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Modern historical European martial arts reconstruction is founded on the study of so-called fencing manuals. While most regions of the world have produced a few martial arts treatises over the centuries, the European treatise tradition far exceeded any other in both its complexity and its sheer volume: well over a hundred and fifty distinct manuscripts and hundreds more printed works survive from the Medieval and Early Modern time periods. In some sense, the practice of writing fencing treatises continues to this day in the form of books on the use of firearms and other small sidearms, as well as texts on Olympic fencing and other forms of sport combat.
These texts are generally not manuals as the modern audience understands the genre; rather than offering step-by-step instructions on fighting, they are more often general treatises on a variety of martial subjects, and even those treatises that include details and illustrations of specific techniques generally fail to present a set of instructions that a reader can easily follow. Reconstructing the historical European martial arts thus involves consulting a variety of different types of literature in order to arrive at a well-rounded understanding of their content, including fencing treatises, wrestling treatises, and books of military strategy.
The history of the fencing manual is tied to some extent to the history of books themselves. Until the mid-15th century, all books were laboriously copied by hand; we call these books manuscripts, which literally means "hand-written". These were rare and expensive through most of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, requiring expensive materials like leather (tanned animal skin) and parchment (dried animal skin) and often lavishly painted and gilded. Many craftsmen were required to create a single manuscript, including parchmenters to create the pages, scribes to add the words, artists and gilders to decorate the initial letter and add illustrations, binders to put the finished pages together, and tanners and smiths to create the material used in the covers. Each manuscript is thus a unique work of art, and even copies of the same text by the same manuscript shop will be different from each other.
This started to change in the 14th century, when the paper revolution drove down the cost of manuscripts and made it possible for any prosperous worker to own a few. The print revolution followed soon after: woodblock and copperplate prints became common by the middle of the 15th century, and beginning in the 1450s, books printed using moveable type began to appear in Europe. Both of these technologies were intended as labor-saving devices in the production of manuscripts: movable type to speed up the process of copying texts and prints to speed up the process of outlining illustrations. All of the saved effort could then be devoted to painting and beautifying the books. Early printed books are called incunables (or incunabula), which means "cradle".
The 16th century is when we see the modern concept of the book emerge. Incunables are often indistinguishable from manuscripts, with type based on popular calligraphy and decorated by the same artisans who worked on manuscripts. But in 1501, Venetian printers realized that a lot of buyers didn't care about the decorations, and began printing low-budget, small-format books with little decoration and with a new "italic" font designed to fit more words per page; other books began to be produced with bare, unpainted prints.
This development in Venice may have only been symbolic of larger shifts in the new printing industry, but the year makes it a convenient cutoff point in the history of books. Only books prior to 1501 are considered incunables, though sometimes books from the early 16th century made in the fashion of incunables are called "post-incunabula".
Types of books
For ease of reference, Wiktenauer divides the corpus of Western martial arts literature into six basic genres. A few texts defy categorization under this system, such as Paulus Hector Mair's Geschlechterbuch, but these distinctions are generally quite useful.
Commonplace book
A commonplace book (or Hausbuch) is essentially a scrapbook, usually made by a wealthy individual. In the late Middle Ages, they were created as repositories of miscellaneous items and information that the owner considered significant, including medical recipes, quotations, letters, poems, tables of weights and measures, proverbs, prayers, and legal formulas. Each commonplace book was a unique work reflecting its creator's hobbies and interests. Some of these books, such as the Pol Hausbuch (MS 3227a), therefore included copies of martial arts treatises that passed through their owner's hands.
Fencing book
Fencing book (or Fechtbuch) is a catch-all term for treatises on armed combat. Medieval fencing treatises tended to be compilation works, manuscripts that included a variety of distinct treatises by different authors. Treatises by a single author, such as Fiore de'i Liberi's treatise Fior di Battaglia, or on a single weapon, such as Le Jeu de la Hache, were less common in this period. Many manuscripts of the 1500s draw on the same small pool of common treatises, which they combine in various ways. This tradition reached its pinnacle in the mammoth 1,200-page compilations that Paulus Hector Mair commissioned in the 1540s. In the Renaissance period, and especially as printing became more common, this emphasis changed and fencing masters began preparing and personally publishing more extensive treatises on a variety of different weapons. Some, such as Salvator Fabris, devoted massive volumes to the use of a single weapon.
Picture book
A number of picture books, such as sketchbooks or albums, created by talented artists survive from the Medieval and Renaissance time periods. These artists, including such masters as Albrecht Dürer and Maarten van Heemskerck, generally drew fencers and wrestlers as studies in human anatomy. Because of this, they offer unique insight into the physical positions and movements of the art, providing a useful counterpoint to the large number of text-only fencing treatises. Some of these works were created as draftbooks for later complete fencing treatises.
Tournament book
A tourmanent book (or Turnierbuch) is generally a record of a specific tournament that occurred. Aside from being interesting glimpses into the sportive side of historical European martial arts in period, tournament books are also useful for their depictions of authentic arms and armor.
War book
War book (or Kriegsbücher) are useful texts for understanding the methods and theory behind warfare in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Many compilation fencing treatises from the 15th and 16th centuries also include excerpts from war books such as Konrad Kyeser's famous work Bellifortis or Flavius Vegetius Renatus' De Re Militari. Siege warfare was an especially popular subject in this genre.
Wrestling book
The wrestling book (or Ringbuch) can be seen as a subset of the fencing treatise genre. Most 15th century martial arts manuscripts include at least one wrestling treatise, but wrestling was often seen as an aspect of armed combat and not a separate discipline. It isn't until later in the Renaissance that books devoted exclusively to wrestling and other unarmed techniques appeared in increasing numbers.
Note that these dates are approximate in many cases. More specific information about the dates of treatises can be found on their respective pages.
Manuscript treatises
Year | Name | Signature | Article |
0100s | Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 466 | MS P.Oxy.Ⅲ.466 | Oxyrhynchus Papyrus (MS P.Oxy.III.466) |
1320s | Walpurgis Fechtbuch | FECHT1 | Walpurgis Fechtbuch (MS I.33) |
1400s | Trattato della scherma | MS M.0383 | Trattato della scherma (MS M.383) |
1400s | Pol Hausbuch | MS 3227ª | Pol Hausbuch (MS 3227ª) |
1404 | Il Fior di Battaglia | MS Ludwig ⅩⅤ 13 | Fior di Battaglia (MS Ludwig XV 13) |
1409 | Flos Duellatorum | Pisani Dossi MS | Flos Duellatorum (Pisani Dossi MS) |
1410-30 | Florius de Arte Luctandi | MS Latin 11269 | Florius de Arte Luctandi (MS Latin 11269) |
1416-1444 | Modus Dimicandi | MS G.B.f.18a | Modus Dimicandi (MS G.B.f.18a) |
1420 | Die Blume des Kampfes | Cod.5278 | Die Blume des Kampfes (Cod.5278) |
1420s/1470s | Bauman Fechtbuch | Cod.Ⅰ.6.4º.2 | Bauman Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.4º.2) |
1424 | Hec Sunt Guardiae in Dimicatione Videlicet | MS 01020 | Hec Sunt Guardiae in Dimicatione Videlicet (MS 01020) |
1430s | Gladiatoria | MS KK5013 | Gladiatoria (MS KK5013) |
1430s | Gladiatoria | MS U860.F46 1450 | Gladiatoria (MS U860.F46 1450) |
1438 | Livro da enssynança de bem cavalgar toda sela | MS Portugais 5 | Bem cavalgar (MS Portugais 5) |
1440 | Man yt Wol | MS Harley 3542 | Man yt Wol (MS Harley 3542) |
1440s | Codex 11093 | Cod.11093 | Wiener Fechtbuch (Cod.11093) |
1440s | Gladiatoria | MS germ. quart. 16 | Gladiatoria (MS Germ.Quart.16) |
1443-1448 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | MS Chart.A.558 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Chart.A.558) |
1446-1459 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | MS ⅩⅨ.17-3 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS XIX.17-3) |
1450-1465 | Cotton MS Titus A ⅹⅹⅴ | Cotton MS Titus A XXV | |
1450s | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | MS 78.A.15 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS 78.A.15) |
1452 | Starhemberg Fechtbuch | Cod.44.A.8 | Starhemberg Fechtbuch (Cod.44.A.8) |
1459 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | MS Thott.290.2º | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS Thott.290.2º) |
1460 | The Poem of the Pel | MS 243 | Knyghthode and Bataile (MS.243) |
1460-1480 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch | MS 1825 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS 1825) |
1460-85 | Le Jeu de la Hache | MS Français 1996 | Le Jeu de la Hache (MS Français 1996) |
1460s | Codex Lew | Cod.Ⅰ.6.4º.3 | Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3) |
1462/1493 | Schwabenspiegel Codex | Cgm 558 | Schwabenspiegel Codex (Cgm 558) |
1465-1480 | Wolfenbüttel Picture Book | Cod.Guelf.78.2.Aug.2º | Wolfenbüttel Picture Book (Cod.Guelf.78.2 Aug.2º) |
1467 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | Cod.icon. 394a | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (Cod.icon. 394a) |
1469-1474 | Debrecener Ringbuch | MS R.605 | Debrecener Ringbuch (MS R.605) |
1470 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch | Cgm 1507 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (Cgm 1507) |
1470-1500 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (M.A.M. Kal MS) | |
1473-1503 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch | MS Chart.B.1021 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS Chart.B.1021) |
1475-1515 | Ortenburg Fechtbuch | Location unknown | Ortenburg Fechtbuch |
1478 | Kunst des Messerfechtens | Cod.Pal.germ.430 | Kunst des Messerfechtens (Cod.Pal.Germ.430) |
1479 | Die Meisterlieder des Hans Folz | MS Q.566 | Die Meisterlieder des Hans Folz (MS Q.566) |
1480-1500 | Ambraser Codex | MS KK5342 | Ambraser Codex (MS KK5342) |
1480s | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch | MS KK5126 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS KK5126) |
1480s-1500s | Cluny Fechtbuch | MS Cl. 23842 | Cluny Fechtbuch (Cl. 23842) |
1482 | Kunst des Messerfechtens | Cgm 582 | Kunst des Messerfechtens (Cgm 582) |
1482-1487 | De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi | MS Vitt.Em.1324 | De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi (MS Vitt.Em.1324) |
1491 | Codex Speyer | MS M.Ⅰ.29 | Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29) |
1492 | De la Palestra | alfa.T.7.25 | De la Palestra (alfa.T.7.25) |
1495 | Meister peter falkners kunste Zu Ritterlicher Were | MS KK5012 | Kunste Zu Ritterlicher Were (MS KK5012) |
1500 | Ludwig von Eyb Kriegsbuch | MS B.26 | Eyb Kriegsbuch (MS B.26) |
1500 | Pirckheimer's Fechtbuch | Pirckh. Papp. 353 | Pirckheimer's Fechtbuch (Pirckh.Papp.353) |
1500 | The Poem of the Pel | Ashmole MS 45 Ⅱ | Knyghthode and Bataile (Ashmole MS 45 II) |
1500 | Kölner Fechtregeln | MS Best.7020 (W*)150 | Kölner Fechtregeln (MS Best.7020 (W*)150) |
1500 | The Poem of the Pel | Cotton MS Titus A ⅹⅹⅲ | Knyghthode and Bataile (Cotton MS Titus A XXIII) |
1500 | Falkner Turnierbuch | Falkner Turnierbuch | |
1500-1510 | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch | Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (Günther MS) | |
1500/1552/1566 | Hans Medel Fechtbuch | Cod.Ⅰ.6.2º.5 | Hans Medel Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.5) |
1500s | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | Cod.Ser.Nov.2978 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (Cod.Ser.Nov.2978) |
1500s | Fechtbuchleinn | Cod.Guelf.1074.Novi | Fechtbuchleinn (Cod.Guelf.1074.Novi) |
1500s | Anonimo Riccardiano | MS Ricc.2541 | Anonimo Riccardiano (MS Ricc.2541) |
1500s | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | MS 26.236 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS 26.236) |
1504-1519 | Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn | MS Dresd.C.487 | Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487) |
1506-1514 | Das Solothurner Fechtbuch | Cod.S.554 | Solothurner Fechtbuch (Cod.S.554) |
1508 | Glasgow Fechtbuch | MS E.1939.65.341 | Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341) |
1509 | Libro del exercicio de las armas | MS a.Ⅳ.23 | Libro del exercicio de las armas (MS a.IV.23) |
1510s | Anonimo Bolognese | MSS Ravenna M-345/346 | Anonimo Bolognese (MSS Ravenna M-345/M-346) |
1512 | Albrecht Dürers Fechtbuch | Sloane MS No.5229 | Albrecht Dürers Fechtbuch (Sloane MS No.5229) |
1512 | Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri | MS 26-232 | Οπλοδιδασκαλια sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232) |
1512 | Berlin Picture Book | Libr.Pict.A83 | Berlin Picture Book (Libr.Pict.A.83) |
1515-19 | Ein Hausbuch des mittelalterlichen Wissens | BJ Rkp. Przyb. 35/64 | Ein Hausbuch des mittelalterlichen Wissens (BJ Rkp. Przyb. 35/64) |
1520s | Vechtboek | MS BPL.3281 | Vechtboek (MS BPL.3281) |
1522 | Jörg Wilhalm Hutters kunst zu Augspurg | Cod.Ⅰ.6.2º.3 | Jörg Wilhalm Hutters kunst zu Augspurg (Cod.I.6.2º.3) |
1522 | Jörg Wilhalm Hutters kunst zu Augspurg | Cod.Ⅰ.6.4º.5 | Jörg Wilhalm Hutters kunst zu Augspurg (Cod.I.6.4º.5) |
1523 | Jörg Wilhalm Hutters kunst zu Augspurg | Cgm 3711 | Jörg Wilhalm Hutters kunst zu Augspurg (Cgm 3711) |
1523/1564 | Wilhalm/Sollinger Fechtbuch | Cod.Ⅰ.6.2º.2 | Wilhalm/Sollinger Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.2) |
1524 | Liber Quodlibetarius | MS B.200 | Liber Quodlibetarius (MS B.200) |
1528 | Las nueve reglas de la espada de dos mano | MS 2790 | Las nueve reglas de la espada de dos mano (MS 2790) |
1530-1545 | Jörg Breu's Draftbook | Cod.Ⅰ.6.2º.4 | Jörg Breu Draftbook (Cod.I.6.2º.4) |
1533 | Gregor Erhart Fechtbuch | MS E.1939.65.354 | Gregor Erhart Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.354) |
1535-1540 | Goliath Fechtbuch | MS germ. quart. 2020 | Goliath Fechtbuch (MS Germ.Quart.2020) |
1535-1550 | Ledall Roll | Additional MS 39564 | Ledall Roll (Additional MS 39564) |
1538 | Über die Fechtkunst und den Ringkampf | MS 963 | Über die Fechtkunst und den Ringkampf (MS 963) |
1539 | Ringer Kunst | 2º Col.MS.Philos.62 | Ringer Kunst (2º Col.MS.Philos.62) |
1539 | Wassmannsdorff's Fechtbuch | Location unknown | Wassmannsdorff's Fechtbuch |
1539-1569 | Monomachia ovvero Arte di Scherma | MS Ⅱ.ⅲ.315 | Monomachia ovvero Arte di Scherma (MS II.iii.315) |
1539-1569 | Monomachia ovvero Arte di Scherma | MS L.V.23 | Monomachia ovvero Arte di Scherma (MS L.V.23) |
1542 | Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica | MSS Dresd.C.93/C.94 | Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MSS Dresd.C.93/C.94) |
1548 | Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica | Cod.icon. 393 | Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393) |
1550s | Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica | Cod.10825/10826 | Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826) |
1550s | Codex Amberger | Codex Amberger | |
1553 (1540s) | Rast Fechtbuch | Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82 | Rast Fechtbuch (Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82) |
1556 | Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech | Cgm 3712 | Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712) |
1561 | Joachim Meyers Fechtbuch | MS Bibl. 2465 | Joachim Meyers Fechtbuch (MS Bibl. 2465) |
1561 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | Cod.Ⅰ.6.2º.1 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.1) |
1562 | Hans Endter Fechtbuch | Location unknown | Hans Endter Fechtbuch |
1563 | Las reglas del montante | CCPB000152417-8 | Las reglas del montante (CCPB000152417-8) |
1563-68 | Joachim Meyers Fäktbok | MS A.4º.2 | Joachim Meyers Fäktbok (MS A.4º.2) |
1567 | Trattato d'uno Schermo | Cod.10723 | Trattato d'uno Schermo (Cod.10723) |
1570 | Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss | MS Var.82 | Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82) |
1570-1600 | Ιπποκομικη | MS Md 24 | Ιπποκομικη (MS Md 24) |
1573 | Hugold Behr's Fechtbuch | MS Var.83 | Hugold Behr's Fechtbuch (MS Var.83) |
1579 | Sciomachia et hoplomachia | MS Dresd.C.15 | Sciomachia et hoplomachia (MS Dresd.C.15) |
1580 | Modo di cacciare mano all spada | MS Italien 959 | Modo di cacciare mano all spada (MS Italien 959) |
1580 | Sobre el arte de la esgrima | MS Ⅱ/1579(2) | Sobre el arte de la esgrima (MS II/1579(2)) |
1580s | Nobilissimo discorso intorno il schermo | MS Italien 1527 | Nobilissimo discorso intorno il schermo (MS Italien 1527) |
1588 | Künnst zu fechten vonn dem Lienhartt Sollinger | Cod.Guelf.38.21.Aug.2º | Künnst zu fechten vonn dem Lienhartt Sollinger (Cod.Guelf.38.21 Aug.2º) |
1591 | Das Ander Theil Des Newen Kůnstreichen Fechtbůches | Cod.Guelf.83.4.Aug.8º | Das Ander Theil Des Newen Kůnstreichen Fechtbůches (Cod.Guelf.83.4 Aug.8º) |
1593 | Verzeichnis etlicher Stücke des Fechtens im Rapier | MS Germ.Fol.1476 | Verzeichnis etlicher Stücke des Fechtens im Rapier (MS Germ.Fol.1476) |
1595 | Schermkunst | VAULT Case MS Fol.U.423.792 | Schermkunst (VAULT Case MS Fol.U.423.792) |
1599 | Paradoxes of Defence | Additional MS 34192 | Paradoxes of Defence (Additional MS 34192) |
1599 | Arte de Esgrima | MS PBA 58 | Arte de Esgrima (MS PBA 58) |
1600 | Discorso sopra l'arte della scherma | MS 14/10 | Discorso sopra l'arte della scherma (MS 14.10) |
1600 | Confectbuch von Abrichtung vollständiges Turnierbuch | Cod.Guelf.1.6.3 Aug.2º | Confectbuch von Abrichtung vollständiges Turnierbuch (Cod.Guelf.1.6.3 Aug.2º) |
1600 | Lectiones auf das Einfachen rappier | 4º MS Math.38 | Lectiones auf das Einfachen rappier (4º MS Math.38) |
1600 | Confectbuch von Abrichtung vollständiges Turnierbuch | Cod.Guelf.5 Blank | Confectbuch von Abrichtung vollständiges Turnierbuch (Cod.Guelf.5 Blank) |
1600 | Additional MS 23223 | Additional MS 23223 | |
1600 | Discorso del Gioco di Spada | MS Urb.lat.1231 | Discorso del Gioco di Spada (MS Urb.lat.1231) |
1600 | Reit und Turnierbuch | MS KK5247 | Reit und Turnierbuch (MS KK5247) |
1600-1609 | La Scientia della Spada | MS KB.73.J.38 | La Scientia della Spada (MS KB.73.J.38) |
1600-1620 | Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri | Location unknown | Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (Cod.1246) |
1600-20 | Figures nues, positions d'escrime à l'épée | MS 17 | Figures nues, positions d'escrime à l'épée (MS 17) |
1600s | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | 2º Col. MS. philos. 61 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (2º Col.MS.Philos.61) |
1600s | Italiänische Fechtkunst | MS Dresd.C.91 | Italiänische Fechtkunst (MS Dresd.C.91) |
1600s | Talhoffer Sammelhandschrift | 2° MS iurid. 29 | Talhoffer Sammelhandschrift (2º MS iurid. 29) |
1600s | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | Cod.Guelf.125.16.Extrav. | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (Cod.Guelf.125.16.Extrav.) |
1601 | Scientia e Prattica dell'Arme | GKS 1868 kvart | Scientia e Prattica dell'Arme (GI.kgl.Saml.1868.4040) |
1602-1608 | Cort Bevvijs' Van t'Rapier alleen | MS KB.72.F.37 | Cort Bevvijs' Van t'Rapier alleen (MS KB.72.F.37) |
1605 | Bref Instructions vpõ My Pradoxes of Defence | Sloane MS No.376 | Bref Instructions vpõ My Pradoxes of Defence (Sloane MS No.376) |
1609 | Cabinet d'escrime de l'espee et poingnardt | MS KB.73.J.39 | Cabinet d'escrime de l'espee et poingnardt (MS KB.73.J.39) |
1610 | Discours de la théorie de la pratique et de l’excellence des armes | MS E.1939.65.435 | Discours de la théorie de la pratique et de l’excellence des armes (MS E.1939.65.435) |
1610s | Traite des armes | MS E.1939.65.360 | Traite des armes (MS E.1939.65.360) |
1610s | Traite des armes | MS X.911 | Traite des armes (MS X.911) |
1610s | Traite des armes | MS E.1939.65.359 | Traite des armes (MS E.1939.65.359) |
1611 | Fechtbuch des einfachen Rapiers | MS germ.qu.1190/1191 | Fechtbuch des einfachen Rapiers (MS germ.qu.1190/1191) |
1611-19 | Eigentliche Beschreibung des Fechtens ihm einfachen Rappir | MS Var.7 | Eigentliche Beschreibung des Fechtens ihm einfachen Rappir (MS Var.7) |
1614 | Della Scherma | MS 381 | Della Scherma (MS 381) |
1619 | Eigentliche beschreibung des fechtens ihm Einfachen Rappir | MS E.ö.Ⅴ.36 | Eigentliche beschreibung des fechtens ihm Einfachen Rappir (MS E.ö.V.36) |
1620 | Anweisung zur Fechtkunst | 4º MS Math.2 | Anweisung zur Fechtkunst (4º MS Math.2) |
1620 | Schöffer Addenda | 8 ARS MIL 1090/61 | Schöffer Addenda (8 ARS MIL 1090/61) |
1620s | Las cien conclusiones de la destreza de las armas | MS Phill.1941 | Las cien conclusiones de la destreza de las armas (MS Phill.1941) |
1623 | Fechtbuch | MS 62 | Fechtbuch (MS 62) |
1623 | Discours des armes | MS 66S230 | Discours des armes (MS 66S230) |
1623 | Die Blume des Kampfes | Cod.10799 | Bũech von fechter Vnnd Ringstückhen zũ Ross vnnd Fuoß (Cod.10799) |
1625 | Compendio y Philosophia y destreza de las Armas | MS R4-B274 | Compendio y Philosophia y Dztreza de las Armas (MS R4-B274) |
1628 | Oplosophia e Verdadeira Destreza das Armas | MS Vermelho.nº.91 | Oplosophia e Verdadeira Destreza das Armas (MS Vermelho.nº.91) |
1629 | Compendio e discorso di tutto quello, in che consiste la virtù delle spada | Cod.10784 | Compendio e discorso di tutto quello (Cod.10784) |
1632 | Etliche General Regeln undt Observationes | MS Mil. IV 30 | Etliche General Regeln undt Observationes (MS Mil. IV 30) |
1635 | Fechtkunst aus dem Italienischen | MS Dresd.C.94a | Fechtkunst aus dem Italienischen (MS Dresd.C.94a) |
1640 | Sobre la Destreza de las Armas | MS E.1939.65.398 | Sobre la destreza de las armas (MS E.1939.65.398) |
1650-1700 | Three treatises on the art of fencing | Add MS 17533 | Three treatises on the art of fencing (Add MS 17533) |
1651 | Memorial Da Prattica do Montante | MS 49.Ⅲ.20.nº.21 | Memorial Da Prattica do Montante (MS 49.III.20.nº.21) |
1657 | Fechtbuch eines ungenannten Studenten | Cod.Guelf.264.23.Extrav. | Fechtbuch eines ungenannten Studenten (Cod.Guelf.264.23.Extrav.) |
1662 | Phrases ex variis autoribus quam studiosissimi collectae | MS Chart.B.2117 | Phrases ex variis autoribus quam studiosissimi collectae (MS Chart.B.2117) |
1670 | Traité d'escrime à pied et à cheval | MS Français 1236 | Traité d'escrime à pied et à cheval (MS Français 1236) |
1671 | Eigentliche Beschreibung des Stoßfechtens | MS Dresd.C.13 | Eigentliche Beschreibung des Stoßfechtens (MS Dresd.C.13) |
1675-1700 | Libro intitulado defensa de la berdadera destreça de las armas | M 1-3-3 | Defensa de la berdadera destreça de las armas (M 1-3-3) |
1675-1700 | Lições de Marte | MS 49.Ⅲ.6 | Lições de Marte (MS 49.III.6) |
1676 | Truthe of the Sworde | MS Harley 4206 | Truthe of the Sworde (MS Harley 4206) |
1676 | Mathematical Demonstration of the Sorde | MS Harley 5219 | Mathematical Demonstration of the Sorde (MS Harley 5219) |
1677 | Veldens Fecht-Buch | HDW FAB 1677 | Veldens Fecht-Buch (HDW FAB 1677) |
1679-1681 | Compendio di Scherma | Cod.256 | Compendio di Scherma (Cod.256) |
1699 | Il Fior di Battaglia | MS ⅩⅩⅣ | Fior di Battaglia (MS XXIV) |
1700s | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | MS 014 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (MS 014) |
1727 | Reglas para La Destreza de Las Armas | MS E.1939.65.597 | Reglas para La Destreza de Las Armas (MS E.1939.65.597) |
1731 | Anweisung zum Fechten | Fol 351 [c] | Anweisung zum Fechten (Fol 351 (c)) |
1731-1755 | Die Adeliche und Ritterliche Fechtkunst | MS Best.7010 (W*)289 | Die Adeliche und Ritterliche Fechtkunst (MS Best.7010 W*289) |
1733 | Die Adeliche und Ritterliche Fechtkunst | MS Germ.Oct.227 | Die Adeliche und Ritterliche Fechtkunst (MS Germ. Oct. 227) |
1749 | L'exercice des armes | MS E.1939.65.488 | L'exercice des armes (MS E.1939.65.488) |
1750 | Anfangsgründe der Fechtkunst | MS B.215 | Anfangsgründe der Fechtkunst (MS B.215) |
1763 | Tableau de l'académie d'armes | Cod.Ⅰ.6.2º.6 | Tableau de l'académie d'armes (Cod.I.6.2º.6) |
1801-1940 | Bref instructions upon my Paradoxes of defence | MS 1086 | Bref instructions upon my Paradoxes of defence (MS 1086) |
1820 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | Cod.icon. 394 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (Cod.icon. 394) |
1820 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch | Cod.icon. 395 | Talhoffer Fechtbuch (Cod.icon. 395) |
1838 | Reit und Turnierbuch | MS 23.279 | Reit und Turnierbuch (MS 23.279) |
Other relevant manuscripts
Year | Name | Signature | Article |
1400 | Arzneibuch, kunsttechnische und Hausrezepte | Cgm 824 | Arzneibuch, kunsttechnische und Hausrezepte (Cgm 824) |
1430 | Kunst und Wunderbuch | Cod.Pal.lat.1888 | Kunst und Wunderbuch (Cod.Pal.lat.1888) |
1437 | Sammelhandschrift zur Kriegskunst | Cod.3062 | Sammelhandschrift zur Kriegskunst (Cod.3062) |
1506-1511 | Marx Turnierbuch | Cgm 1930 | Marx Turnierbuch (Cgm 1930) |
1511 | Turnierbuch Ritterspiele | Cod.icon. 398 | Turnierbuch Ritterspiele (Cod.icon. 398) |
1519 | Ludwig von Eyb Turnierbuch | Cgm 961 | Eyb Turnierbuch (Cgm 961) |
1529 | Burgkmair Turnierbuch | Location unknown | Burgkmair Turnierbuch (Wittelsbach MS) |
1537 | Thůrnẙer und Scharpfrennen | Cod.I.6.4º.1 | Thůrnẙer und Scharpfrennen (Cod.I.6.4º.1) |
1540 | Burgkmair Turnierbuch | Cod.icon. 403 | Burgkmair Turnierbuch (Cod.icon. 403) |
1544 | Lamberger Turnierbuch | Cod.A.2290 | Lamberger Turnierbuch (Cod.A.2290) |
1548 | Geschlechterbuch der Stadt Augsburg | Cod.icon. 312b | Geschlechterbuch der Stadt Augsburg (Cod.icon. 312b) |
1550-1650 | Nuremberg Turnierbuch | MS 22.229 | Nuremberg Turnierbuch (MS 22.229) |
1553 | Burgkmair Turnierbuch | Location unknown | Burgkmair Turnierbuch (Hohenzollern Sigmaringen MS) |
1560 | Tournament Book | MS Ludwig ⅩⅤ 14 | Tournament Book (MS Ludwig XV 14) |
1570 | Kriegsbuch u.a. Über Schützen- und Turnierwesen | MS B.213 | Kriegsbuch u.a. Über Schützen- und Turnierwesen (MS B.213) |
1630 | Einige Figuren von Fus-Thurnieren | 2º MS Math.7 | Einige Figuren von Fus-Thurnieren (2º MS Math.7) |