching; there is an essence of agitation in the yank.</ref><br/>&emsp;The yanking gives good opportunities.
| <small>89</small>
| Pull: if it connects, yank more.<br/>&emsp;If he works, cut so that it does him woe.
| <small>90</small>
| Pull in all hits<br/>&emsp;Of the masters if you wish to deceive them.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is when you come to him with the onset: so cleave-in strongly above from the right shoulder to the head. If he then binds you with displacing (or otherwise on the sword), so tread near to him in the bind on the sword<ref>"On the sword" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> and withdraw your sword from his above, and cleave-in again above to the other side to his head (as it stands pictured next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/> If he displaces that too a second time, so strike-in again above to the other side, and work swiftly according to the upper openings which may occur to you with the doublings<ref>Beginning of sentence in Glasgow reads "and work swiftly with the doubling.</ref> (or otherwise with other plays to his nearest opening).<ref>D. "(and with other plays)".</ref></p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR rsb|92
| <p>[90] Or act as if you will yank and [then] remain upon the sword, and quickly thrust-in again upon the sword to the face. If you then do not quite hit him with the thrust, so work with the doubling or otherwise with other plays.</p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR|93
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 016v.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 016v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[91] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about running-through}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>91</small>
| Run-through, allow to hang<br/>&emsp;With the pommel, grasp if you wish to wrestle.
| <small>92</small>
| Whoever strengthens against you,<br/>&emsp;Run-through. With that note.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, this is when one runs-in to the other: if he then drives up with the arms and wishes to overwhelm you above with strength, so drive up as well with the arms, and hold your sword with the left hand near the pommel over your head and allow the blade to hang behind over your back,<ref name="back-r">R. "hang down behind you".</ref> and run-through with your head under his right arm and spring with the right foot behind his right, and with the spring, drive him well forward with the right arm around the body, and clasp him thusly to the right hip and throw him in front of you (as stands pictured here).<ref>G. "next to this".</ref><ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 017r.jpg|300px|center]]
| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 017r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[92] {{red|b=1|This is yet another play about running-through}}</p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-gr"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when he wishes to overpower you with strength by running-in with the sword high:<ref>R. "when in the running-in he also drives-up with the arms".</ref> so hold your sword with the left hand near the pommel and let the blade hang over your back.<ref name="back-r"/> Run-through with the head under his right arm, and remain with the right foot forward<ref name="word-dg"/> before his right and drive in<ref name="word-dr"/> well behind him with the right arm around the body, and clasp him upon your right hip and throw him behind you (as stands pictured here).<ref name="word-g"/><ref name="clause-d"/></p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR|95
| <p>[93] {{red|b=1|A wresting at the sword}}</p>
<p>Item. When one runs-in to the other: so release your sword from the left hand and hold it with the right, and shove his sword from you to your right side with your hilt, and spring with the left foot in front of his right and drive him well back with your left arm around the body, and clasp him to your left hip and throw him in front of you.</p>
<p>'''Though watch that it does not fail you.'''</p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR|96
| <p>[94] {{red|b=1|Yet another wresting at the sword}}</p>
<p>Item. When one runs-in to the other: so release your sword from the left hand and hold it in the right, and shove his sword from you to your right side with the hilt, and spring with the left foot behind his right and drive him forward with the left arm under his chest (well around the body), and throw him backward over your foot.</p>
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 017v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[95] {{red|b=1|Yet another wresting at the sword}}</p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-g"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when you run-in with another: so release your sword from the left hand and hold it in the right, and drive him outside<ref name="word-g"/> with the pommel over his right arm and with that yank downwards, and seize his right elbow with the left hand<ref name="word-g"/> and spring with the left foot in front of his right, and back him thusly over the foot to your right side (as stands pictured next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 043v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR rsa|98|rowspan=2
| <p>[96] {{red|b=1|Yet another wresting at the sword}}<ref name="line-g">Line omitted from the Glasgow.</ref></p>
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 018r.jpg|300px|center]]
<p>Item.<ref name="word-g"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when one runs-in to the other: so drive with the left arm<ref>D. "left hand inverted".</ref> over his right, and with that seize his<ref name="your-d">D. "your".</ref> right arm with an inverted hand<ref>"With an inverted hand" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> and press his left<ref name="right-d"/> over your left with the<ref name="your-d"/> right arm, and spring with your<ref name="the-g"/> right foot behind his right and turn yourself away from him to your<ref name="his-g">G. "his".</ref> left side, and<ref name="word-d"/> thus you<ref>"Thus you" omitted from the Glasgow.</ref> throw him over your<ref name="his-g"/> right hip (as stands pictured next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 043v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 044r.png|1|lbl=44r|p=1}}
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Line 1,488: Line 1,133:
{{ringeck row LSDR rsb|99
| <p>[97] {{red|b=1|Yet another wresting}}</p>
<p>Item. When someone runs-in at the sword, etc.: so let your sword fall and invert your right hand, and with that seize his right hand outside and clasp it near the right elbow with the left, and spring with the left foot in front of his right and shove his right arm over your left with the right hand, and with that lift it upwards; thus is he locked and thus [you] may break the arm, or throw him in front of you over the leg.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 018r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSDR|100
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 018v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[98] {{red|b=1|A sword taking}}<ref>D. "One other wrestling at the sword".</ref></p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-g"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when one runs-in to the other: so invert your left hand and with that drive over his right arm, and with that seize his sword by the grip between both hands, and back to your left side (as stands pictured next to this);<ref name="clause-d"/> so you take the sword from him.<ref name="clause-g">Clause omitted from the Glasgow.</ref></p>
<p>'''This will vex him badly.'''<ref name="sentence-g">Sentence omitted from the Glasgow.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 044r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 019r.jpg|300px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 019r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>[99] {{red|b=1|This is yet another sword taking}}<ref>D. "A sword taking".</ref></p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-g"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> when he binds on your sword (with displacing or otherwise): so seize both swords in the middle<ref name="word-d"/> of the blade with the left hand inverted<ref name="word-g"/> and hold them tightly together, and drive through below with the pommel with the right hand against the left side over both his hands, and with that back yourself upward to the right side. So you keep both swords (as stands pictured next to this).<ref name="clause-d"/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 044v.png|1|lbl=44v}}
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<section end="Durchlaufen"/><section begin="Abschneiden"/>
| rowspan="2" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 019v.jpg|300px|center]]
{{ringeck row LSDR rsa|102|rowspan=2
| <p>[100] {{red|b=1|This is the text and gloss about cutting-off}}</p>
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 019v.jpg|300px|center]]
{| class="zettel"
| <small>93</small>
| Cut away the hard [ones]<br/>&emsp;From below in both drivings.<ref>Read: "attacks".</ref>
| <small>94</small>
| Four are the cuts:<br/>&emsp;With two below, two above.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, there are four cuts; conduct the first thusly: when he runs-in and drives up high with the arms, and will<ref name="word-g"/> overpower you above against your left side with strength,<ref>"With strength" omitted from the Glasgow.</ref> so twist your sword and fall<ref name="far-g">G. ''far'': "drive".</ref> under his hilt, into his arms with the long edge with crossed hands, and press-upward with the cut (as stands pictured next to this);<ref name="clause-d"/> or, if he runs-in against your right side, fall<ref name="far-g"/> into his arm with the short edge and press upwards as before.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 044v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 045r.png|1|lbl=45r|p=1}}
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Line 1,538: Line 1,170:
{{ringeck row LSDR rsb|103
| <p>[101] {{red|b=1|Yet another cut}}</p>
<p>Item. When you bind strongly on his sword (with a hew or otherwise): if he then allows his sword to snap-away from yours and strikes you above to the head, so twist your sword with the hilt in front of your head and cut-through his arm below, and with the cut, set the point below upon his chest.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 045r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 045v.png|1|lbl=45v|p=1}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|104
| <p>[102] {{red|b=1|This is the over-cut}}<ref>D. "Yet another cut".</ref></p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-r"/> Note,<ref name="word-d"/> conduct the cut thusly: when one binds on the sword against your left side, and<ref name="word-r"/> he then<ref>"He then" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> strikes around from the sword to the right side (with the thwart or otherwise),<ref name="clause-r"/> so spring from the hew with the left foot to his right side, and fall with the long edge above over both arms and press him from you (as stands pictured here).<ref>"And press… pictured here" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> Deploy this to both sides.<ref name="sentence-r"/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 045v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 046r.png|1|lbl=46r|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 013v.png|1|lbl=13v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 013v.png|1|lbl=13v}}
{{ringeck row LSDR|105
<section end="Abschneiden"/><section begin="Hande Trucken"/>
| <p>[103] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about the transformation of the cut}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>95</small>
| Turn the edge<br/>&emsp;To flatten; press the hands.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note,<ref name="word-d"/> this is when you come in your running-in with the under-cut below<ref name="word-d"/> into his arm (such that your point goes out against his<ref>G. "your".</ref> right side): so with that,<ref>"With that" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> press firmly upwards with the cut,<ref>"With the cut" omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> and amid the pressing spring with the left foot to his right side, and turn your sword with the long edge above over his arms (such that your point goes-out against his left side), and with that, press his arm from you.<ref name="clause-ag">Clause omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> Thus have you transformed the under-cut into the over; conduct this to both sides.<ref name="sentence-d">Sentence omitted from the Dresden.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 046r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{section|Page:Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 013r.jpg|4|lbl=13r|p=1}} {{section|Page:Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 013v.jpg|1|lbl=13v|p=1}}
{{ringeck row LSDR|106
{{section|Page:Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 013r.jpg|4|lbl=13r|p=1}} {{section|Page:Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 013v.jpg|1|lbl=13v|p=1}}<ref>Remainder of fragments from [[Rast Fechtbuch (Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82)]], ff 13r-14v</ref>
<section end="Hande Trucken"/>
| <p>[104] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about the two hangings}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>96</small>
| The two hangings happen<br/>&emsp;From one hand from the earth.
| <small>97</small>
| In every drive,<br/>&emsp;Hew, thrust, leaguer; soft or hard.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note, there are two hangings from one hand and from one side from the earth; conduct it thusly: When you bind onto his sword against your left side with the lower setting-aside, so hang your sword's<ref name="word-g"/> pommel against the earth, and thrust-up to him from below out of the hanging to the face. If he then shoves your point upward with the displacing, so remain thusly upon the sword and also<ref name="word-d"/> drive up with him,<ref>"With him" omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> and hang the point from above down to the face, and in the two hangings you shall swiftly conduct hew, thrust, and cut [with] every drive. Thereafter, as you [are] in the binding-on of the sword, with that, perceive (or test)<ref>"Or test" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> whether he is soft or hard. (The hangings from both sides, this is the plow from both sides.)<ref name="sentence-ad">Sentence omitted from the Augsburg and the Dresden.</ref></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 046r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 046v.png|1|lbl=46v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 013v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSDR|107
| <p>[105] {{red|b=1|This is the text and the gloss about the speaking-window}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>98</small>
| Make the speaking-window;<br/>&emsp;Stand freely, seek out his thing,<ref>''sach'': thing, or disagreement, contention, dispute, or the thing underlying the disagreement, contention or dispute.</ref>
| <small>99</small>
| Strike him such that it snaps<br/>&emsp;Whoever withdraws before you.
| <small>100</small>
| I say to you in truth:<br/>&emsp;No one protects themselves without danger.
| <small>101</small>
| If you have correct understanding,<br/>&emsp;He may barely come to strikes.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. Note,<ref name="word-ag">Word omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> this called the speaking-window: when he binds you on the sword with hews or<ref>A. "and".</ref> with<ref name="word-ad">Word omitted from the Augsburg and the Dresden.</ref> displacing, so remain strong from extended arms with the long edge upon the sword, with the point in front of the face, and stand freely and seek out his thing (whatever he will conduct against you).</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 047r.png|1|lbl=47r}}
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR|108
| <p>[106] {{red|b=1|Item}}.<ref name="word-a">Word omitted from the Augsburg.</ref> If he strikes-around from the sword with an over-hew to the other side, so bind-after<ref>''nachbinden'': "attach to the end or behind something".</ref> with the long edge<ref>"With the long edge" omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> against<ref name="word-d"/> his hew with strength, above into the head.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 047r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 047v.png|1|lbl=47v|p=1}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|109
| <p>[107] Or<ref name="word-a"/> if he strikes-around from the sword<ref>"From the sword" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> with the thwart, so fall into his arms with the over-cut.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 047v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|110
| <p>[108] Or<ref name="word-a"/> if he yanks his sword to himself and wishes to thrust you below, so race-after him upon the sword with the point,<ref>"With the point" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> and set-upon him above.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 047v.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 013v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSDR|111
| <p>[109] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-ag"/> Note,}}<ref>D. "or"; word omitted from the Augsburg.</ref> if he does not wish to withdraw<ref>''abziechen''.</ref> nor strike-around from the sword, so work upon the sword with the doubling (or otherwise with other plays) as you thereafter perceive the soft and the hard upon the sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 047v.png|4|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|112
| <p>[110] {{red|b=1|Here note how you shall stand in the long-point and what plays you shall conduct from it}}</p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-dg"/> Note,<ref>D. ''Mörck Ee'': "Note, before".</ref> when you come just near<ref>"just near" omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> to him with the onset: so set your left foot forward before when he binds you on the sword,<ref>"When he… the sword" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> and hold your<ref>A., D. "the".</ref> point long with<ref name="word-ad"/> extended arms against the face or against<ref name="word-ad"/> the chest. If he then hews-in from above<ref>D. "hews from above to below".</ref> to your head, so wind against his hew with the sword and thrust into his face.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 047v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 123r.png|1|lbl=123r|p=1}}
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR|113
| <p>[111] Or if he hews from above to below, or from below up into the sword, and wishes to strike the point away, so change-through and thrust to the other opening or side.<ref>D. "to the other side to the opening".</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 123r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 014r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSDR|114
| <p>[112] Or if he hits your sword with strength with the hew, so allow your sword<ref>"Your sword" omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> to snap-around, so you hit him in the head.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 123r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|115
| <p>[113] {{red|b=1|Or}}<ref name="word-ad"/> if he runs-in, so conduct the cut or await<ref name="word-d"/> the wrestling.</p>
<p>'''Watch that it does not fail you.'''<ref name="sentence-ag">Sentence omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 123r.png|4|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|116
| <p>[114] {{red|b=1|This is the text about the conclusion of the entire Recital}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>102</small>
| Whoever commands well and properly breaks,<br/>&emsp;And tenaciously corrects completely,
| <small>103</small>
| And breaks apart,<br/>&emsp;Each into three wounders;
| <small>104</small>
| Whoever properly hangs well,<br/>&emsp;And with that brings the winding,
| <small>105</small>
| And considers the eight windings,<br/>&emsp;With proper movement<ref>shifting, balance</ref>;
| <small>106</small>
| And yet I mean your one<br/>&emsp;Of the windings are triple,
| <small>107</small>
| So are they simply counted<br/>&emsp;Twenty and four.
| <small>108</small>
| From both sides<br/>&emsp;Learn eight windings with stepping,
| <small>109</small>
| And test the drives [for]<br/>&emsp;Nothing more than soft or hard.
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss}}. This is a lesson, therein the art of<ref>"Art of" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> the record is skillfully understood.<ref>A., D. "shortened for you to understand".</ref> It is taught thusly so that you shall be quite well<ref>"Quite well" omitted from the Augsburg.</ref> practiced and accomplished<ref>Dresden reverses these.</ref> in the art. Also, so that you can appropriately command any attack and play<ref>"Also so that… play" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> according to that which you fence with, so that you therefore correctly<ref name="word-d"/> know to conduct your break against his plays, so that you may work with three wounders from each particular break.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 123v.png|1|lbl=123v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124r.png|1|lbl=124r|p=1}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|117
| <p>[115] {{red|b=1|Item}}.<ref name="word-ad"/> You shall also properly hang upon the sword and from the hangings you shall bring eight windings, and you shall also consider and properly estimate<ref>''wägen'': "to have weight, to lay on a scale, to estimate"; it has a bunch of other senses that are provocative to the action at hand, such as: "to poise, balance, to stir up or agitate, to incite a response", but there's not enough in the text to make it a defensible choice.</ref><ref>"And properly estimate" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> the windings, so that you know to conduct which one of the said three.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|118
| <p>[116] {{red|b=1|Here note how you shall conduct the hangings and the windings}}</p>
<p>Item.<ref name="word-d"/> Understand it thusly: there are four bindings-on of the sword, two over and<ref name="word-a"/> two under. You shall only conduct two particular windings from each binding-on of the sword.<ref>"The sword" omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 021v.jpg|1|lbl=21v}}
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
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{{ringeck row LSDR|119
| <p>[117] {{red|b=1|Item}}.<ref name="word-ad"/> Do<ref>D. "understand".</ref> it thusly: When you come to him with the onset,<ref name="clause-d"/> if he then binds-on to you above against your left side, so wind the short edge upon his sword and drive well up with the arms, and hang-in your point to him above and thrust into his face. If he displaces the thrust with strength,<ref>"With strength" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> allow your point to hang-in above upon the sword, and wind to your right side and thrust.<ref>"And thrust" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> These are two windings on one side of the<ref>"Of the" omitted from the Glasgow.</ref> sword.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124v.png|1|lbl=124v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124v.png|1|lbl=124v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 021v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 021v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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{{ringeck row LSDR|120
| <p>[118] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-ag"/> Or}}<ref name="word-a"/> if he binds-on above against your right side, wind the long edge upon his sword also against your right side and drive well up with the arms, and hang-in your point to him above, and thrust-in the point above<ref>"-In the point above" omitted from the Dresden and the Glasgow.</ref> into his face. If he displaces the thrust with strength, allow your point to hang-in above upon the sword, and wind to your left side and thrust. These are four windings from the two over-bindings-on,<ref>A. "over-windings-upon".</ref> from<ref>A. "and".</ref> the left and from<ref name="word-g"/> the right sides.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 124v.png|2|lbl=124v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 048r.png|1|lbl=48r|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 014v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{ringeck row LSDR|121
| class="noline" |  
| class="noline" | <p>[119] {{red|b=1|Item.<ref name="word-a"/> Now you shall know}} that you shall also conduct four windings from the two under-bindings-on with all attacks, as from the over[-bindings-on]. Thus the windings, over and under, become eight. And<ref name="word-g"/> remember that you shall conduct one particular hew, or<ref name="word-ag"/> one<ref name="word-d"/> cut, or<ref>D. "and"; omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> one thrust, from each winding. And<ref name="word-ag"/> this is called the<ref name="word-ag"/> three wounders. From those, one can and shall<ref>"And shall" omitted from the Augsburg and the Glasgow.</ref> conduct them from the eight windings into twenty-four instances. And you shall properly learn to conduct the eight windings from both sides, so that you step in<ref>"You step towards" omitted from the Dresden.</ref> with each winding,<ref>D. "wounder".</ref> and you test his attack, no more than<ref name="word-ag"/> if he is soft or hard upon the sword. And when you have sensed these two things, conduct the play into the winding which is called for. Whenever you do not do this, you become struck by all windings.</p>
| class="noline" |  
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<div id="short_sword" style="background:transparent; clear:both; font-weight:normal; padding:3px; text-align:left; width:0em; min-width:0em;">
| title = Short Sword Gloss
<table class="master">
| width = 150em
  <th id="SSIllustrations0"><p>Illustrations</p></th>
{| class="master"
  <th id="SSRawlings0"><p>{{translation rating|start|Incomplete Translation (Dresden only)}} (2003)<br/>by [[David Rawlings]]</p></th>
  <th id="SSDresden0"><p>[[Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)|Dresden Version]] (1504-19){{edit index|Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
! <p>Illustrations</p>
  <th id="SSVienna0"><p>[[Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)|Vienna Version]] (1512){{edit index|Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
! <p>{{rating|Start|Verse}} by [[Mike Rasmusson]]<br/>{{rating|Start|Dresden Gloss}} by [[David Rawlings]]</p>
  <th id="SSRostock0"><p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
! <p>[[Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)|Dresden Version]] (1504-19){{edit index|Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>[[Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)|Vienna Version]] (1512){{edit index|Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (ca. 1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
{{Ringeck row SS|1
| <p>[1] {{red|b=1|Here begins the earnest fight on horse and foot}}</p>
<p>It begins here with Mr Johann Liechtenaurs fence in the mail coat. This he has put down in secret words. That stands now laid out and explained, therefore every fencer can understand the art, who already understands how to fence.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 089r.png|1|lbl=89r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 089r.png|1|lbl=89r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Ringeck row SS|2
| <p>[2] {{red|b=1|Fight with the spear}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>1</small>
| He who dismounts<br/>&emsp;begins fencing on foot
| <small>2</small>
| He places his spear<br/>&emsp;two stances to wield weapons right
<p>When two fight together in coats of mail, then each of them will have three different weapons: A spear, a sword and a dagger. And the begining of the fight will occur with the spear. So you should prepare yourself with two ground positions, just as is now explained.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 089r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 089v.png|1|lbl=89v|p=1}}
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{{Ringeck row SS|3
| <p>[3] {{red|b=1|The first ground position}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>3</small>
| Spear and point then before stabs,<br/>&emsp;stab without force
| <small>4</small>
| Spring wind attack him<br/>&emsp;onward disengage to face him on
<p>When you are both down from the horses, Then stand with your left foot forward and hold the spear ready to throw. And close to him thus; so that the left foot always stays in front. And wait, so that you can throw before him. And follow on at once shooting forward with the sword, then he cannot safely cast against you, and grip the sword.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 089v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 090r.png|1|lbl=90r|p=1}}
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Line 1,837: Line 1,401:
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 098v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 098v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|4
| <p>[4] {{red|b=1|The second ground position}}</p>
<p>When you would not shoot [throw] your spear, then hold it next to your right side in the lower guard and go to him thus. And stab him bravely from underneath at his face, before he does it [to you]. If he jabs at the same time or sets aside, then drive up in the high guard. So that his point remains on your left arm. Stab him at once with the point over his arm into his face. If he then drives up and sets aside with his left arm then jerk down and set the point in the opening of his left arm pit.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 090r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 090v.png|1|lbl=90v|p=1}}
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 098v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109r.png|4|lbl=109r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109v.png|1|lbl=109v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 098v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109r.png|4|lbl=109r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109v.png|1|lbl=109v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|5
| <p>[5] {{red|b=1|The jerk with the spear}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>5</small>
| If you will stab ahead<br/>&emsp;with disengaging break the defense
<p>When you stab from the lower guard, and he sets [it] aside with his spear, and his point to the side and goes beyond you [pushes out], then jerk through and stab him to the other side. Or if he stays with the point before his face, then don't jerk. But remain with the spear on his and wind to the next opening, that he opens to you.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 090v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091r.png|1|lbl=91r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 090v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091r.png|1|lbl=91r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|6
| <p>[6] {{red|b=1|The traveling after with the spear.}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>6</small>
| Mark if he will pull back<br/>&emsp;from injury and will fly
| <small>7</small>
| Then you should close<br/>&emsp;to wisely conduct blocks
<p>When you stab and he sets aside and loosens himself from the bind, then follow quickly with the point. Strike him with it. Then press [push] him in that way back. If he now wishes to flee backwards before the stab and turns aside close to you. Then run in on this side and grip him with such wrestleing grips and arm breaks, just as you find described in the following.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091v.png|1|lbl=91v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091v.png|1|lbl=91v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 108r.png|1|lbl=108r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 108r.png|1|lbl=108r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 110r.png|1|lbl=110r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 110r.png|1|lbl=110r}}
{{Ringeck row SS|7
| <p>[7] {{red|b=1|The battle wrestle.}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>8</small>
| If you would wrestle<br/>&emsp;legs back rightly teach springing
| <small>9</small>
| trap before shooting<br/>&emsp;That you shoot front leg artfully
<p>When you come in to fight him, then you should know, just as you should step in front or behind his leg, you should no longer need to step.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 108r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 108r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 110r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 103r.png|2|lbl=103r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 110r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 103r.png|2|lbl=103r|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|8
| <p>[8] </p>
<p>When you [come to] each other, then be aware which foot he sets forward, then strike him to the left side with your right [foot]. From the beating aside, spring to him with your right foot behind his left, and press behind his knee joint with your right knee, and using both hands tear him backwards over your knee.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 092r.png|1|lbl=92r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 091v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 092r.png|1|lbl=92r|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 103r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 103r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|9
| <p>[9] '''Or try the following.'''</p>
<p>When you spring with your right foot behind his left, then go with your left foot between his legs. Clamp his left knee between both of your legs and hold it firmly. Push/thrust him in front against his forehead with your left hand, and with your right draw him backwards to behind him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 092r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 092r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{section|Page:MS 26-232 108v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 103r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 103r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|10
| <p>[10] {{red|b=1|The Text}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>10</small>
| From both hands<br/>&emsp;if you would conclude well with art
<p>You should control all wrestling techniques on both sides. therefor you'll counter all that he attempts against you. When you have sprung with your right foot behind his left foot and he climbs back with his left foot, then follow him quickly to the other side with your left foot to behind his right foot. And throw him over over your knee with or lock his knee with both of your legs, as described earlier.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 092r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 092v.png|1|lbl=92v|p=1}}
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Line 1,935: Line 1,463:
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 103v.png|1|lbl=103v}}
{{Ringeck row SS|11
| <p>[11] {{red|b=1|Sword against spear. Parry with the halfsword.}}<ref>R. and V. seems to match the [[Pseudo-Peter von Danzig]] gloss.</ref><br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>11</small>
| If you've been reversed<br/>&emsp;the sword against spear will go seek
| <small>12</small>
| The weapon will take the stab<br/>&emsp;Spring to wrestle reach to him
<p>When you have thrown your spear and he has kept his, then place yourself in the following position: Grip your sword in the middle of the blade and place it before your left knee in the guard. Or hold it next to your right side in the lower guard.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 092v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093r.png|1|lbl=93r|p=1}}
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 103v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 104r.png|1|lbl=104r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 103v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 104r.png|1|lbl=104r|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|12
| <p>[12]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 109r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 109r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 104r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 104r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|13
| <p>[13] If he then jabs with the spear, drive high and parry the stab before your left hand with sword the on the left side, and spring to him and set the point on him. If this is not possible, then let your sword fall [drop it] and go over in the wrestle.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 109r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 109r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 104r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 104r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|14
| <p>[14] When he jabs towards you and you stand in the lower guard, then set [aside] his stab from with the sword before your left hand on his right side, and go over in setting aside or the wrestle.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093v.png|1|lbl=93v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093v.png|1|lbl=93v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|15
| <p>[15] {{red|b=1|Parry with the open hand.}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>13</small>
| Hit long from left hand<br/>&emsp;Spring wisely and then see
| <small>14</small>
| If he will seek away<br/>&emsp;from injury and hit
| <small>15</small>
| so that his openings<br/>&emsp;are harassed by the sword's point
<p>When you stand in the lower guard, and he jabs above to you, and he holds the spear, so that the point in front broadly juts over the hands. Then strike his spear down to the side with your left hand , and spring to him setting the point on him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 093v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 109r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 109r.png|4|lbl=-}}
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{{Ringeck row SS|16
| <p>[16] When he stabs underneeth with his spear, to your guts. Then grab his spear with your left hand and hold it firmly. At the same time stab him underneath in the gut. And if he then wants to pull strongly on the spear and jerk it from your hand, then press the spear up over and let him go. So that he gives you an opening. Grab your sword at once with your left hand, follow to him and set the point on him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 094r.png|1|lbl=94r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 094r.png|1|lbl=94r}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 109r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 109v.png|1|lbl=109v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 109r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 109v.png|1|lbl=109v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 104v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 104v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|17
| <p>[17] {{red|b=1|When you set the point to an equipped (armoured) man.}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>16</small>
| Leather and gloves<br/>&emsp;under the eyes seek the openings rightly
<p>Then you must quickly recognise his openings. At first try and strike him in the face, but also in the armpits, in the palms of the hands, or in from behind the gloves, or in the knee pits, between the legs and on all the limbs, where the coat of mail joins inside. Because these are the best place in which to strike him. And you should know precisely, how you can strike these openings. Therefore you will not aim at a more remote one, when you could hit a closer one with greater ease.</p>
Practice with all the arms, that pertain to the fight.
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{{Ringeck row SS|18
| <p>[18] {{red|b=1|Secret wrestling techniques.}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>17</small>
| Bring the forbidden wrestlings<br/>&emsp;to the lesson wisely,
| <small>18</small>
| to lock find<br/>&emsp;the strength to wend over with
<p>When he runs in, then drop your sword and use carefully the wrestling, that belong to the battle fight. These shall not be taught or shown in publicly accessible fencing schools, so is it from all to show sword mastery closed. Because he will to the earest fight to use dignity, and there are arm breaks, leg pieces, testicle thrusts, death strikes, knee thrusts, finger breaks and eye grips [gouges] and more.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 094v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095r.png|1|lbl=95r|p=1}}
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{{Ringeck row SS|19
| <p>[19] {{red|b=1|The first technique.}}</p>
<p>The cast over the leg to behind: When he seizes you you above and then draws you to him with strength to him or will thrust you from him, then strike the right arm outside over his left hand, just behind his hand. Press his arm with both hands at the breast, spring with your right foot behind his left and throw him over your knee.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095v.png|1|lbl=95v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095v.png|1|lbl=95v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 105v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 105v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|20
| <p>[20] Cast over the leg in front, and break the arm when he siezes you above but doesn't grip firmly. Then grab his right hand with your right, draw him to you with your left hand and grab his elbow. Step with your left foot in front of his right and pull him over that. Or fall with your breast onto his arm and break it so.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 105v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106r.png|1|lbl=106r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|21
| <p>[21] Grip his left hand with your left hand, just above the hand, and tear him to you. Strike your right arm strongly over his left arm (in the bend) and break it over your right using your left. Spring with your right foot behind his right and throw him over that.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096r.png|1|lbl=96r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 095v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096r.png|1|lbl=96r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|22
| <p>[22] When he drives through under your right arm with his left arm and wants to catch you around the body, then strike with your right arm strongly from above and outside into his left elbow joint and turn away from him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|23
| <p>[23] When he has you gathered in his arms and you also have him in the same way, and he stands with a straight leg. Then stamp against his straight leg, so you break his leg.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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{{Ringeck row SS|24
| <p>[24] You will also thrust with the knee or foot into the testicles. But be aware that he does not catch your leg.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|25
| <p>[25] When he approaches you with an open hand or outstretched fingers, then try to seize a finger. Break it above, then you'll lead him to the edge of the arena, also weaken him on this side and win ever more advantage.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096v.png|1|lbl=96v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
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{{Ringeck row SS|26
| <p>[26] {{red|b=1|Text of another teaching}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>19</small>
| With all weapons<br/>&emsp;turn the point to the openings
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 096v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 110v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|27
| <p>[27] {{red|b=1|The serious fight sword vs sword}}<br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>20</small>
| Where one in defense<br/>&emsp;draws the sword visibly to him
| <small>21</small>
| That one shall strongly<br/>&emsp;defend right mark well
<p>When both javelins have been thrown and the sword fight begins, then you should before all things pay attention to the four guards with the half sword. From them stab always to his upper opening. If he then jabs or binds with your sword. Then your should immediately notice if he is hard or soft at the sword. And when you have noted that, then use the strong against him, as is described in the following.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 097r.png|1|lbl=97r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 097v.png|1|lbl=97v|p=1}}
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{{section|Page:MS 26-232 110v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111r.png|1|lbl=111r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 106v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 106v.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 107r.png|1|lbl=107r}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 107r.png|1|lbl=107r}}
{{Ringeck row SS|28
| <p>[28] {{red|b=1|The first guard from the half sword.}}<br/></p>
<p>Holding your sword with the right hand on the grip and the left in the middle of your sword, keeping it on your right side above your head and let the point hang down towards his face.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 097v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 097v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 107r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 107v.png|1|lbl=107v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 107r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 107v.png|1|lbl=107v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|29
| <p>[29] If he then stands in the lower guard and wants to stab you underneath, then stab down from above between the sword and his closest hand. Press the pommel underneath, wind the point on his sword under and through to his right side and set the point on him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 097v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 097v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 107v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 107v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|30
| <p>[30] Stab him in the face from the first guard. If he fends that off then jerk or go through with the point to the other side, just as before. When you have set the point against him then put your sword under your right armpit with the hilt on your breast and push him from you.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 098r.png|1|lbl=98r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 098r.png|1|lbl=98r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 107v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 107v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|31
| <p>[31]</p>
<p>Stab him in the face from the first guard, hust as before. If he puts the sword in front of him with the left hand in front and keeps the point in front of the face, and sets it sround to you. Then grip with the left hand the point of his sword and hold it tight. With your right hand stab him hard in the face. </p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 098r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 098v.png|1|lbl=98v|p=1}}
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{{Ringeck row SS|32
| <p>[32] If he then wants to jerk on the sword and pull it from your hand, then suddenly let it go, so he gives you an opening. Straight away grip your sword again in the middle with your left hand and follow straight away to him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 098v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 098v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|33
| <p>[33]</p>
<p>If you grab his sword and he grabs yours, then let go of his sword and grip yours again in the middle with your left hand, wind the point out and over his left hand and set the point at him.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 098v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099r.png|1|lbl=99r|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|34
| <p>[34] Or throw the sword in front of his feet. Grab his left hand with your left hand and set an arm break, or some other wrestle on.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|35
| <p>[35] When you stab him to the face from the upper guard. And he with his left hand siezes your sword between your hands, then drives through with his pommel outside or inside above his left hand. Tear to your right side and set the point on him. When you do, you'll also strike him with the pommel from the upper guard.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099v.png|1|lbl=99v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099v.png|1|lbl=99v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
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{{Ringeck row SS|36
| <p>[36] {{red|b=1|The second guard with the half sword}}</p>
<p>Hold your sword with both hands, down to your right side, with the grip next to your knee. Your left foot will stand forward and the point shall be directed at the face of your opponent.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 099v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|37
| <p>[37] When you stand in this guard and he faces you in the upper guard and wants to set it in from above (stab at you). Then stab him first and set the point on his forward hand in the opening of the flat of the hand. Or stab through over his forward hand, press down with your pommel and set him to the other side.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100r.png|1|lbl=100r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100r.png|1|lbl=100r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 108v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|38
| <p>[38] When he jabs at you from above, grab his sword with your left hand in front of his left hand, place the hilt on your breast and set the point against him.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100v.png|1|lbl=100v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100v.png|1|lbl=100v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109r.png|1|lbl=109r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109r.png|1|lbl=109r}}
{{Ringeck row SS|39
| <p>[39] {{red|b=1|A break against the setting through}}</p>
<p>When you stab him from the lower guard and he stabs you from the upper guard between your forward hand and your sword and pushes his pommel down. Then go in to the upper guard and set on him at once.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|40
| <p>[40] When you want to stab at him from the lower guard and he wants to drive through with the pommel under your sword and thus parry, then keep the point strong in front of his face and press his right hand down (underneath) then set upon him. You can also change through with the pommel and set aside his thrust.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122r.png|1|lbl=122r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 100v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122r.png|1|lbl=122r|p=1}}
| <p><br/>{{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}</p>
| <p><br/>{{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 109r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|41
| <p>[41] Note: Thrust to him strongly from the lower guard to the face. If he thrusts the same way to you, grasp his sword in the center to yours with your left hand inverted and hold the two swords fast together. And go through with the pommel under his sword, with the right arm jerking it over to your right side, so that you can take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099r.png|1|lbl=99r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099r.png|1|lbl=99r}}
{{Ringeck row SS|42
| <p>[42] {{red|b=1|Note: this is the counter:}}</p>
<p>When he grabs your sword in the center and wants to take it away from you, note: when he has your sword held fast in his left hand, drive up into the upper guard and set upon him.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122v.png|1|lbl=122v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122v.png|1|lbl=122v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|43
| <p>[43] Note: Thrust to his face from the lower guard while turning. If he displaces, yank and thrust to his face. If he displaces, move your pommel over his right shoulder and around his neck, jumping with your right foot behind his left, and tearing him over your leg with the pommel so that he falls.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 122v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 099r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|1|lbl=99v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 099r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|1|lbl=99v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|44
| <p>[44] {{red|b=1|Note: This is the counter:}}</p>
<p>When he moves his pommel over your right shoulder and around your neck jumps with his right foot behind your left, grasp his left hand, And press it toward your breast, and turn from him to the right side; and throw him over your left hip.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125r.png|1|lbl=125r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125r.png|1|lbl=125r}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|1|lbl=112r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 111v.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|1|lbl=112r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|45
| <p>[45] Note, you will also want to strike him from the lower guard, when he likewise has you.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|46
| <p>[46] {{red|b=1|Third Half-Sword Guard}}<br/><br/></p>
<p>Hold your sword with both hands, as described before, over the left knee. And from it, break all his techniques by displacing.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|1|lbl=125v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|1|lbl=125v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|47
| <p>[47] If he thrusts to your face from the upper guard, set the thrust aside to his right side with your sword in front of your left hand driving into the upper guard and setting the point upon him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 099v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|48
| <p>[48] Or drive up with the sword, displacing the thrust from above between your two hands. And drive with the pommel over his forward hand and with it jerk down; setting the point upon him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|1|lbl=100r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|1|lbl=100r}}
{{Ringeck row SS|49
| <p>[49] Move the pommel over his forward hand and then back through, and jerk him down with it. You can also change through below with the pommel and set aside his thrust.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|1|lbl=101r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 125v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|1|lbl=101r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|50
| <p>[50] Note, you wind and hereafter is described how you should do the third guard and how to strike your opponent with the pommel.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|51
| <p>[51] {{red|b=1|The fourth guard with the half sword}}<br/><br/></p>
<p>As above hold your sword with both hands - holding it with the grip under the right armpit and place the hilt (in) on your breast on the right, so that the point sticks out to your opponent. In this guard you should come from all previous mentioned. Also when you have stabbed him to the opening and fixed the point in his armour then wind the hilt constantly in front of your breast and push him from you. And don't let him detatch from your point. So he can neither stand still, hew or stab.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101v.png|1|lbl=101v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101v.png|1|lbl=101v|p=1}}
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{{section|Page:MS 26-232 112r.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112v.png|1|lbl=112v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|52
| <p>[52] When you have applied it and he has a longer reach than you, then push him thus from you, so that the point sticks out above and is set well into the rings of the chain mail.</p>
| <p><br/><br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|53
| <p>[53] If he has a shorter reach than you let the pommel of your sword drop to your right hip and the point will jut out above and stick in the rings, just as above. Thus press him away from you and don't release him from the sword.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102r.png|1|lbl=102r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 101v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102r.png|1|lbl=102r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 112v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|54
| <p>[54] {{red|b=1|The before and the after in the fight/fence}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>22</small>
| Before and after the two things<br/>&emsp;teach testing wisely with springing away
<p>You should in all things know the before and after. Because all skill in the fight comes from it. Take note, that you come before him with strikes and stabs, then he must move. And straight away, when he binds with his sword, set your techniques on, so he cannot get his techniques through your assult. This is the before.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102v.png|1|lbl=102v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102v.png|1|lbl=102v|p=1}}
Line 2,369: Line 1,819:
<p><br/><br/>{{section|Page:MS Var.82 102r.png|2|lbl=102r|p=1}}</p>
<p><br/><br/>{{section|Page:MS Var.82 102r.png|2|lbl=102r|p=1}}</p>
{{Ringeck row SS|55
| <p>[55] </p>
<p>The after are all pieces (breaks) against the techniques that he sets against you. When it occurs, that you must set him aside. Then from that setting aside immediately use your point to find his next opening. So you go straight away from being defensive to being offensive. This is the after.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103r.png|1|lbl=103r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 102v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103r.png|1|lbl=103r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 105v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 105v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 102r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 102r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|56
| <p>[56] You should therefore respect that in the fight/fence you take no more than a step towards or away from him. When he is faster than you and you can no longer set him aside, then go backwards one step only with your left foot and be aware that you can step back in with the left foot and set in again or seize him with the wrestle.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 105v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 105v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 102r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 102v.png|1|lbl=102v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 102r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 102v.png|1|lbl=102v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|57
| <p>[57] {{red|b=1|The travelling after with the sword in the battle fence.}}<br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>23</small>
| Follow all hits<br/>&emsp;with strength if you will weaken him
| <small>24</small>
| If he guards then disengage<br/>&emsp;stab as he goes backward
| <small>25</small>
| If he fights extended,<br/>&emsp;then be artfully instructed
<p>You should use the travelling after against the strong fencer, that with outstretched arms, long reach fights. But otherwise possesses nothing else from the art.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103v.png|1|lbl=103v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103v.png|1|lbl=103v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 105v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 105v.png|6|lbl=-}}
Line 2,408: Line 1,844:
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{{section|Page:MS 26-232 106r.png|1|lbl=106r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 102v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 102v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|58
| <p>[58] Position yourself against him in a guard. Stands he also in a guard opposite. That if he pulls his sword, if he wants to rake or lift up to strike, then go with your point to his next opening before he can complete his strike or stab. If he comes really early before with the sword (pulls out) at the same time without aiming for your opening. Then you can jerk through suddenly. And always set the jerk on, when he only strikes at the sword. So you come to the arm breaks and to other breaks (pieces) and this is the art against those.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104r.png|1|lbl=104r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104v.png|1|lbl=104v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 103v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104r.png|1|lbl=104r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104v.png|1|lbl=104v|p=1}}
Line 2,417: Line 1,853:
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 102v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 103r.png|1|lbl=103r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 102v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 103r.png|1|lbl=103r|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|59
| <p>[59] {{red|b=1|The set to}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>26</small>
| If he grabs on strong<br/>&emsp;in the shot face him on
<p>When he has set to you and pushes you back, then stab him in the palm of the hand, which holds the sword in the middle. When he the hands reversed, then stab up from below again in the same guard.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 106r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 106r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101r.png|1|lbl=101r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101r.png|1|lbl=101r}}
{{Ringeck row SS|60
| <p>[60] Or stab him into the arm, in from behind the glove (gauntlet), and when the stab fits, then step to the front, then you open this side and moreover win the advantage.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105r.png|1|lbl=105r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 104v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105r.png|1|lbl=105r|p=1}}
Line 2,439: Line 1,869:
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 106r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|1|lbl=106v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 106r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|1|lbl=106v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|61
| <p>[61] Or stab through over his forward hand and press down from above. Place your hilt on your breast and set to him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|62
| <p>[62] When he has set to your left armpit, then step back with the left foot, therefore his point goes under with it. But yours stays fixed. You can also increase your sword's reach, when you set your pommel against your breast.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105v.png|1|lbl=105v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105v.png|1|lbl=105v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|63
| <p>[63] {{red|b=1|The strike with the pommel. Defence against the strike with the pommel.}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>27</small>
| If he shoots with the striking point<br/>&emsp;Meet without force
| <small>28</small>
| Teach to twist the point<br/>&emsp;with both hands to the eyes
<p>The "percussive point" is the strike with the pommel. When he comes over with a strong strike in this way, then hold the sword over your left knee in the lower guard. If he then strikes to your head - and is a strong man - then strike his strike with your swoord in front of your left hand over to his right. And drive in with the sword in the upper guard.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|1|lbl=106r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 105v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|1|lbl=106r|p=1}}
Line 2,474: Line 1,896:
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 101v.png|1|lbl=101v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 101v.png|1|lbl=101v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|64
| <p>[64] The second defence: If he is as weak as you, then step into him, catch the strike on your sword between your hands and set your point at his face.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|65
| <p>[65] When you catch the pommel strike in the middle of your sword under the hilt, then tear over with your pommel to your right side, then you'll take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|1|lbl=107r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 106v.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|1|lbl=107r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 101v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|66
| <p>[66] If he strikes to your left knee, then catch the strike between your hands so that your pommel juts down and drive the pommel through under his sword and tear it up on your right side, so you tear the sword from his hands.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106v.png|1|lbl=106v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106v.png|1|lbl=106v|p=1}}
Line 2,499: Line 1,921:
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 102r.png|1|lbl=102r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|2|lbl=100r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 102r.png|1|lbl=102r|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|2|lbl=100r|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row SS|67
| <p>[67] If he strikes underneath at your foot then strike down against his strike with your pommel. Then jump to him and wrestle.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107r.png|1|lbl=107r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 106v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107r.png|1|lbl=107r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|68
| <p>[68] When you hold your sword on your right side in the lower guard, and he strikes with the pommel to your point, and takes it out wide. Then straight way jump near to him, so that he strikes over beyond you - at the same time you cannot pass - and set the point on him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|69
| <p>[69] You will always use travelling after and setting in, whilst he draws out with the pommel.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row SS|70
| <p>[70] {{red|b=1|Assault with the pommel}}<br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>29</small>
| You must guard<br/>&emsp;the forward foot with the strike
<p>When you strike with the pommel, then you should aim at all his extremities that he sets forward. When you would strike, then hold your sword in the guard over your head and do so, as if you where going to stab him in the face. Then release the sword with your right hand and grab the blade next to your left. Strike with the pommel to his forward foot or his forward hand, whilst he holds the sword on the blade. You will also strike from the right lower guard.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107v.png|1|lbl=107v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 108r.png|1|lbl=108r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 107v.png|1|lbl=107v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 108r.png|1|lbl=108r|p=1}}
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{{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107v.png|1|lbl=107v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 107r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107v.png|1|lbl=107v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100v.png|1|lbl=100v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100v.png|1|lbl=100v}}
{{Ringeck row SS|71
| class="noline" |  
| class="noline" | <p>[71] Beware therefore if he strikes to your forward knee or forward hand and set him aside with the pieces described earlier so that he cannot hurt you.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 108r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| class="noline" | {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 108r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| class="noline" | {{section|Page:MS 26-232 107v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| class="noline" | {{section|Page:MS Var.82 100v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{master end}}
{{master begin
<div id="mounted fencing" style="background:transparent; clear:both; font-weight:normal; padding:3px; text-align:left; width:0em; min-width:0em;">
| title = Mounted Fencing Gloss
<table class="master">
| width = 150em
  <th id="MFIllustrations0"><p>Illustrations</p></th>
{| class="master"
  <th id="MFCheney0"><p>{{translation rating|C|Draft Translation (Glasgow only)}} (2020)<br/>by [[Stephen Cheney]]</p></th>
  <th id="MFDresden0"><p>[[Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)|Dresden Version]] (1504-19){{edit index|Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
! <p>Illustrations</p>
  <th id="MFGlasgow0"><p>[[Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)|Glasgow Version]] (1508){{edit index|Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)|Glasgow Version]] (1508)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
! <p>{{rating|c|Draft Translation (from the Glasgow)}}<br/>by [[Stephen Cheney]]</p>
! <p>[[Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)|Dresden Version]] (1504-19){{edit index|Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>[[Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)|Glasgow Version]] (1508){{edit index|Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (ca. 1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
{{Ringeck row MF rsa|1|rowspan=12
| rowspan="12" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|400x400px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>{{red|1.}} Hunt from your chest to his right hand</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|1|lbl=74r}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|1|lbl=74r}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|2
| <p>{{red|2.}} Turn around with the horse / pull his right hand with your left</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|3
| <p>{{red|3.}} With brushing,<ref>Original: “streyffen”, modernized “streifen”, to brush, streak, graze, lightly touch.</ref> takes saddle rim / or weapon</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|4
| <p>{{red|4.}} Plant high, swing, go through, or break sword</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|5
| <p>{{red|5.}} The compelling, goes before all hits, hewing, stabbing</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|6
| <p>{{red|6.}} Grip at the strong with both hands</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|7
| <p>{{red|7.}} Here one begins to search for the tasset hew</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|8
| <p>{{red|8.}} Turn the right hand to him, set your point to his face</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|9
| <p>{{red|9.}} Defend against the stab, turn to it, catch his right hand in the left</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|9|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|10
| <p>{{red|10.}} Press firmly, shove from the reins and search for his knife</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|10|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|11
| <p>{{red|11.}} Search for the opening, arms, leather, glove, under the eyes</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|11|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|12
| <p>{{red|12.}} With empty hand, learn to sweep against all weapons</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg|12|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsa|13|rowspan=12
| rowspan="12" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|400x400px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>{{red|13.}} The sheep hold defends against all holds, wrestle under eyes<ref>Original: “undter augen”, this phrase appears numerous times throughout the text, is likely some kind of idiom or turn of phrase, but not sure exactly what it means.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|1|lbl=74v}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|1|lbl=74v}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|14
| <p>{{red|14.}} At the length, turn around, so the horse hurries back</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|15
| <p>{{red|15.}} In the near, catch the hand, invert his face, there is the nape</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|16
| <p>{{red|16.}} Catch the weapon, in the length, when riding against</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|17
| <p>{{red|17.}} Hunt to the right hand, with your<ref>Original: “iren”, formal “you”, rather than the informal (dein-) which is almost always used. Could also be “their”.</ref> art</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|18
| <p>{{red|18.}} If you hunt left, fall upon the sword’s pommel, bash under eyes</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|19
| <p>{{red|19.}} Plant the point against the face</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|20
| <p>{{red|20.}} Compel against all hits, which always will be</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|21
| <p>{{red|21.}} The strength in the wielding, correctly arrange yourself in it</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|9|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|22
| <p>{{red|22.}} This is now the spear, run it to the other encounters under eyes</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|10|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|23
| <p>{{red|23.}} The unnamed hold takes weapon or fells him</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|11|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|24
| <p>{{red|24.}} If one hunts you from both sides, turn around left, so he comes right</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg|12|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsa|25|rowspan=5
| rowspan="5" | [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|400x400px|center]]
| [[File:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|300px|center]]
| <p>{{red|25.}} Take the knife, and think about holding</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|1|lbl=75r}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|1|lbl=75r}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|26
| <p>{{red|26.}} Grip over whoever attacks you, or do to him when riding against</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[1] <br/><br/></p>
<p>{{red|Here begins Master Johannes Liechtenauer’s mounted fencing, which he has allowed to be written with obscure and disguised words, which is interpreted and glossed here in this book, so that any fencer may well hear it, if he can otherwise fence.}}</p>
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|27
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 109r.png|1|lbl=109r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 109r.png|1|lbl=109r}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|28
| <p>[2] '''This is the text'''</p>
| <small>1</small>
| {{red|Direct your spear<br/>Against riding, make useless}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Note, this is when you have a lance, and another also has one, and wants to ride together with you, you shall therefore know to arrange yourself with your lance so that, with it, you divert<ref>Orignal: “ableyttest,” - “ableiten,” literally to lead away, also to derive, deduce, divert, drain, deflect, channel off.</ref> his and hit him with the stab, and he does not hit you, and you shall know to drive the plays with the lance from two guards, which will be named to you hereafter.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 109r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 109v.png|1|lbl=109v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 109r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 109v.png|1|lbl=109v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF rsb|29
| <p>[3] The 21st figure speaks about this: The strength in the wielding, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|30
| <p>[4] '''This is the text about the play from the first guard'''</p>
| <small>2</small>
| {{red|If it recommends<br/>Your end to him, unbuckle}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Note, this is the play from the first guard: When you ride together with him, hold your lance under the arm to the stab, and when it comes to the meeting,<ref>“Zu dem treffen,” could be in the sense of the two fencers meeting each other, or one lance connecting to the other, or a lance landing a hit. Context indicates that it is the first for this one.</ref> do as if it is too heavy for you, and let it sink with the point low forward against your left side. If he then rides upon you with a stab, raise up your lance upwards with strength at his, so you hit him, and he does not hit you, because his lance goes away next to the side.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 109v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 110r.png|1|lbl=110r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 109v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 110r.png|1|lbl=110r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|1|lbl=75v}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|1|lbl=75v}}
{{Ringeck row MF|31
| <p>[5] The first figure speaks about this: Hunt from the chest, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|32
| <p>[6] {{red|b=1|This is the play from the second guard}}</p>
<p>Note, when you ride together with him, hold your lance with both hands in the middle in front of you athwart on the saddle bow. If he then rides upon you with a stab, then strike his lance away with the front part of your lance onto your right side from you, and wind your lance with it under your right arm, so you hit him and he does not hit you.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 110r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 110v.png|1|lbl=110v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 110r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.487 110v.png|1|lbl=110v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|33
| <p>[7] The 17th figure speaks about this: Hunt to the, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|34
| <p>[8] '''This is the text'''</p>
| <small>3</small>
| {{red|Hew in, don’t draw<br/>From scabbard jolt to him left}}
| <small>4</small>
| {{red|Grip to his right<br/>So you catch him without fencing}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} This is if both fail with the lance while riding, let yours fall from your hand, and draw neither sword nor knife, and ride to him, and turn yourself with your left side to his right, and drive the wrestles described hereafter:</p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|1|lbl=76r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 075v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|1|lbl=76r|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row MF|35
| <p>[9] {{red|b=1|Item:}} When you come with the left side at his right, if he then grips at you with the right hand forward and wants to wrestle, grip his right arm forward by the hand with your right, and drive the unnamed hold, or the secret.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|36
| <p>[10] {{red|b=1|Item:}} Or, if he has drawn his sword and rises with it and wants to strike, grip his right elbow with the left hand, and shove him from you with it, and raise his right foot with your left foot, so he falls.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|37
| <p>[11] Or, when you have gripped his right elbow with the left hand, grip his sword pommel with the right, and jolt to you with it, so you take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|38
| <p>[12] {{red|b=1|Here note another}}</p>
<p>This is if you may not come to his right side with the left side, hold yourself with the right at his right. If he then grips to you with wrestling, drive the sheep hold,<ref>“Schaff griff,” the translation “sheep hold” is not conclusive, it may also refer to a type of water carrier that is held in a similar way to the hold. It may also be related to how one would carry a sheep when shearing or otherwise.</ref> or the sun showing.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|39
| <p>[13] {{red|b=1|Item:}} When you come with your right side at his right, if he then has drawn his sword and rises with it and wants to strike, then move with your right arm down from above outwards over his right, and press the arm to the right side, and ride forward, so you take his sword, or rise with the right arm from inwards over his right, and press the arm forward to your chest, and ride forward, so you again take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|40
| <p>[14] The 12th figure speaks about this: With empty hand…</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|41
| <p>[15] {{red|b=1|Item:}} Grip his right hand with your left and jolt it in front of your chest, and turn your horse from him, so he falls.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|1|lbl=76v}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|1|lbl=76v}}
{{Ringeck row MF|42
| <p>[16] {{red|b=1|Item:}} Or, grip his right elbow with the right hand, and raise his right foot with your right foot, so he must fall.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|43
| <p>[17] The second figure speaks about this: Turn around with the horse, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|44
| <p>[18] {{red|b=1|This is the text}}</p>
| <small>5</small>
| {{red|The lance stabbing, fencing<br/>Learn to break moderately without hurry}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} When someone rides upon you with a lance, you shall quite moderately<ref>Original: “sytigklich,” or “sittiglich,” at the time meant “moderately” in the sense of slowly or not too fast, modern “sittlich” means morally or ethically.</ref> ride against him, and with hurrying with the horse, so you may make all of his ridings upon you worthless with the previously written plays.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|45
| <p>[19] Or, when you hurry or run, you can’t come to the art or to the play, and are similarly insecure on the horse.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|46
| <p>[20] The 22nd figure speaks about this: This is now the spear, run, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|47
| <p>[21] {{red|b=1|This is the text about the tasset<ref>Original: “taschn haw.” A “tasset” is a piece of armor that covers the side of the thigh. It is possible that the last part of this hew aims for a gap in the armor on the back of the leg. This translation is not conclusive.</ref> hew}}</p>
| <small>6</small>
| {{red|If it converts itself<br/>So that sword will be dealt against sword}}
| <small>7</small>
| {{red|Correctly grasp the strong<br/>You search and note the tasset hew}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} This is if you both have come from the lance, and shall fence with swords, lay your sword on<ref>Original: “auß,” however the Dresden version says “vff” here, and “aus” does not make sense.</ref> the left arm in the guard, and ride directly to him under eyes to his right side. If he then hews an over hew upon you, rise with the sword and parry the hew strongly with the long edge, and stab him to the face. If he parries the stab and rises high, hew with the long edge to the left hand, or to the reins,<ref>“Zawm,” - “zaum,” literally “bridle,” context continually indicates that they are talking about the reins.</ref> and if the horse tricks you,<ref>Original: “ob dich das roß vertrueg,” literally “if the horse make a fool out of you.” Likely means something like if the horse moves in a way that you don’t expect, or if the horse runs away while you’re trying to do something.</ref> then hew him to the right leg in the running away.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|48
| <p>[22] The 7th figure speaks about this: Here begins, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 076v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|49
| <p>[23] {{red|b=1|This is the text}}</p>
| <small>8</small>
| {{red|Learn to compel<ref>Original: “schütten”.</ref> well strong<br/>All hits without danger, distress him with it}}
| <small>9</small>
| {{red|Plant without danger<br/>Whoever brushes, hang to his hair}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Note, that is, that you always shall bind on artfully with the sword, be it with hews or with stabs, and don’t withdraw yourself from the sword, and force him with the point to the plays written hereafter.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|1|lbl=77r}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|1|lbl=77r}}
{{Ringeck row MF|50
| <p>[24] The 20th figure speaks about this: Compel against, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|51
| <p>[25] {{red|b=1|Item:}} Assess if you may plant to him with the sword. If he parries onto his left side and rides to you, rise with the pommel from below, through his sword, around his neck, and come with the left to the pommel to help, and jolt him to you onto the side.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|52
| <p>[26] The 6th figure speaks about this: Grip at with both hands, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|53
| <p>[27] {{red|b=1|Item:}} When he parries your hew, move with your crossguard<ref>Original: “gehultz,” could be modernized to “hilt,” which is a term that could mean multiple parts of the sword today, but they are talking about the crossguard.</ref> under [his] jawbone, and grip him with the left hand by the helmet, and pull to yourself with it, and shove<ref>“Stoss,” could also mean push, strike, or bash.</ref> from you with the crossguard, so he falls.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|54
| <p>[28] {{red|b=1|Item:}} If he parries your hew or stab, and hurries to you, grip his right hand with the left, and with the right, set your point into his face.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|55
| <p>[29] The 8th figure speaks about this: Turn the right hand to him, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|56
| <p>[30] {{red|b=1|Item:}} If he parries your over hew with the lateral,<ref>“Twer,” also often translated as thwart, cross, crosswise.</ref> rise high with the right hand, and [hang]<ref>The verb is missing in this sentence, in the Dresden version “heng” (hang) is used here.</ref> with the point over top of his sword to his face or chest, and plant to him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|57
| <p>[31] The 4th figure speaks about this: Plant high, swing, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|9|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|58
| <p>[32] {{red|b=1|This is the text}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>10</small>
| {{red|If you want to touch<br/>Long hunting, that severely hurts}}
| <small>11</small>
| {{red|Whoever wards that<br/>So wind that, also hurts}}
| <small>12</small>
| {{red|If he will continue it<br/>Catch reins, and let the bit guard}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Hold your sword next to your right leg in the guard, and ride to him as such, and stab him to the face with long outstretched arm. If he parries the stab, rise with the right hand and wind at the sword, and remain with the point in front of his face.</p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|10|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|1|lbl=77v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077r.jpg|10|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|1|lbl=77v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row MF|59
| <p>[33] The 4th speaks about this: Plant high, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|60
| <p>[34] {{red|b=1|Item:}} If he then parries with the sword and hurries to you, rise with your hand inwards over his right arm, and grip your reins with left inverted hand under his arm, therefore you engulf<ref>“Verschlingst” - “verschlingen,” to devour, engulf, scarf, etc.</ref> his hand with the reins.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|61
| <p>[35] The 10th figure speaks: Press firm, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|62
| <p>[36] {{red|b=1|Here note the set-asides with the sword on horseback}}</p>
<p>Note, when you ride to the man, and have your sword in a guard, note to which side he hews to you. If he hews to you from above to your left side, wind also onto your left side against his hew. Or, if he hews to you to your right side, wind also onto your right, so that your thumb always comes under, and with the parry, always set the point into his face, and drive this out against the lance also as such.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|63
| <p>[37] The 19th figure speaks about this: Plant the point, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|64
| <p>[38] {{red|b=1|Item:}} When he parries your hew,<ref>Unclear, could be “when he hews in to you, parry…” Unclear because “hawt” is used instead of “haw,” also the construction of the sentence is not typical. The Dresden version is much clearer that you are the one hewing in and he is parrying.</ref> if he then remains by you as such, move with the pommel outside over top of his right hand, and shove the hand in front of you with the crossguard to your saddle bow, and with your left, grip his sword’s pommel, and ride forward, so you take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 077v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|65
| <p>[39] {{red|b=1|This is the text}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>13</small>
| {{red|Think about the opening<br/>Search for knife, don’t ward pommel}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} This is when you shall fence with someone in armor, you shall, before all cases, know to which side you may best defeat him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|1|lbl=78r}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|1|lbl=78r}}
{{Ringeck row MF|66
| <p>[40] {{red|b=1|Item:}} That is, under the face, or under the armpit, or outwards on the hand in the glove, or inwards into the hand of the palm, and in all joints of the armor at arms and at legs, and search for all the openings with stabs, and not with strikes.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|67
| <p>[41] And if you may not quite work with the sword, when you come too near to him, work with the dagger, and if you may not come to your dagger, then assess if you may take his, and work with it to the opening.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|68
| <p>[42] The 11th figure speaks: Search for the opening, arm, leather, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|69
| <p>[43] {{red|b=1|This is the text}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>14</small>
| {{red|Learn two sweeps<br/>With empty hand against the weapons}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} That is, that you, before all cases, shall know and learn to take, how you shall work with free hand on horseback, and most importantly<ref>“Zu vor auß,” in the sense of bringing something to the forefront.</ref> with the wrestling. Therefore, you shall address the reins as such, so that you may shift from one hand to the other, and therefore search for your advantage with it, and that is the greatest art on horseback.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|70
| <p>[44] The 12th figure speaks about this: With empty hand, learn, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|71
| <p>[45] {{red|b=1|This is the text about the sheep hold}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>15</small>
| {{red|The sheep hold teaches<br/>Whoever turns themselves wrestling to you}}
| <small>16</small>
| {{red|As under eyes<br/>Grip him correctly with striking}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} This is the best wrestling of one on horseback, drive it as follows: When you want to wrestle, ride equally to the man under eyes to his right side, and engage him with wrestling. If he then attacks<ref>Engages - “greyff… an,” (angreiffen), attacks - “velt… an” (anfallen), these words have roughly the same meaning. You are both engaging in wrestling against each other.</ref> against you, grip his right arm forward by the hand with your left inverted hand, and jolt it under your chest, and move over it with your right arm, and grip the saddle bow with it, and ride forward, so he must fall.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|1|lbl=78v}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|1|lbl=78v}}
{{Ringeck row MF|72
| <p>[46] The 13th figure speaks about this: The sheep hold wards…</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|73
| <p>[47] {{red|b=1|This is the text about wrestling}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>17</small>
| {{red|Whoever attacks you<br/>Against riding, he will be joined}}
| <small>18</small>
| {{red|Hanging to the earth<br/>Over grip him correctly with conduct}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} That is, when you ride together with someone, if he then comes with his right side to yours, and falls with the right arm forward into your neck, move also around his as such, and move with the left hand behind around him, and come with it to your right to help, and jolt him to you onto the side, or strike your right arm above over his right, and throw him with the sheep hold.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|74
| <p>[48] {{red|b=1|Another}}<ref>“Aliud,” Latin.</ref></p>
<p>{{red|b=1|Item:}} When you ride together with someone, if he then comes with his left side to your right, and if he falls with the left hand behind around your neck, rise with the right arm behind you strong over his left, and come with the left hand to the right hand to help, and press his left arm to him tight behind into your nape. If he then swerves with the arm, grip his left hand with the left, and drive the unnamed hold, or the forbidden hold.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|75
| <p>[49] {{red|b=1|Item:}} Or, if he grips behind around with the left hand and wants to wrestle, strike with the right arm outwards strong down from above into the joint of his left arm, and ride forward.</p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|1|lbl=79r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 078v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|1|lbl=79r|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row MF|76
| <p>[50] The 26th figure: Over grip, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|77
| <p>[51] {{red|b=1|This is the text about a lesson}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>19</small>
| {{red|To both sides<br/>You learn all ridings against him}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} That is, to whichever side you come to the man, you shall hold yourself near to him, and drive the art as follows: If you come upon him with your right side, drive the previous plays, which pertain to the right side. Or, if you come upon him with the left side, drive also what pertains to the left side, so he may not come to his plays.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|78
| <p>[52] {{red|b=1|This is the text to the left side}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>20</small>
| {{red|If you want to ride<br/>Horse runs to the other side}}
| <small>21</small>
| {{red|Compel the strong<br/>Plant with it, distress}}
| <small>22</small>
| {{red|In weapon which is valuable to you<br/>Wide sword, catch, carry, near the hand hate}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} That is, if you want to ride to someone to his left side, you shall also bind on strong with the sword, be it with hewing or with stabbing, and always aim for the openings with the point, as you have done to the right side. With it, you force him to the plays which pertain to the left side, because there are several plays which one drives to the left side, which one cannot drive to the right.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|79
| <p>[53] The fifth figure speaks about this: The compelling, going before all, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|80
| <p>[54] {{red|b=1|Item:}} That is, when you ride to him to the left side, hew in an over hew strong. If he then also hews in strong and wants to plant to you, you shall parry him while he is far from you with the sword. Or, if he comes near to you, grip his right hand with your left.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|81
| <p>[55] The 16th figure speaks: Catch the weapon, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|82
| <p>[56] {{red|b=1|This is the text about a lesson}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>23</small>
| {{red|Or turn around<br/>Rested, defended to hunting}}
| <small>24</small>
| {{red|With all arts<br/>He hunts, he sends as is good}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} That is, if your horse carries you away in front of him, so that you can drive no play upon him, turn yourself to him to the side, there you may best drive the advantage.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|1|lbl=79v}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|1|lbl=79v}}
{{Ringeck row MF|83
| <p>[57] The 14th figure speaks about this: In the length, turn around, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|84
| <p>[58] {{red|b=1|This is the text}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>25</small>
| {{red|If you pass<br/>And go left against your will}}
| <small>26</small>
| {{red|Touch upon your sword<br/>And wrestle, strike, not firmly}}
Gloss: That is, if your horse tricks you, or how that happened, that you must ride to his left side against your will, lay your sword upon the left arm. If he then hews to the head, rise with the sword, and parry with the long edge. If you then come near to him with the parry, then move with the left arm over his right hand, and press it firmly as such into your left side, and bash him with the pommel under the face.
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|85
| <p>[59] The 18th figure speaks about this: If you hunt left, fall upon it, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|86
| <p>[60] {{red|b=1|Note}}</p>
<p>{{red|b=1|Or,}} when you press his right arm into his<ref>Likely an error intending “your,” as it is in the previous passage.</ref> left side, and ride away next to him, you take his sword. You may also catch with the reins into the hand with the move-over if you want.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|87
| <p>[61] {{red|b=1|Item:}} When you parry his over hew as is written before, hew in a free over hew above to the head.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|88
| <p>[62] {{red|b=1|Item:}} When you have your sword on the left arm in the guard, if one then rides upon you with a lance to your left side, rise well with the pommel and let the blade hang to the left side, and set aside his lance with it as such, and hew to his head, or plant to him. Or, if he rides to you with the lance to your right side, sweep straight up with the sword to his lance, and wind into the over hanging, and plant to him.</p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|1|lbl=80r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 079v.jpg|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|1|lbl=80r|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row MF|89
| <p>[63] {{red|b=1|This is the text}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>27</small>
| {{red|Hunt one to the right<br/>Half turn around, ward fencing}}
| <small>28</small>
| {{red|Catching with arm<br/>So may no harm near you}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} That is, if you become forced to flee, and you were armed,<ref>“Gewappent,” - “gewappnet,” wearing armor.</ref> and have nothing but a sword, and and then one plants with the lance behind to your right side, turn yourself out of the stab against him upon your left side, and turn yourself with the sword against his lance, and plant to him. Or, if he plants to you behind to your left side, turn yourself onto your right against him, and wind with the sword as before, and plant to him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|90
| <p>[64] The 24th figure speaks about this: If one hunts you from both sides, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|91
| <p>[65] {{red|b=1|Item:}} While you flee, you shall also know to nimbly turn yourself around in the saddle from one side to the other, and stab behind you, and set-aside sword and lance to both sides.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|92
| <p>[66] {{red|b=1|Note a nimbleness with the lance}}</p>
<p>When you are hunted,<ref>“Jagen,” to hunt, seems to mean when someone is riding behind another, rather than “gleich” (equally) or “zusammen” (together), when both riders ride toward one another.</ref> and have a lance, if someone hunts towards you, and also has one, hold your lance with the right hand on the right shoulder, and when you see that he is nearly behind at you, raise the lance over the head upon your left shoulder, and let your point remain behind you, and turn yourself against him upon your left side, and strike your lance with it under the arm, so you come equally with him under the eyes.</p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080v.jpg|1|lbl=80v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080v.jpg|1|lbl=80v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row MF|93
| <p>[67] {{red|b=1|This is the text}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>29</small>
| {{red|The knife taking<br/>Learn to hold without shame}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Here note, how [you] shall take his sword or his knife or the dagger: Ride to his right side, and search for the opening, however you may, with hew or with stab. If he parries and comes near to you, grab his right arm behind his right hand with your left inverted hand, and jolt it in front of you, and hold him firmly by it, and bend  your left arm outwards at the handle of his sword, so he must drop his sword.<ref>“Muß er das swert fallñ lassñ,” literally “he must let the sword fall.”</ref> And when you hold him by the arm as such, you may strike him with the sword, or throw him with the sheep hold.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|94
| <p>[68] The 25th figure speaks about this: The knife taking, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|95
| <p>[69] {{red|b=1|This is about the unnamed hold}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>30</small>
| {{red|The unnamed<br/>Turn the strong, they stab}}
| <small>31</small>
| {{red|They strike<br/>Destroyed without any reach}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Note, this is the unnamed hold: When you come to him with the left side, if he then has drawn his weapon and wants to strike you, or grabs you with the right hand in front with wrestling, grab his right arm with your right hand in front by the hand, and jolt it under your chest, and lie yourself upon it with the body, and ride forward, so you break his arm.</p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081r.jpg|1|lbl=81r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 080v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081r.jpg|1|lbl=81r|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row MF|96
| <p>[70] {{red|b=1|Item:}} If you don’t want to break the arm, when you have jolted him in front of your chest, grab his right elbow with your left hand, and shove him from you with it, and grab his sword by the pommel with your right hand, and jolt to you with it, so you take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|97
| <p>[71] The 23rd figure speaks about this: The unnamed hold, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|98
| <p>[72] {{red|b=1|This is the text about the sun showing}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>32</small>
| {{red|If you want to grapple<br/>You shall not allow riding next to you}}
| <small>33</small>
| {{red|The sun showing<br/>If you want to bend the left arm}}
| <small>34</small>
| {{red|The front head touches<br/>Against after press very firmly}}
| <small>35</small>
| {{red|So that he sinks himself<br/>And rarely lengthens again on}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Note, this is the best wrestling of one on horseback. When you ride together with him, if you then come with your right side to his right, hold yourself near to him, and grip behind around him with your left hand, and grab him with it by his left arm, and pull it tight around to you, and with your right hand, grip him below at his jawbone, and shove it firmly at you, upwards up, against his left side, so you turn his face against the sun. With it, you win his momentum, so that he may not hold himself.</p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|1|lbl=81v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|1|lbl=81v|p=1}}
{{Ringeck row MF|99
| <p>[73] {{red|b=1|Item:}} Or, if you come with the left side to his right, grab him as before, and throw him behind you onto your left side, and that wrestle is called the sun showing.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|100
| <p>[74] The 15th figure speaks about this: In the after, catch the hand, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|101
| <p>[75] </p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>36</small>
| {{red|Whoever aims that<br/>Grip over, then he will be shamed}}
| <small>37</small>
| {{red|Press arm to head<br/>The grip has often robbed saddle}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Here note, this is the break against the sun showing. If someone comes with his right side to your right and wants to throw you with the sun showing, note when he grabs you with the right hand at the jawbone, then strike the right arm over his right, and jolt it firmly to your chest, and lie yourself upon it with the body, and ride forwards, so you throw him, or throw him with the sheep hold.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|102
| <p>[76] {{red|b=1|Item:}} If he comes with his left side to your right and grabs with his left hand behind around you towards your left arm, rise from below backward over his left arm and press him tight behind in the nape. If he then weasels away with the arm, grab his left hand with the left hand, and throw him with the unnamed hold.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|103
| <p>[77] The fourth figure speaks about this: Whoever wards the stab, catch to him, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{Ringeck row MF|104
| <p>[78] {{red|b=1|Another text}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>38</small>
| {{red|Yet if you want to moderate<ref>Original: “dich massen,” to measure or moderate yourself, different original word from “moderately” early in the text, which was translated from “sittiglich.”</ref> yourself<br/>Of the catching, light letting go from you}}
| <small>39</small>
| {{red|Then lead wrestling<br/>Caught without laces}}<ref>Original: “schünre,” translated as “schnüre,” meaning “laces” or “cords.”</ref>
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} Note, this is called the secret wrestle, if you want to make it common, and allow to be evidently seen, drive it as follows: Ride with your left side at his right. If he grips you in front with wrestling, with your right hand, grip his right arm in front by the hand, and jolt it forward, and with the left hand, grip his right elbow, and shove it upwards, and shove his right arm above over the left arm with the right hand, and raise his right arm upwards as such with the left arm. Therefore you have caught him and bound without any bind, and drive this to both sides.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 081v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 082r.jpg|1|lbl=82r}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 082r.jpg|1|lbl=82r}}
{{Ringeck row MF|105
| <p><br/></p>
| class="noline" |  
| class="noline" | <p>[79] </p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>40</small>
| {{red|Note the before-hold<br/>It continually breaks his strength}}
<p>{{red|b=1|Gloss:}} That is, you shall always come before, sooner than he, with the grappling and wrestling which you have heard, and most importantly with the four chief wrestles,<ref>“vier haubt ringñ”</ref> with which you let him come to no plays, that is the sheep hold, the unnamed hold, the sun showing, and the secret hold, and of the catches with the reins, you shall not forget with, and when you can do the wrestles well, no one may throw you hard from the horse without harm.</p>
| class="noline" |
| class="noline" | <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 082r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS E.1939.65.341 082r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| class="noline" |
{{master end}}
{{master begin
{{master begin
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  | work        = Translation (Short Sword)
  | work        = Translation (Long Sword)
| authors    = [[translator::Keith Farrell]]
| source link =
| source title= Academy of Historical Arts
| license    = copyrighted
| work        = Translation (Long and Short Sword)
  | authors    = [[translator::David Rawlings]]
  | authors    = [[translator::David Rawlings]]
  | source link =  
  | source link = https://www.hemac.org/data/Ringeck%20translation%20project%20by%20David%20Rawlings.doc
  | source title= Document circulated online
  | source title= Historical European Martial Arts Commission (HEMAC)
| license    = copyrighted
| work        = Translation (Long Sword)
| authors    = [[translator::Jörg Bellinghausen]]
| source link = https://www.thearma.org/Manuals/Ringeck.htm
| source title= Association for Renaissance Martial Arts
  | license    = copyrighted
  | license    = copyrighted
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  | source link =  
  | source link =  
  | source title= [[Index:Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)]]
  | source title= [[Index:Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)]]
| license    = copyrighted
| work        = [[Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)|Vienna Transcription]]
| authors    = [[Dierk Hagedorn]]
| source link =
| source title= [[Index:Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)]]
  | license    = copyrighted
  | license    = copyrighted

Revision as of 22:13, 28 February 2022

Sigmund ain Ringeck
Period 15th century
Occupation Fencing master
Nationality German
Patron Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria
Movement Fellowship of Liechtenauer
Influences Johannes Liechtenauer
Genres Fencing manual
Language Early New High German
Archetype(s) Hypothetical
First printed
english edition
Tobler, 2001
Concordance by Michael Chidester

Sigmund ain Ringeck (Ainring, Amring, Einring, Sigmund Schining) was a 15th century German fencing master. While the meaning of the name "Schining" (assigned him by Hans Medel) is uncertain, the surname "Ainring[ck]" may indicate that he came from the village of Ainring on the current German/Austrian border. He is named in the text as Schirmaister to Albrecht, Count Palatine of Rhine and Duke of Bavaria. This may signify Schirrmeister, a logistical officer charged with overseeing the wagons and horse-drawn artillery pieces, or potentially Schirmmeister, a title used by lower-class itinerant fencing masters in the Medieval period.[1] Apart from his service to the duke, the only thing that can be determined about his life is that he was connected in some way to the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer—his name was included by Paulus Kal in his roll of members of the Fellowship of Liechtenauer in ca. 1470.[2]

The identity of Ringeck's patron remains unclear, as four men named Albrecht ruled Bavaria during the fifteenth century; assuming that Ringeck was a personal student of Johannes Liechtenauer further narrows the list down to just two. If the MS 3227a is correctly dated to 1389, then Liechtenauer was a 14th century master and Ringeck's patron was Albrecht Ⅰ, who reigned from 1353 to 1404. If, on the other hand, Liechtenauer was an early 15th century master (an associate of H. Beringer) and the Fellowship of Liechtenauer was assembled to fight in the Hussite Wars of the 1420s and 30s, then Ringeck's patron would have been Albrecht Ⅲ, who carried the title from 1438 to 1460.[3] Albrecht Ⅳ claimed the title in 1460 and thus also could have been Ringeck's patron; this would probably signify that Ringeck was not a direct student of Liechtenauer at all, but a later inheritor of the tradition. That said, Albrecht Ⅳ lived until 1508 and so the Dresden, Glasgow, and Salzburg manuscripts were likely created during his reign.

Ringeck is often erroneously credited as the author of the MS Dresd.C.487. Ringeck was indeed the author of one of the core texts, a complete gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on unarmored long sword fencing. However, the remainder of the manuscript contains an assortment of treatises by several different masters in the tradition, and it is currently thought to have been composed in the early 16th century[4] (putting it after the master's presumed lifetime). Regardless, the fact that he was one of only a few known authors of a gloss of the Recital makes Ringeck one of the most important masters of the Liechtenauer tradition.


While only one treatise bears Ringeck's name, a gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on the long sword, he is often considered to be the author of the glosses of the short sword and mounted verses as well. The latter are associated with Ringeck largely due to the previously mentioned misattribution of the entire MS Dresd.C.487 (Dresden), but this is not an entirely unreasonable attribution to make considering the long sword is always accompanied by one or both of the others. All three seem to be based on the gloss of the anonymous author known as "pseudo-Peter von Danzig", which is attested from the 1450s; it is also possible that Ringeck and pseudo-Danzig were the same person, and the gloss attributed to Ringeck is simply the only branch of the larger stemma that retained its author's name.

Compared to the pseudo-Danzig gloss, Ringeck's descriptions are often slightly shorter and contain fewer variations; Ringeck does, however, include a number of unique plays not discussed in the other. Unlike the 15th century versions of pseudo-Danzig, Ringeck's long sword gloss was probably extensively illustrated: both the MS E.1939.65.341 (Glasgow) and MS Var.82 (Rostock) frequently refer readers to these illustrations, and it appears that source for the Dresden did as well, though the scribe attempted to remove all such references as he copied it (one remains intact,[5] one merely dropped the word "pictured",[6] and one was inexplicably replaced by the word "gloss"[7]).

Provisional stemma codicum for Ringeck

The earliest extant version of Ringeck's gloss (apart from the segments that are identical with the pseudo-Danzig) consists of just elevent paragraphs added by Hans von Speyer as addenda to certain sections of the Lew gloss in his 1491 manuscript M.Ⅰ.29 (Salzburg).[8] A twelfth paragraph was integrated by Speyer into pseudo-Danzig's introduction to the Krummhaw, so that Ringeck's explanation of how to use the Krumm as a counter-cut complements pseudo-Danzig's explanation of how to use it to counter the guard Ochs.

The early 16th century saw three more versions created, two containing the majority of the text. Dresden, which has been by far the subject of the most previous research, has been dated by watermark analysis to 1504-19,[4] and thus was likely created in or shortly after that time-frame. It is the most extensive version of Ringeck's work, but unfortunately it also seems to be a hasty, error-ridden copy with frequent deletions, insertions, spelling errors, word confusion, and critical omissions (including key words like subjects and verbs, and even whole lines of the Zettel); in the long sword, the majority of paragraphs also seem to have been shortened or truncated and most references to Ringeck's illustrations have been dropped (as detailed above), and in the mounted fencing, the gloss only includes Ringeck's first four plays before switching to the Pseudo-Danzig gloss for the remainder.

The 1508[9] Glasgow, in contrast, is written in a clear and tidy hand and its long sword gloss includes 31 painted, if somewhat low-grade, illustrations (presumably copies of the originals). Its text is generally longer than equivalent passages in the Dresden, including additional information and variations, but like the Dresden it appears to be incomplete in its present form: the first 39 paragraphs of the long sword gloss from the Dresden have no equivalent in the extant manuscript, which begins in the middle of the Twerhaw, and it omits the short sword entirely. On the other hand, it contains the only full copy of the mounted fencing gloss.

The third version from this period, the Vienna, is found at the end of a manuscript attributed to the workshop of Albrecht Dürer; like all of Dürer's fencing material, appears to be connected with the visit of Emperor Maximilian Ⅰ to Dürer's home city of Nuremberg in 1512.[10] This manuscript contains only a disordered but complete rendering of the short sword gloss; this is particularly strange because the manuscript also contains wrestling plays potentially derived from the Glasgow Fechtbuch (which omits the short sword and includes the other two).

The remaining two versions of Ringeck's text come from later in the 16th century. In 1553, Paulus Hector Mair produced the Reichstadt Nr. 82 (Augsburg) based on the papers of the late master Antonius Rast.[11] Included in this manuscript was a version of Nicolaüs' long sword gloss that is largely complete up to couplet 95 of the Recital where, with no explanation, it switches over to Ringeck's gloss for the remainder of the text.

The final version, Rostock, is the third substantial one (along with Dresden and Glasgow); it was probably created in the 1560s and was owned by Freifechter Joachim Meÿer until his death in 1571.[12] It contains nearly all of Ringeck's presumed gloss of the short sword verses, but only an abbreviated (thought still extensive) version of the long sword gloss. Rostock's long sword gloss only includes key passages and omits most of the follow-on plays to each of the Haupstucke; like Glasgow it directs readers to consult Ringeck's illustrations, but unlike Glasgow these illustrations were never added to the manuscript (nor was room left for them).

All six extant versions of Ringeck's gloss are thus fragmentary, but enough text remains in each to demonstrate a lack of interdependence—apart from Augsburg, which could conceivably derive from Glasgow if the scribe were particularly careless. Each of the other five manuscripts has a unique constellation of plays which can be authenticated from other versions as a group, but do not match any other single version to demonstrate copying. All appear therefore to proceed separately from the lost original, unless we suppose that someone gathered up multiple copies to compile a new one (but even that supposition could only account for Rostock, not the others).

Due to the fragmentary nature of the stemma at the moment and the lack of anything resembling an autograph or archetype, for the long sword translation below all versions were treated as co-authoritative: whenever feasible the longest sample was given preference, and the differences between versions detailed in the footnotes. A similarly-complete short sword translation will be hosted when it becomes available.

(A final text of interest with respect to Ringeck is the treatise of Hans Medel von Salzburg, which was acquired by Mair in 1539[13] and bound into the Cod. Ⅰ.6.2º.5 after 1566.[14] Medel demonstrates familiarity with the teachings of a variety of 15th century Liechtenauer masters, including Nicolaüs and Hans Seydenfaden von Erfurt, but his text primarily takes the form of a revision and expansion of Ringeck's long sword gloss. While enough of Ringeck's original text survives Medel's editing that it too can be shown to not derive from any other surviving manuscript, the amount of unique and altered content is such that it is not included in the concordance below, nor used in the translation.)


Ringeck's gloss might be said to have kicked off the modern HEMA movement: a complete transcription of the Dresden version was included by Martin Wierschin in his landmark Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des Fechtens in 1965, which was the first "HEMA book". This transcription was later translated to modern German by Christoph Kaindel in the 1990s. Forty years later, a new transcription was authored by Dierk Hagedorn and posted on the Hammaborg site in 2008.

The first English translations were produced in 2001 by Jörg Bellinghausen and Christian Tobler. An early draft of Bellinghausen's translation of the long sword was posted on the ARMA site, whereas Tobler's translated was published by Chivalry Bookshelf in Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship. Jörg Bellinghausen indicates that he completed translation afterward, but it was lost in a computer mishap and he never reproduced it; instead, in 2003 David Rawlings completed his work by translating the remaining plays of the long sword as well as the short sword section. A fourth English translation was produced by David Lindholm and published in 2005 by Paladin Press in two volumes: Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword and Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Arts of Combat: Sword-and-Buckler Fighting, Wrestling, and Fighting in Armor.

Other translations produced in the '00s include an anonymous French translation posted on the ARDAMHE site, Eugenio García-Salmones' Spanish translation posted on the AVEH site in 2006 (translated from the French), Gábor Erényi's partial Hungarian translation posted on the Schola Artis Gladii et Armorum site in 2009, and Andreas Engström's Swedish translation posted on the GHFS site. In 2010, Keith Farrell translated the Swedish into a fifth English version, and in 2013, Federico Malagutti translated Farrell's English into Italian.

All of these translations were based exclusively on the Dresden version, which was the only version known in the 20th century and thought to be unique (perhaps even an autograph) until other versions began surfacing in the 21st.

The Glasgow Fechtbuch was identified in Sydney Anglo's 2000 opus as merely "[R. L.] Scott's Liechtenauer MS",[15] but it was eventually determined to contain writings of Ringeck. In 2009, the first 24 folia were transcribed by Anton Kohutovič and posted on the Gesellschaft Liechtenauers site, and the complete manuscript was translated by Dierk Hagedorn and posted on Hammaborg. It's unclear when the Rostock version was first identified as pertaining to Joachim Meyer, but it began circulating prior to 2009 and Kevin Maurer authored a partial transcription in 2011, after which Ringeck's section was recognized; Dierk Hagedorn posted a complete transcription on Hammaborg in 2015.

On the other hand, the Salzburg version was well-known going back at least to Wierschin, and transcriptions were posted by Beatrix Koll on the Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg site in 2002 and by Dierk Hagedorn on the Hammaborg site in 2009; likewise, the Aubsburg version was known going back at least to Hans-Peter Hils, and a transcription by Werner Ueberschär was posted on the Schwertbund Nurmberg site in 2012. However, the fact that these manuscripts included fragments of Ringeck's gloss was not realized until they were added to Wiktenauer in the 2010s. Likewise, the Vienna version has been known as a manuscript illustrated by Albrecht Dürer for centuries, but the attribution of the short sword teachings to Ringeck wasn't made until Dierk Hagedorn's transcription of 2016.

In 2015, Christian Trosclair authored a sixth translation of the long sword section for Wiktenauer, which was the first that incorporated all five known versions of that section. In 2017, Trosclair's translation was translated to Indonesian by Pradana Pandu Mahardhika. Trosclair later revised his translation in 2021-22.

More recently, Stephen Ceney authored a seventh translation of the long sword section, based on Dresden and Glasgow, which he self-published in Ringeck · Danzig · Lew Longsword in 2020. He also authored the first translation of the Glasgow version of Ringeck's mounted fencing and donated it to Wiktenauer.

Select one or more fencing styles using the checkboxes below to view the associated treatises.

The number in brackets at the beginning of each translation box is a paragraph number assigned by Wiktenauer; clicking it will take you to the translation page. The numbers in brackets in the transcriptions with an "r" or "v" are manuscript folio numbers; clicking them will take you to original page scan with the transcription alongside for comparison. If you want to sort a column by number, click the black triangles in the table headers.

Whenever the Glasgow version mentions an illustration, the scan is included in the illustration column whether it has a picture or not. The Rostock version has no illustrations at all in this section, so it is not pictured when it mentions them.

Long sword


Glasgow Version


Draft Translation Draft translation (2022) by Christian Trosclair

Featured Translation (all versions) Featured translation (2015) by Christian Trosclair

Draft Translation (Dresden only) Draft translation (2010) by Keith Farrell

Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (1999-03) by Jörg Bellinghausen and David Rawlings


Salzburg Version (1491) by Dierk Hagedorn

Dresden Version (1504-19) by Dierk Hagedorn

Glasgow Version (1508) by Dierk Hagedorn

Augsburg Version (1553) by Werner Ueberschär

Rostock Version (1570) by Dierk Hagedorn

Short sword




Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (2003) by David Rawlings

Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (1999) by Jörg Bellinghausen


Dresden Version (1504-19) by Dierk Hagedorn

Vienna Version (1512) by Dierk Hagedorn

Rostock Version (1570) by Dierk Hagedorn

Mounted fencing


Glasgow Version


Draft Translation (Glasgow only) Draft translation (2020) by Stephen Cheney


Dresden Version (1504-19) by Dierk Hagedorn

Glasgow Version (1508) by Dierk Hagedorn

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Draft Translation Draft translation (2022)
by Christian Trosclair

Featured Translation Featured translation (2015)
by Christian Trosclair

Draft Translation (Dresden only) Draft translation (2011)
by Keith Farrell

Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (2003)
by David Rawlings

Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (2001)
by Jörg Bellinghausen

Salzburg Version (1491) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Dresden Version (1504-19) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Glasgow Version (1508) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Augsburg Version (1553) [edit]
Transcribed by Werner Ueberschär

Rostock Version (1570) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn


Incomplete Translation (Dresden only) Unfinished translation (2003)
by David Rawlings

Dresden Version (1504-19) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Vienna Version (1512) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Rostock Version (1570) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Die vor red mitt dem text

Wer absinnet /
fi vechten zu° fu°ssen beginnet /
Der schick sin sper /
Zwaÿ sten an heben recht [89v] wer ·:

Glosa Mörck daß solt du also versten Weñ zwen zu° fu°ssen in hamasch mitt ain ander fechten wollen So soll ÿeder man haben drÿerlaÿ wär / ain sper ain schwert vnd ain degenn Vnd daß erste anheben soll geschechen mitt dem lang langen sper Domitt solt du dich mitt rechter wer schicken In dem anheben In zwaÿen stendt alß du hernach hörn wirst ~ ~ ~~  

Das ist die vorred mit dem Texte.

Wer absinnet,
fechtens zu Fuss beginnt,
der schick sein Sper,
zwei sten anheben recht wer.

Glosa. Merk das solstu also vernemen, wenn zween zu fuss in Harnisch mit ein ander fechten wollen, so sol Jedern haben dreierlei wher, ein Sper, ein schwerdt und ein degen und das erst anheben sol geschehen mit dem Sper, damit solstu dich mit verhser wehr [98v] in dem anhebenn zu schickenn, in tzwen steendt als du hernach horenn würdest.

Der text von zwaien stend~

Sper vnd ort /
den vorstich Stich on forcht
Springe winde secz recht an /
wert er zucke daß gesigt im an ·:

Glosa Daß ist der erst stand mitt dem sper [90r] Wann ir baÿde von den rossen abgetretten sind So stand mitt dem lincken fu°ß vor vnd halt din sper zu° dem schuß / vñ tritt also zu° im daß allweg din lincker fu°ß vor blÿb Vñ wart dz du ee schüsst den er vñ folg bald dem schuss nach zu° im mitt dem schwert So kan er kaine~ gewissen schuß vff dich haben Vñ grÿff zu° dem schwert ~

Das Ist der text von den zwen Stendenn

Sper vnnd ortt
den vorstich Stich an vorcht
spring vnd wend setz recht an
wert er zuck das gesigt Im an

Glosa merck das erst Stand mitt mutt [!] dem Sper wen Ire beid von den Rossen abgedrettenn seitt So stee mit dem linken fus vor vnd halt vnnd haltt [!] dein Sper mit dem Schus vnd dritt also zw Ime das albeg dein linker fuß vor bleib vnd [105v] wartt das dw Ee Scheust dan er vnd volg bald dem Schuß nach zw Ime mitt dem Schwertt So kan er keynen gewissen Schus auff dich habenn vnnd zw Ime mitt dem Schwertt

Der ander stand im sper

Mörck ob du din sper nitt verschiessen wilt So halt es nebe~ dine~ rechten sÿtten zu° der vndern hu°tt vñ gee also zu° im Vnnd stich im ku~nlich von vnde~ vff zu° de~ gesicht Ee wann er dir Sticht er a dann mitt dir glich ein oder versectzt [90v] So far vff mitt dem sper in die obern hu°t So blÿpt dir sin ort vff dinem lincken arm Vnd mitt dem so heng im den ort über sine~ arm in sin gesicht / fört er dann vff vnd versetzt mitt dem lincken arm So züch vnd secz im den ort vnde~ sin lincke v~chsen in die blöß ~

Merck dw ob dw dein Sper nit verschiessenn wild So haltt Es nebenn deyner rechten seyten In der vndern hutt vnnd gee also zw Ime vnd Stich in kunlich von vnnden auff zw dem gesicht Ee wen er dir | sticht er den… [107v] …mit der gleich ein (?) oder versetzt So far auff mit dem Sper In die obern hutt so Bleibt dir sein ort auff deynem linken arm in seim gesicht fert er auff vnd versetzt mit dem linken arm so zuckt vnd setzt Im den ortt vnter sein links vchssen In die Blose

Das ist der ander standt mit dem Sper.

Merck ob du dein Sper nit verschießenn wilt, so halt es nebenn deiner Rechtenn seitten. In der vnternn hut, vnnd gehe also tzu im, vnnd stich Im künlich von vntenn auf tzu dem gesicht, ee wen er dir. sticht er denn.[109r] …Mit dir gleich ein oder versetzt, So far auf mit dem Sper in die obernn hut, so bleibt dir sein ortt [109v] auf deinem linckenn arm, vnnd mit dem so heng im denn ort vber seinenn arm in sein gesicht, fert er denn auf vnnd versetzet, mit dem linckenn arm, so tzuck vnnd setz im den ort vnter sein lincke vchsenn in die plos.

Der text wie man zucken soll

Wilt du mitt stechen /
mitt zucken lern vor brechen ·:

Glosa Mörck daß ist / daß du wol lernen solt daß du also zuckest Vnnd vernÿm daß also wann du im vß der vndern hu°t zu° stichst Versectz er mitt dem sper / dz sin ort besÿzt besÿtz neben dir vß gat So zuck durch vnd stich im zu° der andere~ sÿtten Oder pleibt er dir mitt der andern [91r] versaczüng mitt dem ort vor de~ gesicht So zucke nicht / vñ pleÿb mitt de~ sper an dem sÿnen / vñ arbait mitt dem winden zu° der nechsten blöß die dir werden mag ~ ~

Der text

Mörch will er ziechen /
võ schaid~ vñ will fliechenn
Solt solt du im nachen :
Ja wÿßlich wart deß fachen ·:

Glosa Merck daß ist wie du solt nachraisen mitt dem sper Mörck wañ du vorkumst mitt de~ stich verseczt er vñ will sich am sper abziechen So volg im nach mitt de~ ort / triftest du in do mitt So dring in für dich Will er dañ vß dem ort hindersich fliechen vnd wendt dir zu° ein sÿtten So wart dz du im zu° derselben sÿtten ein lauffest Vnd in wÿsslich begrÿffest mitt ringe~ [91v] vñ mitt armbrüchen alß du hernach geschriben fündest ~

Das ist der text von ringen zu Kampf

Ob du wilst ringen,
hinter bein recht lere springen
Regel fur shiessen,
das vorbein kunstlich beschliessen

Glosa. Merck das ist wenn du mit ihm kombst zu ringen, so soldtu wissen, wie du vorn oder linken fur das bein springen. … [103r] …Solt das er hat vorgesetzt, vnnd das sol geschehenn nit mer denn mit einem zu trit.

Item mörck de~ thu° also

Wenn du in angriffest mitt ringen / vnd er dich wide~ / Welche~ fu°ß vor secz / hat er den lincken vor so schlach im sin lincke hand vß mitt diner rechten Vnnd mitt dem vßschlage~ so spring mitt dine~ rechten fu°ß hinden sine~ lincken [92r] vnd truck in mitt dem rechte~ knÿ hinde~ hinden In sin linck knÿckel vñ ruck in mitt baiden henden über daß selbig knÿ

Item merck dem thw also

wen dw Ine angreiffest mit Ringenn vnd er dich wider So sich welchenn fus er vorsetzt hatt er den linkenn fus vor so schlag So schlag Im den linken fus auß hand auß mit deyner Rechten vnd mit dem auß schlahenn so spring mit deynem rechten hinter seynen linken fus vnnd druck In mit deynem rechten knye In sein linke [108v] kniekyl vnnd Ruck Im|mit beiden hennden vber das selbig knye

Der text

Von baÿden henden /
ob du mitt kunst gerst zu° enden ·:

Glosa Daß ist daß du alle ringen solt wissen zu° tribenn võ baiden sÿtten Ist daß du mitt kunst enden wilt dar nach [92v] alß du an in kumst Vnd dz vernÿm also Wañ du mitt dem rechte~ fu°ß springst hinder sine~ lincken Tritt er dann im spru~g mitt sine~ lincken fu°ß zu° rucke So volg im bald nach zu° der andern sÿtten mitt dine~ lincken fu°ß hinder sine~ recht~ vñ wirff in über dz knÿ Oder verschlaiß im dz sin knÿ mitt dine~ bain alß vor geschriben stät ~

Daß ist der text wie man sich sol schicken mitt dem sper wide~ daß schwert ~~

Ob er sich ver ruckt /
daß schwert gegen sper wu~rd gezu~ckt
Der stÿch war nÿm
Spring fahe ringens eÿl zu° im 

Glosa Mörck daß ist wann du din gleffen ver schosse~ hãst Vnd er behelt die sinen So [93r] schick dich also gegen im mitt de~ schwert Griff mitte der lincken hand mitte~ in die clingen vñ leg das schwert für dich mitten vff dz knÿ din linckes knÿ In die hu°t oder halt es neben diner rechten sÿtten In der vndern hu°t ~~~ ~ ~

Das ist der text wie man sich soll Schickenn mit dem Sper wider das Schwertt

Ob es sich verruckt
das Schwert gegenn sperr wirt gezuckt
der Stich warnim
Spring vach ringe eyl zw Im

Glosa merck das Ist wen dw dein gleffen verschossenn hast vnnd er behelt dye seynenn So Nim eben war wie er sye gefast hab ob er den ortt lanck oder kurtz sein vorgesatzte hand lest fur gen oder ob er dir damit oben oder vnnden will zw Stechenn hatt er sye dan kurtz geuast vnd will [109r] In die obern hutt so leg das Schwertt fur dich auff dein lincks knye In die hutt

Das ist der Text wie man sich sol schicken mit dem Sper wider das schwert.

Ob es sich verruckt,
das schwert gegenn sper wirt getzuckt,
der stich war nim,
spring, fahe ringens eil tzu im.

Glosa. Merck das ist, wenn du dein glefen verschoßenn hast, vnnd er behelt die seinen, So nim ebenn war, wie er sie gefast hab, ob er denn ortt [104r] langk oder kurtz fur sein vorgesatzte handt lest fur gehenn, vnnd ob er dir damit obenn oder vntenn, wil tzu stechenn, hat er sie dann kurtz gefast, vnd wil damit in die obernn hut, so leg das schwert fur dich auf dein lincks knie in die hut.

Item sticht er dir zu° mitt der glefen wañ du stäst in der vndern hu°t So secz im den stich ab mitt dem schwert vor [93v] diner lincken hand vff sin rechte sÿtten vnd wart deß anseczents oder der Ringen ~ ~ ~

Item oder Sticht er dir mit dem Sper vndenn zw dem gemecht So vach sein Sper In die linkenn hand vnd halt es damit vaste vnd Sticht Im mit der Rechtenn vnnden zw dem gemecht vnd Ruck er dan sein Sper vast an sich vnd will dir das auß der hand reyssen So las das Sper vrbering auß der hand farn So gibt er sich plos So begreiffe sein Schwertt bald mit der linkenn hand wider mitten In der klingenn [109v] vnd volg Im Bald nach vnd Setz Ime ann

Der text von den blossen

Leder vnnd handschüch
Vnnd den augen die blöß recht su°ch ·:

Glosa Das ist wañ du aine~ gewapnete~ man an seczen wilt So solt du der blöß eben war nemen Der ersten [94v] In daß gesicht / oder vnder den v°chsen / oder in den teñern / ode~ hinden in die handtschu°ch Oder in die knÿkeln oder zwischen den bainen oder in allen glidern da der harnosch sin gelenck iñen hat Wann an den stetten ist de~ man am besten zegewinnen vñ die blossen solt du recht wissen zu° su°chen / dz du nach aine~ nicht wÿt griffen solt wañ dir ain nächere werden mag / Daß tu° mitt aller were die zu° dem kanpff gehörent etc

Der text von dem verborgnen ringen

Verbotten Ringen /
wÿßlich zu° lern bringen /
Zu° schlissen finde
die starcken domitt über winde ~

Glosa Das ist wañ ainer dem andern andern ein laufft So lauß din schwert fallen vñ wardt [95r] domitt wÿßlich der ringen die zu° dem kampff gehören / vñ verbotte~ sin von allen wÿsen maistern des schwerts Daß man die vff offenbare~ schu°len nÿemancz lernen noch seche~ lasen sol daru~ daß sÿ zu° dem kampff fechten gehörn vñ daß sind die armbrüch / Bainbruch / hoden stoß / mortstoß / knÿstoß / vinger lausunge / äugen griff / vnd dar zu° mer ~ ~ ~ 

Das ist der text mit den verpotten zw Ringen

Verpottenn Ringen
weyßlich zw lere bringenn
zw schliessenn vnd
die Starcken damit vber wind

Glosa merck das Ist wen einer dem andern ein lawfft So las dein Schwertt zw hand fallen vnd wart damit weyßlich der ringenn die zw dem kampff gehorenn die verbotten sein von alten weissen meinster des schwertz das man auff offenbaren Schulen nyemantz lernen noch sehenn soll lassenn Darumb das sye zw dem kampff fechten gehorenn das sein die arm bruch vnd pein bruch zw hodenn stosß vnd mortt Stosß vnnd knye [110r] Stoeß vnd vinger losung vnd augenn greyffung vnd dar zw mer

Das ist der Text vonn denn verpotnenn Ringenn.

Verpottenn Ringen,
weislich tzu lere bringenn
zu schliessenn finde,
die starcken damit vberwinde.

Glosa. Merck das ist wenn einer dem andern einlauft, so las dein schwert zu handt fallenn, vn[d] [105v] wart damit weislich der ringens, die zi dem kampf gehoren, die verbotten sein, vom alten weisens Meistern des Schwerts, das man die auff offen waren schulen niemandts lernen nach ~sehen lassen darumb das sie zu° dem kampff fechten gehörn. Das sein die armbrüch / Bainbruch / hoden stoß / mortstoß / kniestoß / finger losing und äugen greiffen und darzu° mehr.

Hie solt du morcken die ringen

Item grifft dich an ainer oben mitt ringen vñ will dich mitt störck zu° im rucken oder võ im stossen So schlach den rechten arm vssen über sin lincken forne~ vorne~ bÿ siner hand vnnd truck den mitt baiden henden an din brüst vñ spring mitt dim [95v] rechten fu°ß hinde~ sinen lincken Vñ wirff in über dz knÿ vß dem füß ~

Item grifft er dich an mitt ringen vñ halt er dich dann nitt fast vast So begrÿff sin rechte hand mitt dine~ rechten vñ ruck in zu° dir mitt der lincken begrÿff im den elnbogen vñ schrÿtt mitt de~ lincken fu°ß für sinen rechten Vñ ruck in also darüber Oder fall im mitt der brust vff den arm vñ brich im den also It~ grÿff mitt der lincken hand sin lincke vorne~ bÿ der hand vñ ruck in zu° dir vñ schlach din rechte~ arm mitt störck über sin lincken In das glenck der armbu~ge vnd brich mitt der lincke hannd sin lincke v~ber sin rechte~ vnd spring

Item greift er dich an mit ringen, helt er dich dem nit fast so begreif sein rechte handt mitt [106r] deiner Rechtenn, vnnd ruck in tzu dir mit der lincken begreif im denn Elnpogenn, vnnd schreit mit dem linckenn fus für, seinenn Rechtenn, vnnd ruck in also daruber, oder fal im mit der prust auff denn arm, vnd brich im denn also. Item begreif mit der linckenn handt sein lincken, vorn bey der hanndt, vnnd ruck in tzu dir, vnnd schlag den Rechtenn arm mit sterck vber seinenn lincken, in das gelenck der armpug, vnnd prich mit der linc[k]enn handt sein linckenn vber dein Rechtenn, vnnd spring mit dem Rechten fus hinter sein Rechtenn vnd wirf in also daruber.

[96r] mitt dem rechte~ fu°ß hinde~ sinen rechten vñ wirff in also darüber etc~

Item wen er dich fast bey den armen vnd er dich wider Stett er den Starck gestrackt mit dem fus den er hatt fur [110v] gesetzt So stoß In mit dem fus auff das selbig knye So prichstu Ime den fus

[106v] fus, auff dasselbige knie, so brichstu im den fus.

[96v] Item wann er nach dir grÿfft mitt offen henden oder mitt gerackten fingern So wart ob du im ainen finger begrüffen mügst Vñ brüch im den übersich Vnd für in domitt zu° dem kraÿß ~ ~~

Auch gewinst du Im do mitt die sÿtten an vñ sunst vill ander grosser vortail ~ Der text võ aine~ lere

Item aller lere /
den ort gege~ der blöß köre ·:

Glosa Daß ist daß du mitt allen drÿ wörn die zu° dem kampff gehörn allweg mitt dem ort zu° den blossen stechen solt die dir vorgenant sind / vnd sunst nicht / anders es bringt dir schaden etc~~  ~

Item wenn er nach dir greift mit offen hendenn oder mit geräcktenn fingernn, So wart ob du im ein finger begreiffenn magst, vnnd prich im denn vbersich vnnd fur in damit tzu dem krais auch gewinstu in damit die seittenn ann, vnnd sonnst vil groß vortail. Das ist der Text von einer lere.

Item alle lere,
den ort gegen der plos kere.

Glosa. Merck das ist das du mit allenn trewenn werenn, die zu dem kampf gehornn, alweg mit dem ort zu denn ploßenn stechenn, solt, die dir vorgenant sein, vnnd sonnst nit oder es bringt dir schadenn.

[97r] Der text wie man soll fecht~ Im schwert gegen schwert zu° kampff ~~

Wo man von schaiden /
schwert zucken sieht von In baiden /
So soll mã stercken
Die schutten eben recht eben merken mörcken ·:

Glosa Daß ist öb sÿ baidde die sper verschossen hetteñ vnd solten fechten vechten mitt den schwertern So salt du vor allen dingen mörcken vñ wissen daß die vier hu°ten mitt dem kurczen schwert / vnd daruß stich im allweg zu° der obern blöß Sticht er dañ mitt dir glich ein ode~ bindt dir an dz schwert So salt du zu° hand mercken ob er hert oder waich am schwert ist Vñ wenn du enpfunnden hau~st So trÿb die [97v] störck gegen im die du hernach geschriben wirst sechen ~~~  

Das Ist der text wie man soll vechten mit dem Schwertt gegen dem Schwertt

Wo man von scheyden
zw schwertt zuckenn sicht vonn Ir beyden
so sol man streckenn
die schutten rechte eben mercken

Glosa Das ist ob wir beyde die Sper verschossenn habend vnd wollen vechten mit den Schwerten So soltu vor allen dingen wissenn die vier huten mit dem kurtzen Schwert vnd darauß stich Im alwegenn zw den obern bloeß Sticht er den mit dir gleich ein oder bind dir an das Schwert so soltu zw hand merckenn ob er hert oder weich am [111r] Schwertt Ist vnd wen dw das Empffunden hast So treib die Stuck gegen Ime die gegen der weich oder gegen der hert gehorenn

Hie merck die erst hut mit dem halbenn schwert.

Item halt dein schwert mit der rechtenn handt bey der handhab, vnnd mit der linckenn greif mittenn in die clingenn, vnnd halt es neben deiner Rechtenn seittenn, vber dein haupt, vnd las denn ort [107v] vnntersich hangenn, dem mã gegen dem gesicht.

Item mörck ain aid anders

Stich im zu° alß vor / verseczt er vor siner lincken hannd mitt dem schwert vñ blipt dir mitt dem ort vor dem [98v] gesicht vñ will diner dir anseczen so begrÿff mitt de~ lincken hand sÿn schwert bÿ dem ort vnd halt daß föst vñ mitt de~ kerechten hand stich im kröffticlichen zu° den gemächten

Item merck ein annders,

Stich im tzu als vor, versetzt er vor seiner linckenn handt mit dem schwert vnnd pleibt dir mit dem ort vor dem gesicht, vnd wil dir ansetzenn, so begreif mit der linckenn hanndt sein schwert bey dem ortt, vnnd halt das [108r] fest, vnnd mit der Rechtenn stich im kreftiglichenn tzu dem gemecht

zuckt er dan sein Schwertt vast an sich vnnd will dir das auß der hand Reyssenn So las Im das Schwertt [111v] vrbering farn so gibt er sich plos So begreiff dein Schwertt bald mit der linken hand wider mitten In der clingen vnd volge Im nach

Item ain anders

Begrÿffstu sin schwert vñ er das din So [99r] wirff sin schwert vß de~ lincken hand Vnd do mitt begrÿff daß din wide~ mitten inder clingen vnd wind im den ort ausen über sin lincke hand vñ secz im an ~ ~

Item wann du Im vß der obern hu°t zu° stichst fölt er dir dann mitt der lincken hannd in din schwert zwischen dine~ baid~ henden So far im mitt dem [99v] kr knopff vsswendig oder Inwendig über sin lincke hannd vñ reÿß vff din rerchte sÿtten vnd secz im an au~ch magst du vsß der obern hu°t mitt dem knopff wol schlachen wann es dir eben ist ~~ Die ander hu°tt mitt dem kurczen schwert zu° kampff

Merck halt din schwert mitt baiden henden vnd halt daß vndersich zu° dine~ rechten sÿtten mitt der handhäben neben dine~ rechten knÿ vñ dz din lincker fu°ß vor stee vñ din ort dem man gege~ din ge gesicht ~ ~ ~ : ~

Item wenn du im aus der obernn hut zu stichst felt er dir dann mit der linckenn handt in dein schwert, zwischenn deinenn beidenn hennden, so far im mit dem knopf auswendig oder inwendig, vber sein [108v] lincke hanndt, vnnd reiß auf dein Rechte seittenn, vnnd setz im ann, auch magstu aus der obernn hut mit dem knopf wol schlagen wẽ es dir ebẽ ist. Das ist die ander hut mit dem kurtzen schwert zu kampff.

Merck halt dein schwert mit baiden hendenn, vnnd halt es vntersich, tzu deiner Rechten seittenn, mit der handhab nebenn deinem Rechtenn knie vnnd das dein lincker fus vor stehe, vnnd der ort dem man gegen dem gesicht.

Item wañ er dir oben zu° sticht So grÿffe mitt der lincken hand sin schwert vor sine~ lincken vñ mitt der rechten secz I din schwert mitt dem gehülcz [100v] an din brüst vnnd secz im an etc

Item stich im zu° vß der vndern hu°t fert er dann durch mitt dem knopff vnde~ din schwert vnd will domitt abseczen So blÿb im mitt dem ort starck vor dem gesicht vnd truck Im sin gerechte hand also vnder [122r] die wil wÿl er durch windt vñ secz im an ~~ ~~

…vnnter dein Schwertt vnd will damit absetzen oder Reyssenn So pleib Im mit dem ortt Starck vor dem gesicht vnd truck Ime sein Rechte handt also vntersich dieweyl er durch windett vnd setze Ime ann

Item also brich daß

Wenn dir aine~ mitt sine~ lincken hand begrÿfft din schwert In der [122v] mitten zu° dem sinen Vñ will dir daß vsßrissen So mörck die wil er dir daß schwert fasst in die lincken hand zu° dem sine~ So far vff in die obern hu°t vnd secz im an ~ ~~

Item stich im aus der vntern hut inwendig tzum gesicht, versetzt er so tzuck vnnd stich im außenn tzum gesicht, versetzt er furbas, so far im mit dem knopf, vorn vber sein Rechte achseln vmb den hals vnd spring mit dem Rechtenn fus hinter sein lincken, vnd ruck in mit dem knopf vber das [99v] pain so felt er.

Item Also prich das

wer dir mit dem knopff forn vmb dein hals fert vnd mit dem Rechten fus Springt hinter den linken [112r] So greiff sein rechtenn arm mit deyner linkenn handt vnd truck den vast an dein prust vnd wend dich von Im auf dein prust rechte seitten vnd faß In auff dein Rechte hufft vnd wurff In fur dich

Die dritt hu°tt mitt dem kurczen schwert

Item halt din schwert mitt baÿden henden alß vor geschriben stät vñ leg es über [125v] din linckes knÿ Vñ daruff brich im alle sine stuck mitt verseczen etc

Item far vnden durch mitt dem knopff über sin vorgeseczte hand vñ ruck domitt [101r] vndersich vñ secz im an Au~ch magst du vnden durch wechlen mitt dem knopff vñ im den stich abseczen ~~~~ : Item du vindest och hernach geschriben wie du vß der drÿtten hu°t die schläg die man schlächt mitt dem knopff verseczen soll

[101v] hu°tten kumen Also weñ du im stichst zu° der blöß vñ dz de~ ort hafft in dem harnasch So winde allwege~ din gehu~lcz an din brust vnd dring in also von dir hinweg vnl vnd lauß in nitt von dem ort abkomen So mag er weder stechen noch haw°en noch schlachen ~~~ : ~

Das ist die vierd hutt mit dem kurtzen schwertt zw kempffenn

Halt das Schwertt mit beyden henndenn als vorgestriben [!] steet vnd halt es mit der hand hab vnter dein Rechte vchssenn vnd setz das gehultz forn an die Brust das der [112v] ortt gegenn dem man Stee vnnd In die hutt soltu auß allenn dreien hutten kumen Also wen dw Im Stichst zw der ploes vnd das der ortt hafft In dem harnaschs So wind alweg dein gehultz an dein prust vnd dring In also von dir hinweg vnd las In nicht abkomenn von dem ortt So mag er weder Stechen noch Schlagen

Item wañ du im hast angeseczt Ist er dañ lenger wann/du bist So dring in also von dir daß din ort übersich vff gee vñ im wol in die ringe geseczt sÿ

Ist er aber kürczer dañ du bist So lauß din schwert mitt dem knopff zu° diner rechten [102r] sÿtten vnder sich ab sincken bisß vff die rechten hüffe vnd daß din ort übersich stande Vnd im in die ring wol geseczt sÿ alß vor vnd dring in also für dich vñ lauß in von dem schwert nicht abkomen ~ ~ ~~ : ~

Der text von den vor vñ nach

Vor vnd nach die zwaÿ ding /
brieffe wÿßliche~ lere mitt ab spring ·:

Glosa Das ist dz du vor allen sachen solt wissen daß vor vnd daß nach wañ vß den zwaÿen digne~ gätt gett alle kunst zu° kampffe Doch So gedenck daß du allweg y for vor [102v] komest ee dañ er Es sÿ mitt aine~ schlag ode~ mitt aine~ stich So mu°ß er dir verseczen vnd alß balde alß er mitt der vez versaczu~g an daß schwert bindt So trÿbe din stuck behentlich So mag er vor # sinen#dine~ stucken vor dine~ arbaÿt nicht komen Vnd daß haisst daß vor ~~~  

Das ist der text vonn dem vor vnd von Nach

Vor vnnd nach die zwey ding
pruff weißlich lere mit abspring

Glosa das Ist das dw von allen Sachenn solt wissenn das vor vnd das nach wen auß denn weyenn dingen gett alle kunst… [105v] …zw kampff Doch So gedenck das dw alweg vor kompst den er es sey mitt eynem Slag oder mit eynem Stich So muß er dir versetzen vnnd als bald er mit der versatzung an das Swertt bindt So treib dein stuck behendiglich So mag er vor deyner arbeitt zw seynen Stucken nit komen vnd das heist das vor

[102r] …zu kampf, doch so gedennck das du alweg vor kumbst es den er es sey mit einem schlag oder mit einem stich, so mus er dir versetzenn, vnnd als bald er mit der versatzung an das schwert bindt, so treib deine stuck behendiglich so mag er vor deiner arbeit tzu seinenn stuckenn nit kummen, vnd das heist das vor.

Item hie mörck daß nach

Daß sind die/brüch wide~ alle stuck die er vff dich trÿbt trÿpt Vnd daß ver nem nÿm also kumpt v er vor dz du im verseczen mu°st So su°ch zu° hand mitt de~ versäczüng mitt dem ort die nechsten blöß So gewinst du [103r] mitt dine~ versaczüng die arbait Vnnd dz haisst daß nach ~~  

Item hie soltu merckenn, das in dem kampfechtenn nicht mer sol sein den ein abdrit, vnd ein tzu trit, vnnd das vernim also. Vbereilt er dich das du tzu keiner versatzung kummen magst, so soltu nur ein drit zu Ruck thun mit dem lincken fus, vnn[d] Wart weislich das du im mit einem tzu trit des [102v] linckenn fus, wider ansetzest oder begreiffest mitt ringenn.

Item gegen den schick dich also Leg dich gege~ im in ain hu°t Legt er sich dann och in aine So mörck eben wann [104r] er sin schwert an sich zücht / will stechen oder vff hept vñ will schlachen So folg im bald bald nach mitt dem ort zu° der nechsten blösse Ee wenn er den stich oder den schlag verbringt Wirt er dañ des anseczens gewar / vñ verseczt aber wÿt mitt de~ schwert vñ su°cht an dir kain blösß mitt dem ort So zuck aber durch vñ daß zuchen trÿb allwegen alß offt er dir mitt versäczung nach dem schwert fert / Do mitt so kumst kompst du och zu° den arm brüchen [104v] vnd zu° andren brüchen Vnnd daß ist die kunst wide~ alle die / die do lang vñ wÿt fecht~ zu° dem schwert vñ nicht zu° dem man ~~~~~  ~

Item gegenn denn schick dich also, leg dich gegen Im in ein hut, legt er sich den auch in ein, so merck ebenn, wenn er sein schwert an sich tzeucht, vnnd wil stechenn oder aufhebt, vnnd wil schlagen so folg im bald nach mit dem ort, tzu der nechsten ploß ee wenn er denn stich oder den schlag verpringt, Wirt er denn des ansetzens gewar, vnnd versetzt aber weit mit dem schwert, vnnd sucht ann dir kein ploß mit dem ort, so tzuck aber durch, vnnd das tzuckenn treib alweg, als oft er dir mit der [103r] versatzung nach dem schwert fert, damit kumbstu au[ch] tzu denn armpruchenn vnd tzu andern stucken, vnnd das ist die kunst, wider alle, die da lang vnd weit fechtenn tzu dem schwert, vnd nicht tzu dem man. …

Oder [105r] stich v im vff sine~ arm hinde~ in den händschu°ch Vñ wann der stich hafft So lauff für dich So gewinst du im die sÿtten an vñ sunst ain groß vortel

| oder stich In auff seynen arm [106v] Hinden an der hantschüch vnd wan der stich hafft | So lauff fur dich so gewinstu Ime die Seyten an vnnd süst grossen ain forteill

Item hat er dir dann angeseczet an din lincke achsel So tritt zu° rucke mitt dem lincken fu°ß / So gatt sin ort abe Vnd der din haffte Auch magst du din schwert erlenge~ wann du mitt dem ringen dinem [105v] knopff für dich zuckest an din bru~st ~ ~ ~ ~  ~~ : ~

Der text wie man die schlege verseczen soll ~

Mitt sinem schlachende~ ort /
schüczt er sich trifft one forcht
Mitt baiden henden /
den ort zu° den au°gen lere wenden ·: ~

Glosa Mörck der knopff ist der schlachent ort / Will er dich domitt überlauffen mitt starcken schlegen So halt din schwert über din lincke knÿ vñ in der hu°t Schlecht er dir dañ zu° dem haupt Vñ ist ain starcker mañe So streÿch im den schlag ab mitt dem schwert vor dine~ lincken hand [106r] gegen sine~ rechten sÿtten / Vñ far vff am schwert in die öbern hu°t

Das ist der Text wie mann die schleg Versetzenn sol.

[101v] Mit seinem schlagendenn ort,
schutzt er sich trif one forcht,
mit baiden henden,
denn ort tzu den augen lere wendenn.

Glosa. Merck der knopf der schlagendt ort, will er dich damit vberlauffenn mit starcken schlegen, so halt dein schwert vber dein linckes knie, vnd stee in der hut, schlecht er dir denn tzu dem haupt, vnd ist ein starck mann, so streich im den schlag ab, mit dem schwert vonn deiner linckenn handt, gegenn seiner Rechtenn seittenn, vnnd far auff am schwert in die oberhut. Oder ist er schwecher dann du, so trit im künlich ein, vnd fahe denn schlag tzwischenn baiden henden in dein schwertt vnd setz im den ort in das gesicht.

Item wenn dw denn schlag mit dem knoppff vechst mitten In dem Swertt so var mit dem knopff vber sein Swertt [107r] vorn bey dem gehultze vnd Rucke damit vnter sich auff dein Rechte Seytenn So Nimstu Im sein Swertt

It~ schlecht er dir zu° dem [106v] kopff mit dem lincken knÿ So fach den schlag zwischen dine~ henden In daß schwert daß der knopff zu° der erde~ hang Vñ far mitt de~ knopff vnden durch sin schwert vorne~ bÿ dem gehülcz vñ ruck übersich vff din rechten sÿtten So ruck ruckst im sin schwert vsß den henden ~ ~

[102r] Item schlecht er dir mit dem knopf zu dem lincken knie so fahe denn schlag zwischenn… [100r] …deinenn hendenn in das schwert, da[s] der knopf tzu der erdenn hange, vnd far mit dem knopf vntenn durch sein schwert, vorn bey dem gehiltz vnnd ruck vbersich auf dein Rechte seittenn, So ruckstu im sein schwerdt aus denn hendenn.

Item oder schlecht er er dir mitt dem knopff / vñ nach dem fu°ß wirff din schwert mitt dem knopff zu° diner lincken sÿtten in die erden gegen sine~ schlag vñ spring do mitt zu° im Vnnd wart der [107r] ringen ~ ~~

[107v] Der text von de~ schlege~ mitt dem knopff ~

Deßß fordern fu°ß /
mitt schlegen du hietten müst

Glosa Weñ du mitt dem knopff schlachen wilt So solt du do mitt gar eben remen siner vorgesäczten glider Vñ daß vernÿm also Wann du schlachen wilt So halt din schwert in der hu°t über din hau~pt vñ thu° alß du im in daß gesicht an wöllest seczen Vnnd lauß din schwert farn vß der rechten hannd / vñ kom do mitt de~ lincken zu° hilff mitte~ in die clingen vñ schlach in mitt dem knopff zu° dem [108r] fürgeseczten fu°ß oder zu° siner fürgeseczter hand do er daß schwert in der mitte da mitt helt Also magst du vß der vndere hu°t von der rechten sÿtten auch schlachen ~~   ~ ~

Das hiernach Ist der text von den Schlegen mit dem knopff

Des fordern fus
mit schlegen dw huetten must

Glosa Merck das Ist wenn dw mit dem knopff Schlagen wild So Soltu da mit gar ebenn remenn seyner vorge satzten glieder vnd das vernim also wen dw Slagen wild [107v] do halt dein Schwert In der hutt vber dem haubt vnd thü als dw Im In das gesicht wollest ansetzen vnnd las dein Schwert vorn auß der Rechten hand vnnd kom domit der linken zw hilff mitten In die klingenn vnnd Schlag Ime mit dem knopff zw dem vorgesatzten fus oder zw seyner vorgesatzten hanndt do er das Schwert In der mitt mit helt also magstu auß der vndern hutt von der selben Rechten seyten auff Schlagen


Draft Translation (Glasgow only) Draft translation (2020)
by Stephen Cheney

Dresden Version (1504-19) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Glasgow Version (1508) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

MS E.1939.65.341 074r.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 074v.jpg
MS E.1939.65.341 075r.jpg

Din sper berichte /
gege~ rÿtten macht zu° nichte ·:

Glosa Daß ist Wann du hast ain glefen [109v] vñ ain anderer och aine vnd mitt dir zu° samen will tretten rÿttenn So solt du dich mitt dine~ glefen also wissen zu° schicken faß daß du im die sine~ ablaÿtest vñ treffest mitt dem stich vnnd er dich nitt nicht Vnd die stucke solt du wissen zu° trÿben mitt dem sper Vß zwaÿen hu°ten die dir her nach genennt werd etc

Der text von den stucken vß der ersten hu°tt ~

Ob es enpfalle /
dem ende Im abschnalle

Daß ist weñ du mitt zu° samen rÿttest So halt din glefen vnder dine~ arm zu° dem stich vñ wenn es kumpt zu° dem treffen So thu° alß sÿ dir [110r] ze schwer sÿ vñ lauß sÿ mitt dem ort vorne~ nider sincken vff din lincke sÿtten Rÿtt er dann vff dich mitt aine~ stich so heb din glefen übersich mitt störck an die sinen So triffst du in mitt vnnd er dich nitt Wann sin glefe get neben dir besÿcz ab / etc

Ain stuck vß de~ andere~ hu°tt

Item wann du mitt zu° samen rÿttest So halt din glefen mitt baÿden henden in der mitten Rÿtt er dañ vff dich mitt ainem stich So schlach mitt dem ford vordem tail dine~ gleffen die sine vff din rechte sÿtten von dir/abe vnd wind din glefen [110v] do mitt/vnnder dinen rechten arm So triffest du in vñ er dich nitt ~ ~~

Das ist der text

Haw drein nicht zuck /
von schaiden linck zw im ruck /
Greyff in sein rechten /
so fechst du in ane fechten /

Glosa / Das ist ob in in dem an reÿttñ bede verfelt mit der gleffen so laß zw hant die dein fallñ / vnd zeüch weder swert noch messer [76r] vnd reit an in vnd wendt dich mit deiner lincken seyttñ an sein rechte vnd treib die hernach geschribñ ringeñ

Das ist der text

Wiltu geruet[47]
lanck jagen das seer mutt
wer dir das wert
so windt das aug versert /
Wert ers furpaß /
[77v] zawm vnd wer piß laß /

Glossa Halt dein swert nebñ deinem rechtñ pain in der huet / vnd reyt also zu im / vnd stich im zu dem gesicht mit lanck auß gerechtñ arm~ Versetzt er den stich / so far auff mit der rechtñ handt / vnd wind am swert / vnd pleib im mit dem ort vor dem gesicht /

Item / Oder greÿfft er hindten vmb dich mit der linckñ [79r] handt vnd wil ringñ / so schlag mit dem rechtñ arm~ auswendig starck von oben nÿder / in das gelenck seins lincken arms / vnd reytt fur dich /

Item / wen du dein schwert hast auff dem linckñ arm~ [80r] in der hut / reyt dan ainer auff dich mit ainer gleffñ zu deiner glincken seyttñ / so far wol auff mit dem knopf / vnd laß die klingñ hangñ zu deiner lincken seyttñ / vnd setz im die gleffñ also damit ab / vnd haw Im zu dem kopf / oder setz im an / Oder reytt er dir mit der gleffñ zu deiner rechtñ seÿttñ / so streich schlett auff mit dem swert an sein gleffen / vnd wint In das ober gehenng / vnd setz Im an /

Merck ein behendigkait mit der gleffen

Wen du vor jagst vnd hast ein gleffen / jagt dir ainer [80v] nach / vnd hat auch aine / So halt dein gleffñ mit der rechtñ handt auff der rechtñ achsel / vnd wen du sichst das er schier hindtñ an dir ist / so heb die gleffñ vber das haubt / auff dein lincke s achsel / vnd laß dein ort hindter dir pleibñ / vnd wendt dich gegñ im auff dein lincke seÿttñ / vnd schlach damit dein gleffñ vndter den arm~ / so kumbst du im da mit geleich vnder die augen /

Das ist der text von dem vngenattñ griff

Den vngenanttñ
den starcken verwendt Ir stechen /
Ir schlagen
verdirbt on alles recheñ

Glosa Merck das ist der vngenant grieff / Wen du mit dei~er [81r] lincken seÿttñ kumbst an in / hat er dan sein wer gezogen vnd wil dich schlagñ / oder greyfft dich mit der rechtñ handt vorñ an mit ringñ / so begreyff mit deiner rechten handt sein rechtñ arm~ vorn pey der hant / vnd ruck den vndter dein prust / vnd leg dich mit dem leib darauff / vnd reÿt fur dich so prichstu im den arm~

Das ist der text von dem suñen zeichen

Wil du an fassen /
neben reittens nicht solt du lassñ /
das sunen zaigen /
den lincken arm~ wil du naigen /
das vorhaubt tascht
gegen nach druck sere vast
das er sich sencket /
vnd selten wider auff lencket /

Glosa Merck / das ist der pestn ringen ains / zu roß / wen du mit im zu samen reÿtest / kumbst du den mit deiner rechtñ seÿttñ an sein rechte / so halt dich nachet zu im / vnd greyff mit deiner lincken hinden handt hinten vmb in / vnd pegreyff in do mit pey seine~ lincken arm~ / vnd zeuch in vast her vmb zu dir / vnd mit deiner rechtñ hant greyff im vndtñ an sein kindpackn vnd stos in vast an dir / vber sich auff / gegñ seine~ linckñ seÿttñ / [81v] so kerstu im sein antlutz gegen der sunen / da mit gewinst du im den schwunck an / das er sich nit mag gehaltñ /

Additional Resources

  • Cheney, Stephen. Ringeck · Danzig · Lew Longsword. Self-published, 2020. ISBN 978-8649845441
  • Kellett, Rachel E. "'... Vnnd schuß im vnder dem schwert den ort lang ein zu der brust': The Placement and Consequences of Sword-blows in Sigmund Ringeck's Fifteenth-Century Fencing Manual". Wounds and wound repair in Medieval culture: 128-150. Ed. Larissa Tracy and Kelly DeVries. Leiden: Brill, 2015. doi:10.1163/9789004306455_007
  • Lindholm, David and Svard, Peter. Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Art of the Longsword. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 2003. ISBN 978-1-58160-410-8
  • Lindholm, David and Svard, Peter. Sigmund Ringeck's Knightly Arts of Combat: Sword-and-Buckler Fighting, Wrestling, and Fighting in Armor. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 2006. ISBN 978-1-58160-499-3
  • Tobler, Christian Henry. Secrets of German Medieval Swordsmanship. Highland Village, TX: Chivalry Bookshelf, 2001. ISBN 1-891448-07-2
  • Wierschin, Martin. Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des Fechtens. München: Beck, 1965.
  • Żabiński, Grzegorz. The Longsword Teachings of Master Liechtenauer. The Early Sixteenth Century Swordsmanship Comments in the "Goliath" Manuscript. Poland: Adam Marshall, 2010. ISBN 978-83-7611-662-4


  1. Jens P. Kleinau. "Schirrmeister, Schermeister, Schirmmeister". Hans Talhoffer ~ A Historical Martial Arts blog by Jens P. Kleinau], 2011. Retrieved 20 June 2015.
  2. The Fellowship of Liechtenauer is recorded in three versions of Paulus Kal's treatise: MS 1825 (1460s), Cgm 1570 (ca. 1470), and MS KK5126 (1480s).
  3. For a different perspective, see Christian Henry Tobler. "Chicken and Eggs: Which Master Came First?" In Saint George's Name: An Anthology of Medieval German Fighting Arts. Wheaton, IL: Freelance Academy Press, 2010.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Werner J. Hoffmann. "Mscr.Dresd.C.487: Siegmund am Ringeck, Fechtlehre". Tiefenerschließung und Digitalisierung der deutschsprachigen mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) Dresden. Retrieved 26 May 2015.
  5. Dresden fol. 31r.
  6. Dresden fol. 20r.
  7. Dresden fol. 27r.
  8. MS M.Ⅰ.29 is signed and internally dated on folio 158r.
  9. MS E.1939.65.341 is internally dated on folio 22r.
  10. Friedrich Dörnhöffer. Albrecht Dürers Fechtbuch. Vienna: F. Tempsky, 1910.
  11. The origin of Reichstadt Nr. 82 is detailed on folio Ⅱr.
  12. The only date, 1570, is given on folio 123 (between the first and second sections of Meyer's rapier text); the rest of the manuscript shows a few different hands and was likely compiled prior to its acquisition by Meyer. See Joachim Meyer. The Art of Combat. A German Martial Arts Treatise of 1570. Trans. Jeffrey L. Forgeng. London: Frontline Books, 2014. pp 32-33.
  13. Medel's section of the Cod. Ⅰ.6.2º.5 is internally dated on folio 21r.
  14. The record of the Marxbrüder in the manuscript ends on folio 20r with the year 1566, so Mair couldn't have acquired it before then.
  15. Sydney Anglo. The Martial Arts of Renaissance Europe. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000. pp 312-315.
  16. Throw
  17. Pushes out
  18. Push
  19. Verchossen
  20. Drop it
  21. Armoured
  22. Gouges
  23. Stab at you
  24. The transcription David was translating from didn't have 122rv and 125rv in their proper place, so he assumed that content was missing.
  25. Pieces
  26. Pulls out
  27. Pieces
  28. Gauntlet
  29. Tear on the right, I think this means step in from your right, as opposed to turning to your right.
  30. Original: “streyffen”, modernized “streifen”, to brush, streak, graze, lightly touch.
  31. Original: “undter augen”, this phrase appears numerous times throughout the text, is likely some kind of idiom or turn of phrase, but not sure exactly what it means.
  32. Original: “iren”, formal “you”, rather than the informal (dein-) which is almost always used. Could also be “their”.
  33. Original: “ableyttest,” - “ableiten,” literally to lead away, also to derive, deduce, divert, drain, deflect, channel off.
  34. “Zu dem treffen,” could be in the sense of the two fencers meeting each other, or one lance connecting to the other, or a lance landing a hit. Context indicates that it is the first for this one.
  35. “Schaff griff,” the translation “sheep hold” is not conclusive, it may also refer to a type of water carrier that is held in a similar way to the hold. It may also be related to how one would carry a sheep when shearing or otherwise.
  36. Original: “sytigklich,” or “sittiglich,” at the time meant “moderately” in the sense of slowly or not too fast, modern “sittlich” means morally or ethically.
  37. Original: “taschn haw.” A “tasset” is a piece of armor that covers the side of the thigh. It is possible that the last part of this hew aims for a gap in the armor on the back of the leg. This translation is not conclusive.
  38. Original: “auß,” however the Dresden version says “vff” here, and “aus” does not make sense.
  39. “Zawm,” - “zaum,” literally “bridle,” context continually indicates that they are talking about the reins.
  40. Original: “ob dich das roß vertrueg,” literally “if the horse make a fool out of you.” Likely means something like if the horse moves in a way that you don’t expect, or if the horse runs away while you’re trying to do something.
  41. Original: “schütten”.
  42. Original: “gehultz,” could be modernized to “hilt,” which is a term that could mean multiple parts of the sword today, but they are talking about the crossguard.
  43. “Stoss,” could also mean push, strike, or bash.
  44. “Twer,” also often translated as thwart, cross, crosswise.
  45. The verb is missing in this sentence, in the Dresden version “heng” (hang) is used here.
  46. “Verschlingst” - “verschlingen,” to devour, engulf, scarf, etc.
  47. Corrected from »geradt«.
  48. Unclear, could be “when he hews in to you, parry…” Unclear because “hawt” is used instead of “haw,” also the construction of the sentence is not typical. The Dresden version is much clearer that you are the one hewing in and he is parrying.
  49. “Zu vor auß,” in the sense of bringing something to the forefront.
  50. Engages - “greyff… an,” (angreiffen), attacks - “velt… an” (anfallen), these words have roughly the same meaning. You are both engaging in wrestling against each other.
  51. “Aliud,” Latin.
  52. Likely an error intending “your,” as it is in the previous passage.
  53. “Gewappent,” - “gewappnet,” wearing armor.
  54. “Jagen,” to hunt, seems to mean when someone is riding behind another, rather than “gleich” (equally) or “zusammen” (together), when both riders ride toward one another.
  55. “Muß er das swert fallñ lassñ,” literally “he must let the sword fall.”
  56. Original: “dich massen,” to measure or moderate yourself, different original word from “moderately” early in the text, which was translated from “sittiglich.”
  57. Original: “schünre,” translated as “schnüre,” meaning “laces” or “cords.”
  58. “vier haubt ringñ”