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(58 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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  | [[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Cod. I.6.4º.3]] (1460s)
  | [[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Cod. I.6.4º.3]] (1460s)
  | [[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|MS M.I.29]] (1491)
  | [[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|MS M.I.29]] (1491)
| [[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|MS Var.82]] (1570-71)
| manuscript(s)        = {{collapsible list
| manuscript(s)        = {{collapsible list
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  | [[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Cod. 10825/6]] (1550s)
  | [[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Cod. 10825/6]] (1550s)
  | [[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Cgm 3712]] (1556)
  | [[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Cgm 3712]] (1556)
| [[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|MS Var.82]] (1570-71)
| first printed edition=  
| first printed edition=  
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| website              =  
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| translations        = {{plainlist
| translations        = {{plainlist
  | {{French translation|http://ardamhe.free.fr/biblio/Tetraptyque.pdf|1}}
  | {{French translation|http://www.ffamhe.fr/sources/Tetraptyque.pdf|1}}
| {{Slovak translation|http://sermiari.sk/hans-von-speyer/|1}}
  | {{Spanish translation|http://www.aveh.eu/documentos/EdadMedia/TETRAPTICOV.pdf|1}}
  | {{Spanish translation|http://www.aveh.eu/documentos/EdadMedia/TETRAPTICOV.pdf|1}}
| below
| below
'''Lew''' or '''Lewe''' is the presumed name of a [[century::15th century]] [[nationality::German]] [[fencing master]]. He seems to have stood in the tradition of [[Johannes Liechtenauer]], though he was not included in [[Paulus Kal]]'s ca. 1470 list of the members of the [[Fellowship of Liechtenauer]].<ref>The Fellowship of Liechtenauer is recorded in three versions of [[Paulus Kal]]'s treatise: [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS 1825)|MS 1825]] (1460s), [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (Cgm 1507)|Cgm 1570]] (ca. 1470), and [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS KK5126)|MS KK5126]] (1480s).</ref>
'''Lew''' or '''Lewe''' is the presumed name of a [[century::15th century]] [[nationality::German]] [[fencing master]]. He seems to have stood in the tradition of [[Johannes Liechtenauer]], though he was not included in [[Paulus Kal]]'s ca. 1470 list of the members of the [[Fellowship of Liechtenauer]].<ref>The Fellowship of Liechtenauer is recorded in three versions of [[Paulus Kal]]'s treatise: [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS 1825)|MS 1825]] (1460s), [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (Cgm 1507)|Cgm 1507]] (ca. 1470), and [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS KK5126)|MS KK5126]] (1480s).</ref>
The name ''Lewe'' means "lion" and might have been a nickname or pseudonym. The colophon to the [[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Cod. I.6.4º.3]],<ref>Subsequently copied into the [[Über die Fechtkunst und den Ringkampf (MS 963)|Graz version]] as part of Lew's mounted gloss.</ref> which states "Here ends the Jewish art of the man called Lew", has lead people to fabricate names like ''Jud Lew'' or ''Jude Lew'' (meaning "Lew the Jew"), even though such a name doesn't appear anywhere in the historical record, and even to speculate that Lew might be a Germanization of a Hebrew name like Levi.
The name ''Lewe'' means "lion" and might have been a nickname or pseudonym. The colophon to the [[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Cod. I.6.4º.3]],<ref>Subsequently copied into the [[Über die Fechtkunst und den Ringkampf (MS 963)|Graz]] and [[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Munich]] versions as part of Lew's mounted gloss.</ref> which states "Here ends the Jewish art of the man called Lew",<ref>Some instead render it "Here ends the art of the Jewish man called Lew".</ref> has lead people to fabricate names like ''Jud Lew'' or ''Jude Lew'' (meaning "Lew the Jew"), even though such a name doesn't appear anywhere in the historical record, and even to speculate that Lew might be a Germanization of a Hebrew name like Levi.
Lew is sometimes erroneously credited with authoring the whole of the [[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Cod. I.6.4º.3]], which is an anonymous compilation of various fencing treatises created in the 1460s. His name is actually associated with just two sections of that book: he is credited as the author of an armored fencing treatise which was really written by [[Martin Huntsfeld]],<ref>Jaquet, Daniel; [[Bartłomiej Walczak|Walczak, Bartłomiej]]. "Liegnitzer, Hundsfeld or Lew? The question of authorship of popular Medieval fighting teachings". ''[[Acta Periodica Duellatorum]]'' '''2'''(1): 105-148. 2014. {{doi|10.1515/apd-2015-0015}}.</ref> and is mentioned at the end of a [[gloss]] of [[Johannes Liechtenauer]]'s [[Recital]] on [[mounted fencing]]<ref>See the colophon on [[Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 123r.jpg|folio 123r]].</ref> (by convention, the gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on [[long sword]] fencing that almost always accompanies this mounted gloss is also attributed to Lew). Though this colophon is generally regarded as indicating that Lew authored the gloss (which is one branch of the larger [[Pseudo-Peter von Danzig]] gloss family), it could alternatively be interpreted to mean that Lew was the scribe or client for the whole manuscript.
Lew is sometimes erroneously credited with authoring the whole of the [[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Cod. I.6.4º.3]], which is an anonymous compilation of various fencing treatises created in the 1460s. His name is actually associated with just two sections of that book: he is credited as the author of an armored fencing treatise which was really written by [[Martin Huntsfeld]],<ref>Jaquet, Daniel; [[Bartłomiej Walczak|Walczak, Bartłomiej]]. "Liegnitzer, Hundsfeld or Lew? The question of authorship of popular Medieval fighting teachings". ''[[Acta Periodica Duellatorum]]'' '''2'''(1): 105-148. 2014. {{doi|10.1515/apd-2015-0015}}.</ref> and is mentioned at the end of a [[gloss]] of [[Johannes Liechtenauer]]'s [[Recital]] on [[mounted fencing]]<ref>See the colophon on [[Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 123r.jpg|folio 123r]].</ref> (by convention, the gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on [[long sword]] fencing that almost always accompanies this mounted gloss is also attributed to Lew). Though this colophon is generally regarded as indicating that Lew authored the gloss (which is one branch of the larger [[Pseudo-Peter von Danzig]] gloss family), it could alternatively be interpreted to mean that Lew was the scribe or client for the whole manuscript.
== Stemma ==
== Textual History ==
=== Manuscript Stemma ===
Early on in its history, the prototype of the [[Pseudo-Peter von Danzig]] gloss seems to have split into at least three branches, and no definite copies of the unaltered original are known to survive. The gloss of [[Sigmund ain Ringeck]] also seems to be related to this work, due to the considerable overlap in text and contents, but it is currently unclear if Ringeck's gloss is based on that of pseudo-Danzig or if they both derive from an even earlier original gloss (or even if Ringeck and pseudo-Danzig are the same author and the "Ringeck" gloss should be considered a fourth branch).
Early on in its history, the prototype of the [[Pseudo-Peter von Danzig]] gloss seems to have split into at least three branches, and no definite copies of the unaltered original are known to survive. The gloss of [[Sigmund ain Ringeck]] also seems to be related to this work, due to the considerable overlap in text and contents, but it is currently unclear if Ringeck's gloss is based on that of pseudo-Danzig or if they both derive from an even earlier original gloss (or even if Ringeck and pseudo-Danzig are the same author and the "Ringeck" gloss should be considered a fourth branch).
Branch A, first attested in the [[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Augsburg version]] (1450s) and comprising the majority of extant copies, has more plays overall than Branch B but generally shorter descriptions in areas of overlap. It also glosses only Liechtenauer's Recital on long sword and mounted fencing; in lieu of a gloss of Liechtenauer's short sword, it is generally accompanied by the short sword teachings of [[Andre Lignitzer]] and [[Martin Huntsfeld]] (or, in the case of the 1512 [[Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)|Vienna II]], Ringeck's short sword gloss). Branch A is sometimes called the '''[[Lew]]''' gloss, based on a potential attribution at the end of the mounted gloss in a few copies. Apart from the Augsburg, the other principal text in Branch A is the [[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|Salzburg version]] (1491), which was copied independently<ref>Both Augsburg and Salzburg contain significant scribal errors of omission that allow us to identify manuscripts copied from them.</ref> and also incorporates twelve paragraphs from Ringeck's gloss and nineteen paragraphs from an unidentified third source. Branch A was redacted by [[Paulus Hector Mair]] (three mss., 1540s), [[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Lienhart Sollinger]] (1556), and [[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Joachim Meyer]] (1570), which despite being the latest is the cleanest extant version and was likely either copied directly from the original or created by comparing multiple versions to correct their errors. It was also one of the bases for [[Johannes Lecküchner]]'s gloss on the [[Messer]] in the late 1470s.
[[file:Lew stemma.png|300px|left|thumb|Provisional stemma codicum for Branch&nbsp;A]]
Branch A, first attested in the [[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Augsburg version]] (1450s) and comprising the majority of extant copies, has more plays overall than Branch B but generally shorter descriptions in areas of overlap. It also glosses only Liechtenauer's Recital on long sword and mounted fencing; in lieu of a gloss of Liechtenauer's short sword, it is generally accompanied by the short sword teachings of [[Andre Lignitzer]] and [[Martin Huntsfeld]] (or, in the case of the 1512 [[Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)|Vienna II]], Ringeck's short sword gloss). Branch A is sometimes called the '''[[Lew]]''' gloss, based on a potential attribution at the end of the mounted gloss in a few copies. Apart from the Augsburg, the other principal text in Branch A is the [[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|Salzburg version]] (1491), which was copied independently<ref>Both Augsburg and Salzburg contain significant scribal errors of omission that allow us to identify manuscripts copied from them.</ref> and also incorporates twelve paragraphs from Ringeck's gloss and nineteen paragraphs from an unidentified third source. Branch A was redacted by [[Paulus Hector Mair]] (three mss., 1540s), [[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Lienhart Sollinger]] (1556), and [[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Joachim Meyer]] (1570), which despite being the latest is the cleanest extant version. This branch was also one of the bases for [[Johannes Lecküchner]]'s gloss on the [[Messer]] in the late 1470s.
Branch B, attested first in the [[Codex Danzig (Cod.44.A.8)|Rome version]] (1452), is found in only five manuscripts; it tends to feature slightly longer descriptions than Branch A, but includes fewer plays overall. Branch B glosses Liechtenauer's entire Recital, including the short sword section, and may therefore be considered more complete than Branch A; it also differs in that three of the four known copies are illustrated to some extent, where none in the other branches are. Branch B is the one most commonly identified with '''pseudo-Danzig''', because it is entirely anonymous and lacks any clues for other attribution. The [[Goliath Fechtbuch (MS Germ.Quart.2020)|Krakow version]] (1535-40) seems to be an incomplete (though extensively illustrated) copy taken from the Rome,<ref>Zabinski, pp 82-83</ref> while [[Hutter/Sollinger Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.2)|Augsburg II]] (1564) collects only the six illustrated wrestling plays from the Krakow. Even more anomalous is the [[Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)|Glasgow version]] (1508), consisting solely of a nearly-complete redaction of the short sword gloss which begins with seven paragraphs of unknown origin. The other version of Branch B is the Vienna, which includes the mounted and short sword sections but omits the long sword in favor of Branch C. A fifth manuscript, the [[Falkner Turnierbuch]], is known to have once existed but seems to have been destroyed in the Siege of Strasbourg.
Branch B, attested first in the [[Codex Danzig (Cod.44.A.8)|Rome version]] (1452), is found in only five manuscripts; it tends to feature slightly longer descriptions than Branch A, but includes fewer plays overall. Branch B glosses Liechtenauer's entire Recital, including the short sword section, and may therefore be considered more complete than Branch A; it also differs in that three of the four known copies are illustrated to some extent, where none in the other branches are. Branch B is the one most commonly identified with '''pseudo-Danzig''', because it is entirely anonymous and lacks any clues for other attribution. The [[Goliath Fechtbuch (MS Germ.Quart.2020)|Krakow version]] (1535-40) seems to be an incomplete (though extensively illustrated) copy taken from the Rome,<ref>Zabinski, pp 82-83</ref> while [[Wilhalm/Sollinger Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.2)|Augsburg II]] (1564) collects only the six illustrated wrestling plays from the Krakow. The other substantial version of Branch B is the [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS KK5126)|Vienna]], which includes the mounted and short sword sections but omits the long sword in favor of Branch C. Most anomalous are the [[Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)|Glasgow version]] (1508), consisting solely of a nearly-complete redaction of the short sword gloss which begins with seven paragraphs of unknown origin, and the [[Johan Liechtnawers Fechtbuch geschriebenn (MS Dresd.C.487)|Dresden version]], consisting of a redaction of the first half of the mounted fencing gloss which begins with four paragraphs from Ringeck. A final manuscript, the [[Falkner Turnierbuch]], is known to have once existed but seems to have been destroyed in the Siege of Strasbourg.
Branch C is first attested in the [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS KK5126)|Vienna version]] (1480s). It is unclear whether it was derived independently from the original, represents an intermediate evolutionary step between Branches A and B, or was created by simply merging copies of those two branches together. The structure and contents of this branch align closely with Branch B, lacking most of the unique plays of Branch A, but the actual text is more consistent with that of Branch A (though not identical). The other mostly-complete copy of Branch C is the [[Rast Fechtbuch (Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82)|Augsburg version II]] (1553), which was created by Paulus Hector Mair based on the writings of [[Antonius Rast]], and which segues into the text of [[Sigmund ain Ringeck|Ringeck]]'s gloss for the final eighteen paragraphs. A substantial fragment of Branch C is present in five additional 16th century manuscripts alongside the illustrated treatise of [[Jörg Wilhalm Hutter]]; one of these, [[Gregor Erhart Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.354)|Glasgow II]] (1533) assigns the text a much earlier origin, stating that it was devised by '''[[Nicolaüs]]''' in 1489. This branch has received the least attention and is currently the least well understood.
Branch C is first attested in the [[Paulus Kal Fechtbuch (MS KK5126)|Vienna version]] (1480s). It is unclear whether it was derived independently from the original, represents an intermediate evolutionary step between Branches A and B, or was created by simply merging copies of those two branches together. The structure and contents of this branch align closely with Branch B, lacking most of the unique plays of Branch A, but the actual text is more consistent with that of Branch A (though not identical). The other mostly-complete copy of Branch C is the [[Rast Fechtbuch (Reichsstadt "Schätze" Nr. 82)|Augsburg version II]] (1553), which was created by Paulus Hector Mair based on the writings of [[Antonius Rast]], and which segues into the text of [[Sigmund ain Ringeck|Ringeck]]'s gloss for the final eighteen paragraphs. A substantial fragment of Branch C is present in five additional 16th century manuscripts alongside the illustrated treatise of [[Jörg Wilhalm]]; one of these, [[Gregor Erhart Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.354)|Glasgow II]] (1533) assigns the text a much earlier origin, stating that it was devised by '''[[Nicolaüs]]''' in 1489. This branch has received the least attention and is currently the least well understood.
(A final text of interest is the gloss of [[Hans Medel|Hans Medel von Salzburg]], which was acquired by Mair in 1539<ref>Medel's section of the [[Hans Medel Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.5)|Cod. I.6.2º.5]] is internally dated on [[page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 21r.jpg|folio 21r]].</ref> and bound into the [[Hans Medel Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.5)|Cod. I.6.2º.5]] after 1566.<ref>The record of the [[Marxbrüder]] in the manuscript ends on [[page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 20r.jpg|folio 20r]] with the year 1566, so Mair couldn't have compiled it before then.</ref> Medel demonstrates familiarity with the teachings of a variety of 15th century Liechtenauer masters, and his text often takes the form of a revision and expansion of the long sword glosses of Ringeck and Branch C. Because of the extent of original and modified content, no attempt has been made on either of those pages to associate Medel's gloss with the sources he was copying from.)
(A final text of interest is the gloss of [[Hans Medel|Hans Medel von Salzburg]], which was acquired by Mair in 1539<ref>Medel's section of the [[Hans Medel Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.5)|Cod. I.6.2º.5]] is internally dated on [[page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 21r.jpg|folio 21r]].</ref> and bound into the [[Hans Medel Fechtbuch (Cod.I.6.2º.5)|Cod. I.6.2º.5]] after 1566.<ref>The record of the [[Marxbrüder]] in the manuscript ends on [[page:Cod.I.6.2º.5 20r.jpg|folio 20r]] with the year 1566, so Mair couldn't have compiled it before then.</ref> Medel demonstrates familiarity with the teachings of a variety of 15th century Liechtenauer masters, and his text often takes the form of a revision and expansion of the long sword glosses of Ringeck and Branch C. Because of the extent of original and modified content, no attempt has been made on either of those pages to associate Medel's gloss with the sources he was copying from.)
=== Modern HEMA ===
The Augsburg, Salzburg, and Munich manuscripts, as well as the Dresden and Vienna copies of [[Paulus Hector Mair]]'s works, were all cataloged in [[Martin Wierschin]]'s monumental ''Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des Fechtens'' of 1965. In 1985, [[Hans-Peter Hils]] added three more in his updated catalog in ''Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des langen Schwertes'': the Vienna and Graz manuscripts as well as the Munich Mair.
However, until the 2010s, the Lew gloss was generally dismissed as an inferior copy of the [[Pseudo-Peter von Danzig]] gloss and largely ignored for that reason. Most work on it until recently has been incidental in the course of larger projects (such as transcribing whole manuscripts that happened to include it). The exception to this is the Salzburg long sword, whose additional paragraphs of commentary by anonymous authors (including, unbeknownst to most people, [[Sigmund ain Ringeck]]) set it apart as more unique than the others and garnered slightly more attention.
The first transcription of a copy of Lew, the Augsburg version, was produced by [[Grzegorz Żabiński]] (long sword) and [[Monika Maziarz]] (mounted fencing) in 2001 and posted on the ARMA-Pl site. The Salzburg version soon followed in 2002, with substantial portions being transcribed by curator [[Beatrix Koll]] and posted on the University of Salzburg site. That same year, [[Anton Kohutovič]] transcribed the German text of the Vienna manuscript by [[Paulus Hector Mair]] and posted it on the Gesellschaft Lichtenawers site. Then in 2006, a transcription of the Graz version was produced by U. Bergner and J. Giessauf and published by Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt in ''Würgegriff und Mordschlag. Die Fecht- und Ringlehre des Hans Czynner (1538)'', the first printed treatment of a version of Lew.
Based on this early work, individual French translations of the Augsburg and Salzburg versions of the mounted fencing (along with the Rome and Dresden Pseudo-Danzigs) were produced by [[Michaël Huber]] and posted on the ARDAMHE site in 2004. In 2010, he followed this up with a translation of the long sword (along with the Rome Ps-Danzig and the Dresden Ringeck) with [[Philippe Errard]] and [[Didier de Grenier]], which was also posted on the ARDAMHE site; these French translations were subsequently translated into Spanish by [[Eugenio García-Salmones]] and posted on the AVEH site in 2011. During the mid-'00s, [[Jeffrey Forgeng]] produced a private English translation of the complete works of Mair, which presumably included the Lew glosses but which has never seen public release.
[[Dierk Hagedorn]] authored new transcriptions of the Augsburg version in 2008 and the Salzburg version in 2009, both of which were posted on Hammaborg. In 2012, [[Pierre-Henry Bas]] transcribed large sections of the Dresden version of Mair's work for his dissertation and released them on his blog REGHT. Also in 2012, [[Martin Fabian]] produced a Slovak translation of the Salzburg long sword and posted it on the Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok site.
In addition to these versions that had been identified as early as Wierschin and Hils, eventually newly-discovered versions began to appear. It's unclear when the Rostock manuscript was first identified as pertaining to [[Joachim Meyer]], but it began circulating prior to 2009 and [[Kevin Maurer]] authored a partial transcription in 2011, after which Lew's sections were recognized; Dierk Hagedorn posted a complete transcription on Hammaborg in 2015. Conversely, the Vienna version has been known as a manuscript illustrated by [[Albrecht Dürer]] for centuries, but the attribution of the mounted fencing teachings to Lew wasn't made until[Dierk Hagedorn released a full transcription in 2016.
Wiktenauer produced its first article on Lew in 2011, containing only the mounted fencing. We didn't separate the long sword from the Pseudo-Danzig article until 2016, when [[Cory Winslow]] produced the first public English translation (incorporating all available versions) and donated it to Wiktenauer; in 2019, [[Per Magnus Haaland]] rounded off the article with a translation of the mounted fencing based on Mair's Latin translation.
In 2017, a second English translation by [[Falko Fritz]] and [[Thomas Rhem]] and a modern German translation by Dierk Hagedorn, both based on the Augsburg version, were published by [[VS-Books]] in ''Jude Lew: Das Fechtbuch''.
More recently, [[Stephen Cheney]] authored a third English translation of the long sword section, based on Augsburg and Salzburg, which he self-published in ''Ringeck{{middot}}Danzig{{middot}}Lew Longsword'' in 2020. [[Christian Trosclair]] also translated the long sword section to English and posted it on Wiktenauer in 2021.
In 2021, [[Rainer Welle]]'s transcription of the Vienna version was published by Sublilium Schaffer in ''Albrecht Dürer und seine Kunst des Zweikampfes: auf den Spuren der Handschrift 26232 in der Albertina Wien'', and Dierk Hagedorn's transcription and translation into modern German were published by VS-Books in ''Albrecht Dürer - Das Fechtbuch''. In 2022, Dierk Hagedorn followed this up with an English translation, published (along with the transcription) by Greenhill Books in ''Dürer's Fight Book: The Genius of the German Renaissance and his Combat Treatise''.
In 2024, [[Martin Fabian]] self-published an English translation of the long sword from the Salzburg version in his book ''Fechtbuch Fabian''.
== Treatises ==
== Treatises ==
While all branches were originally presented in a single concordance in the [[pseudo-Peter von Danzig]] article, the differences between them are extensive enough that they merit separate consideration. Thus, Branch A has been placed here on the page of Lew, Branch B has been retained on the main pseudo-Danzig page, and branch C is now on the [[Nicolaüs]] page.
While all branches were originally presented in a single concordance in the [[pseudo-Peter von Danzig]] article, the differences between them are extensive enough that they merit separate consideration. Thus, Branch A has been placed here on the page of Lew, Branch B has been retained on the main pseudo-Danzig page, and branch C is now on the [[Nicolaüs]] page.
<h3 style="display: none;> Long Sword </h3>
<div id="long_sword" style="background:transparent; clear:both; font-weight:normal; padding:3px; text-align:left; width:0em; min-width:0em;">
<table class="master sortable">
  <th id="LSTrosclair0"><p>{{rating|C|Draft Translation (from the German)}} (2021)<br/>by [[Christian Trosclair]]</p></td>
  <th id="LSWinslow0"><p>{{rating|B|Complete Translation (from the German)}} (2016)<br/>by [[Cory Winslow]]</p></td>
  <th id="LSAugsburg0"><p>[[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Augsburg Version]] (1460s){{edit index|Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></td>
  <th id="LSSalzburg0"><p>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|Salzburg Version]] (1491){{edit index|Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></td>
  <th id="LSDresdenMair0"><p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MSS Dresd.C.93/C.94)|Dresden (Mair) Version]] (1542){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MS Dresd.C.93)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Pierre-Henry Bas]]</p></td>
  <th id="LSViennaMairG0"><p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Vienna (Mair) German Version]] (1550s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Anton Kohutovič]]</p></td>
  <th id="LSMunichMair0"><p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393)|Munich (Mair) Version]] (1540s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393 I)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Kendra Brown]] and [[Rebecca Garber]]</p></td>
  <th id="LSViennaMairL0"><p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Vienna (Mair) Latin Version]] (1550s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825)}}</p></td>
  <th id="LSMunich0"><p>[[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Munich Version]] (1556){{edit index|Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)}}</p></td>
  <th id="LSRostock0"><p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></td>
{{master begin
{{Lew row LS|1
| title = Long Sword Gloss
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 001r.jpg|1|lbl=01r}}
| width = 300em
{| class="master"
! id="LSWinslow0" | <p>{{rating|B|Complete Translation (from the German)}} (2016)<br/>by [[Cory Winslow]]</p>
! id="LSLatin0" | <p>{{rating|none|No Translation (from the Latin)}}<br/></p>
! id="LSAugsburg0" | <p>[[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Augsburg Version]] (1460s){{edit index|Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! id="LSSalzburg0" | <p>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|Salzburg Version]] (1491){{edit index|Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! id="LSDresdenMair0" | <p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MSS Dresd.C.93/C.94)|Dresden (Mair) Version]] (1542){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MS Dresd.C.93)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Pierre-Henry Bas]]</p>
! id="LSViennaMairG0" | <p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Vienna (Mair) German Version]] (1550s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Anton Kohutovič]]</p>
! id="LSViennaMairL0" | <p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Vienna (Mair) Latin Version]] (1550s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825)}}</p>
! id="LSMunichMair0" | <p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393)|Munich (Mair) Version]] (1540s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393 I)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Saskia Roselaar]]</p>
! id="LSMunich0" | <p>[[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Munich Version]] (1556){{edit index|Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)}}</p>
! id="LSRostock0" | <p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
| <p>[1] {{red|b=1|Master Liechtenauer's Art}}<br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>1</small>
| Young knight learn<br/>To have love for God; honor women and maidens,
| <small>2</small>
| So waxes your learning,<br/>And learn
| <small>3</small>
| things that adorn you<br/>And in wars sorely court.
| <small>4</small>
| Wrestle well, grappler.<br/>Lance, sword, and messer
| <small>5</small>
| Manfully handle,<br/>And in others’ hands ruin.
| <small>6</small>
| Hew therein and hit there,<br/>Let hang, and let drive,
| <small>7</small>
| So that your wisdom one<br/>May masterfully prize.
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 001r.jpg|1|lbl=1r}}
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{{Lew row LS|2
| <p>[2] {{red|b=1|Here begins a good common lesson of the long sword, yet such a very good secret art is locked therein.}}<br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>9</small>
| {{red|If you will show art,<br/>Go yourself left, right with hewing,}}
| <small>10</small>
| {{red|And left with right,<br/>If you most strongly will fence.}}
<p>The first lesson of the long sword is that before all things, you shall rightly learn the hews so that you will otherwise fence strongly, and undertake that thus: when you stand with the left foot fore and hew from the right side, then the hew is false and incorrect (since the right side remains there behind), and thereby the hew<ref>"the hew" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> becomes too short and may not have its correct going to the right side, etc.</p>
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{{Lew row LS|3  
| <p>[3] Or, if you stand with the right foot fore and hew from the left side, if you then do not follow after with the left foot, then the hew is but false. Therefore, mark when you hew from the right side that you always follow after with the right foot;<ref>S. "right-side foot".</ref> the same do also likewise when you hew from the left side. So put your body in the correct balance, and thus the hews become long and correctly hewn, etc.
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 002r.jpg|2|lbl=02r.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 002r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 084v.png|1|lbl=84v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 084v.png|1|lbl=084v.1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 014r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|4
| <p>[4] </p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>11</small>
| {{red|Whoever goes after hewing,<br/>He deserves little joy in his art.}}
<p>This is when you come to the man with the pre-fencing: then you shall not stand still with your sword and wait after his hews until he hews to you. Know that all fencers who look there on another’s hews and will do nothing other than parry, they deserve little joy in their art since they become sorely struck thereby, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|5
| <p>[5] </p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 003r.jpg|1|lbl=03r.1|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 003v.jpg|1|lbl=03v.1|p=1}}
| <small>12</small>
| {{red|Hew near what you will;<br/>No change comes on your shield.}}
| <small>13</small>
| {{red|To the head, to the body,<br/>Do not shun the strikes.}}
| <small>14</small>
| {{red|With the entire body,<br/>Fight so that you most strongly drive.}}
<p>Undertake that thus: When you come to the man with the pre-fencing, whatever you then wish to fence, you shall drive it with the entire strength of your body, and hew in therewith, near to his head. Therewith you force him so that he must parry, and come to no Changing-through when you come near to him with the point. If he comes then with the parrying strongly on your sword,<ref>Mair: "If he comes then onto your sword with the strong".</ref> then give him a touch on his left arm and step backwards therewith before he comes in.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 003r.jpg|1|lbl=3r|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 003v.jpg|1|lbl=3v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|6
| <p>[6] </p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>15</small>
| {{red|Hear what is bad there:<br/>Fight not left if you are right,}}
| <small>16</small>
| {{red|And if you are left,<br/>In the fencing<ref>Liechtenauer's verse has ''in der rechten'', "on the right", here, but it has been changed in all copies except the Salzburg and the Rostock.</ref> you also sorely limp.}}
<p>This is a good lesson and touches upon a left-hander and a right-hander. And know how you shall hew so that one does not win the Weak of your sword with the first hew, and undertake that thus: when you come to the man with the pre-fencing, if you are then right and will strongly fence, then hew the first hew with purpose (not from the left side). Then he is weak and may not hold against when you bind strongly on him; but<ref>A. "or"</ref> if you hew from the right side, then you may well strongly hold against him and work on the sword whatever you wish.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|7  
| <p>[7] Likewise, if you are left-handed, then also hew the first hew not from the right side; hew respectively from the left side, since it is rightly quite wild and again tame, to drive art from the left side. Likewise is it also a left-hander from the right side, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 004r.jpg|2|lbl=04r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 011v.jpg|2|lbl=11v.2}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 015r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|8
| <p>[8] </p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>17</small>
| {{red|Before and After, these two things<br/>Are a well-spring to all art.}}
| <small>18</small>
| {{red|Weak and Strong;<br/>"Meanwhile"—mark with that word,}}
| <small>19</small>
| {{red|So you may learn<br/>Working and defending with art.}}
| <small>20</small>
| {{red|If you frighten easily<br/>Learn no fencing<ref>S. "art or fencing".</ref> evermore.}}
<p>This is that you shall, before all things, correctly undertake and understand the two things: that is, the Before and the After, and Weak and Strong, and the word "Meanwhile". When you rightly undertake and understand these things, from them comes the entire foundation of all the Art of Fencing. And going forward, do not forget the word "Meanwhile" in all techniques that you drive; thus you may well be a good Master of the Sword and may well teach princes and lords, that they may be best in play and in earnest with the correct Art of the Sword, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|9  
| <p>[9] Item, when you come ere with the hew (or such), so that he must parry you, then quickly work Meanwhile ahead of yourself with other techniques with the sword (or such), and let him come to no further work, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 005r.jpg|2|lbl=05r.2}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 015v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|10  
| <p>[10] Item, when he comes ere with the hew, then you must parry that and then quickly work Meanwhile with parrying with the sword (or such), so you take the Before with the After. That is called Before and After, etc.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 005r.jpg|3|lbl=05r.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 005v.jpg|1|lbl=05v.1|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 086r.png|1|lbl=086r.1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 086r.png|1|lbl=86r}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 015v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|11  
| <p>[11] Item, now you shall, before all things, know the Weak and Strong of the sword; undertake it thus: from the hilt on to the middle is the Strong, and from the middle on to the point is the Weak. And how you shall work after the Weak and with the Strong, you will find all that written hereafter, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 005v.jpg|2|lbl=05v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 012v.jpg|2|lbl=12v.2}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 086r.png|2|lbl=086r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 012v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 086r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 073r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 073r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 081v.jpg|7|lbl=81v.7}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 015v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|12
| <p>[12] </p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>21</small>
| {{red|Learn five hews<br/>From the right hand against the weapons.}}
| <small>22</small>
| {{red|Then we praise<br/>Your Arts, to teach well.}}
<p>Mark, there are Five hidden Hews. Whoever can break them with correct art, without injury, becomes praised by<ref>S., R. "before"</ref> other masters, and shall become rewarded more inexpensively in his art than another. And how you shall hew the Hews with three techniques, you will find all that described hereafter, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|13
| <p>[13] </p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>23</small>
| {{red|Wrath hew, Crooked,<ref>S. "crooked hew"</ref> Thwart,<ref>S. "thwart hew"</ref><br/>Have Squinter with Parter.}}
| <small>24</small>
| {{red|Fool, Forfends,<br/>Travelling-after, Over-running, Off-setting,}}
| <small>25</small>
| {{red|Changing-through, Pull,<br/>Run-through, Slice-off, Press hands,}}
| <small>26</small>
| {{red|Hang, Wind,with openings,<br/>Blows, grasp, strike, stab with thrusting.}}
<p>Mark, here become named to you the correct Chief-Techniques of the Art of the Sword, as each are called with their names, so that you can further undertake and understand them.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|14
| <p>[14] {{red|b=1|Mark, of the first, the Five Hews.}}</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 006v.jpg|2|lbl=06v.2}}
<p>The first is called the Wrath-hew.<br/>The second the Crooked-hew.<br/>The third the Thwart-hew.<br/>The fourth the Squinting-hew.<br/>The fifth the Parter-hew.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 006v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row LS|15
| <p>[15] {{red|b=1|Item: Now mark thereafter the techniques:}}</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 007r.jpg|2|lbl=07r.2}}
<p>The first are the Four Guards.<br/>The second, the Four Forfendings.<br/>The third, the Travelling-after.<br/>The fourth, Over-running.<br/>The fifth, the Setting-off.<br/>The sixth, the Changing-through.<br/>The seventh, the Pulling.<br/>The eighth, the Running-through.<br/>The ninth, the Slicing-off.<br/>The tenth, the Hand Pressing.<br/>The eleventh, they are the Hangings.<br/>The twelfth, they are the Windings.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 007r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row LS|16  
| <p>[16] Thus are the hews and the techniques seventeen<ref>Mair: "twelve"</ref>. You will find them likewise described hereafter, one after another, and also that which you shall fence therefrom, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 007v.jpg|1|lbl=07v.1}}
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{{Lew row LS|17
| <section begin="wrath-1"/><p>[17] {{red|b=1|Here begins the Art of the Long Sword, firstly the Wrath-hew, etc.}}</p>
<p>'''The Wrath-hew with its techniques'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>27</small>
| {{red|Whoever Over-hews you,<br/>Threaten [him] with the Wrath-hew point.}}
| <small>28</small>
| {{red|If he becomes aware,<br/>Take-off above without danger.}}
<p>Item,<ref name="word-sr">Word omitted from the Salzburg and Rostock.</ref> the Wrath-hew breaks all Over-hews with the point, and yet it is nothing more than a simple peasant strike,<ref>S. "peasant hew".</ref> and drive that thus: when he hews above from the right side to the head, then wrathfully hew with him also (without any parrying), likewise from above from your right side,<ref name="word-s">Word omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> above onto his sword, and let the point shoot in straight ahead of you to the face or the breast.<includeonly></p></includeonly><section end="wrath-1"/> <section begin="wrath-2"/><includeonly><p></includeonly>If he then becomes aware of the point and parries with strength, then with your sword on his sword’s blade, tear off from his sword up above over yourself, and hew in to the other side, on his sword’s blade, again in to the head. That is called taking-off above, etc.</p><section end="wrath-2"/>
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| <section begin="wrath-3"/><p>[A] ''{{red|b=1|Another}}''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 014r.jpg|3|lbl=14r.3}}
<p>''Item, when you will make the Wrath Hew, then you may strike with the right hand and with the left hand behind, well up in, and thereafter make the point down below (with the inverted hand) and go through.''</p><section end="wrath-3"/>
{{Lew row Speyer|C
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 014r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row Speyer|D
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{{Lew row Speyer|E
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{{Lew row LS|18
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row Speyer|F
| <section begin="wrath-4"/><p>[B] ''Item, you may also do the taking-off to him not further upwards than onto his point, tearing up with your sword; strike in again Meanwhile to the head.''</p><section end="wrath-4"/>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 015r.jpg|2|lbl=15r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 014r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row Speyer|G
| <section begin="wrath-5"/><p>[C] '''''Item, a counter against the taking-off'''''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 015r.jpg|3|lbl=15r.3}}
<p>''When he takes-off above and hews to your head on your right side, then wind your sword with your short edge on his a little, and strike Meanwhile with the long edge to his head.''</p><section end="wrath-5"/>
{{Lew row LS|19
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 014r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 014v.jpg|1|lbl=14v|p=1}}
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| <section begin="wrath-6"/><p>[D] '''''Item, another counter'''''</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>''Meanwhile as he takes-off, then step aside from the strike and work in to the nearest opening with the hew.''</p><section end="wrath-6"/>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 015v.jpg|1|lbl=15v.1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 014v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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| <section begin="wrath-7"/><p>[E] ''{{red|b=1|Another}}''</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>''Item, when you have struck with the inverted hand from the Wrath-hew, and he drives up and parries you, then drive thus through with your inverted hand on his right side on his belly, and wind in the right elbow over his and your sword, and hold fast so you have locked him, or jerk with your right side on your left and tear strongly behind you, so you take his sword and your point goes into his face.''</p><section end="wrath-7"/>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|20
| <section begin="wrath-8"/><p>[18]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>29</small>
| {{red|Be stronger against<br/>Wind, stab, if he sees, then take it down.}}
<p>This is when<ref>Mair: "This is a lesson on when".</ref> you hew in wrathfully with him: if he then holds strongly against [you] with the sword, if you do not wish to take off above then be strong against [him], and drive up with the arms to your right side and Wind the short edge on his sword, and stab him above into his face. If he becomes aware of the stab and drives up and parries, then remain standing thus in the Winding and set the point on him below, etc.</p><section end="wrath-8"/>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 087v.png|3|lbl=087v.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 088r.png|1|lbl=088r.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|21
| <section begin="wrath-9"/><p>[F] ''Item, so you have wound thus on your right side, and he has parried your stab: then wind a little again on your left, and set in your point also down in his breast. If he then parries the point, then pull your sword onto yourself and strike in again to his head. If he then parries, so take off above (or take other work therefrom).''</p><section end="wrath-9"/>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 015r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 010r.jpg|2|lbl=10r.2|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 010v.jpg|1|lbl=10v|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 011r.jpg|1|lbl=11r.1|p=1}}
| <section begin="wrath-10"/><p>[G] ''{{red|b=1|Another}}''</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>''Item, when you have taken off above, and he has thus parried you and stabbed with you once more, then drive well up with the arms, and Wind in the short edge on the Weak of his blade and stab in to his face, or Wind on his blade in the Weak (on your right side) and stab in but to his face. You may also make both winds from one another and thrust with the point.''</p><section end="wrath-10"/>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 016r.jpg|2|lbl=16r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 015r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[19]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>30</small>
| {{red|This even mark,<br/>Hew, Stab, Leaguer, Soft or Hard,}}
| <small>31</small>
| {{red|Meanwhile, Before and After,<br/>And guard that your War is not rushed.}}
<p>This is a lesson: when he binds on your sword (with a hew or with a<ref>"with a" omitted from Rostock.</ref> stab), then you shall not be too rushed with the War (that is, with the Winding) before you mark very precisely if, when his sword clashes or binds on the other, it is Soft or Hard. And as quickly as you find this, then Wind Meanwhile and work with the War, after the Soft and after the Hard,<ref>Mair adds "not", making it "after the Soft and not after the Hard".</ref> to the nearest opening. And you have learned previously that which are called the Before and the After, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row Speyer|H
| <p>[20]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>32</small>
| {{red|Whoever enters the War above,<br/>He becomes ashamed below.}}
<p>Know that the Winding, and the work therefrom to the Four Openings with the point, that same is called the War; drive it thus: when you hew in with the Wrath-hew, as quickly as he then parries, then drive up with the arms, and Wind in the point on his sword above into the upper openings of his left side. If he then sets the upper stab off, then remain thus standing with the Winding and let the point sink down under you to the lower opening on his left side.<ref>"The lower opening" is omitted in Mair, shortening it to "to the left side".</ref> If he then follows after your sword with the parrying, then seek the lower opening of his right side with your point. If he then follows further with the parrying, then drive up with the sword on the left side and hang the point above into the upper opening of his right side, and thus he becomes ashamed with the War below and above (if you correctly drive in), etc.</p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 016v.jpg|2|lbl=16v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 017r.jpg|1|lbl=17r.1|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|22
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row Speyer|R24
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 017r.jpg|3|lbl=17r.3}}
{{Lew row LS|23
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 011v.jpg|2|lbl=11v.2|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 012r.jpg|1|lbl=12r.1|p=1}}
| <p>[21]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>33</small>
| {{red|In all Winding,<br/>Learn to find Hew, Stab, and Slice.}}
| <small>34</small>
| {{red|Also you shall, with<br/>Proofing, Hew, Stab, or Slice.}}
| <small>35</small>
| {{red|In all hits<br/>You will trick the masters.}}
<p>Know that you shall be entirely ready with all Windings on the sword, since each Winding has three particular techniques: that is, a Hew, a Stab, and a Slice. And when you Wind on the sword, then you shall well proof and mark that you do not drive the incorrect techniques that pertain in the Winding thus: that you do not Hew when you should Stab, and do not Slice when you should Hew, and also not Stab when you should Slice. And you shall so drive that when the man parries your one, you hit with the other,<ref>"And you shall... with the other" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''also soltu das''.</ref> and thus shall you always find the correct technique with which to drive rightly pertaining techniques in all hits and all Windings of the sword, if you will trick and deceive the other masters when they are set against you. And how you will Wind on the sword, and how you shall drive, that you will find in the last technique of the Epitome, which says “Who well Hangs”,<ref>Couplet 104, part of the group 102-109.</ref> etc.</p>
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{{Lew row LS|24
| <p>[H] ''Item, when you will make a hew and a stab and a slice, then do him thus: hew the Wrath-hew boldly in from your right side; wind in the point Meanwhile on his left side and stab into his face on his left side. Meanwhile step with your left foot on his right, and slice in with the long edge over both his arms.''</p>
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{{Lew row LS|27
| <p>[22]</p>
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| <small>36</small>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 089v.png|2|lbl=089v.2}}
| {{red|Four openings know,<br/>Aim<ref name="word-a">Word omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.</ref> so you strike wisely,}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 075v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <small>37</small>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 084r.jpg|2|lbl=84r.2}}
| {{red|Without any fear,<br/>Without confusion for how he acts.}}
<p>That is when you come<ref name="word-s"/> to the man with the pre-fencing, if you will then wisely fence, then you shall namely not hew in to the sword, since you should aim for the Four Openings. These are [one] the right side, the other the left, of the half over the girdle of the man. The other two openings, these are the left and the right side of the half under the girdle.<ref>"of the man… of the girdle" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''der gürttell''.</ref> Take the same openings Before and hew then boldly to [them], and regard not whatever he fences against you. If he then parries, then work in the parrying quickly to the nearest opening. Thus wait out the body and not the sword, etc.<ref name="Ringeck">The subsequent play in Salzburg is taken from the gloss of [[Sigmund ain Ringeck]], and is therefore omitted here.</ref></p>
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{{Lew row LS|29
| <p>[23]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>38</small>
| {{red|If you will reckon<br/>To masterfully break Four Openings,}}
| <small>39</small>
| {{red|Double above,<br/>Mutate correctly below.}}
| <small>40</small>
| {{red|I say to you truthfully,<ref>"To you truthfully" effaced from the Augsburg by damage to the page.</ref><br/>No man protects himself without danger.}}
| <small>41</small>
| {{red|If you have understood this,<br/>To strikes may he seldom come.}}
<p>This is when one earnestly hews in at you: if you will then reckon to break the openings on him with artfulness, so that he must let you strike without thinking, then drive the Doubling against the Strong of the sword<ref>"of the sword" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> and the Mutating against the Weak. So I say to you truthfully that he cannot guard himself before strikes, and may therefore not come to strikes, etc.</p>
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| <p>[24] Item, drive the Doubling thus: When he hews to you from his right shoulder, then likewise hew also from your right with him, strongly above in to the head. If he then parries the hew with strength, then drive up quickly with the arms and thrust your pommel under your right arm with your left hand, and strike him with the long edge (with crossed arms) behind his sword’s blade on the head, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[25] Item. Or if you have bound on his sword with the long edge from your left side, then drive quickly up with the arms and remain standing at the sword, and strike in behind his sword’s blade with the short edge on the head.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 012v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[26] Item, the Mutating to the right side. When you hew in strongly above from your right shoulder and you bind with the long edge on his sword, then drive up quickly with the arms and remain thus standing at the sword;<ref>"and you bind with… standing on the sword" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.</ref> if he parries and is Soft in the sword, then Wind the short edge on his sword on your left side, and drive up well with the arms and hang the point above over his sword, and drive the arms<ref>"with the arms… and drive" omitted from the Rostock. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''den armen''.</ref> therewith and stab in to the other opening, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[27] Item, the Mutating to the left side. Or if you hew in from the left side with the long edge bound<ref name="word-a"/> on his sword, then drive up with the arms and remain with the same edge standing on the sword, and wind yet the short edge over his sword, and drive well up with the arms, and hang the point in above over his sword, and drive there well with the arms, and stab him to the lower opening of his left side.<ref>"And wind yet… and stab him" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.</ref> Thus you may drive the two techniques from all hewing hereafter as you find the Weak and Strong of the sword, etc.</p>
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| <p>[28] '''The Crooked-hew with its techniques'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>42</small>
| {{red|Crooked on nimbly,<br/>Throw the point on the hands.}}
| <small>43</small>
| {{red|Whoever sets well Crooked<br/>With steps injures many hews.}}
<p>Know that the Crooked-hew is one of the Four Forfendings against the Four Guards.<ref>Here Salzburg segues into [[Sigmund ain Ringeck]]'s gloss of the same verse describing how the Crooked hew is used as a counter-cut: "This is how you shall cut crooked to the hands, and execute the play thus: When he cuts from your right side with the over- or under-cut, spring away from the cut with the right foot against him well to his left side, and strike him with outstretched arms with the [point] upon his hands."</ref> When therewith one Wars [against] the Ox and also the Over- and the Under-hew,<ref>Literally "boar" (''eber'') in Augsburg, Salzburg, and Mair, probably due to a scribal error from ''über''. Rostock further changes this to ''alber''.</ref> then drive thus: when you come to the man<ref>A. "him"</ref> with the the pre-fencing, if he then stands against you and holds his sword before the head in the guard of the Ox on his left side, then set your left foot before [you] and hold your sword on your<ref>A., M. "the"</ref> right shoulder in the guard, and from the guard, spring with the right foot well on the right side, and strike him over his hands with the long edge (with crossed arms), etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|32
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[29] ''{{red|b=1|Another}}''</p>
<p>Item, you shall also drive the Crooked-hew from the Barrier-guard from both sides, and position yourself in the guard thus: when you come to the man with the pre-fencing, then set your<ref>A, M: "the</ref> left foot before [you] and hold your sword with the point near your right side on the earth so that the long edge on the sword is turned above, and thus you give an opening with the left side. If he then hews above to your opening, then spring from the hew<ref>"the hew" omitted in Mair.</ref> with the right foot well on the right side against him, and thrust the pommel of your sword under your right arm with the left hand, and strike him with the long edge (with crossed hands) with the point in his hands, etc.</p>
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{{Lew row Speyer|I
| <p>[30] Item, position yourself thus with the Barrier-guard to your left side: when you come to the man with the pre-fencing, then set your<ref>A., M., R. "the"</ref> right foot forward and hold your sword with the point near your left side on the earth with crossed hands, so that the short edge on the sword is above, and give an opening with the right side. If he then hews you to the opening, then step well with the left foot from the hew on your left side, and strike him with the step with the short edge<ref>"with the short edge" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> over his hands, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 020r.jpg|2|lbl=20r.2}}
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{{Lew row LS|33
| <p>[31]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>44</small>
| {{red|Hew Crooked to the flat,<br/>If you will weaken the masters.}}
| <small>45</small>
| {{red|When it clashes above,<br/>Then stand off, that will I praise.}}
<p>Mark, this technique you shall drive against the masters from the bind of the swords,<ref>S. "bind of the sword hews".</ref> and mark it thus: when you come to the man<ref>A., R. "him".</ref> with the pre-fencing, then lay your sword to your right side in the Barrier-guard, or hold it on your nearest shoulder. If he then hews above to your opening, then hew strongly with the long edge (with crossed arms) against his hew, and as quickly as the swords clash together, then wind Meanwhile with the sword against your left side and drive up with the arms, and stab in to the upper opening. Or, if you will not stab him, then mark as quickly as it clashes, [and] then hew him Meanwhile with the short edge to the head and to the body, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|34
| <p>[32]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>46</small>
| {{red|Crooked not, hew short;<br/>Show changing-through therewith.}}
<p>This is a counter against the guard of the Ox, drive it thus: when you come<ref>A., M., S. "go"</ref> to the man with the pre-fencing, if he then stands in the guard and holds his sword on his left side before the head, then throw your sword on your right shoulder<ref>"the head, then throw your sword on" omitted from Mair. This is probably a scribal error, jumping from ''dem'' to ''dein''.</ref> and do as if you will bind on his sword with the Crooked-hew, and hew short and change through below therewith, and shoot the point long in to the other side to the opening, so he must parry. Therewith you come to strikes (and to other work with the sword).</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row Speyer|J
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row Speyer|K
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 022r.jpg|1|lbl=22r.1}}
{{Lew row Speyer|L
| <p>[I] ''Also, you may make this technique when he hews to you with an Over-hew from his right shoulder.''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 022r.jpg|2|lbl=22r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 020r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|36
| <p>[33]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>47</small>
| {{red|Who errs you Crooked,<br/>The Noble War strays him}}
| <small>48</small>
| {{red|[So] that he does not know truthfully<br/>Where he is without danger.}}
<p>Mark, when you drive the Crooked-hew then you must always give an opening therewith, and that means thus: when you hew in with the Crooked-hew from your right side (or bind on his sword), you are meanwhile open with the left side. Thus, if he is then clever and will hew you from the sword to the opening, and will make you astray with agility; then remain with your sword on his and follow after his hew thereon, and wind the point in Meanwhile to the face, and work in further with the War to the openings, so he truthfully does not know whatever end he should guard or protect<ref>Augsburg and Mair just have "protect".</ref> himself on before your hews or before your<ref>"before your" omitted from the Salzburg and Rostock.</ref> stabs.<ref name="Ringeck"/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[34] '''The Thwart-hew with its techniques'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <p><br/></p>
| <small>49</small>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 021v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{red|Thwart takes<br/>What comes From the Day.}}
<p>Mark, the Thwart-hew breaks the guard From the Day (and all hews that come hewn down From the Day above), and drive the Thwart-hew thus: when you go with the pre-fencing to the man, if he then stands against you and holds his sword with arms up-stretched over himself (high over his<ref>A., M., R. "your"</ref> head in the guard) and waits on you, then mark when you come near to him. Then set your<ref>A., M., R. "the"</ref> left foot forward and hold your sword with the flat on your right shoulder. If he then steps to you and threatens to strike you, then come Before [him] and spring with the right foot well on your right side, and in the spring, turn your sword with the hilt before your head (so that your thumb comes below), and strike him with the short edge to the left side of his head, etc.</p>
{{Lew row LS|37
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 022v.jpg|1|lbl=22v.1}}
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{{Lew row Speyer|M
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 022v.jpg|3|lbl=22v.2}}
{{Lew row LS|38
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|39
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[J] ''Item, when he comes ere [you] with the Over-hew, then step with your right foot on his left and strike to him with the Thwart-hew in the Strong of his blade, so his hew is parried; Meanwhile, thrust the pommel on your right side with your left hand, up near you, so you strike him on the left ear. Or, you may Double while you have Thwarted him on his Strong. Or, if he is thus so Strong that you may come to naught, then thrust his sword away with the hilt, and strike around on your right side and seek the other opening.''<ref name="Ringeck"/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 021v.jpg|1|lbl=21v}}
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{{Lew row LS|40
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{{Lew row LS|41
| <p>[35] Item, but if he comes Before with the hew ere you do, then spring with the right foot with the previously-described parrying from the hew, well on your right side, and strike him with the Thwart (as is previously stated).</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 017r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 092r.png|1|lbl=92r}}
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| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 021v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[K] '''''Item, a counter against upper and lower Thwart strikes.'''''</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>''When one has bound in on your<ref>Lit. "his".</ref> sword with an Over-hew and strikes the Thwart around above or below, then remain with the hilt before your head and always turn your sword and stab in with your point to the nearest opening. So it goes from both sides.''</p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 086v.jpg|2|lbl=86v.2}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[L] ''Item, when one binds on you with a free Over-hew and hews the lower Thwart-hew to your right side, then remain standing thus and lay in the short edge on his neck.''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 022r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|42
| <p>[36]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>50</small>
| {{red|Thwart with the Strong;<br/>Mark your work therewith.}}
<p>Mark, this is when you hew to him with the Thwart, which you shall do with strength. If he then parries, then drive up with the Strong of your sword after the Weak of his sword.<ref>"after the Weak of his sword" omitted from Mair. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''Schwerts''.</ref> You then seize his Weak with the Strong, [and] then work with the Mutating in over his sword to the lower opening, or above to the neck. If you cannot come to there, then work from the Doubling behind his sword (with the strike to the head), etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|43
| <p>[37] Item,<ref name="word-s"/> if he is too strong for you with the parrying (so that you may not come to the technique), then thrust his sword away with the hilt and strike him with the Thwart to the other side. Or if he will run in on you, then take the Slice under his arms, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 022v.jpg|1|lbl=22v}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 021v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|44
| <p>[M] ''Item, when you will make the Thwart-hew on his left side, then do not hit, and strike nimbly on his right side. If he then strikes to your right, then slice Meanwhile strongly into his hands, in the wrist of his right hand. That goes to both sides.''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 022v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row LS|46
| <p>[38]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>51</small>
| {{red|Thwart to the Plow,<br/>To the Ox, hard joined.}}
| <small>52</small>
| {{red|Whatever you Thwart well,<br/>With springing endanger the head.}}
<p>Mark, you have heard before how the Ox and the Plow are named two Leaguers or two Guards, so here they are called the<ref name="word-a"/> Four Openings. The Ox, that is the upper two openings on the right and left side of the head. So is the Plow the lower two openings, also the right and the left side, of the lower half of the girdle of the man. And you shall strike these openings with the Thwart in the pre-fencing, seeking all four.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|47
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
<p>[39] {{red|b=1|Item,<ref name="word-amr">Word omitted from the Augsburg, Rostock, and Mair.</ref> here mark the Thwart strike to the Four Openings, etc.}}</p>
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
<p>Item, when you come to him with the pre-fencing, if he then stands against you in the guard From the Day, then spring with the right foot against him (well on your right side), and strike him above with the Thwart to the Ox on his left side with full art. If he parries you,<ref name="word-a"/> then strike<ref>Salzburg and Rostock double "schlag".</ref> him quickly below to the Plow on his right side, and then quickly drive the Thwart-strike further, always one to the Ox, the other to the Plow, crosswise from one side to the other, to the head and to the body,<ref>"and to the body" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> etc.</p>
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| <p>[40] Item, you shall also remember that you shall always spring-out widely on a side with each Thwart-strike, so that you may hit<ref>A. ''treffen'', S. ''griffen''.</ref> him to the head therewith, and meanwhile see that you are well-guarded above with the hilt before your head.</p>
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{{Lew row LS|51
| <p>[41]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>53</small>
| {{red|Failer misleads.<br/>From below it hits as you wish.}}
<p>Mark, the Failer is a technique that becomes planned by the fencer and therewith hits as he wishes, and strikes those that like to parry and those that hew to the sword and not to the openings of the body.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[42] ''{{red|b=1|Another}}''</p>
<p>Item, drive the Failer thus, when you come to the man<ref>A., M., R. "him"</ref> with the pre-fencing, then hew the Under-hews from both sides. If you then come on him with an Under-hew from your right side, then shoot in<ref name="word-a"/> the point therewith long in to the breast, so he must parry. Then spring quickly with the left foot on his right side, and do as if you will strike him thereto, but pull the hew and strike quickly around again to the left side with the Thwart. Or,<ref name="word-r">Word omitted from the Rostock.</ref> if you come before the left side with the Under-hew on him, then shoot in the point yet long, and drive the driving as it stands before in the nearest description, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 025r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|53
| <p>[43]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>54</small>
| {{red|Inverter forces<br/>Running-through, also with wrestling.}}
| <small>55</small>
| {{red|The elbow take knowingly,<br/>Spring in his balance.}}
<p>Mark, you shall covertly bring the Inverter<ref>M. "you shall bring the Inverter with extended arms".</ref> in the pre-fencing, when you force the man therewith so that you may Run-through him and correctly grasp him with wrestling.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[44] Item, drive the Inverter thus: When you come to the man with the pre-fencing, and have gone the half,<ref>A., S., R. "when you are gone half to him with the pre-fencing"</ref> then go the other half further to him, each<ref>A., M., R. "each and every"</ref> with the left foot before, and hew a free Under-hew from the right side in accordance with each step forward,<ref>Mair has "from the right side, in accordance with the right side, in accordance with each step forward", which is probably scribal error of duplication, where the scribe repeated a line of text.</ref> according to the left foot, and with the hew, so Invert (or<ref>A., M. "and"</ref> turn the long edge of<ref>A. "on"</ref> the sword always above). And as quickly as you bind him on his sword therewith, then hang the point in above Meanwhile and stab him to the face. If he parries the stab and drives high up with the arms, then Run-through him. Or, if he remains low with the hands in the parrying, then grip his right elbow with the left hand, and hold fast, and spring with the left foot in front of his right, and thrust him thus thereover.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 093v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[45] Item, and how<ref>A., M. "when"</ref> when you shall Run-through, that you will find hereafter described in the technique that speaks "Run-though, let hang with the pommel if you will wrestle."<ref>Couplet 91.</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 021r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row LS|54
| <p>[46]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>56</small>
| {{red|Failer twofold.<br/>If it hits, then make with the Slice.}}
| <small>57</small>
| {{red|Twofold further,<br/>Step in left and be not lax.}}
<p>Mark, this is called the Twofold Failer, and drive<ref>S. has ''vier oder trieb'', which should perhaps be read as ''fahr oder treib'', "drive or drive".</ref> it thus: when you come to him with the pre-fencing, then set the left foot fore and hold your sword on the right shoulder, and when you see that he is even to you,<ref>Scribal error in S. and R., replacing "even to you" with "above".</ref> then spring against him with the right foot well out on your right side, and do as if you will hew him with a free Thwart strike to his left side to the<ref>S. "to his"</ref> head, but pull the hew, and spring with the left foot well around him to his right side, and strike him with the Thwart to his<ref>A. "to the"</ref> head. If he parries you<ref name="word-amr"/> and you hit his sword, then step away to<ref>M. "with"</ref> the same side near him, and slice him behind his sword's blade with the short edge, with the Doubling in the mouth. Or fall in with the sword over both arms and slice.<ref>"and slice" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> Drive that to both sides. You may also likewise drive the Failer from the Over-hew as from the Thwart strike, if that is what you wish, etc.<ref>"if that is what you wish" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref></p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row Speyer|N
| <p>[47] '''The Squinter-the with its techniques'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 027r.jpg|2|lbl=27r.2}}
{| class="zettel"
| <small>58</small>
{{Lew row LS|55
| {{red|Squinter breaks in<br/>Whatever Buffalo strikes or stabs.}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <small>59</small>
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| {{red|Who threatens to Change,<br/>Squinter robs him therefrom.}}
<p>Know that the Squinter is a strange, good, serious<ref name="word-s"/> technique, when it breaks in with power, with hew and with stab, and goes ahead with inverted sword. Therefore many masters of the sword<ref>"of the sword" omitted in Mair.</ref> know nothing to say of the hew. And also [it breaks] the guard that is called the Plow.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|56
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[48] Item, drive the Squinter thus: when you come with the pre-fencing to the man, then set your<ref>A., R. "the"</ref> left foot fore and hold your sword on your right shoulder. If he then hews you from above to your head, then turn your sword and spring ahead with the right foot, and hew long against his hew with the short edge, with arms stretched over his sword in<ref name="word-s"/> to his face or his<ref name="word-s"/> breast. If he then is thus clever and Fails with the hew and Changes-through below your sword, then remain with long arms with the point before his face so he may not harm you, nor come through below, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 097r.png|1|lbl=97r}}
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[49] '''Item, another technique:'''</p>
<p>When you stand against him and hold your sword on your right shoulder, if he then stands against you in the guard of the Plow and threatens to stab you below, then hew him<ref name="word-s"/> long from the Squinter, with the short edge in above, and shoot in the point to his face or breast, so he may not reach you below with the stab, etc.</p>
{{Lew row LS|57
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 023r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row Speyer|O
| <p>[50] '''Another item'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 028v.jpg|3|lbl=28v.1}}
<p>When you stand against and have your sword on your right shoulder, if he stands then against you in the guard of the Plow and threatens to stab you below, then turn your hew in with the short edge, long in above, so he may not reach you below with the stab.<ref>"with the stab" omitted from the Rostock.</ref></p>
{{Lew row LS|58
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| <p>[51]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>60</small>
| {{red|Squint that he is short on you,<br/>Changing-through defeats him.}}
<p>This is a lesson, that when you go ahead with the pre-fencing, then you shall squint with your face or see if he fights you short, and the shortening of the sword is undertaken thus: when he does not lengthen the arms with his<ref>A., M., R. "the"</ref> hew, then he is shortened. If you lie in the guard Fool,<ref>A., M., R. ''aber'': "yet"; this seems to be a misspelling of ''alber''.</ref> if he will fall thereon with the sword, so is he<ref name="word-a"/> but shortened. If he fights against you from the Ox or from the Plow, that is also short, and all Windings before the man, they are all short,<ref>"and all Windings... are all short" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''kurtz vnd''.</ref> and such fencers shall you then Change-through. Therewith you compel them that they must parry, so then<ref name="word-s"/> you may freely hew and work with the sword, and also with wrestling, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|59
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|60
| <p>[52] '''Item, another lesson'''</p>
<p>When you go to him with the pre-fencing, then you shall squint with the face if he fights short against you. You shall thus discern if, when he hews, he does not stretch the arms before himself long from him with the hew, then is his sword shortened. And [against] all fencers that so fight short,<ref>"that so fight short" omitted from Mair. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping from ''fechtern'' to ''fechten''.</ref> Change-through freely then from hews and from stabs with the Longpoint, therewith you beset them on the sword so that they must let you<ref name="word-m">Word omitted from Mair.</ref> come to bind on<ref>A., M. ''anwind'': "wind on".</ref> them and allow you to strike.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 029r.jpg|3|lbl=29r.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 098r.png|2|lbl=098r.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 081r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 089v.jpg|4|lbl=89v.4}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 095v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 079v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 025r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|61
| <p>[53]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>61</small>
| {{red|Squint to the point,<br/>Take the neck without fear.}}
<p>Mark, this is a technique against the Longpoint with a betrayal of the face, drive it thus: when you come to the man<ref>A., M., R. "him".</ref> with the pre-fencing, if he then stands and holds his<ref>S. "your"</ref> point against your face or breast,<ref>R. "the breast".</ref> then hold your sword on your right shoulder and squint with the face to the point, and do as if you will hew in thereto, and hew strongly with the Squinter (with the short edge on his sword), and shoot in the point long therewith to the neck with a step forward of your right foot, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 098r.png|3|lbl=098r.3}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 090r.jpg|1|lbl=90r.1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|62
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 028v.jpg|3|lbl=28v.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 029r.jpg|1|lbl=29r.1|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 098v.png|1|lbl=098v.1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 081r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 090r.jpg|2|lbl=90r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 027r.png|1|lbl=27r}}
{{Lew row LS|63
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 029v.jpg|2|lbl=29v.2}}
| <p>[54]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 098v.png|2|lbl=098v.2}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 081v.png|1|lbl=81v}}
| <small>62</small>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 090r.jpg|3|lbl=90r.3}}
| {{red|Squint to the upper<br/>Head, if you will ruin the hands.}}
<p>Item, when he stands against you in the Longpoint, if you will then strike over his hands, then squint in to his face and to his head and do as if you will strike him thereupon, but strike him then with the Squinter, with the point on his hands, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 025r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 025v.jpg|1|lbl=25v|p=1}}
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 026v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 027r.jpg|1|lbl=27r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|64
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|65
| <p>[55]<ref>These verses are glossed previously, as the Rostock indicates (see the next note), but with a significantly different play.</ref></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>56</small>
| {{red|Failer twofold<br/>Hit one then slice with might}}
| <small>57</small>
| {{red|Twofold it further<br/>Step in left and be not lax}}
<p>This is how you shall drive the failer twofold to both sides. And undertake that thus: when you come to him with the pre-fencing, then set the left foot fore and hold your sword on your<ref>A., M., R. "the"</ref> the right shoulder, and when you see that he is even to you, then spring against him<ref name="word-r"/> well out with the right foot on your<ref>R. "his"</ref> right side, and do as if you<ref>"as if you" omitted from the Salzburg and Rostock.</ref> will hew a free Over-hew to his left side to his head. If he drives then before with the parrying, then pull the hew again up and spring quickly with the left foot well around the man to his right side, and in the spring but do as if you will strike to the right side,<ref>Rostock ends here with the statement (written in Latin) "Previously in the chapter Vom Feler", which is odd because this is the exact point when the text ceases to bear any resemblance to the earlier version in that chapter.</ref> and fore-pull and spring again with the right foot around him on his left side and strike to the same side freely with one. Meanwhile, if he will attack after the opening, then fall in with the long edge in the arms with the edge<ref>"in the arms with the edge" omitted from Mair and the Rostock. This is probably a scribal error, jumping from ''schneiden'' to ''schnitt''.</ref> and press from you.</p>
<p>And you shall know to drive from both sides, and that may you drive from the Thwart strike.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 099r.png|1|lbl=099r.1}}
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|66
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 029v.jpg|2|lbl=29v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 029v.jpg|5|lbl=29v.5}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 099r.png|2|lbl=099r.2}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 090v.jpg|2|lbl=90v.2}}
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|67
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 029v.jpg|3|lbl=29v.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 030r.jpg|1|lbl=30r.1|p=1}}
| <p>[56] '''The Parter with its techniques'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 030r.jpg|1|lbl=30r.1}}
{| class="zettel"
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 099r.png|3|lbl=099r.3}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 081v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <small>63</small>
| {{red|The Parter,<br/>With its turn,}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 090v.jpg|3|lbl=90v.3}}
| <small>64</small>
| {{red|Is, to the face<br/>And the breast, quite a danger.}}
| <small>65</small>
| {{red|Whatever comes from him,<br/>The Crown takes that off.}}
| <small>66</small>
| {{red|Slice through the Crown,<br/>So you yet break it.}}
| <small>67</small>
| {{red|Press the strike.<br/>With Slicing you pull-off.}}
<p>Know that the Parter breaks the guard Fool, and is very dangerous to the face and the breast with its turn, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 027v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row LS|68
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 090v.jpg|4|lbl=90v.4}}
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{{Lew row LS|69
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 097r.png|1|lbl=97r}}
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 030r.jpg|3|lbl=30r.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 099v.png|2|lbl=099v.2}}
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{{Lew row LS|70
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 099v.png|3|lbl=099v.3}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 090v.jpg|6|lbl=90v.6}}
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{{Lew row LS|71
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 099v.png|4|lbl=099v.4|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100r.png|1|lbl=100r.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[57] Item, drive the Parter thus: when you come to him with the pre-fencing, if he<ref>S. "he then".</ref> lies in the guard Fool, then set the left foot forward and hold your sword with outstretched arms high over your head in the guard From the Day, and spring to him with the right foot, and hew with the long edge strongly down from above, and remain high with the arms and sink in the point below you to his face or breast. If he then parries with the Crown (that the point and the hilt<ref>S. "the one hilt".</ref> on his sword both stand over him thus), and drives up therewith and thrusts your point over you,<ref>S. "thrusts your point up".</ref> then turn your sword under through his Crown with the edge in his arm, and Press so the Crown is again broken, and with the Pressing take the edge and pull yourself off therewith, and step near to him when he again parries.<ref>Clause omitted from the Augsburg, Mair, and the Rostock.</ref><ref name="Ringeck"/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 028r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 097v.png|1|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 080v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|72
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 030v.jpg|3|lbl=30v.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100r.png|2|lbl=100r.2}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 090v.jpg|8|lbl=90v.8}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 027v.png|7|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[N] ''Item, when you will make the Parter-hew on someone, then may you allow the long point to go through him, under his hands, to his face (on his right side and stretched in long).''</p>
{{Lew row LS|73
| <p><br/><br/></p>
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100r.png|3|lbl=100r.3}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 091r.jpg|1|lbl=91r.1}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|74
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 031v.jpg|1|lbl=31v.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031v.jpg|1|lbl=31v.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100v.png|1|lbl=100v.1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 082v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 091r.jpg|2|lbl=91r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 028r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|75
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031v.jpg|2|lbl=31v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100v.png|2|lbl=100v.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 082v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 091r.jpg|3|lbl=91r.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 028r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|76
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031v.jpg|3|lbl=31v.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100v.png|3|lbl=100v.3}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 082v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 091r.jpg|4|lbl=91r.4}}
{{Lew row LS|77
| <p>[58] '''The Four Leaguers follow hereafter'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>68</small>
| {{red|Four Leaguers alone<br/>Therefrom you hold, and<ref>Word omitted in the Augsburg, Salzburg, and Mair.</ref> curse the common.}}
| <small>69</small>
| {{red|Ox, Plow, Fool,<br/>From the Day, are not unpleasant to you.}}
<p>Mark, these Four Leaguers, they are the Four Guards that you shall fence from. The first guard is called the Ox, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 097v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row Speyer|P
| <p>[59] '''Of the Oxen'''</p>
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<p>Position yourself in the Ox thus: stand with the left foot in front and hold your sword on your right side with the hilt in front<ref>Augsburg doubles the phrase "and hold your sword on your right side with the hilt in front". This is probably a scribal error in which the scribe's eye jumped to the wrong line.</ref> of the head, so that the short edge stands against you, and hold the point thus against the face, etc.</p>
{{Lew row LS|78
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 101r.png|1|lbl=101r}}
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{{Lew row LS|79
| <p>[60] Item, position yourself on the left side in the Ox thus: stand with the right foot before and hold your sword on your left side with the hilt in front of the head, so that the long edge stands against you, and hold the point thus against his face. And<ref name="word-sr"/> that is the Ox from both sides.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 098r.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row LS|80
| <p>[61] '''Of the Plow'''</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 033r.jpg|2|lbl=33r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 033v.jpg|1|lbl=33v.1|p=1}}
<p>Item, the second guard is called the Plow. Position yourself with<ref name="word-s"/> it thus: set the left foot fore and hold your sword under you with crossed hands on your right side, with the pommel near your right hip, so that the short edge is above and the point stands before you against the face of the man, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 032v.jpg|2|lbl=32v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 101v.png|2|lbl=101v.2}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 091v.jpg|3|lbl=91v.3}}
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|81
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 098r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 081r.png|4|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[62] Item, on the left side position yourself in the Plow thus: set the right foot fore and hold your sword under you near your left side, on your left hip, so that the long edge is turned above and the point stands upwards against the face of the man.</p>
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{{Lew row LS|82
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 098v.png|1|lbl=98v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033r.jpg|2|lbl=33r.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 081r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 102r.png|2|lbl=102r.2}}
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{{Lew row LS|83
| <p>[63] '''Of the Fool'''</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Item, the third guard is called the<ref name="word-amr"/> Fool. And position yourself with<ref name="word-s"/> it thus: set the left foot in front and hold your sword before you with stretched arms, with the point on the earth and so that the short edge is above, etc.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033r.jpg|3|lbl=33r.3}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 081v.png|1|lbl=81v}}
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{{Lew row LS|84
| <p>[64] '''Of the guard From the Roof'''</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Item, the fourth guard is called From the Day. Position yourself with it thus: set the left foot in front and hold your sword high over your head with outstretched arms, and turn the long edge in front, and let the point hang backward a little, and stand thus in the guard, etc.</p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[65] '''Of the Four Forfendings'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>70</small>
| {{red|Four are the Forfendings<br/>That sorely injure the Leaguers.}}
| <small>71</small>
| {{red|Guard yourself before parrying,<br/>If it happens, it hurts you more.}}<ref>This couplet is listed separately in Salzburg, with a paragraph from the gloss of Sigmund ain Ringeck.</ref>
<p>Mark, you have heard before of the Four Guards, so you shall now know that there are the Four Forfendings with which you shall break the Four Guards. Know that no parrying pertains thereto since four hews break the Four Guards.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|85
| <p>[66] Item,<ref name="word-asm">Word omitted from the Augsburg, Salzburg, and Mair.</ref> the first is the Crooked-hew, which breaks the guard of the Ox.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 029v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row LS|87
| <p>[67] Item,<ref name="word-asm"/> the second, that is the Thwart-hew, which breaks the guard From the Day.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 035v.jpg|3|lbl=35v.3}}
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| <p>[68] Item,<ref name="word-asm"/> the third, that<ref name="word-s"/> is the Squinter-hew, which breaks the guard of the Plow.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033v.jpg|3|lbl=33v.3}}
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| <p>[69] Item,<ref name="word-asm"/> the fourth is the Part-hew, which breaks the guard that is called the<ref name="word-amr"/> Fool.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 030r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[70] And how shall drive the correct technique of the four hews against the guards, you will find that described before in the hews. Therefore guard yourself before parrying against the guards, if you will not become oppressed by others with strikes, etc.<ref>The subsequent play in Salzburg, which repeats couplet 71 and glosses it, is taken from the gloss of Sigmund ain Ringeck, and is therefore omitted here.</ref></p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 082r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 027v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|88
| <p>[71]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>72</small>
| {{red|If you are parried,<br/>Mark how that comes there.}}
| <small>73</small>
| {{red|Hear what I teach:<br/>Wrench off quickly with threat.}}
<p>Mark, this is<ref>"this is" omitted in the Augsburg, the Rostock, and the Mair.</ref> when he has parried you and will not draw off from the sword, and he means to let you come to no technique: then do as if you will draw off from the sword, and pull your sword [to] you to half the blade, and drive the sword quickly up therewith and hew him quickly with the short edge, or with the Doubling, to the head.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|89
| <p>[72] '''Item, another.'''</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>When he has parried you, then wrench up over you with with your sword on his sword's blade, against his point (as if you will take off above). Then remain on the sword and hew him simply on the blade, in<ref name="word-m"/> against his head, etc.<ref>The subsequent two plays in Salzburg are taken from the gloss of [[Sigmund ain Ringeck]], and are therefore omitted here.</ref></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 084r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 084v.png|1|lbl=84v|p=1}}
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{{Lew row LS|91
| <p>[73] '''The Setting-on'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>74</small>
| {{red|Set on four ends.<br/>Remain thereon, if you will end.}}
<p>Know that the Setting-on is an earnest technique, since it goes to the nearest of the Four Openings and driving it pertains to when you will give a quick end with the sword.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|92
| <p>[74] Item, drive the Setting-on thus: When you come to him with the pre-fencing, then lie with the sword in the guard of the Ox or the Plow. If he will then hew you from above or stab to you from his right side, then come before with the Forfending, shoot in the long point to the nearest opening of his left side, and see of you may Set-on him, etc.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 104v.png|3|lbl=104v.3}}
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| <p>[75] Item, or if he then hews in from above from<ref name="word-m"/> his left side, then come before with the Forfending and shoot in the point long in to the nearest standing opening of his right side, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 031v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 093v.jpg|2|lbl=93v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 082v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 028r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 031v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|94
| <p>[76] Item, or if he hews to you up from below from his right side, then shoot in the point long in to the nearest opening of his left side, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 039r.jpg|1|lbl=39r.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035v.jpg|2|lbl=35v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 105r.png|2|lbl=105r.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 093v.jpg|3|lbl=93v.3}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 031v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 032r.jpg|1|lbl=32r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 082v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 031v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 032r.png|1|lbl=32r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|95
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 039r.jpg|2|lbl=39r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 039v.jpg|1|lbl=39v.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035v.jpg|3|lbl=35v.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 105r.png|3|lbl=105r.3}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 093v.jpg|4|lbl=93v.4}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 032r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|96
| <p>[77] Item, or if he hews to you up from below from his left side, then shoot the point long in to the<ref>M. "his"</ref> lower opening of his right side, and see the Setting-on therewith always. If he becomes aware of the shooting in and parries, then remain with the sword on his, and work quickly<ref>A. "quickly there".</ref> to the nearest opening, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 032r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 039v.jpg|2|lbl=39v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 040r.jpg|1|lbl=40r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036r.jpg|1|lbl=36r.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 100v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 105v.png|1|lbl=105v.1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 082v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085v.png|1|lbl=85v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 093v.jpg|5|lbl=93v.5|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 094r.jpg|1|lbl=94r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 032r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|97
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 040r.jpg|2|lbl=40r.2}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 040v.jpg|1|lbl=40v.1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036r.jpg|2|lbl=36r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036v.jpg|1|lbl=36v.1|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 028r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 028v.png|1|lbl=28v|p=1}}
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{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 106r.png|1|lbl=106r.1}}
| <p>[O] ''Item. You shall also know as soon as you both come together in the onset, and as soon as he lifts up his sword and will strike-around, you shall immediately fall into the point and thrust to the nearest opening. But if he will not go with the sword, then you yourself shall go with your sword, and as soon as (or every time as) you end a strike, fall Meanwhile into the point every time. If you can execute the setting-on correctly, then he must balance or shift himself hard. It must allow you a wound.''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 094r.jpg|2|lbl=94r.2}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 032v.png|1|lbl=32v}}
{{Lew row LS|98
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 031v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 032r.jpg|1|lbl=32r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 040v.jpg|2|lbl=40v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 041r.jpg|1|lbl=41r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036v.jpg|2|lbl=36v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 106r.png|2|lbl=106r.2}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 085v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086r.png|1|lbl=86r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 094r.jpg|3|lbl=94r.3}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 032v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 033r.png|1|lbl=33r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|99
| <p>[78] '''The Traveling-after'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>75</small>
| {{red|Learn traveling-after twofold<br/>Or slice in the weapon.}}
| <small>76</small>
| {{red|Two Outer Conducts,<br/>The work thereafter begins.}}
| <small>77</small>
| {{red|And test the driving<br/>If they are Soft or Hard.}}
<p>Item, mark the Travelings-after are many and<ref>"many and" omitted in Mair; Augsburg omits "many" and just says "are and multiple".</ref> multiple, and pertain to driving with great prudence against the fencers that fence from free long hews,<ref>"that fence from free long hews" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''fechten''.</ref> and otherwise do not hold<ref>"do not hold" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> the right Art of the Sword, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 032v.jpg|1|lbl=32v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 041r.jpg|2|lbl=41r.2}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 032r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 101r.png|1|lbl=101r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 082v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 041v.jpg|1|lbl=41v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036v.jpg|3|lbl=36v.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037r.jpg|1|lbl=37r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 106r.png|3|lbl=106r.3}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 083r.png|1|lbl=83r}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 094v.jpg|1|lbl=94v.1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 033r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|100
| <p>[79] '''Item, the first technique from the Traveling-after'''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 042r.jpg|1|lbl=42r.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037r.jpg|2|lbl=37r.2}}
<p>Drive it thus: when you come to him with the pre-fencing, then set the left foot forward and stand in the guard From the Day, and see well even that which he fences against you. If he then hews in<ref name="word-s"/> long from his right shoulder, then do not parry him, and wait so that he does not reach you with the hew. Then mark while his sword goes below you against the earth, [and] then spring to him<ref>"to him" omitted from the Salzburg and Mair. Rostock just has "to".</ref> with the right foot, and hew him above in to the opening of his right side ere<ref name="word-m"/> he comes up again. So he is struck, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107r.png|1|lbl=107r.1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 094v.jpg|2|lbl=94v.2}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 032v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 033r.jpg|1|lbl=33r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 032r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 032v.jpg|1|lbl=32v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 033r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 033v.png|1|lbl=33v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 101v.png|1|lbl=101v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 083r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|101
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 042r.jpg|2|lbl=42r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 042v.jpg|1|lbl=42v.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037r.jpg|3|lbl=37r.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107r.png|2|lbl=107r.2}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 086r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|1|lbl=86v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 094v.jpg|3|lbl=94v.3}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 033v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[80] '''Item, another technique.'''<ref name="title-m">Title is repeated in Mair.</ref></p>
<p>When he forehews at you and you hew after him, if he then drives quickly up with the sword<ref>M. "if he the drives his sword quickly upward".</ref> and parries, then remain strongly with the long edge on his sword. If he then lifts upwards with the sword, then spring with the left foot well behind his right, and strike him with the Thwart (or such) to the right side of his head, and work quickly around to his left side with the Doubling (or such with other techniques) thereafter, if you find he is Hard or Soft<ref>M. "Soft or Hard".</ref> on the sword. And that is the Outer Conduct, etc.</p>
{{Lew row LS|102
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 042v.jpg|2|lbl=42v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043r.jpg|1|lbl=43r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037v.jpg|1|lbl=37v.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107r.png|3|lbl=107r.3}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 033r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 033v.jpg|1|lbl=33v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095r.jpg|1|lbl=95r.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 032v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 101v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 083r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 033v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034r.png|1|lbl=34r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|103
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043r.jpg|2|lbl=43r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037v.jpg|2|lbl=37v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107v.png|1|lbl=107v.1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 029r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095r.jpg|2|lbl=95r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[81] '''Item, yet another technique.'''</p>
<p>When he forehews in front of you and you hew after him, if you then bind on his sword against<ref name="word-s"/> his left side, and he then strikes quickly around with the weapon<ref>A. ''zwer'': "thwart".</ref> from the parrying to your right side, then come in Meanwhile ahead with the Thwart before, under his sword against his left side [and] on his neck. Or, spring with the left foot on his right side<ref>"on his neck... on his right side" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping from to the second instance of ''seiten''.</ref> and strike or<ref>"Strike or" omitted from the Augsburg, Salzburg, and Rostock.</ref> hew after his hew to the right side. Or, drive the slice in over his arm to the head, etc.</p>
{{Lew row LS|104
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043r.jpg|3|lbl=43r.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043v.jpg|1|lbl=43v.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037v.jpg|3|lbl=37v.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107v.png|2|lbl=107v.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 033v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 034r.jpg|1|lbl=34r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095r.jpg|3|lbl=95r.3}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 032v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033r.jpg|1|lbl=33r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 102r.png|1|lbl=102r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 083r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|105
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043v.jpg|2|lbl=43v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 044r.jpg|1|lbl=44r.1|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037v.jpg|4|lbl=37v.4|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038r.jpg|1|lbl=38r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107v.png|3|lbl=107v.3}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095r.jpg|4|lbl=95r.4}}
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 034r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034v.png|1|lbl=34v|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|106
| <p>[82] '''Item, yet a Traveling-after.'''<ref name="title-m"/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044r.jpg|2|lbl=44r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038r.jpg|2|lbl=38r.2}}
<p>When you fight against him from Under-hewing or from Slashing, or you lie against him in the guard Fool, if he then falls with the sword on yours ere you then come up,<ref>S., R. "ere when you come up"</ref> then remain thus below on the sword, and lift upwards. If he will then hew you from the parrying or Wind-in on<ref>S. "to"</ref> the sword, then let him not come off from the<ref name="word-am">Word omitted from the Augsburg and Mair.</ref> sword, and follow after him thereon, and work therewith to the nearest opening.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108r.png|1|lbl=108r.1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 034r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 034v.jpg|1|lbl=34v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 102r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|107
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 083r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 083v.png|1|lbl=83v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044r.jpg|3|lbl=44r.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044v.jpg|1|lbl=44v.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038r.jpg|3|lbl=38r.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108r.png|2|lbl=108r.2}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087r.png|1|lbl=87r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095r.jpg|5|lbl=95r.5}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 029v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[83] ''{{red|b=1|Another}}''</p>
<p>Item, mark, you shall Travel-after him from all guards and from all hews as quickly as you can, when he forehews in front of you or opens himself with the sword.</p>
{{Lew row LS|108
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044v.jpg|2|lbl=44v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 045r.jpg|1|lbl=45r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 102v.png|1|lbl=102v}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038r.jpg|4|lbl=38r.4|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038v.jpg|1|lbl=38v.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 083v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108v.png|1|lbl=108v.1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095v.jpg|1|lbl=95v.1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 034v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 035r.png|1|lbl=35r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|109
| <p>[84]</p>
{| class="zettel"
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 045r.jpg|2|lbl=45r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 045v.jpg|1|lbl=45v.1|p=1}}
| <small>78</small>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038v.jpg|2|lbl=38v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039r.jpg|1|lbl=39r.1|p=1}}
| {{red|The Feeling learn;<br/>The word<ref>"The word" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.</ref> "Meanwhile", that slices sorely.}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108v.png|2|lbl=108v.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087r.png|3|lbl=-}}
<p>Know that, on<ref>A., R. "in"</ref> the sword, the Feeling<ref>Salzburg doubles "the feeling".</ref> and the word "Meanwhile" are the greatest Art. And whoever is a Master of the Sword, or wants to be, and<ref name="word-s"/> he cannot Feel and cannot undertake<ref>"Feel and cannot undertake" omitted from the Salzburg. This is probably a scribal error, jumping from one instance of ''nicht'' to the next.</ref> the word "Meanwhile", so is he not a Master, [rather] he is a Buffalo of the Sword. Therefore you shall, before all things, learn the word "Meanwhile" and the Feeling well.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095v.jpg|2|lbl=95v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 035r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|110
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 034v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 035r.jpg|1|lbl=35r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 045v.jpg|2|lbl=45v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 046r.jpg|1|lbl=46r.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108v.png|3|lbl=108v.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109r.png|1|lbl=109r.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095v.jpg|3|lbl=95v.3}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 035r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 035v.png|1|lbl=35v|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|111
| <p>[85] Item,<ref name="word-am"/> mark<ref>S. "work".</ref> the Feeling thus: When you come with him to the pre-fencing, and one binds the other on the sword, then Meanwhile, as the swords clash together, you shall Feel with the hand if he has bound on Soft or Hard. And as quickly as you Feel<ref>S., R. ''entphindest'': "perceive".</ref> Soft or Hard, then think on the word "Meanwhile", that is, that you shall work quickly with the sword in the Feeling, so he becomes struck ere<ref>S., R. "ere when".</ref> you are.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 046r.jpg|2|lbl=46r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 046v.jpg|1|lbl=46v.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039v.jpg|1|lbl=39v.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109r.png|2|lbl=109r.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 035r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 035v.jpg|1|lbl=35v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033v.jpg|1|lbl=33v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 102v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 083v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 095v.jpg|4|lbl=95v.4|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096r.jpg|1|lbl=96r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 030r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 035v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036r.png|1|lbl=36r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|112
| <p>[86] Item, now you shall know that Feeling and the word "Meanwhile" may not be one without the other, and undertake that thus: when you bind him<ref name="word-s"/> on his sword, then you must Feel Soft or Hard with the word "Meanwhile". And when you Feel, then you must yet work Meanwhile. Thus are they always by one another, since the word "Meanwhile" is in all techniques.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 046v.jpg|2|lbl=46v.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039v.jpg|2|lbl=39v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109r.png|3|lbl=109r.3}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 035v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096r.jpg|2|lbl=96r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 103r.png|1|lbl=103r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 083v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 030r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|113
| <p>[87] Mark<ref>M. "undertake"</ref> that thus: </p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Meanwhile Doubles, <br/>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 047r.jpg|1|lbl=47r}}
Meanwhile Mutates, <br/>
| <p><br/></p>
Meanwhile Changes-through, <br/>
Meanwhile Runs-through, <br/>
Meanwhile takes the Slice, <br/>
Meanwhile wrestles with, <br/>
Meanwhile<ref>Word doubled in the Salzburg.</ref> takes the sword.<ref>S. "word".</ref> <br/>
Meanwhile does whatever your heart desires.</p>
<p>"Meanwhile" is a sharp word by which all masters become sliced, and they do not know or understand the word "Meanwhile" from previously, etc.</p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039v.jpg|3|lbl=39v.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040r.jpg|1|lbl=40r.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 035v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 035v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109r.png|4|lbl=109r.4}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109v.png|1|lbl=109v.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 103r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 103r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 084r.png|1|lbl=84r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 084r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096r.jpg|3|lbl=96r.3}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 030r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 030r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 036r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|114
| <p>[88]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 047v.jpg|1|lbl=47v.1}}
{| class="zettel"
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040r.jpg|2|lbl=40r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109v.png|2|lbl=109v.2}}
| <small>79</small>
| {{red|Travel-after twofold.<br/>Make with the Old Slice.}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 087v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088r.png|1|lbl=88r|p=1}}
<p>This is that you shall drive the Traveling-after to both sides, and also<ref name="word-s"/> bring the slice therein, and undertake that thus: when he forehews in front of you, be it from the right side or from the left side,<ref>S. "right or left side".</ref> then hew in cheerfully after the opening. If he then drives up and binds you below on the sword, then mark as quickly as one sword on the other clashes, then fall in Meanwhile with the long edge in his arm, and press with the edge downwards, or slice him after the mouth, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096r.jpg|4|lbl=96r.4}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036v.png|1|lbl=36v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 036r.jpg|1|lbl=36r}}
{{Lew row LS|115
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 033v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 047v.jpg|2|lbl=47v.2|p=1}}
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{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 048r.jpg|1|lbl=48r.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 103r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 103v.png|1|lbl=103v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040r.jpg|3|lbl=40r.3|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040v.jpg|1|lbl=40v.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 084r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109v.png|3|lbl=109v.3|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110r.png|1|lbl=110r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096r.jpg|5|lbl=96r.5}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 030v.png|1|lbl=30v}}
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{{Lew row LS|116
| <p>[89] '''The Over-running'''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 048r.jpg|2|lbl=48r.2}}
{| class="zettel"
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040v.jpg|2|lbl=40v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110r.png|2|lbl=110r.2}}
| <small>80</small>
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{red|Whoever overcomes,<ref>S. "Whoever aims below", which matches the standard Recital. R. "whoever winds below", which might represent an intermediate change between these two readings.</ref><br/>Over-run, then he becomes ashamed.}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096r.jpg|6|lbl=96r.6}}
| <small>81</small>
| {{red|When it clashes above,<br/>So strengthen, that do I<ref name="word-r"/> praise.}}
| <small>82</small>
| {{red|Make your work,<br/>Or press twofold.}}
<p>This is how you shall Over-run him when one fights to you from<ref name="word-s"/> below; undertake that thus: when you come to him with the pre-fencing, if he then hews below to you, do not parry that, but mark when his Under-hew goes against you, then hew him from your right shoulder long from above and shoot in the point long to his face or to<ref name="word-a"/> the breast, and set on him so that he cannot reach you below. And if he then drives up from below and parries, then remain with the long edge strong on the sword, and work quickly to the nearest opening, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row Speyer|S
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040v.jpg|3|lbl=40v.3}}
{{Lew row LS|117
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 036v.jpg|1|lbl=36v|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 037r.jpg|1|lbl=37r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 048v.jpg|1|lbl=48v|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 049r.jpg|1|lbl=49r.1|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 034r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 034v.jpg|1|lbl=34v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 041r.jpg|1|lbl=41r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 103v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 084r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 084v.png|1|lbl=84v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110r.png|3|lbl=110r.3|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110v.png|1|lbl=110v.1|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 088r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|1|lbl=88v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096v.jpg|1|lbl=96v.1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 030v.png|2|lbl=30v|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 031r.png|1|lbl=31r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 036v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 037r.png|1|lbl=37r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|118
| <p>[90] Item, mark when you have bound<ref>S. ''bindest gebünde~''.</ref> him strongly on his sword, if he then strikes from the parrying around<ref>M. "under"</ref> you to the other side, then bind him<ref name="word-r"/> yet with the long edge strongly on his<ref>S. "his"</ref> sword, above to the head, and work to the openings as before. Drive that to both sides, etc.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 049r.jpg|2|lbl=49r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 049v.jpg|1|lbl=49v.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 041v.jpg|1|lbl=41v.1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 037r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110v.png|2|lbl=110v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111r.png|1|lbl=111r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 034v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 104r.png|1|lbl=104r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 084v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096v.jpg|2|lbl=96v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 031r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 037r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 037v.png|1|lbl=37v|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|119
| <p>[91] '''The Setting-off'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>83</small>
| {{red|Learn Setting-off.<br/>Hew, stab, artfully injure.}}
| <small>84</small>
| {{red|Whoever stabs on you,<br/>Your thrust hits and his breaks.}}
| <small>85</small>
| {{red|From both sides,<br/>Hit all, if you will step.}}
<p>Item, mark when you come to him with the pre-fencing: if he then stands against you as if he will stab, then set your left foot forward and lay yourself against him in the Plow to your right side, and give an opening with your left.<ref>M. "left side"</ref> If he then stabs to the opening, then Wind with your sword on your left side against his stab, the short edge on his sword, and set it off therewith, that<ref name="word-s"/> your point remains thus<ref name="word-a"/> standing against him, and step to him with<ref name="word-a"/> the right foot and stab him Meanwhile to the face or to<ref name="word-am"/> the breast, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 049v.jpg|2|lbl=49v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 050r.jpg|1|lbl=50r.1|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 037v.jpg|1|lbl=37v|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 038r.jpg|1|lbl=38r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 034v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035r.jpg|1|lbl=35r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 104r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 104v.png|1|lbl=104v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 041v.jpg|2|lbl=41v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 042r.jpg|1|lbl=42r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 084v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111r.png|2|lbl=111r.2}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 037v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 031r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 031v.png|1|lbl=31v|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|120
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 050r.jpg|2|lbl=50r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 042r.jpg|2|lbl=42r.2}}
| <p>[92] '''Item, another technique.'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111r.png|3|lbl=111r.3}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|4|lbl=-}}
<p>When you stand to your right side in the Plow, if he then hews above to your left side<ref name="word-sr"/> to the opening, then drive up with the sword and Wind against his hew therewith on your left side, the hilt before the<ref>S. "his"</ref> head in the Ox, and step ahead with<ref name="word-m"/> the right foot therewith, and stab in to the face or the<ref name="word-s"/> breast. And also drive the technique from the Plow on the left side, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 038r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096v.jpg|3|lbl=96v.3}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 104v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 084v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085r.png|1|lbl=85r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 037v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row LS|121
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 050r.jpg|3|lbl=50r.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 050v.jpg|1|lbl=50v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111v.png|1|lbl=111v.1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 031v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 089r.png|1|lbl=89r|p=1}}
| <p>[P] ''Item, you may also drive the Setting-off from Over-hewing and from Under-hewing. When you lie high with the sword and will make the Over-hew, in the hew Wind on your right side in the Ox, then set off hews or stabs to your left side, again in the Ox. Meanwhile stab him always to the face or Double, or make whatever you will. That goes too from both sides.''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 096v.jpg|4|lbl=96v.4}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 037v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 038r.png|1|lbl=38r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|122
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 051r.jpg|1|lbl=51r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 051v.jpg|1|lbl=51v|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 052r.jpg|1|lbl=52r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 042v.jpg|2|lbl=42v.2}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 043r.jpg|1|lbl=43r.1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111v.png|2|lbl=111v.2|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 112r.png|1|lbl=112r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 089r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 097r.jpg|1|lbl=97r.1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 038r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 038v.png|1|lbl=38v|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|123
| <p>[Q] ''Item, if you then lie in the Change-hew, then turn your sword in the Plow and set off the hew or stab. Meanwhile work nimbly to the nearest opening with all driving. That goes from both sides.''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 052r.jpg|2|lbl=52r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 052v.jpg|1|lbl=52v.1|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 043r.jpg|2|lbl=43r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 043v.jpg|1|lbl=43v.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 112v.png|1|lbl=112v.1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 089v.png|1|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 097r.jpg|2|lbl=97r.2}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 038v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 039r.png|1|lbl=39r|p=1}}
{{Lew row LS|124
| <p>[93] '''Of the Changing-through'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>86</small>
| {{red|Learn changing-through<br/>From both sides, sorely with stabs.}}
| <small>87</small>
| {{red|Whoever binds on you,<br/>Change-through him; closely slice or find.}}
<p>Item,<ref name="word-sr"/> know the Changing-throughs are many and multiple, and you may drive them from all hews against the fencers that hew there to<ref>S. "after".</ref> the sword, and not to the openings of the man. And you shall learn very well to drive them with prudence, so that one does not Set-on you while you Change-through him.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 052v.jpg|2|lbl=52v.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 053r.jpg|1|lbl=53r.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 043v.jpg|2|lbl=43v.2}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035v.jpg|1|lbl=35v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 112v.png|2|lbl=112v.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 104v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 105r.png|1|lbl=105r}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row LS|125
| <p>[94] Item, drive the Changing-through thus: when you come to him with the pre-fencing, then hew in long above<ref name="word-s"/> to the head. If he then hews<ref>R. "hews you"</ref> against your sword and not to your body, then let your point whisk through<ref>S., R. "change through"</ref> below with the hew, before he binds you<ref name="word-s"/> on the sword, and stab him to the other side. If he then becomes aware of the stab, and quickly drives with the sword after the stab with parrying, then Change-though yet [again] to the other side, and drive then always when he drives after your sword with the parrying to both sides, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 039r.jpg|1|lbl=39r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 053r.jpg|2|lbl=53r.2|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 053v.jpg|1|lbl=53v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 044r.jpg|1|lbl=44r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 105r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 113r.png|1|lbl=113r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 089v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 097r.jpg|4|lbl=97r.4|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 I 097v.jpg|1|lbl=97v.1|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 039v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 031v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 032r.png|1|lbl=32r|p=1}}
<h3 style="display: none;> Mounted Fencing </h3>
<div id="mounted fencing" style="background:transparent; clear:both; font-weight:normal; padding:3px; text-align:left; width:0em; min-width:0em;">
<table class="master sortable">
  <th id="MFHaaland0"><p>{{rating|c|Draft Translation (from the Latin)}}<br/>by [[Per Magnus Haaland]]</p></th>
  <th id="MFAugsburg0"><p>[[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Augsburg Version]] (1460s){{edit index|Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
  <th id="MFSalzburg0"><p>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|Salzburg Version]] (1491){{edit index|Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
  <th id="MFVienna0"><p>[[Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)|Vienna Version]] (1512){{edit index|Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
  <th id="MFGraz0"><p>[[Über die Fechtkunst und den Ringkampf (MS 963)|Graz Version]] (1538){{edit index|Über die Fechtkunst und den Ringkampf (MS 963)}}<br/>Transcription open for editting</p></th>
  <th id="MFDresdenMair0"><p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MSS Dresd.C.93/C.94)|Dresden (Mair) Version]] (1542){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MS Dresd.C.94)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Pierre-Henry Bas]]</p></th>
  <th id="MFViennaMairG0"><p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Vienna (Mair) German Version]] (1550s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10826)}}</p></th>
  <th id="MFMunichMair0"><p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393)|Munich (Mair) Version]] (1540s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393 II)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Saskia Roselaar]]</p></th>
  <th id="MFViennaMairL0"><p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Vienna (Mair) Latin Version]] (1550s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10826)}}</p></th>
  <th id="MFMunich0"><p>[[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Munich Version]] (1556){{edit index|Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)}}</p></th>
  <th id="MFRostock0"><p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p></th>
{{Lew row MF|1
| <p>[95] '''Item, yet a Changing-through.'''</p>
| <p>{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|1|lbl=95r|p=1}}<br/><br/></p>
<p>When you come to him with the pre-fencing, then set your<ref>S. "the"</ref> left foot forward and hold the Long Point against his face. If he then hews you from above or below to the sword, and wants to strike that away or bind<ref>S., R. "wind".</ref> thereon, let the point sink underneath and stab to the other side, and do that against all hews, etc.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 095r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 039r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 039v.jpg|1|lbl=39v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 035v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 105r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 032r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[96] '''Item, this technique mark very evenly.'''</p>
<p>When he has parried you (or has otherwise bound on your sword), if he then holds his point on your sword [but] not against the opening of your body, and lets it go near on the side beside you, then Change-through under<ref name="word-amr"/> him boldly. Or, if he remains with the point before the face or<ref name="word-s"/> against the opening, then do not Change-through, and remain on the sword and work therewith to his nearest opening; thus he may not Travel-after or Set-on you.</p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|2|lbl=116v}}
| <p>{{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|1|lbl=61r|p=1}}<br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 039v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 040r.jpg|1|lbl=40r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036r.jpg|1|lbl=36r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 105v.png|1|lbl=105v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085v.png|1|lbl=85v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 032r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[97] '''The Pulling'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>88</small>
| {{red|Step close in binding,<br/>The Pulling gives good findings.}}
| <small>89</small>
| {{red|Pull, he hits, Pull more,<br/>He finds work that does him woe.}}
| <small>90</small>
| {{red|And Pull all hits,<br/>If you will trick the masters.}}
<p>Know that the Pulling pertains to driving against the masters that bind strongly with the parrying on the sword, and against those who remain standing on the sword and await whether the one before them will hew or withdraw themselves from the sword. If you will then deceive or trick those same masters, then drive the Pulling against them thus: hew him from the right side, strongly above in to the head. If he drives there and will parry, then Pull your sword upon yourself before when he binds thereon, [and] then stab him to the other side, and do that in all hits of the sword, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 040r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|1|lbl=301r|p=1}}<br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 040v.jpg|1|lbl=40v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036v.jpg|1|lbl=36v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 105v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|1|lbl=207r}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 106r.png|1|lbl=106r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 085v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 032v.png|1|lbl=32v}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|4|lbl=41r}}
| <p>[98] '''Item, another Pulling'''<ref>S. "Technique".</ref></p>
<p>When he has bound on your sword, if he then stands against you on the sword and waits if you will withdraw from the sword, then do as if you will Pull, but remain on the sword and Pull your sword on you as far as half the blade, and stab in quickly again into the face or the breast. If you do not then<ref name="word-a"/> hit him correctly with the stab, then work with the Doubling, or otherwise with other techniques which are best.</p>
{{Lew row MF|2
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 040v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 041r.jpg|1|lbl=41r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 106r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 085v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086r.png|1|lbl=86r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|3
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 032v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 033r.png|1|lbl=33r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|4
| <p>[99] '''The Running-through'''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{| class="zettel"
| <small>91</small>
| {{red|Run-through, let hang<br/>With the pommel if you will wrestle.}}
| <small>92</small>
| {{red|Who is strong against you,<br/>Run-through, therewith mark.}}
<p>''The wrestling in the long sword''</p>
<p>Item,<ref name="word-sr"/> mark<ref name="word-am"/> the Running-through and the wrestling pertain to driving against the masters that like to run in, and drive it thus: when he parries you and drives high up with the arms therewith,<ref name="word-am"/> and runs in on you and will overwhelm you with strength above, then drive up with the arms and hold your sword over your head (with the left hand by the pommel), and let the blade hang low behind [you], over<ref>R. "on"</ref> your back, and run with the head through the arm against<ref name="word-s"/> his right<ref>Word doubled in the Augsburg.</ref><ref name="word-m"/> side, and spring with the right foot behind his right, and with the spring, drive in with the right arm against<ref name="word-s"/> his left side, well around the body, and grasp him thus on your right hip, and throw him down before you on his head, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 041r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 041v.jpg|1|lbl=41v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 036v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037r.jpg|1|lbl=37r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 106r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 106v.png|1|lbl=106v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 033r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|5
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p>[100] '''Item, another wrestling.'''</p>
<p>When he runs in on you with arms stretched up, and you against him, then Run-through him with the head to his<ref>S. "your"</ref> right side, and step with your<ref>A., R. "the"</ref> right foot in front before his right, and drive in with the right arm under his right arm,<ref name="word-sr"/> around through behind his body, and sink down a little,<ref>"down a little" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> and grasp him on the right hip and throw him behind you. You shall drive these two wrestlings to both sides, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 042r.jpg|1|lbl=42r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107r.png|1|lbl=107r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|8|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 033r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 033v.png|1|lbl=33v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|6
| <p>[101] '''Item, yet<ref name="word-s"/> another wrestling.'''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 095r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
<p>When he runs in on you to your right side<ref name="word-s"/> and is high with the arms, and you also, then hold your sword in your<ref>A., M., R. "the"</ref> right<ref name="word-s"/> hand and thrust his arm from you therewith, and spring with your left foot in-front before his right, and drive in with the left arm well around behind his<ref>A., S., R. "the"</ref> body, and sink down a little, and grasp him on your left hip and throw him before you<ref>"before you" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> on the face, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 042r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 042v.jpg|1|lbl=42v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 086r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|1|lbl=86v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|1|lbl=41v}}
{{Lew row MF|7
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|1|lbl=95v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|1|lbl=301v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 033v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[102] '''Item, yet another<ref>S., R. "a"</ref> wrestling.'''</p>
<p>When he runs in on you and is high with the arms, and you also, then you shall hold your sword in your right hand and then<ref name="word-sr"/> thrust his arm from you therewith, and spring with the left foot behind his right,<ref>M. "rightful"</ref> and drive with the left arm below through before his breast, in his left side, and grasp him on your left hip and throw him behind you. Drive these two wrestlings also to both sides, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 042v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043r.jpg|1|lbl=43r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037v.jpg|1|lbl=37v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|8
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|1|lbl=207v}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 033v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034r.png|1|lbl=34r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|9
| <p>[103] Mark, when he runs into you with the<ref name="word-s"/> sword, and holds his arms low so that you may not<ref>Word doubled in Mair.</ref> run through him, then drive this wrestling as hereafter described.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107v.png|1|lbl=107v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|10
| <p>[104] Item, when he runs in on you with the sword and holds his hands low, then invert your left hand and grip his right therewith (inwardly between both his hands), and jerk<ref>S. ''dring''.</ref> it on your left side therewith, and with the right [hand] strike him over the head with the sword. Or, if you will not strike him, then spring with the right foot behind his left and drive in with the right arm in front or behind around the neck, and thus<ref name="word-s"/> throw him over your right knee, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 095v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043v.jpg|1|lbl=43v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|11
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[105] '''Item, yet another wrestling.'''</p>
<p>When he runs in on you with the sword and is low with the hands, then release your left hand ahead from the sword, and with the right drive in<ref name="word-s"/> with the pommel outside over his right hand, and press down therewith, and grasp him with the left hand by the right elbow, and spring with the left foot before his right, and press him thus over.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 043v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044r.jpg|1|lbl=44r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 037v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038r.jpg|1|lbl=38r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 107v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|12
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|13|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|13|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 034r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034v.png|1|lbl=34v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|13
| <p>[106] '''Item, another wrestling.'''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 095v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
<p>When he runs in on you at the sword,<ref>"at the sword" omitted from the Salzburg.</ref> then invert your left hand and drive over his right arm therewith, and grip therewith his sword between both hands by the handle, and jerk on your left side. Thus you take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|14|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|14|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108r.png|1|lbl=108r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|1|lbl=302r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|14
| <p>[107] '''Item, yet another wrestling.'''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096r.jpg|1|lbl=96r}}
<p>When he runs in on you with the sword, then let your sword fall, and invert your right hand and grip his right<ref>M. "rightful"</ref> outwardly therewith, and with the left hand<ref name="word-asr">Word omitted from the Augsburg, the Salzburg, and the Rostock.</ref> grasp him by the right elbow, and spring with the left foot before his right, and thrust his right hand over your left with the right arm,<ref>"and thrust... the right" omitted from the Augsburg and Mair. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''siner rechte~''.</ref> and lift him upwards therewith. Thus he is locked, and you may thus break the arm or<ref>R. "but"</ref> throw [him] before you over the left leg.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044v.jpg|1|lbl=44v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|15|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 086v.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087r.png|1|lbl=87r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 034v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|15
| <p>[108] '''The Slicing-off'''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{| class="zettel"
| <small>93</small>
| {{red|Slice off the hard ones<br/>From below in both drivings.}}
<p>{{blue|That is a counter against the over-binding<ref>S., M., R. "over-winding"</ref> of your sword, drive that thus. When you fight to him from Under-hews, or from the Strife Hewing, or you lie against him in the guard that is called the<ref name="word-r"/> Fool, if he falls then with the sword on yours before you then come up with the sword; then remain below on the sword and lift with the short edge fast upwards. If he then presses down fast, then slash below behind<ref name="word-s"/> you with the sword on his sword's blade, off from his sword, and hew on the sword again quickly into his face, etc.}}</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|15|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|16|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 044v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 045r.jpg|1|lbl=45r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038v.jpg|1|lbl=38v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108v.png|1|lbl=108v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|1|lbl=208r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|9|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 034v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 035r.png|1|lbl=35r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|16
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[109] '''Item, another.'''<ref>S., R. "Another wrestling".</ref></p>
<p>When you fight to his body<ref>A., M. "him".</ref> with Under-hewing, or lie in the guard Fool, if he then<ref name="word-sr"/> falls with the sword on yours near by the hilt so that his point goes out to your<ref>A. "his"; M. "the".</ref> right side, then drive quickly up with the pommel over his sword, and strike him with the long edge to the head. Or, if he binds on your sword to<ref>M. "on"</ref> your left side, then drive agilely up with the pommel over his sword and strike him with the short edge to the head. And that is called the Snapping or the Speeding, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|16|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|17|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 045r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 045v.jpg|1|lbl=45v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 038v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039r.jpg|1|lbl=39r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|10|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|17
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|17|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|18|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 035r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[110]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>94</small>
| {{red|Four are the Slices,<br/>Two below, with two above.}}
<p>Item,<ref name="word-sr"/> mark the Four Slices. The first are the two Overs that pertain to driving against the fencers that like striking around to the other side from the parrying or from the bind of the swords. And counter that<ref name="word-s"/> before with the slice thus: when he binds on your sword with the parrying or such to your left side, and strikes therewith quickly around with the Thwart<ref>S. "weapon".</ref> or such to your right side, then spring from the hew with the left foot on his<ref>S. "your".</ref> right side and fall in with the long edge above over both arms, and press with the slice from you. You shall drive that from both sides, always when he strikes around from the parrying, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|11|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 045v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 046r.jpg|1|lbl=46r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|18
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|18|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|19|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 108v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109r.png|1|lbl=109r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 087r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087v.png|1|lbl=87v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|12|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 035r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 035v.png|1|lbl=35v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|19
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p>[111] Item, the two Under-slices pertain to driving against the fencers that run in with arms stretched up, and drive them thus: When he binds you on your sword, be it with parrying or such, if he then drives high up with the arms and runs in on you to your<ref>M. "with his"</ref> left side, then turn your sword so that your thumb comes below, with the long edge under his hilt in his arm, and press upward with the slice.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|19|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|20|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|1|lbl=302v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 046r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 046v.jpg|1|lbl=46v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039v.jpg|1|lbl=39v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|13|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 035v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036r.png|1|lbl=36r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|20
| <p>[112] Or, if he runs in on you with arms stretched up to your right side, then turn your sword so that your thumb comes below, with the short edge under his hilt in his arms, and press upwards with the slice. Those are the Four Slices, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 046v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|20|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|21|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 087v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|14|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|21
| <p>[113]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|1|lbl=96v}}
{| class="zettel"
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|21|lbl=-}}
| <small>95</small>
| {{red|Turn your edge,<br/>To escape, press your hands.}}
<p>That is how you shall change from the Under-slices to the Over-slices, mark that thus. When he runs in on you to your left side with arms stretched up, then turn your sword with the long edge under his hilt in his arms, and press upwards fast, and step therewith on his right side, and Wind through below with the pommel, and come with the sword not<ref>A. "with".</ref> from his arms, and turn the sword from<ref>S. "on"</ref> the Under-slice to the Over, over his arms with the long edge, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|22|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|23|lbl=-|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 047r.jpg|1|lbl=47r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 039v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040r.jpg|1|lbl=40r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109v.png|1|lbl=109v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 087v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|15|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 036r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|22
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[114] Item, if he runs in to your right side with arms stretched up, then turn your<ref>S. "his".</ref> sword with the short edge under his hilt in his arms and press fast upwards, and step on his left side, and with this let your pommel go through below, and turn the sword with the long edge over his arms in the slice, and press from you, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|22|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|24|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 047v.jpg|1|lbl=47v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 087v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088r.png|1|lbl=88r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|16|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|23
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|23|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|25|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036v.png|1|lbl=36v|p=1}}
| <p>[115] '''Of the Hangings'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>96</small>
| {{red|Two Hanging come<br/>from one hand from the earth.}}
| <small>97</small>
| {{red|In all driving<br/>Hew, stab, Leaguer, Soft or Hard.}}
<p>Know the Two Hangings from the earth, that is the Plow from both sides, therein you shall also have the Feeling in hewing, and<ref name="word-sr"/> in<ref name="word-am"/> stabbing, and in the binds of the swords, if he is Soft or Hard therein, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|1|lbl=208v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|17|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 047v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|24
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 048r.jpg|1|lbl=48r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040v.jpg|1|lbl=40v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 109v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110r.png|1|lbl=110r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|24|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|26|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303r.png|1|lbl=303r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|18|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 036v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|25
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[116] Also you shall know that you shall therefrom drive the Four Windings, and from each single Winding<ref name="word-m"/><ref>"and from each single Winding" omitted from the Salzburg. This is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''winden''.</ref> particularly a hew, a stab, and a slice, as from the upper Hangings.<ref name="word-m"/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 048r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|25|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|27|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 036v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|1|lbl=42r}}
{{Lew row MF|26
| <p>[R] ''Item, the Hanging mark also thus. When you come to the man with the pre-fencing, then lay yourself in the Plow or in the Change-hew, be they whatever side is well, then hang your sword’s pommel against the earth and thrust in up from below from the hanging to the face. If he then thrusts the point over you with parrying, then remain thus on the sword and drive up with the pommel and hang in the point above in to the face, and in the two hews you shall always drive with hews, stabs, or slices.''</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 040v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|26|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|28|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|27
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097r.jpg|1|lbl=97r}}
| <p>[117] '''Of the Speaking-Window'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143r.jpg|1|lbl=143r}}
{| class="zettel"
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <small>98</small>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|1|lbl=117r}}
| {{red|Speaking-Window make.<br/>Stand joyfully, see his manner.}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <small>99</small>
{{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|1|lbl=61v}}
| {{red|Who Pulls off before you,<br/>Strike him quickly so that he snaps.}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <small>100</small>
| {{red|I say truthfully,<br/>No man protects himself without danger.}}
| <small>101</small>
| {{red|If you have understood,<br/>He may not come to strikes.}}
<p>Item,<ref name="word-sr"/> mark, you have heard before how you shall position yourself before the man with the sword in the Four Guards. So you shall now know that the Speaking-Window is a guard wherein you may stand well, and the guard is the Long Point, that is the noblest and the<ref name="word-am"/> best ward with the sword. Who can fence correctly therefrom forces the man therewith so that he must allow striking without thinking, and may therefore not well come to strikes, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 048v.jpg|1|lbl=48v|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 049r.jpg|1|lbl=49r|p=1}}
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 041r.jpg|1|lbl=41r}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303v.png|1|lbl=303v}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110v.png|1|lbl=110v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 088r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|1|lbl=88v|p=1}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 036v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 037r.png|1|lbl=37r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|3|lbl=42r}}
{{Lew row MF|28
| <p>[118] Item, make the Speaking-Window thus: when you go to the man with the pre-fencing with whatever hew you then come on him, be it an Over or<ref name="word-r"/> an Under-hew,<ref>S. "be it Over-/Under-hew".</ref> then let the point always shoot-in long from the arms with the hew, to the face or the<ref name="word-sr"/> breast. Therewith you force him so that he must parry or bind on, and when he has bound-on thus, then remain strong with the long edge on the sword, and stand freely and see his manner; what he will fence further. If he pulls backwards from the sword, then follow after him with your<ref>A., S., R. "the"</ref> point to the face or the<ref name="word-s"/> breast. Or, if he strikes from the bind around to the other side, then slice him strongly over the arms, and work in<ref name="word-m"/> above to the head. Or, if he will not pull off nor strike around, then work with the Doubling or such with other techniques thereafter, as you find if he is Strong or Weak on the sword, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 049r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 049v.jpg|1|lbl=49v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|1|lbl=209r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 041v.jpg|1|lbl=41v}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 110v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111r.png|1|lbl=111r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|29
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097v.jpg|1|lbl=97v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 037r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 037v.png|1|lbl=37v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|30
| <p>[119] Item, then shall you [make] the Speaking-window, which are two guards from the Long Point, one on the sword, and the other before the man ere when you bind him on his sword or the swords clash together. And it is yet the same, not more than one guard.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 049v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 050r.jpg|1|lbl=50r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 041v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 042r.jpg|1|lbl=42r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|31
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|1|lbl=143v}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row MF|32
| <p>[120] Item, I say truthfully that the Long Point is the noblest<ref name="word-sr"/> [and] best<ref name="word-am"/> ward on the sword, when therewith you compel the man that he must let you strike, and therefore to no strikes may come. Wherefore you shall drive the point in to the man with all hews, to the breast or to the face, and further therefrom drive stab and strike, etc...</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 037v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|33
| <p>[121] Item, mark that is also<ref name="word-sr"/> called a Speaking-Window when you are<ref name="word-s"/> come close<ref name="word-s"/> to the man with the pre-fencing. Then set the left foot before, and hold the point long from the arms against the face or the breast ere when you bind him on the sword, and stand joyfully and see what he will fence against you. If he then hews in above, then drive up with the sword and Wind against his hew in the Ox, and stab him to the face. Or, if he hews to the sword and not to the body, then Change-through<ref>R. "change"</ref> bravely and stab in to the other side. Or, if he runs in and is high with the arms, then drive the Under-slice; or if he is low with the arms, then await the wrestling. Thus you may drive all techniques from the arms, whichever is best, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098r.jpg|1|lbl=98r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 050r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 050v.jpg|1|lbl=50v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111v.png|1|lbl=111v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.10825 088v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.10825 089r.png|1|lbl=89r|p=1}}
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{{Lew row MF|34
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 037v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 038r.png|1|lbl=38r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[122] {{red|b=1|The conclusion of the new<ref>R. "correct"</ref> epitome}}</p>
{| class="zettel"
| <small>102</small>
| {{red|Who drives well, and breaks well,<br/>And finally well accounts,}}
| <small>103</small>
| {{red|And breaks particularly<br/>Each of the Three Wounders,}}
| <small>104</small>
| {{red|Who correctly hangs well,<br/>And brings therewith Winding,}}
| <small>105</small>
| {{red|And the eight Windings<br/>With correct weighing considers.}}
| <small>106</small>
| {{red|And you each<br/>The Windings triple, I mean,<ref>"I mean" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.</ref>}}
| <small>107</small>
| {{red|So they are<ref>"So they are" omitted from the Augsburg and Mair.</ref> Twenty-<br/>And-four pieces only.}}
| <small>108</small>
| {{red|From both sides<br/>Learn eight Windings with steps,}}
| <small>109</small>
| {{red|And prove the driving,<br/>Not more than Soft or Hard.}}
<p>This is a lesson and admonition of the Art of the Sword that you therein shall very well judge and meditate on,<ref>S., R. "meditate and judge"</ref> so that you quickly drive bravely, and correctly drive the counters against his techniques. Thus you shall particularly<ref name="word-s"/> drive the Three Wounders in each counter, which become explained hereafter. Also you shall know that the Four Hangings are two below and two above: the upper is the Ox, the lower is the Plow, to both sides. And from the Four Hangings you shall bring Eight Windings, and the same Eight Windings<ref>"and the same Eight Windings" omitted from Mair. This is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of ''winden''.</ref> you shall thus further<ref name="word-sr"/> contemplate and rightly weigh, so that you shall particularly drive a hew, a stab, and<ref name="word-sr"/> a slice from each Winding. These are the previously described Four Windings, etc.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 051r.jpg|1|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 051v.jpg|1|lbl=51v|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 052r.jpg|1|lbl=52r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|35
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 042v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 043r.jpg|1|lbl=43r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 111v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 112r.png|1|lbl=112r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 089r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 038r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 038v.png|1|lbl=38v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[123] Item, here<ref name="word-s"/> mark how you shall drive the Eight Windings from the Four Hangings. The first Over-Hanging has two Windings, drive that thus. When you come to the man<ref>A., M., R. "him".</ref> with the pre-fencing, then stand on your right side in the Ox. If he then hews in<ref name="word-a"/> above in to your left side, then Wind against his hew,<ref>M. "against his hew oppositely"</ref> the short edge on his sword, yet in Ox, and stab him above in to the face. That is the<ref name="word-m"/> Winding-in. If he sets the stab off to<ref>S., R. "against".</ref> his left side, then remain on the sword, and Wind again on your right side in the Ox, the long edge on his sword, and stab him above in to the face. That is one<ref>S., R. "the one"</ref> Hanging from your right side with two Windings on his sword.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 052r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 052v.jpg|1|lbl=52v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 043r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 043v.jpg|1|lbl=43v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 112v.png|1|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.10825 089v.png|1|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 038v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 039r.png|1|lbl=39r|p=1}}
| <p>[124] ''{{red|b=1|Another}}''</p>
<p>Item, drive the two Over-Hangings yet with two Windings<ref>M. "hangings"</ref> thus. When you come to him with the pre-fencing, then stand on your left side in the Ox. If he then hews above in to your right side, then Wind the long edge on his sword against his hew and stab him above to the face. That is but one Winding. If he sets the stab off against your<ref>A. "his".</ref> right side, then remain on the sword and Wind again on your left side in the Ox, the short (?) edge on his sword, and stab him above in to the face. This is the second<ref>M. "another"</ref> Over-Hanging from the<ref>S., R. "your".</ref> left side, yet with two Windings on his sword, etc.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 052v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 053r.jpg|1|lbl=53r|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 043v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 039r.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 039v.png|1|lbl=39v|p=1}}
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| class="noline" | <p>[125] Item, Now you shall know that from the two Under Hangings, that is the Plow from both sides, you shall also drive Four Windings with all your drivings, as from the Overs. These are the Eight Windings. And as often as you Wind, then think in each single Wind particularly on the hew, and<ref name="word-s"/> on the<ref>"on the" omitted from Mair.</ref> stab, and on the slice. Thus twenty-four come from the Eight Windings, and from whatever Winding, and against whatever technique, and against whatever hew you shall drive the hew, or the<ref name="word-m"/> stab, or the slice. You find all that described before in the techniques,<ref>"in the techniques" omitted from the Salzburg and the Rostock.</ref> etc.</p>
| class="noline" |
| <p><br/></p>
| class="noline" |
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| class="noline" | {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 044r.jpg|1|lbl=44r}}
| class="noline" | {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.93 113r.png|1|lbl=113r}}
| class="noline" | {{section|Page:Cod.10825 089v.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| title = Mounted Fencing Gloss
| width = 360em
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! <p>{{rating|start|Zettel Translation (from the German)}}<br/>by [[Christian Tobler]]</p>
! <p>{{rating|c|Draft Translation (from the Latin)}}<br/>by [[Per Magnus Haaland]]</p>
! <p>[[Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)|Augsburg Version]] (1460s){{edit index|Codex Lew (Cod.I.6.4º.3)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>[[Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)|Salzburg Version]] (1491){{edit index|Codex Speyer (MS M.I.29)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>[[Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)|Vienna Version]] (1512){{edit index|Oplodidaskalia sive Armorvm Tractandorvm Meditatio Alberti Dvreri (MS 26-232)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
! <p>[[Über die Fechtkunst und den Ringkampf (MS 963)|Graz Version]] (1538){{edit index|Über die Fechtkunst und den Ringkampf (MS 963)}}<br/>Transcription open for editting</p>
! <p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MSS Dresd.C.93/C.94)|Dresden (Mair) Version]] (1542){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (MS Dresd.C.93)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Pierre-Henry Bas]]</p>
! <p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Vienna (Mair) German Version]] (1550s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Anton Kohutovič]]</p>
! <p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825/10826)|Vienna (Mair) Latin Version]] (1550s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.10825)}}</p>
! <p>[[Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393)|Munich (Mair) Version]] (1540s){{edit index|Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica (Cod.icon. 393 I)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Saskia Roselaar]]</p>
! <p>[[Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)|Munich Version]] (1556){{edit index|Maister Liechtenawers Kunstbuech (Cgm 3712)}}</p>
! <p>[[Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)|Rostock Version]] (1570){{edit index|Fechtbuch zu Ross und zu Fuss (MS Var.82)}}<br/>Transcribed by [[Dierk Hagedorn]]</p>
{{Lew row MF|36
| <p>'''Here follow some really useful instructions for mounted combat'''</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098v.jpg|1|lbl=98v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|1|lbl=95r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|1|lbl=61r}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|1|lbl=301r}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|37
| <p>[1] Charge from the breast to his right hand.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>When you clash with your opponent to thrust him in the chest on his right side.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|1|lbl=144r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 095r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|2|lbl=116v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|1|lbl=43r|p=1}}
| <p>[2] Turn around with the horse, pull his right hand with your left.</p>
| <p>Turn the horse and grab hold of his right hand with your left.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|38
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305r.png|1|lbl=305r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|39
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099r.jpg|1|lbl=99r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[3] Upon the encounter, take the stirrup-strap or the weapon.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>Make sure as soon as your saddles join together, you take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[4] Plant upon him high, swing, go through or break the sword.</p>
| <p>Thrust with the point above quickly, change through or parry the opponent's thrust.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|40
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|41
| <p>[5] The defense precedes all meetings, striking, or thrusting.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>Strike, move the sword over the opponent's arm and parry his thrusts or strikes.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210v.jpg|1|lbl=210v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041r.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|42
| <p>[6] Take the strong with both hands.</p>
| <p>Hold the opponent hard with both hands.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099v.jpg|1|lbl=99v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|1|lbl=62v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305v.png|1|lbl=305v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|1|lbl=41v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|43
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[7] Now begin to seek the opponent with the Slapping Stroke.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>Charge at your opponent with full force with thrusts and strikes.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|1|lbl=95v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|1|lbl=301v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row MF|44
| <p>[8] Turn his right hand, set the point to his eyes.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>Twist the opponent's right hand, and put your swordpoint into his face.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144v.jpg|1|lbl=144v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|1|lbl=207v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|45
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[9] Who defends against the thrust, grasp his right hand in your left.</p>
| <p>If he removes your thrust you grab hold of his right hand with your left.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100r.jpg|1|lbl=100r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|10|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|10|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306r.png|1|lbl=306r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|1|lbl=211r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|46
| <p>[10] Seek the openings: arms, leather, gauntlets, under the eyes.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>Aim at where the arms are bare by his gauntlets<ref>Germ. And the eyes</ref></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|11|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|10|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|1|lbl=118r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|47
| <p>[11] Press hard, push from the reins and seek his messer.</p>
| <p>Charge at the opponent with full force, and pull his hand from the reins and take his sword.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|1|lbl=100v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 095v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|1|lbl=63r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306v.png|1|lbl=306v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|1|lbl=44r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|48
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|1|lbl=145r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[12] With the empty hand learn two strokes against all weapons.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>Against all kinds of weapons, learn two techniques with empty hands.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 095v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|13|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|13|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 301v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|49
| <p>[13] The Sheep Grip defends against all wrestling grips under the eyes.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>If you grab his visor and his eyes, all your opponent's wrestling will be for nothing.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 095v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|14|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|14|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|1|lbl=302r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|1|lbl=211v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|8|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|50
| <p>[14] Up close, catch the hand, turn over his face to where the nape is.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>As soon as you get close to your opponent, you twist his head with crossed arms.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096r.jpg|1|lbl=96r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|15|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|51
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307r.png|1|lbl=307r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 207v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|52
| <p>[15] Catch the weapon from afar while you ride against him.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101r.jpg|1|lbl=101r}}
| <p>When riding away from your your opponent, you parry with half sword or by the point.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|15|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|16|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|1|lbl=208r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|9|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|53
| <p>[16] If you charge to the left, then fall to the sword pommel, jab under the eyes.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>When attacking the opponent on the left side you turn in the pommel in his face.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|16|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|17|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|10|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|54
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|9|lbl=-}}
| <p>[17] Charge to the right side with its skill.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| <p>Attack a stronger opponent on the right/Germ. Attack to the right with your techniques.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|17|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|18|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|1|lbl=212r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|11|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|8|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|55
| <p>[18] Plant the point upon him to the face.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>Put the point into the opponent's face.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|1|lbl=63v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307v.png|1|lbl=307v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|18|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|19|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|12|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|9|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|1|lbl=44v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|56
| <p>[19] Shatter against all hits that ever happen.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101v.jpg|1|lbl=101v}}
| <p>Resist forcefully all your opponent's attacks.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|1|lbl=145v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|19|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|20|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|1|lbl=302v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|13|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|57
| <p>[20] The strong in the beginning position yourself therein correctly.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>In every battle, use your force at the beginning of the attack.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|20|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|21|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|14|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|58
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|13|lbl=-}}
| <p>[21] He who rushes the spear to the other is met beneath the eyes.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>Keep a close eye on the opponent's lance at the attack.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|1|lbl=96v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|21|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|22|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|23|lbl=-|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|59
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|14|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|1|lbl=118v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308r.png|1|lbl=308r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|15|lbl=-}}
| <p>[22] The Unnamed Grip takes the weapon or fells him.</p>
| <p>The nameless grip, is when you move the hand into the opponent's visor.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|22|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|24|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212v.jpg|1|lbl=212v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|16|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|60
| <p>[23] If an opponent charges you to both sides, turn around left and thus he rightly comes.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102r.jpg|1|lbl=102r}}
| <p>If he attacks you from both sides, turn the horse to the left, so that you end up on his right side.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|23|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|25|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 302v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|1|lbl=208v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|17|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|61
| <p>[24] Turn around again to where the horses hasten.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>If space is given for it by your opponent, you turn the horse.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 096v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|24|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|26|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303r.png|1|lbl=303r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 041v.png|18|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|1|lbl=45r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|62
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|1|lbl=146r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[25] Be mindful to take and hold the messer.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| <p>Remember well to disarm and hold on to your opponent's sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|25|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|27|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|1|lbl=42r}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[26] Grasp over an opponent who falls upon you or ride against him.</p>
| <p>Move the arm over the opponent if someone attacks you, and fight him hard.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 096v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 116v.png|26|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61r.jpg|28|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|63
| <p>[1]<br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 1
| {{red|b=1|Direct your spear<br/>&emsp;Riding against destroys}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 1
| '''If you drop the lance,<br/>&emsp;the attack will do you more harm than good.'''
<p>This means above all, that when you see your opponent charging at you with his lance, to be able to deflect his thrust and hit with your own. There are four positions or guards you shall use, of these there are three at the full length of the lance and one in the middle.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102v.jpg|1|lbl=102v|p=1}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097r.jpg|1|lbl=97r}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143r.jpg|1|lbl=143r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|1|lbl=117r}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|1|lbl=61v}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|1|lbl=64r}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308v.png|1|lbl=308v}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303v.png|1|lbl=303v}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|1|lbl=213r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 208v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|3|lbl=42r}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|64
| <p>[2]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>First position is done thus:</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|6|lbl=-}}
<p>strech out the lance as far as you can under the arm with the point straight toward the opponent's face.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|1|lbl=209r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|65
| <p>[3]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>Second is this:</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>hold the lance as before, but pretend that it is too heavy, and lower it down on your left side and keep it over the horses neck.</p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097v.jpg|1|lbl=97v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[4]</p>
| <p>The third is this:</p>
<p>Hold the middle of the lance with both hands across the saddle. </p>
{{Lew row MF|66
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 303v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|1|lbl=103r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309r.png|1|lbl=309r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[5]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>The fourth goes from the middle of the lance. Do as follows: strech out the lance as far as you can and shoot the point into the face of the opponent.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|1|lbl=143v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304r.png|1|lbl=304r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|1|lbl=45v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|67
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 042r.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|1|lbl=42v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[6]</p>
| <p>You can also hold the lance with both hands on the middle, and hold it in front of you as with the whole.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 097v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|68
| <p>[7]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>Above mentioned positions are to be done manly and with full force, and here below you learn them.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|1|lbl=146v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098r.jpg|1|lbl=98r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|1|lbl=213v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209r.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209v.jpg|1|lbl=209v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|69
| <p>[8]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|11|lbl=-}}
<p>The 20th figure teaches that you must quickly use force in the beginning of all fights.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|1|lbl=309v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 61v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|70
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[9]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|12|lbl=-}}
{| class="zettel"
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| 2
| {{red|b=1|If it drops<br/>&emsp;The end undoes him}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|71
<p>Know you shall learn what techniques that come from the four positions and how to perform them.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103v.jpg|1|lbl=103v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|13|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|1|lbl=119r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64v.jpg|1|lbl=64v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|9|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|1|lbl=62r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304v.png|1|lbl=304v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|72
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[10]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>When riding to attack in first position, stretching out the lance far against him as if you were to thrust the opponent in the face, you lower the front end of the lance and change through under the opponent's lance to his right side and move it to your right, and your own will hit him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098v.jpg|1|lbl=98v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 143v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|1|lbl=214r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|73
| <p>[11]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''Another figure'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
<p>This is what the first figure shows: aim for the opponent's chest on his right side.</p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|1|lbl=147r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|1|lbl=144r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/><br/>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117r.png|11|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|1|lbl=117v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310r.png|1|lbl=310r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 304v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 209v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|1|lbl=210r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/><br/>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 042v.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|1|lbl=43r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[12]</p>
| <p>When you turn down the lance under the opponent's, you insert the reins into the lower armour hook, and grab the lance with the left to support your right and thrust the point at him.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 098v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305r.png|1|lbl=305r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|1|lbl=46r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|74
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104r.jpg|1|lbl=104r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|75
| <p>[13]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>The sixth figure teaches that you shall hold the opponent with both hands with all your might.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099r.jpg|1|lbl=99r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|1|lbl=65r}}
| <p>[14]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>'''Second guard'''</p>
<p>Lower the lance point down on your left side and then you strike up the lance on the opponent's right side let go of the reins as described before and grab hold of your lance with the left hand to support your right.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310v.png|1|lbl=310v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[15]</p>
| <p>'''A technique out of the third guard'''</p>
<p>When holding the lance in the middle with both hands in the clash, you remove his lance with the front end of  your lance and put the point into him.</p>
{{Lew row MF|76
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104v.jpg|1|lbl=104v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210v.jpg|1|lbl=210v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[16]</p>
| <p>'''A technique out of the fourth guard'''</p>
<p>If you are holding the lance in the middle, and your opponent is holding it in its full lenght in the clash, you drop the reins with your left hand and deflect his lance with it, and then you continue forward and put the lance-point on him.</p>
{{Lew row MF|77
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099v.jpg|1|lbl=99v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|1|lbl=62v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305v.png|1|lbl=305v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214v.jpg|1|lbl=214v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|1|lbl=46v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|78
| <p>[17]</p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>The twelfth show how to parry all kinds of weapons in two ways.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|1|lbl=105r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|1|lbl=147v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|1|lbl=119v|p=1}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311r.png|1|lbl=311r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|79
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 043r.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|1|lbl=43v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[18]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>Hold the lance in half lance position in the middle of the lance with both hands, in the same way as in full length guard and parry the opponent's attack.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144v.jpg|1|lbl=144v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 305v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 210v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|1|lbl=215r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[19]<br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
{{Lew row MF|80
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| 3
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{red|b=1|Strike in, don’t pull<br/>&emsp;From the scabbard, left to him jerk}}
| <p><br/></p>
| 4
| {{red|b=1|Grasp to his right<br/>&emsp;Thus you catch him without weapons work}}
| <p>'''Instruction on what to do if both your lances miss'''<br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>If you both miss with your lances, and you want to win, you drop the lance as fast as you can, and ride in on the opponent's right side but do not draw sword nor dagger. Turn the horse and make sure to ride in with your left side to his right and pay attention to his right hand.</p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 099v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100r.jpg|1|lbl=100r}}
{{Lew row MF|81
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311v.png|1|lbl=311v}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306r.png|1|lbl=306r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|1|lbl=211r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|82
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105v.jpg|1|lbl=105v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[20]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>Then, when you are beside your opponent and he has drawn his sword and is about to strike you, you grab hold with your left hand in his elbow and push up and lift his right leg with your left foot, and he will fall down.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 100r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|1|lbl=65v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 117v.png|10|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|1|lbl=118r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 62v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|1|lbl=47r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|83
| <p>[21]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>If you do not want to throw the opponent, you grab hold if his elbow with the left hand and with the right onto his pommel, and pull it to you as you push his elbow away from you with the left hand, and you will twist the sword out of the opponent's hand.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|1|lbl=100v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 144v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|1|lbl=63r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306v.png|1|lbl=306v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|84
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|1|lbl=148r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312r.png|1|lbl=312r}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 043v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|1|lbl=44r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215v.jpg|1|lbl=215v|p=1}}
| <p>[22]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
{{Lew row MF|85
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>The third figure shows what to do to your opponent when your saddles join, and how you take his sword.</p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|1|lbl=145r}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|1|lbl=65v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|86
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106r.jpg|1|lbl=106r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[23]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>Or show him the sun, ie wring his neck.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|1|lbl=211v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|87
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|10|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[24]</p>
| <p>Or, if the opponent reaches in with his right hand under your reins to take them, how you lock down his hand with the reins.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 306v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|1|lbl=216r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|1|lbl=47v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|88
| <p>[25]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>If the opponent reaches at your chest or neck, then grab hold with your right arm in his right hand and use the nameless grip, and if you then turn your horse away from him, he will fall to the ground.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 100v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312v.png|1|lbl=312v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307r.png|1|lbl=307r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|89
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106v.jpg|1|lbl=106v}}
| <p>[26]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>If you grab the opponent's right hand with your right, you can take his weight with your left hand on his elbow and even use the nameless grip if you wish.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101r.jpg|1|lbl=101r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148v.jpg|1|lbl=148v}}
| <p>[27]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>These techniques are to be used if you ride in on your opponent's right side.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|12|lbl=-}}
| <p>[28]</p>
| <p>How to show the sun to the opponent</p>
<p>If you cannot enter on the opponent's left side when you both missed with your lances, then enter on his right side and throw him to the ground by wringing his neck.</p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|1|lbl=120r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|9|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 211v.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|1|lbl=212r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|8|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[29]</p>
| <p>If he tries to draw his sword you reach in with your right arm under his right and press it to you. Then,if you turn the horse away from him, he will fall.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|1|lbl=63v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307v.png|1|lbl=307v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044r.png|9|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|1|lbl=44v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[30]</p>
| <p>If he has drawn his sword and is about to strike you, use the ”hidden grip”,<ref>Germ. ”the sharp grip”</ref> and when you don that you break his right arm over your right with your left hand.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101v.jpg|1|lbl=101v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|1|lbl=145v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|90
| <p>[31]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>If you have grabbed hold of your opponent's right hand with your left, then press it to your chest, and turn the horse around, and the opponent will fall.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[32]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Second figure shows how to turn the horse and grab hold of the opponent's right hand with your left.</p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|13|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 307v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|1|lbl=66r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313r.png|1|lbl=313r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|91
| <p>[33]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107r.jpg|1|lbl=107r}}
| <p>If you have taken hold of your opponent's hand as before, then lay down with your chest and all your weight on his arm with all your might. If you continue riding forward, the opponent will fall backwards.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 101v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118r.png|14|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|1|lbl=118v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308r.png|1|lbl=308r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|1|lbl=216v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212r.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212v.jpg|1|lbl=212v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|1|lbl=48r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|92
| <p>[34]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>If he raises his arms in the air, whether he has drawn his sword or not, grab hold of his elbow with your right hand and lift up as you lift up his left foot with your foot, and he will fall.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102r.jpg|1|lbl=102r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[35]</p>
| <p>'''Disarm'''</p>
<p>If your opponent has drawn his sword, then grab hold with your left hand in his right elbow and with your right on his hilt by the pommel. Hit his elbow with the left hand as you pull the sword to you with the right, and you will take the sword from him.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|1|lbl=149r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 145v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 044v.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|1|lbl=45r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|93
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107v.jpg|1|lbl=107v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[36]</p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>The eleventh figure teaches to press yourself against him hard, drop the reins and take his sword.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|1|lbl=146r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 63v.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|1|lbl=313v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 212v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|94
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[37]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{| class="zettel"
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| 5
| {{red|b=1|The fighting of lance-thrusting<br/>&emsp;Learn to counter<br/>calmly without haste}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''How to use the lance'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|4|lbl=-}}
<p>First of all make sure to use the lance with caution and modesty, and not to charge in at full speed, for he who rides in with full force cannot perform any good techniques or gain any advantage.</p>
{{Lew row MF|95
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 102v.jpg|1|lbl=102v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|96
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|8|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|1|lbl=64r}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308v.png|1|lbl=308v}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|1|lbl=213r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217r.jpg|1|lbl=217r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|97
| <p>[38]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108r.jpg|1|lbl=108r}}
| <p>If you ride at a modest pace you can use these here techniques however you like.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|1|lbl=149v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|1|lbl=48v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|98
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[39]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>The twenty first technique teaches that you shall ride at modest pace if someone comes toward you.</p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|10|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|1|lbl=120v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|1|lbl=66v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314r.png|1|lbl=314r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 308v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|99
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108v.jpg|1|lbl=108v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[40]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>Be careful with the lance, sword or grappling, and above all beware of being late, which you will learn about in the following devices.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 102v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|1|lbl=103r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217v.jpg|1|lbl=217v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309r.png|1|lbl=309r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|100
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|1|lbl=45v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|101
| <p>[41]</p>
| <p>Here end the techniques for the four guards with the lance.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109r.jpg|1|lbl=109r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314v.png|1|lbl=314r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|1|lbl=49r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|102
| <p>[42]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''Now begins the instruction on the four guards with the sword, and where horsemen use these.'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|1|lbl=150r}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>First guard</p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
<p>Hold the middle of the sword over your left hand by the reins.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|1|lbl=146v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|1|lbl=213v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|1|lbl=218r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[43]</p>
| <p>'''Second'''</p>
<p>Hold the sword by the right leg with the point up toward the opponent.</p>
{{Lew row MF|103
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|1|lbl=67r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|1|lbl=309v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|104
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109v.jpg|1|lbl=109v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| <p>[44]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>'''Third'''</p>
<p>Hold the sword with the pommel on the saddle bow, and the point toward the opponent, as before.</p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315r.png|1|lbl=315r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|12|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|105
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 049v.png|1|lbl=49v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|106
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| <p>[45]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>'''Fourth'''</p>
<p>Hold the sword uplifted on your right side with the thumb underneath on the hilt and the point toward the opponent's face.</p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 103r.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103v.jpg|1|lbl=103v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 118v.png|13|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|1|lbl=119r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64v.jpg|1|lbl=64v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 213v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218v.jpg|1|lbl=218v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|107
| <p>[46]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 110r.jpg|1|lbl=110r}}
| <p>Here below you will learn the techniques from said guards.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150v.jpg|1|lbl=150v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|1|lbl=214r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 049v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|108
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 110r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[47]<br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 6
| {{red|b=1|If it changes<br/>&emsp;So that the sword is used against the sword}}
| 7
| {{red|b=1|Truly seize the strong<br/>&emsp;You seek the Slapping Stroke}}
| <p>'''These techniques here below come from the first guard.'''<br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>When you both, however which way it may be, have dropped your lances, and both have drawn swords, then do as follows:</p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|11|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|1|lbl=121r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 103v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 146v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|1|lbl=147r}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 309v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/><br/>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310r.png|1|lbl=310r}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315v.png|1|lbl=315v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/><br/>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|109
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 110r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 045v.png|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|1|lbl=46r|p=1}}
| <p>[48]</p>
| <p>Ride in on his right side and hold your sword resting over your left hand, and when your opponent then strikes at you from above, you raise the sword and parry with the long edge on the strong if the sword, that is the part of the blade between the middle and the hilt. Then you turn the point to your right of your opponent and thrust him in the neck. If the opponent lifts his sword to parry your thrust, you cut his reins or left hand and ride away from him.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104r.jpg|1|lbl=104r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 64v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|1|lbl=50r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|110
| <p>[49]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>'''The leg grip'''</p>
<p>If you cannot cut off his reins or hand, then instead grab hold of his leg when you ride past him.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 110v.jpg|1|lbl=110v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|1|lbl=67v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|1|lbl=65r}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310v.png|1|lbl=310v}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316r.png|1|lbl=316r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|1|lbl=219r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|111
| <p>[50]</p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>Seventh figure teaches how to hold the opponent down and strike or thrust him.<ref>German. How you use the bag strike at your opponent.</ref></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104v.jpg|1|lbl=104v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 110v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151r.jpg|1|lbl=151r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|112
| <p>[51]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 111r.jpg|1|lbl=111r}}
| <p>If you have parried the opponent's strike as before, and do not wish to use the previous techniques, then turn the pommel in on the inside of his hand just by the hilt and press it to your chest as hard as you can. Then you ride forward, and you will twist the sword out of his hand. Use these techniques from the upper guard on the right side.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 310v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214v.jpg|1|lbl=214v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|1|lbl=46v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|113
| <p>[52]<br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 8
| {{red|b=1|And remember: learn well to strongly defend<br/>&emsp;In all meetings, press him without danger}}
| 9
| {{red|b=1|Plant upon without danger<br/>&emsp;Who grazes, hang to him to the hair}}
| <p>'''Here you will learn some excellent techniques you can attack the opponent with'''</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 8
| '''Parry all the opponent's attacks as hard as you can,<br/>&emsp;and when you hurry away from him'''
| 9
| '''you use pinning techniques<br/>&emsp;against him.'''
<p>Here you shall pay close attention to how to press onto your opponent, so that you get the upper hand. But you must use force, and hold the sword hard, and in this way you will force him to open up, which the fifth figure so beautifully shows.</p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 104v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|1|lbl=105r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 111r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|1|lbl=147v}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119r.png|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|1|lbl=119v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311r.png|1|lbl=311r}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316v.png|1|lbl=316v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/><br/><br/>
| <p>[53]</p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>The fifth figure teaches that in every first clash you must be strong, and always keep the point of your lance or sword aimed toward the opponent.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|1|lbl=219v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050v.png|1|lbl=50v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|114
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 111r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 111v.jpg|1|lbl=111v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 214v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|1|lbl=215r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|115
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 111v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151v.jpg|1|lbl=151v}}
| <p>[54]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|8|lbl=-}}
| <p></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317r.png|1|lbl=317r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|116
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 111v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 112r.jpg|1|lbl=112r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|9|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|1|lbl=121v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 68r.jpg|1|lbl=68r}}
| <p>[55]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>If you resist hard in the first clash, you will immediately feel if he is holding his sword hard or loose.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311v.png|1|lbl=311v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 050v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|1|lbl=51r|p=1}}
| <p>[56]</p>
| <p>'''How to turn the horse around'''</p>
<p>Strike from above with full force to the opponent's head, and if he then parries but holds his sword loose, then pin him with the point, and if he removes your strike to the left you turn up the pommel and put it on his neck. If you then ride on, or turn your horse around you will force him to fall.</p>
{{Lew row MF|117
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105v.jpg|1|lbl=105v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 112r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 68r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65r.jpg|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|1|lbl=65v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311v.png|2|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 046v.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|1|lbl=47r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|118
| <p>[57]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 112r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>If he lifts his sword to parry your strike, you use gripping techniques against his right arm.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 147v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 68r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317v.png|1|lbl=317v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 311v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220r.jpg|1|lbl=220r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|119
| <p>[58]</p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p>If he parries your strike, you use a sun gaze against him, or lay the sword over his chin.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|1|lbl=148r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312r.png|1|lbl=312r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215v.jpg|1|lbl=215v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 112r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 112v.jpg|1|lbl=112v|p=1}}
| <p>[59]</p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p>'''A throw'''</p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152r.jpg|1|lbl=152r}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 68r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|4|lbl=-}}
<p>Strike as before from above to the opponent's head. If he parries by raising his sword, you move the hilt in under his armpit, put the right foot under his tunic, and push away with the pommel, and lift up with the right foot, and he will fall to the ground.</p>
{{Lew row MF|120
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 105v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 112v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 113r.jpg|1|lbl=113r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|1|lbl=65v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 68v.jpg|1|lbl=68v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318r.png|1|lbl=318r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220v.jpg|1|lbl=220v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051v.png|1|lbl=51v}}
| <p>[60]</p>
| <p>'''Defence'''</p>
<p>If the opponent parries your strike above with a thwart strike, then you lift up the right hand over his sword and shoot the point in his face or chest, and pin him thus.</p>
{{Lew row MF|121
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106r.jpg|1|lbl=106r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 113r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 68v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 051v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|122
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 113r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 113v.jpg|1|lbl=113v|p=1}}
| <p>[61]</p>
| <p>If he parries across against your strike, you raise your right hand and move the sword under his right arm, so that you may grab it with your right arm, then you ride forward, and you will twist the sword off of the opponent. This is what the fourth figure teaches.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152v.jpg|1|lbl=152v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|10|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|1|lbl=122r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 68v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318v.png|1|lbl=318v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 215v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|1|lbl=216r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|1|lbl=47v|p=1}}
| <p>[62]</p>
| <p>Following techniques you shall execute from the side guard by the right leg.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 65v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312v.png|1|lbl=312v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[63]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 10
| {{red|b=1|If you want to calmly<br/>Charge long, this troubles greatly}}
| 11
| {{red|b=1|Whoever now defends that<br/>Then wind that hurts also}}
| 12
| {{red|b=1|If he defends against this further<br/>Grasp the bridle and do not let it go}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 052r.png|1|lbl=52r|p=1}}
<p>When riding against your opponent, you shoot in the point with straight arms into his face or chest, and thus he has to parry your attack.</p>
{{Lew row MF|123
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114r.jpg|1|lbl=114r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 106v.jpg|1|lbl=106v}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|1|lbl=69r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221r.jpg|1|lbl=221r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148v.jpg|1|lbl=148v}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|124
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114r.jpg|2|lbl=114r.2}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 119v.png|12|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152v.jpg|3|lbl=152v.3}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|1|lbl=120r}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153r.jpg|1|lbl=153r.1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|2|lbl=69r.2}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319r.png|1|lbl=319r.1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 312v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221r.jpg|2|lbl=221r.2}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052r.png|3|lbl=52r.3|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 052v.png|1|lbl=52v.1|p=1}}
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{{Lew row MF|125
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114v.jpg|1|lbl=114v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 052v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[64]</p>
| <p>'''How to raise the sword point'''</p>
<p>If the opponent parries your thrust and removes it on his left side, you raise the right arm and thrust him in the face.</p>
{{Lew row MF|126
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 106v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115r.jpg|1|lbl=115r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|1|lbl=122v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|1|lbl=66r}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313r.png|1|lbl=313r}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319v.png|1|lbl=319v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221v.jpg|1|lbl=221v}}
| <p>[65]</p>
| <p>Should he parry your thrust by lifting the arm, you ride as close as you can and move the left hand onto the inside of his right arm and twist it so that you have it captured. Then you can draw your sword or dagger, and pursue his opening or back. Furthermore, you can pull the bridle off the opponent's horse with the right hand and get the upper hand that way, and the the opponent's horse stands without bridle.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107r.jpg|1|lbl=107r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 148v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|1|lbl=216v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 047v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|1|lbl=48r|p=1}}
| <p>[66]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 13
| {{red|b=1|Be mindful of the openings<br/>&emsp;Search for the Messer, do not tend to the pommel}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>If the opponent's horse has been spoiled of his bridle, you may easily pursue his openings wherever you find them.<ref>Germ. If you have caught the opponent by the reins you can pursue his openings.</ref></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052v.png|3|lbl=-}}
<p>This is how you use this technique, and if he is wearing armour you must quickly take heed of what body-parts that are open that you can aim for.</p>
{{Lew row MF|127
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6..3 107r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|1|lbl=69v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|128
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|1|lbl=149r}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115v.jpg|1|lbl=115v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|1|lbl=153v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320r.png|1|lbl=320r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}
| <p>[67]</p>
| <p>'''What openings to pursue'''</p>
<p>The first of the openings are under both armpits,</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107v.jpg|1|lbl=107v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|1|lbl=53r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|129
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|1|lbl=313v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222r.jpg|1|lbl=222r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|130
| <p>[68]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>the other in the gauntlet</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[69]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>and the third in the wrist and in the face on the opponent.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320v.png|1|lbl=320v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[70]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Above mentioned openings you shall attack with the sword point, since you cannot do anything with strikes or cuts with the edge or pommel against an armoured opponent, as the tenth figure teaches.</p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 107v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|131
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116r.jpg|1|lbl=116r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|8|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 216v.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217r.jpg|1|lbl=217r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|132
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|6|lbl=-}}
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[71]</p>
| <p>'''Here follow techniques out of the saddlebow guard'''<br/><br/></p>
<p>If you ride toward your opponent, and he tries to strike at you on your right side, then you raise the sword from the saddlebow, and turn it up over your head so that the thumb lies underneath on your left side, and thus you parry the opponent's strike with the pommel. Then you make sure to thrust him in the left side of his face.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108r.jpg|1|lbl=108r}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149r.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|1|lbl=149v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66r.jpg|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 313v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048r.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|1|lbl=48v|p=1}}
| <p>[72]</p>
| <p>'''The Turkish strike'''</p>
<p>If the opponent removes your thrust to his left, you ride forward and strike with the long edge in the back of his neck from behind with full force. This is called the Turkish strike.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120r.png|10|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|1|lbl=120v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|1|lbl=66v}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314r.png|1|lbl=314r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|1|lbl=222v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|133
| <p>[73]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''A disarm'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|1|lbl=154r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|8|lbl=-}}
<p>If the opponent removes your thrust to the left, and you do not want to use the Turkish strike, you<ref>Germ. Do not!</ref> ride past him and move the pommel over his right hand. Then you push him with the hilt before you, and then you grab hold of his pommel and ride on, and you will twist the sword out of his hand.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108v.jpg|1|lbl=108v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321r.png|1|lbl=321r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217v.jpg|1|lbl=217v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|1|lbl=53v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|134
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[74]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| <p>But if the opponent makes a strike from above his left shoulder, you raise the sword you the right against his strike, and cut him in the right side of his face.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|1|lbl=70r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|135
| <p>[75]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116v.jpg|1|lbl=116v}}
| <p>If someone were to ride toward you with a lance, you must make sure above all, that from whatever direction he is coming from, you turn the sword well against his thrust, strike away the lance and quickly thereafter thrust him in the face or wherever you may hurt him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 108v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109r.jpg|1|lbl=109r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 149v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314v.png|1|lbl=314r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|136
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 048v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|1|lbl=49r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|137
| <p>[76]</p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>The eighth figure teaches that you shall use the right hand and shoot in the right point in his face, that is, you shall always turn the sword out of guard against the opponent's neck or sword, and quickly thrust the opponent wherever he is open.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|1|lbl=150r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 66v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117r.jpg|1|lbl=117r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 217v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|1|lbl=218r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|12|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|1|lbl=123r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321v.png|1|lbl=321v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[77]</p>
| <p>When you then thrust at the opponent's opening and he removes your thrust and rides close to you, then grab hold with the left hand in his right and use the grappling techniques mentioned before, and described here below.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|1|lbl=67r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 314v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223r.jpg|1|lbl=223r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054r.png|1|lbl=54r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|138
| <p>[78]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|2|lbl=-}}
<p>The ninth figure teaches that if someone parries your thrust, you grab hold with your left hand in his right.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109v.jpg|1|lbl=109v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315r.png|1|lbl=315r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|139
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117v.jpg|1|lbl=117v|p=1}}
| <p>[79]</p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p>'''This is called half sword guard'''</p>
<p>If you are holding the sword over the left hand by the reins, then grab the sword with the middle of the blade with the left hand and hold of the sword before you thus.</p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 109v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|8|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[80]</p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p>'''How to use the lance'''</p>
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
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<p>If someone charges at you on your right side with his lance you strike it from your left hand with your sword and then you put the sword in the armpit and thrust with the point into the opponent.</p>
{{Lew row MF|140
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223v.jpg|1|lbl=223v}}
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row MF|141
| <p>[81]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>If someone charges at your left side with the lance, then raise the sword up high with the pommel and let the point hang down on your left side, and parry the opponent's attack thus, and then you thrust the point into the opponent.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 110r.jpg|1|lbl=110r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150v.jpg|1|lbl=150v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 049v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|142
| <p>[82]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118r.jpg|1|lbl=118r}}
| <p>'''Regarding the strikes'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
<p>If you assume guard and the opponent is about to strike from above at you, you raise the sword and parry between both hands, direct the point toward his face and thrust.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS 963 70v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322v.png|1|lbl=322v}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 120v.png|11|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|1|lbl=121r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{Lew row MF|143
| <p>[83]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>You may also parry his attack in half sword, as well as all thrusts be they with lance or sword by putting the left hand on the sword to support the right if need be, and the situation demands it, in the same way as you have learnt to do with the lance, as the sixth figure shows.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155r.jpg|1|lbl=155r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 110r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 150v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 315v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|1|lbl=123v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 218v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 049v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|1|lbl=50r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|144
| <p>[84]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 14
| {{red|b=1|Learn two strokes<br/>&emsp;With the empty hand against the weapon}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Two techniques you shall learn against all weapons, lance or sword, and learn to put the empty hand on the weapon.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
<p>'''A hidden technique'''</p>
<p>This technique is excellent in mounted combat and it's a secret one, and is done from the left hand. Therefore you must be careful to know where you lay your reins so that you get your left hand free, but still can steer the horse with the reins, and this is called to work with free hand,</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316r.png|1|lbl=316r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|1|lbl=224r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 054v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 055r.png|1|lbl=55r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|145
| <p>[85]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 71r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 055r.png|2|lbl=-}}
<p>since you should hold sword or lance with the right hand, as the twelfth figure teaches about the free hand against all sorts of weapons.</p>
{{Lew row MF|146
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151r.jpg|1|lbl=151r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS 963 71r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
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{{Lew row MF|147
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p>[86]</p>
| <p>What techniques you should use with the free hand with sword and grappling you will find described in the commentary.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 111r.jpg|1|lbl=111r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[87]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 15
| {{red|b=1|The Sheep Grip fends off<br/>&emsp;Him who turns to you with wrestling.}}
| 16
| {{red|b=1|While under the eyes<br/>&emsp;Grasp him truly with flying.}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 15
| '''The crest grip weakens<br/>all grappling coming in front of you.'''
| <br/><br/>
<p>This is a very useful technique in mounted combat, and is called thus so that not everyone may understand it.</p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316v.png|1|lbl=316v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|1|lbl=224v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/><br/><br/>
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{{Lew row MF|148
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|1|lbl=219v|p=1}}
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 050r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050v.png|1|lbl=50v|p=1}}
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| {{section|Page:MS 963 71r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 71v.jpg|1|lbl=71v}}
| <p>[88]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>The reason for this name is because you call the opponent's right arm "the crest". Accordingly, you should always grab hold of this when grappling mounted, since the left hand is holding the reins, and cannot harm you as easily.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 316v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 055v.png|1|lbl=55v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|149
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119v.jpg|1|lbl=119v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[89]</p>
| <p></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 111v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151v.jpg|1|lbl=151v}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317r.png|1|lbl=317r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 050v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[90]</p>
| <p>'''A crest grip technique'''</p>
<p>If you want to grapple with your opponent, then ride up on his right side, and grab him. If he grabs hold of you, then grab hold of his right wrist with your left hand, and pull it forward before you, and press it down and hold it down over your saddlebow. Then if you ride forward, the opponent must fall. Again, you should know that this technique counters many kinds grappling technique that comes in front of you. This is what the thirteenth figure teaches,</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121r.png|9|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|1|lbl=121v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 67v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 71v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 68r.jpg|1|lbl=68r}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324r.png|1|lbl=324r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 219v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 050v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|1|lbl=51r|p=1}}
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{{Lew row MF|150
| <p>[91]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>that the crest grip renders all grappling in front to naught.</p>
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| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS 963 71v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS 963 68r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|151
| <p>[92]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p>You may also use this technique when riding in on the opponent's left side, if he wants to defend himself with the left land.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 112r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 151v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 68r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317v.png|1|lbl=317v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220r.jpg|1|lbl=220r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|3|lbl=-}}
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| <p>[93]<br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 17
| {{red|b=1|Who attacks you<br/>&emsp;While riding towards you will be felled}}
| 18
| {{red|b=1|Hanging to the ground<br/>&emsp;Grasp over against him truly with conduct}}
| <p>'''How to defend yourself against someone who reaches around your neck with the right arm'''</p>
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| <p><br/></p>
<p>This technique is rather simple. If someone rides in on your right side, and reaches with his right arm around your neck, you use the following technique. Take a firm grip in the back of his tunic and quickly sink down to the left, and pretend to fall off the horse, and pull your opponent to you. If you were to sink down to low, so that you fear you will fall down as well, if you then just hold as hard as you can in the opponent, he will adjust you back into the saddle with his own fall.</p>
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152r.jpg|1|lbl=152r}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324v.png|1|lbl=324v}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 68r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 317v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|1|lbl=225r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[94]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 19
| {{red|b=1|To both sides<br/>&emsp;You should learn to ride against him}}
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 19
| '''Ride in close on the opponent<br/>&emsp;on both sides'''
<p>If you are about to attack your opponent or grapple, then ride as close as you can on him. Some courtiers show their techniques while riding toward their opponent, performing techniques not suitable for mounted combat. You on the other hand, when riding toward your opponent, shall remain still and get ahead of him, so that he cannot perform any techniques against you.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 112v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 113r.jpg|1|lbl=113r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056r.png|1|lbl=56r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|152
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|153
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120v.jpg|1|lbl=120v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 68v.jpg|1|lbl=68v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318r.png|1|lbl=318r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325r.png|1|lbl=325r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220v.jpg|1|lbl=220v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051r.png|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 056r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051v.png|1|lbl=51v}}
{{Lew row MF|154
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 056r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|1|lbl=56v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|155
| <p>[95]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>You shall also know this: when you ride in on your opponent's right side, you shall use the techniques suitable for the right side, and when riding in on his left side, those techniques suitable for that side. If you do this, your opponent is not able to do any techniques against you, since you get ahead of him.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 113r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 68v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 051v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|156
| <p>[96]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 20
| {{red|b=1|If you want to ride<br/>&emsp;The horse run to the other side}}
| 21
| {{red|b=1|Defend strongly<br/>&emsp;Plant upon him threaten him with this}}
| 22
| {{red|b=1|Who defends against that<br/>&emsp;Grasp his sword from afar, get to the handle}}
| <p>'''What to do when approaching the opponent's left side'''</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121r.jpg|1|lbl=121r}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>When riding in on his left side, you shall hold your lance or sword hard, and keep close attention to if you can thrust him and then you shall press onto him in the same way you do on the right side, this way the opponent is forced to used the techniques belonging to the left side, which are those that you can only do on the left side, but not on the right.</p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156v.jpg|1|lbl=156v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 113r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 113v.jpg|1|lbl=113v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|1|lbl=124r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152v.jpg|1|lbl=152v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|1|lbl=72v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 121v.png|7|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|1|lbl=122r}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|6|lbl=72r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 68v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318r.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318v.png|1|lbl=318v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325v.png|1|lbl=325v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225v.jpg|1|lbl=225v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 220v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 051v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 052r.png|1|lbl=52r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|157
| <p>[97]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|2|lbl=-}}
<p>The nineteenth figure shows that you shall parry all attacks and be strong in all clashes.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114r.jpg|1|lbl=114r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|1|lbl=69r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 318v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221r.jpg|1|lbl=221r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|158
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121v.jpg|1|lbl=121v|p=1}}
| <p>[98]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''How to twist the sword off of the opponent'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|2|lbl=72v}}
<p>If you ride in toward your opponent with a strike from above, and you ride in on his left side you shall thrust with outstretched arms against his opening. If he strikes at the same time as you, and resists hard, and turns out to be stronger than you, and is about to thrust at your opening with the point, then move your left arm from the inside over the outside of his sword,</p>
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319r.png|1|lbl=319r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[99]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>and press him to your left side. Then you ride past him, and you will twist the sword out of his hands, which is what the sixteenth figure teaches, that you shall parry outside of arm's reach.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 152v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153r.jpg|1|lbl=153r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|1|lbl=57r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 052v.png|1|lbl=52v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|159
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157r.jpg|1|lbl=157r}}
| <p>[100]</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>If you were to ride in so close to opponent as you can, then grab hold with the left hand in his right, and you will stop him from drawing his sword, and you can do the techniques belonging to the right hand,<ref>Germ. The left</ref> that are described before and hereafter.</p>
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114v.jpg|1|lbl=114v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326r.png|1|lbl=326r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 052v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|160
| <p>[101]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{| class="zettel"
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| 23
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{red|b=1|Or turn around<br/>&emsp;To calmly charge for the weapon}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| 24
| {{red|b=1|With all skill<br/>&emsp;He who charges acts to his advantage}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|1|lbl=226r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|161
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|4|lbl=-}}
<p>What to do if you ride in on the left side of the opponent and you ride too far so that you cannot perform the above mentioned techniques.</p>
{{Lew row MF|162
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Never let the horse go far away from the opponent, but turn it to the left so that your left side ends up on his right, and then you may use all the techniques and grappling belonging to the right side, as described here above.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 122r.jpg|1|lbl=122r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 114v.jpg|2|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115r.jpg|1|lbl=115r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157v.jpg|1|lbl=157v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|1|lbl=122v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 69r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 73r.jpg|1|lbl=73r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319v.png|1|lbl=319v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/><br/><br/>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221v.jpg|1|lbl=221v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057v.png|1|lbl=57v|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|163
| <p>[102]</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 122r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124v.png|1|lbl=124v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 73r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326v.png|1|lbl=326v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226v.jpg|1|lbl=226v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057v.png|2|lbl=-}}
<p>The seventeenth figure shows that you shall only use the right hand to do all techniques that are the best.</p>
{{Lew row MF|164
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 122v.jpg|1|lbl=122v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 73r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|1|lbl=69v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 319v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 057v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 058r.png|1|lbl=58r|p=1}}
{{Lew row MF|165
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 052v.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 122v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 123r.jpg|1|lbl=123r}}
| <p>[103]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 25
| {{red|b=1|If you have charged past him<br/>&emsp;And unintentionally charge to the left}}
| 26
| {{red|b=1|Follow his sword upwards<br/>&emsp;And wrestle, push also hard}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 158r.jpg|1|lbl=158r}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>What to do if your horse is so unruly that you are forced in on the opponent's left side, but also due to the opponent's strength.
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 124v.png|3|lbl=-}}
If this were to happen, draw the sword and assume guard with the left hand.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115v.jpg|1|lbl=115v|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 73r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|1|lbl=153v}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 73v.jpg|1|lbl=73v}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320r.png|1|lbl=320r}}
| <p><br/></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 221v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 227r.jpg|1|lbl=227r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|1|lbl=53r}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 058r.png|2|lbl=-}}
{{Lew row MF|166
| <p>[104]</p>
| <p>If he is about to strike at you from above, you raise the sword and parry with the long edge, and when you then ride close to your opponent with your parry, you reach with your left arm over the opponent's right hand and twist it as hard as you can to his left side, and strike him with the pommel wherever you want.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 73v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222r.jpg|1|lbl=222r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[105]</p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>The sixteenth figure teaches that if you ride to the left of the opponent you take his sword and strike its pommel in his face.</p>
{{Lew row MF|167
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 123r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320v.png|1|lbl=320v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[106]</p>
| <p></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 115v.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116r.jpg|1|lbl=116r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[107]</p>
| <p>'''How to catch the opponent's right hand with the reins'''</p>
<p>You may also with the left hand grab hold of his right with the reins and ride away.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 153v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 320v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|1|lbl=222v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p>[108]</p>
| <p>Parry the strike from above out of guard as before and ride past him, and strike a free strike above as hard as you can in the head of the opponent.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|1|lbl=154r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 69v.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321r.png|1|lbl=321r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053r.png|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|1|lbl=53v|p=1}}
| <p>[109]</p>
| <p>If the opponent charges at you in guard with lance, then lift up the pommel as high as you can with the right hand and lower the point to your left, and you will parry the lance thrust, and strike him in the head or thrust him with the sword point.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|9|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|1|lbl=70r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[110]</p>
| <p>If you ride in on the left side of the opponent and he is about to strike at you, you shall use the sungaze, and he can do no more.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116v.jpg|1|lbl=116v}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|10|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[111]</p>
| <p>You may also use the crest grip if the opponent tries to defend himself with the left hand.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|11|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[112]</p>
| <p>Furthermore, should he ride in with his left side on your right, and try to throw you with a sungaze, and it turns out that he is stronger than you, then reach with your right arm inside of the opponent's left. If he were to be weaker, you reach with it over on the outside of his left arm. Then, if you use the left hand to support your right, and press backwards with full force, but he then removes his arm, you grab hold of it with the left hand and reach over it hard with your right hand. If you then ride away, the opponent will fall.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 116v.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117r.jpg|1|lbl=117r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 122v.png|12|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|1|lbl=123r|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321v.png|1|lbl=321v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 222v.jpg|6|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223r.jpg|1|lbl=223r|p=1}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 053v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054r.png|1|lbl=54r|p=1}}
| <p>[113]</p>
| <p>Also, if the opponent puts his left elbow over your right arm, you shall grab hold with your left hand in his left and use the nameless grip.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[114]<br/><br/></p>
{| class="zettel"
| 27
| {{red|b=1|If one charges on the right<br/>&emsp;Stop; turn around; tend to the fight}}
| 28
| {{red|b=1|With the arm catch<br/>&emsp;Thus he cannot manage to harm you}}
| <p>'''What to do if the opponent rides in on your right side, trying to get the upper hand.'''</p>
<p>Take good note that if the opponent rides in on your right side when you ride together, and he then tries to get the upper hand over you, then you can stop him by doing this, and always make sure that you join with your left side on the opponent's right and above all make sure that you get close to him and grab hold of his right arm to grapple, and hold him down with techniques shown above and below.</p>
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117v.jpg|1|lbl=117v|p=1}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154v.jpg|1|lbl=154v}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 70v.jpg|1|lbl=70v}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 321v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322r.png|1|lbl=322r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 054r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[115]</p>
| <p>'''How to get ahead of the opponent'''</p>
<p>If it were to happen that you are pressed away and forced to flee, and someone then were to pursue you from behind on your right side with lance or sword, and is about to attack you, you turn to your left away from his thrust toward the opponent again, and turn up your sword against his sword or lance so that the thumb is underneath, and thrust him from there.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 70v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223v.jpg|1|lbl=223v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 054r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054v.png|1|lbl=54v|p=1}}
| <p>[116]</p>
| <p>If the opponent were to ride in on your left side, you turn to your right and use the sword as mentioned before.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 117v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[117]</p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>The twenty third figure teaches that if someone pursues you on either side, you shall turn to the left so he ends up on your right side.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118r.jpg|1|lbl=118r}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 154v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 70v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322v.png|1|lbl=322v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 054v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[118]</p>
| <p>In pursuit you must be quick, however, turning quickly in the saddle, and make thrusts backwards on both sides.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155r.jpg|1|lbl=155r}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123r.png|7|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|1|lbl=123v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 70v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 223v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 054v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[119]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 29
| {{red|b=1|The sword take<br/>&emsp;Hold, learn to shame him}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Take notice on what way you may wring the sword from the opponent, as you are holding him down, so that he cannot do anything against you.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 71r.jpg|1|lbl=71r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 322v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323r.png|1|lbl=323r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|1|lbl=224r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 054v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 055r.png|1|lbl=55r|p=1}}
| <p>[120]</p>
| <p>Ride in on the right side, and attack the opponent's openings wherever you see them with strikes and thrusts, and if it were to happen that the opponent parries and gets in close to you, you pull forward his right arm just by the wrist, with your left hand turned and hold it firmly to you, and press his hilt to the outside of his left arm, and he will be forced to drop his sword. If you hold his arm as described above, you may also strike him with the sword or throw him with the crest grip however you wish, and take his reins.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118v.jpg|1|lbl=118v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 71r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 055r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[121]</p>
| <p>'''Figure'''</p>
<p>Twenty fifth figure shows how to pull the sword from the opponent and hold him down.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 71r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[122]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 30
| {{red|b=1|The Unnamed<br/>&emsp;Against the strong to turn}}
| 31
| {{red|b=1|Their strike, their thrust<Br/>&emsp;Is being defeated without any fencing}}
| <p>'''A little notice'''</p>
<p>If you ride in on someone stronger than you, you shall hold him in such a way that he can use his weapons, if you ride in with your left side in his right.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 118v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119r.jpg|1|lbl=119r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155v.jpg|1|lbl=155v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|5|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 71r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323v.png|1|lbl=323v}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|1|lbl=224v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[123]</p>
| <p>'''The nameless grip'''</p>
<p>When you close in on the opponent's left side, and he has pulled his sword or military dagger,<ref>Germ. sword, messer, or dagger</ref> and is about to strike or thrust at you, then grab hold of his right arm by the wrist, and twist it around, and press it to your chest, and weigh down with your body, that way you will break his arm. This is called the nameless grip.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 71r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 71v.jpg|1|lbl=71v}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 055v.png|1|lbl=55v|p=1}}
| <p>[124]</p>
| <p>'''A disarm'''</p>
<p>If you do not want to break his arm when holding it to your chest, you put the right hand on his right elbow and press it away from you. Then you grab his sword with your right hand either by the pommel or hilt, and thus you will pull the sword out of his hands, which is what the twenty third figure says.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119v.jpg|1|lbl=119v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 71v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 323v.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324r.png|1|lbl=324r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[125]</p>
| <p></p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 123v.png|8|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 71v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[126]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 32
| {{red|b=1|If you want to grasp<br/>&emsp;You should not fail to ride beside him.}}
| 33
| {{red|b=1|The Sun Pointer:<br/>&emsp;Take the left sleeve if you want to bend;}}
| 34
| {{red|b=1|Touch the forehead<br/>&emsp;Against the nape of the neck press very hard}}
| 35
| {{red|b=1|So that he sways<br/>&emsp;And rarely makes it up again.}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Exhortation, that if you want to grab hold around the opponent you must ride close. This you must do on whatever side you close on your in on your opponent.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 119v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120r.jpg|1|lbl=120r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 155v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|1|lbl=156r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 71v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|1|lbl=72r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324r.png|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324v.png|1|lbl=324v}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 224v.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/>{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|1|lbl=225r|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 055v.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056r.png|1|lbl=56r|p=1}}
| <p>[127]</p>
| <p>Do as follows: ride close with your right side onto the opponent's right, and get as close as you can, and reach with the left hand from behind around his left arm and pull it to you as hard as you can. Then you grab hold with the right hand under his chin and push up as hard to his left. Thus you will show him the sun, and throw him off the saddle.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 324v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[128]</p>
| <p><br/></p>
<p>Fourteenth figure shows that you in close range shall catch the opponent's hand twist the forehead the the back of his neck.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120v.jpg|1|lbl=120v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325r.png|1|lbl=325r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 056r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[129]</p>
| <p>This grappling technique is called the sungaze by fencing masters, so that not just anyone would know what it is, and is also called a hidden grip.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 056r.png|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|1|lbl=56v|p=1}}
| <p>[130]</p>
| <p>When you ride in with the left side into the opponent's right, then grab hold of him as described and throw him behind you on your left side.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225r.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[131]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 36
| {{red|b=1|Who attacks you with that<br/>&emsp;Grasp over against him and he will be shamed}}
| 37
| {{red|b=1|Press the arm to the head<br/>&emsp;This grip often robs the saddle}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>'''Defence against the above'''</p>
<p>There are many counters to this technique that are well suited both against stronger and weaker fighters.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 120v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121r.jpg|1|lbl=121r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156v.jpg|1|lbl=156v}}
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325r.png|4|lbl=-}}
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[132]</p>
| <p>If someone stronger is riding in with his right side into your right, and wants to throw you with a sungaze, and accordingly has put his right hand on your chin, you move the right arm over the opponent's and move it to your chest as hard as you can. Then you weigh down over it with with the body. If you then ride forward you will throw him to the ground.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72r.jpg|7|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|1|lbl=72v}}
| <p>[133]</p>
| <p>If he were to ride in with his left side in your right, and grabs your left arm with his left hand, you turn toward him and quickly lift up the right arm on the inside. Then you remove his arm with the stronger part of your arm move it over the opponent's arm and ride away.</p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121v.jpg|1|lbl=121v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 156v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 325v.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 056v.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|1|lbl=57r|p=1}}
| <p>[134]</p>
| <p>If the opponent is weaker, and rides in with his left side in your right, and tries to grab hold with his left hand in your left, you lift it up behind you, and grab hold of his. Then you lift the arm quickly, and press his arm firmly to the back of the neck and ride forward.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157r.jpg|1|lbl=157r}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326r.png|1|lbl=326r}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 225v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[135]</p>
| <p></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121v.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326r.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|1|lbl=226r}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| <p>[136]</p>
| <p></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 121v.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|6|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|5|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326r.png|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|4|lbl=-}}
| <p>[137]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 38
| {{red|b=1|If you want to retain yourself<br/>&emsp;From seizing}}
| 39
| {{red|b=1|Then take him into custody without wrestling<br/>&emsp;Without any rope}}
| <p><br/></p>
<p>This technique is called hidden, and is one of the best, and not entirely dissimilar to, although not as good as the crest grip, since you can hold your opponent down whether he is strong or weak as long as you like, and lock him so that he cannot do anything against you until you let go, as long as you have taken hold of him in the right way.
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 122r.jpg|1|lbl=122r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157r.jpg|4|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157v.jpg|1|lbl=157v|p=1}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|7|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS 963 72v.jpg|6|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 963 73r.jpg|1|lbl=73r}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326r.png|4|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|3|lbl=-|p=1}}<br/><br/><br/>
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|4|lbl=-}}
| <p><br/></p>
{{section|Page:MS Var.82 057r.png|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057v.png|1|lbl=57v|p=1}}
| <p>[138]</p>
| <p>If you want to do this, which lazy and over confident masters do, who show all their techniques and plays they know for everyone and all just for show, you will win the praise of the real and experienced masters of combat arts.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 122r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS M.I.29 157v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
{{section|Page:MS 26-232 124r.png|8|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124v.png|1|lbl=124v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 73r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326v.png|1|lbl=326v}}
{{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226r.jpg|5|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:Cod.icon. 393 II 226v.jpg|1|lbl=226v|p=1}}
| {{section|Page:MS Var.82 057v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[139]</p>
| <p>If you want everyone to see this grappling technique you do as follows: ride in with the left side onto the opponent's right and grab hold with your right hand in his right wrist and pull it forward as you press down and twist, and grab hold with the left hand in his right elbow, then you push the elbow forward and pull his right arm up over your left arm. Then you lift his right arm your left and hold him locked in this manner with no other fetters, and you may hold him captured for as long as you wish. This technique can be done on both sides.</p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 122v.jpg|1|lbl=122v}}
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| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124v.png|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 963 73r.jpg|3|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS Dresd.C.94 326v.png|2|lbl=-}}
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{{section|Page:MS Var.82 057v.png|3|lbl=-|p=1}} {{section|Page:MS Var.82 058r.png|1|lbl=58r|p=1}}
| <p>[140]</p>
{| class="zettel"
| 40
| {{red|b=1|The Before Grip remember<br/>&emsp;This indeed breaks his strength}}
| <p>'''Admonition for always grabbing hold of the opponent first'''</p>
<p>Always be careful to be the first to grab hold of your opponent, because if you are first to grab hold him and use the four main grips (the first the crest grip, the second the nameless, the third the hidden, and the fourth the sungaze), you will stop the opponent from using the same grips himself. Then you shall not forget to ensnare the opponent with the reins as well. If you know and exercise these above mentioned grappling techniques well and throroughly, it will be hard for anyone who want to throw you out of the saddle without putting their own health in danger.</p>
| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| <p><br/></p>
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| {{section|Page:MS 963 73v.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| <p>[141]</p>
| <p></p>
| {{section|Page:Cod.I.6.4º.3 123r.jpg|2|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124v.png|4|lbl=-}}
| {{section|Page:MS 26-232 124v.png|4|lbl=-}}
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| class="noline" | <p>[142]</p>
| class="noline" | <p>'''Some other excellent pieces of advice'''</p>
<p>Learn how to steer and turn the horse on both sides.</p>
<p>Saddle the horse according to good horsemanship.</p>
<p>Pay attention to the sides where you can get your advantage.</p>
<p>If you see the opponent turn away from you in battle, thrust him with the point even if he is stronger than you, and do it as fast as you can if you do not want to get hurt.</p>
<p>Use the lance manly and with all your might.</p>
<p>Steer the horse with long reins when given opportunity, if you want to win the battle.</p>
<p>Shoot the sword over correctly and straight.</p>
<p>Parry the opponent's strikes and thrusts correctly.</p>
<p>If you parry the opponent's strikes, use thrusts and slicing in front and to the back, as strikes are hindered.</p>
<p>Then you cut off his reins(and furthermore threaten his left leg).</p>
| class="noline" | <p><br/></p>
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  | work        = Translation (Long Sword)
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  | authors    = [[translator::Christian Trosclair]]
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== Additional Resources ==
== Additional Resources ==
* [[Stephen Cheney|Cheney, Stephen]]. ''Ringeck &middot; Danzig &middot; Lew Longsword''. Self-published, 2020. ISBN 978-8649845441
* Bergner, U. and Giessauf, J. ''Würgegriff und Mordschlag. Die Fecht- und Ringlehre des Hans Czynner (1538)''. Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 2006. ISBN 978-3-201-01855-5
* [[Dierk Hagedorn|Hagedorn, Dierk]]. ''Jude Lew: Das Fechtbuch.'' VS-Books, 2017. ISBN 978-3-932077-46-3
* Jaquet, Daniel. "The collection of Lew the Jew in the lineage of German Fight Books corpus". ''[[Acta Periodica Duellatorum]]'' '''5'''(1):151–191. April 2017. {{doi|10.1515/apd-2017-0004}}.
* Jaquet, Daniel; [[Bartłomiej Walczak|Walczak, Bartłomiej]]. "Liegnitzer, Hundsfeld or Lew? The question of authorship of popular Medieval fighting teachings". ''[[Acta Periodica Duellatorum]]'' '''2'''(1): 105-148. 2014. {{doi|10.1515/apd-2015-0015}}.
== References ==
== References ==
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Latest revision as of 04:35, 6 December 2024

Occupation Fencing master
Ethnicity Jewish (?)
Movement Liechtenauer Tradition
Language Early New High German
Concordance by Michael Chidester

Lew or Lewe is the presumed name of a 15th century German fencing master. He seems to have stood in the tradition of Johannes Liechtenauer, though he was not included in Paulus Kal's ca. 1470 list of the members of the Fellowship of Liechtenauer.[1]

The name Lewe means "lion" and might have been a nickname or pseudonym. The colophon to the Cod. I.6.4º.3,[2] which states "Here ends the Jewish art of the man called Lew",[3] has lead people to fabricate names like Jud Lew or Jude Lew (meaning "Lew the Jew"), even though such a name doesn't appear anywhere in the historical record, and even to speculate that Lew might be a Germanization of a Hebrew name like Levi.

Lew is sometimes erroneously credited with authoring the whole of the Cod. I.6.4º.3, which is an anonymous compilation of various fencing treatises created in the 1460s. His name is actually associated with just two sections of that book: he is credited as the author of an armored fencing treatise which was really written by Martin Huntsfeld,[4] and is mentioned at the end of a gloss of Johannes Liechtenauer's Recital on mounted fencing[5] (by convention, the gloss of Liechtenauer's Recital on long sword fencing that almost always accompanies this mounted gloss is also attributed to Lew). Though this colophon is generally regarded as indicating that Lew authored the gloss (which is one branch of the larger Pseudo-Peter von Danzig gloss family), it could alternatively be interpreted to mean that Lew was the scribe or client for the whole manuscript.

Textual History

Manuscript Stemma

Early on in its history, the prototype of the Pseudo-Peter von Danzig gloss seems to have split into at least three branches, and no definite copies of the unaltered original are known to survive. The gloss of Sigmund ain Ringeck also seems to be related to this work, due to the considerable overlap in text and contents, but it is currently unclear if Ringeck's gloss is based on that of pseudo-Danzig or if they both derive from an even earlier original gloss (or even if Ringeck and pseudo-Danzig are the same author and the "Ringeck" gloss should be considered a fourth branch).

Provisional stemma codicum for Branch A

Branch A, first attested in the Augsburg version (1450s) and comprising the majority of extant copies, has more plays overall than Branch B but generally shorter descriptions in areas of overlap. It also glosses only Liechtenauer's Recital on long sword and mounted fencing; in lieu of a gloss of Liechtenauer's short sword, it is generally accompanied by the short sword teachings of Andre Lignitzer and Martin Huntsfeld (or, in the case of the 1512 Vienna II, Ringeck's short sword gloss). Branch A is sometimes called the Lew gloss, based on a potential attribution at the end of the mounted gloss in a few copies. Apart from the Augsburg, the other principal text in Branch A is the Salzburg version (1491), which was copied independently[6] and also incorporates twelve paragraphs from Ringeck's gloss and nineteen paragraphs from an unidentified third source. Branch A was redacted by Paulus Hector Mair (three mss., 1540s), Lienhart Sollinger (1556), and Joachim Meyer (1570), which despite being the latest is the cleanest extant version. This branch was also one of the bases for Johannes Lecküchner's gloss on the Messer in the late 1470s.

Branch B, attested first in the Rome version (1452), is found in only five manuscripts; it tends to feature slightly longer descriptions than Branch A, but includes fewer plays overall. Branch B glosses Liechtenauer's entire Recital, including the short sword section, and may therefore be considered more complete than Branch A; it also differs in that three of the four known copies are illustrated to some extent, where none in the other branches are. Branch B is the one most commonly identified with pseudo-Danzig, because it is entirely anonymous and lacks any clues for other attribution. The Krakow version (1535-40) seems to be an incomplete (though extensively illustrated) copy taken from the Rome,[7] while Augsburg II (1564) collects only the six illustrated wrestling plays from the Krakow. The other substantial version of Branch B is the Vienna, which includes the mounted and short sword sections but omits the long sword in favor of Branch C. Most anomalous are the Glasgow version (1508), consisting solely of a nearly-complete redaction of the short sword gloss which begins with seven paragraphs of unknown origin, and the Dresden version, consisting of a redaction of the first half of the mounted fencing gloss which begins with four paragraphs from Ringeck. A final manuscript, the Falkner Turnierbuch, is known to have once existed but seems to have been destroyed in the Siege of Strasbourg.

Branch C is first attested in the Vienna version (1480s). It is unclear whether it was derived independently from the original, represents an intermediate evolutionary step between Branches A and B, or was created by simply merging copies of those two branches together. The structure and contents of this branch align closely with Branch B, lacking most of the unique plays of Branch A, but the actual text is more consistent with that of Branch A (though not identical). The other mostly-complete copy of Branch C is the Augsburg version II (1553), which was created by Paulus Hector Mair based on the writings of Antonius Rast, and which segues into the text of Ringeck's gloss for the final eighteen paragraphs. A substantial fragment of Branch C is present in five additional 16th century manuscripts alongside the illustrated treatise of Jörg Wilhalm; one of these, Glasgow II (1533) assigns the text a much earlier origin, stating that it was devised by Nicolaüs in 1489. This branch has received the least attention and is currently the least well understood.

(A final text of interest is the gloss of Hans Medel von Salzburg, which was acquired by Mair in 1539[8] and bound into the Cod. I.6.2º.5 after 1566.[9] Medel demonstrates familiarity with the teachings of a variety of 15th century Liechtenauer masters, and his text often takes the form of a revision and expansion of the long sword glosses of Ringeck and Branch C. Because of the extent of original and modified content, no attempt has been made on either of those pages to associate Medel's gloss with the sources he was copying from.)

Modern HEMA

The Augsburg, Salzburg, and Munich manuscripts, as well as the Dresden and Vienna copies of Paulus Hector Mair's works, were all cataloged in Martin Wierschin's monumental Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des Fechtens of 1965. In 1985, Hans-Peter Hils added three more in his updated catalog in Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des langen Schwertes: the Vienna and Graz manuscripts as well as the Munich Mair.

However, until the 2010s, the Lew gloss was generally dismissed as an inferior copy of the Pseudo-Peter von Danzig gloss and largely ignored for that reason. Most work on it until recently has been incidental in the course of larger projects (such as transcribing whole manuscripts that happened to include it). The exception to this is the Salzburg long sword, whose additional paragraphs of commentary by anonymous authors (including, unbeknownst to most people, Sigmund ain Ringeck) set it apart as more unique than the others and garnered slightly more attention.

The first transcription of a copy of Lew, the Augsburg version, was produced by Grzegorz Żabiński (long sword) and Monika Maziarz (mounted fencing) in 2001 and posted on the ARMA-Pl site. The Salzburg version soon followed in 2002, with substantial portions being transcribed by curator Beatrix Koll and posted on the University of Salzburg site. That same year, Anton Kohutovič transcribed the German text of the Vienna manuscript by Paulus Hector Mair and posted it on the Gesellschaft Lichtenawers site. Then in 2006, a transcription of the Graz version was produced by U. Bergner and J. Giessauf and published by Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt in Würgegriff und Mordschlag. Die Fecht- und Ringlehre des Hans Czynner (1538), the first printed treatment of a version of Lew.

Based on this early work, individual French translations of the Augsburg and Salzburg versions of the mounted fencing (along with the Rome and Dresden Pseudo-Danzigs) were produced by Michaël Huber and posted on the ARDAMHE site in 2004. In 2010, he followed this up with a translation of the long sword (along with the Rome Ps-Danzig and the Dresden Ringeck) with Philippe Errard and Didier de Grenier, which was also posted on the ARDAMHE site; these French translations were subsequently translated into Spanish by Eugenio García-Salmones and posted on the AVEH site in 2011. During the mid-'00s, Jeffrey Forgeng produced a private English translation of the complete works of Mair, which presumably included the Lew glosses but which has never seen public release.

Dierk Hagedorn authored new transcriptions of the Augsburg version in 2008 and the Salzburg version in 2009, both of which were posted on Hammaborg. In 2012, Pierre-Henry Bas transcribed large sections of the Dresden version of Mair's work for his dissertation and released them on his blog REGHT. Also in 2012, Martin Fabian produced a Slovak translation of the Salzburg long sword and posted it on the Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok site.

In addition to these versions that had been identified as early as Wierschin and Hils, eventually newly-discovered versions began to appear. It's unclear when the Rostock manuscript was first identified as pertaining to Joachim Meyer, but it began circulating prior to 2009 and Kevin Maurer authored a partial transcription in 2011, after which Lew's sections were recognized; Dierk Hagedorn posted a complete transcription on Hammaborg in 2015. Conversely, the Vienna version has been known as a manuscript illustrated by Albrecht Dürer for centuries, but the attribution of the mounted fencing teachings to Lew wasn't made until[Dierk Hagedorn released a full transcription in 2016.

Wiktenauer produced its first article on Lew in 2011, containing only the mounted fencing. We didn't separate the long sword from the Pseudo-Danzig article until 2016, when Cory Winslow produced the first public English translation (incorporating all available versions) and donated it to Wiktenauer; in 2019, Per Magnus Haaland rounded off the article with a translation of the mounted fencing based on Mair's Latin translation.

In 2017, a second English translation by Falko Fritz and Thomas Rhem and a modern German translation by Dierk Hagedorn, both based on the Augsburg version, were published by VS-Books in Jude Lew: Das Fechtbuch.

More recently, Stephen Cheney authored a third English translation of the long sword section, based on Augsburg and Salzburg, which he self-published in Ringeck · Danzig · Lew Longsword in 2020. Christian Trosclair also translated the long sword section to English and posted it on Wiktenauer in 2021.

In 2021, Rainer Welle's transcription of the Vienna version was published by Sublilium Schaffer in Albrecht Dürer und seine Kunst des Zweikampfes: auf den Spuren der Handschrift 26232 in der Albertina Wien, and Dierk Hagedorn's transcription and translation into modern German were published by VS-Books in Albrecht Dürer - Das Fechtbuch. In 2022, Dierk Hagedorn followed this up with an English translation, published (along with the transcription) by Greenhill Books in Dürer's Fight Book: The Genius of the German Renaissance and his Combat Treatise.

In 2024, Martin Fabian self-published an English translation of the long sword from the Salzburg version in his book Fechtbuch Fabian.


While all branches were originally presented in a single concordance in the pseudo-Peter von Danzig article, the differences between them are extensive enough that they merit separate consideration. Thus, Branch A has been placed here on the page of Lew, Branch B has been retained on the main pseudo-Danzig page, and branch C is now on the Nicolaüs page.

Select one or more fencing styles using the checkboxes below to view the associated treatises.

The number in brackets at the beginning of each translation box is a paragraph number assigned by Wiktenauer; clicking it will take you to the translation page. The numbers in brackets in the transcriptions with an "r" or "v" are manuscript folio numbers; clicking them will take you to original page scan with the transcription alongside for comparison. If you want to sort a column by number, click the black triangles in the table headers.

Long sword


Draft Translation (German) Draft translation (2021) by Christian Trosclair

Complete Translation (German) Complete translation (2016) by Cory Winslow


German (attributed to Johannes Liechtenauer):

Augsburg Version (1460s) by Dierk Hagedorn

German (unattributed):

Salzburg Version (1491) by Dierk Hagedorn

Dresden Version (1542) by Pierre-Henry Bas

Vienna Version (1550s) by Anton Kohutovič

Munich Version Ⅱ (1556) (Untranscribed)

Rostock Version (1570) by Dierk Hagedorn

Latin (unattributed):

Munich Version Ⅰ (1540s) by Kendra Brown and Rebecca Garber

Vienna Version (1550s) (Untranscribed)

This selector inserts the extra commentary that was added to Codex Speyer.

Mounted fencing


Draft Translation (Latin) Draft translation (2019) by Per Magnus Haaland


German (attributed to Lew):

Augsburg Version (1460s) by Dierk Hagedorn

Graz Version (1538) (Open for editing)

Munich Version Ⅱ (1556) (Untranscribed)

German (attributed to Johannes Liechtenauer):

Rostock Version (1570) by Dierk Hagedorn

German (unattributed):

Salzburg Version (1491) by Dierk Hagedorn

Vienna Version Ⅰ (1512) by Dierk Hagedorn

Dresden Version (1542) by Pierre-Henry Bas

Vienna Version Ⅱ (1550s) (Untranscribed)

Latin (unattributed):

Munich Version Ⅰ (1540s) by Saskia Roselaar

Vienna Version Ⅱ (1550s) (Untranscribed)

Long Sword

Draft Translation (from the German) Draft translation (2021)
by Christian Trosclair

Complete Translation (from the German) Complete translation (2016)
by Cory Winslow

Augsburg Version (1460s) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Salzburg Version (1491) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Dresden (Mair) Version (1542) [edit]
Transcribed by Pierre-Henry Bas

Vienna (Mair) German Version (1550s) [edit]
Transcribed by Anton Kohutovič

Munich (Mair) Version (1540s) [edit]
Transcribed by Kendra Brown and Rebecca Garber

Vienna (Mair) Latin Version (1550s) [edit]

Munich Version (1556) [edit]

Rostock Version (1570) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

[082r] Das Buch so noch zum langen Schwert gehort.

[01v] Hie hebt sich an ein gut gemein lere des langen swertz Doch so ist vil gutter verporgener kůnst darinnen beschlossen ~•••~

Wiltu kůnst schawen
Sich linck ganck recht mit hawen
Vnd linck mit rechten
Ob du starck gerest vechten

DIe ersten lere des langenn swerts ist Das du vor allen dingen die hew recht solt lernen hawen Ist es anders das du starck vechten wilt Vnde das vernÿme also wenn du mit dem lincken fuß vor steest vnd [02r.1] hewest von der rechten seittenn So ist der hawe falsch vnd vngerecht wann die recht seitten pleibt da hinden Darumb wirt der hawe zu kurtz vnd mag seinen rechten ganck zu der rechten seitten nit gehaben etc.

[13v] Hie hebt sich an ein gute gemeine lehr des langen schwerts, doch ist vil guter verborgener kunst dar in beschlossen.

[10r.2] Oder stestu mit dem rechten fus fur vnd haulbst von der lincken siten volgestu dan mit dem lincken [10v.1] fus nit noch so ist der haulb aber valsch darümb so merck wen du haulbest von der rechten siten das du alwegen mit dem rechten siten fus dem haulb noch volgest des glichen thun auch wan du haulbest von der lincken siten So gib sich dein lip mit im die rechten weg vnd also werden die haulb langck vnd recht gew gehaulben ~~

Wer nach gehet hewenn,
der darf sich kunst wenig frewenn.

Das ist, wenn du mit dem zu fechten, zu dem mann kumbst, so soltu nit stil stehenn, mit deinem schwert, vnd seinem haw nach warttenn bis er dir zu hewet. Wis das all fechter die do [14v] sehenn vf eins andernn hew, vnnd wollen nit anderst thun dann versetzenn, die dürffenn sich kunst gar wenig frewenn, wan Sie werdenn sehr dabey geschlag~.

[03r.1] Haw nahent was du wilt
kein wechsel kům an den schilt
Zu kopff zu leib
Die slege nit vermeid
Mit gantzem leibe
ficht was du starck gerest treibe.

Das vernÿme also Wann du mit dem zufechten zum manne kompst was du dann wilt fechten das soltu treiben mit gantzer stercke deins leibs vnd hawe Im damit nahent ein zum kopffe vnd da zwingstu In mit das er versetzen muß vnd zu keinem durchwechsel dauor nit kommen mag wann du kompst Im zu nahent mit dem ort, kompt er dann mit der versatzůng starck an dein [03v.1] swert So gib Im ein růr auf seinen lincken arm vnd dritt damit zu rucke ee er sein Innen wirt etc.

[10v.3] Haulb nohent was du wilt
Keÿn wechsell kümpt dir an din scheltt
Zů kopf vnd zů lieb

[11r.1] Dÿ schleg nit vermÿde
Mit gantzem liebe
Ficht was du starck gerest treÿbe

Daß vernym also wan du mit demm zuvechten ze dem man kumpst waß du dan willt vechten dz soltu triben mit gantzer sterck dines libs vnd haulb Im do mit nahentt ein zu dem kopff vnd do zwinstu yn dz er versetzen muß vnd zu keynem durch wechsell dar vor nit kümen mag wann du kümpst ym ze nohentt mit dem ort kompt er dan mit der versatzung starck an din schwet so gib im eyn ruer vff sinen lincken arm vnd drit do mit zu ruck Ee er synn ynnen wirt

[81r.5] Item cum ad hostem concesseris, quocunque habitu uti voles, facito id pro animi Viribus et corporis, caputque ipsius ferire curato, et ea ratione adversarium coges, ut se tueatur, neque unquam transmutationes assumere possit. mucro enim tui in ensis eum praepediet. Sin autem parte fortiori, quae est pars á cruce usque ad medium ensis hostis. [81v.1] tuum gladium contigerit, brachium eius sinistrum saucies, atque inde recedas, priusquam id cognoverit.

[03v.2] Hör was do schlecht ist
ficht nit linck ob du recht pist
Vnd ob du linckest
In dem vechten du auch ser hinckest

Das ist ein gut lere vnd triffet an einen lincken vnd einen rechten Vnd wisse wie du solt hawen das man dir die sweche In dem swert In dem ersten hawe icht angewÿnn Vnd das ver= [04r.1] nÿme also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu dem manne kompst Bistu dann gerecht vnd wiltt starck vechten So hawe mit namen den ersten hawe nit von der lincken seitten wann er ist swach vnd machst mit nichten wider gehalten wann er dir starck an pintt Oder hewstu von der rechten seitten so magstu wol starck wider gehalten vnd am swertt arbeitten was du wilt

[11r.2] Hoer was do schlecht ist
Vicht nit linck ob du recht bist
Vnd ob du linnckest
In dem rechten du auch sere hinckest

Daß ist eyn gut lere vnd triffet an eynen lincken vnd eynem rechten vnd wisß wie du soltt [11v.1] haulben dz man dir die schwech in dem schwertt in dem ersten haulb nicht an gewenden vnd dz vernym also wan du mit dem zuvechten ze dem man kumpst bistu dann gerechtt vnd willt starck vechten so haulb mit namen den ersten haulb nit von der lincken siten wan er ist schwach vnd mach mit nicht wider halten wann er starck an pindt Aber haustu von der rechten siten so magstu woll starck wider halten vnd an den schwertt wider halten arbeytn waß du wilt

Hör was da schlecht ist
Ficht nit lingk ob du recht bist
Vnnd ob du lingkest
Inn dem fechten du auch seer hinckest

Das ist ein gute leer / vnd trifft an ainen lingken vnd ainen [72v] Rechten / Vnnd wisse das / wie du solt hawen / das man dir die schweche in dem Schwert in dem ersten haw nit angewinne / vnnd das vernimb also / Wann du mit dem zufechten zu dem Mann kombst / Bist du dann gerecht / vnd wilt starck fechtenn / So haw mit namen den ersten haw nit von der lingken seitten / wann er ist schwach / vnd magst mit nichten wider gehalten / wann er dir starck anbindt / Oder hawest du von der rechten seitten / so magst du wol starck widerhalten / vnnd am Schwertt arbaiten / was du wilt.

Hör was da schlecht ist,
ficht nit linck ob du recht bist,
vnnd ob du linckest,
in dem rechtenn du auch sehr hinckest.

Das ist ein gut ler, vnnd trifft ann einenn linckenn vnnd einen Rechtenn, vnnd wiß wie du solt hawenn, das man dir die schwech in dem Schwert, in dem ersten haw nicht angewin, vnnd das vernim also, wenn du mit den zu fechtenn zu dem mann kumbst, bistu dan gerecht, vnnd wilt starck fechtenn, So haw mit [15r] namenn denn Erstenn haw, nit von der lincken seitten wann er ist schwach, vnnd mag mit nicht wider gehaltenn, wann er dir starck an pint. Oder hawstu vonn der rechtenn Seytten, so magstu wol starck wider haltenn, vnnd an dem schwert arbittenn was du wilt.

[04v.1] Vor vnd nach die zwej dinck
Seint aller kůnst ein vrsprinck
Swech vnd sterck
Indes das wort mit merck
So magstu lern
Mit kunst arbeitten vnd wern
Erschrickestu gern
kein vechten nymmermer gelern.

Das ist das du vor allen dingen solt recht vernemen vnd versteen die zwej dinck das ist das vor vnd das nach vnd swech vnd stercke vnd das wort Indes Wann daraus kommet der gantz grůnt aller kůnst des vechtens Wann du die dinck recht vernÿmpst vnd versteest. Vnde [05r.1] Zu vorauß des wortz Indes nicht vergissest In allen stucken die du treibest So pistu wol ein gutter maister des swertz vnd machst wol lernen fürsten vnd herren das sie mit rechter kůnst des swertz mügen besteen Inn schimpff vnd In ernst etc.

[11v.3] Vor vnd noch zweÿ ding
Sin aller künst ein vrsprüng
Swech vnd sterck
Indes das wortt mit merck
So magstu leren ~

[12r.1] Mit künst arbeyten vnd wern
Erschrichstu gern
Keÿn künst oder vechten nÿmermer gelern

Daß ist dz du vor allen sachen solt recht vernemen vnd versten die zweÿ dinck dz ist dz vor vnd dz noch vnd schwech vnd sterck vnd dz wortt Indes wan darüß kümett der gantz grüntt aller künst des vechten wen du die ding recht vernemest vnd verstest vnd zu vorüß des wortz Indes nicht vergist In allen stucken die du tribest so bistu woll eyn gutter meinster des schwertzs vnd magst woll leren fursten vnd heren dz sie mit rechter künst des schwertz muegen besten In schümpff vnd In erste ernst

Vor vnnd nach die tzway ding,
Sein aller kunst ein vrsprung,
Schweck [!] vnnd sterck,
In des das wort mit merck,
So magstu leren,
mit kunst arbaitten vnd wernn,
Erschrickstu gernn,
kein fechtenn nimmer mer gelernn.

Das ist, das du vor allenn sach~ solt recht vernemenn, vnd versteh~ die tzway ding, das ist, das vor vnnd das noch, vnnd schwech vnnd sterck, vnnd das wort, In des, Wann daraus kumbt der gantz grundt aller kunst des fechtens, wann du die ding recht vernimbst vnd verstehest, vnnd tzu vor aus des worts, Inn des, nit vergissest in allen stucken, die du treibst, so bistu wol ein guter meister des schwerts, vnnd magst wol lerenn fursten vnnd [15v] hernn, das sie mit rechter kunst des schwerts mugen bestehenn in Schimpf vnnd Inn Ernst.

[05r.3] Item wann er ee kommet mit dem hawe dann du das du Im versetzen [05v.1] můst so arbeit Indes mit versatzung behendiglich mit dem swert oder sunst So benÿmpstu Im das vor mit dem nach Das heist vor vnd nach etc.

[12r.3] Item wenn er Ee kümpt mit dem haulb dan du dz du Im versetzen müst so arbeytt Indes mit der versatzüng behendeglich mit dem schwertt [12v.1] oder sünst so benÿmbstu im dz vor mit dem noch dz heist vor vnd noch

Funf hew lere,
vonn der rechten hand wider die wehre,
dann wir gleuben,
in kunsten gern zu lehrnn.

Merck das sein funf verborgen hew, wer die mit rechter kunst on schadenn brechen kan, der wirt gelobt vor anndernn meisternn, vnnd ist billich das inn seiner kunst bas gelonet sol werd~ dann einem anndernn, vnnd wie du die hew [16r] hawenn solt, mit dreyenn stucken, das findestu alles hernach geschribenn.

[13r.3] Item Nu merck dar noch die stuck ~

Das erst sint die vier hutten
Das ander die vier versetzen
Daß dritt dz noch riessen 
Daß viertt das vber louffen 

[13v.1] Das vünfft das ab setzen
Daß sechst das durch wechsell
Das siebentt das zucken 
Daß achtt daß durch lauffen
Das nünde daß ab schniden
Das zehende dz hendt druec
Das eilfft dz sind die hengen
Daß zwolfft dz sint die wenden

[13r.4] [Marginal note:] frisch vff mir vn dir

[07v.2] Hie heben sich an die künst des langen swertz. Zum ersten der zornhawe etc.

Wer dir über hewet
Zorn haw ort dem drewet
Wirt ers gewor
Nym oben ab on for.

Item wisse das der zornhawe [08r] mit dem ortt bricht all öberhaw Vnd ist doch nit me dann ein slechter pawern schlack Vnd den treibe also Wann er von der rechten seitten oben zu dem kopf hawet So hawe von deiner rechten seitten auch von oben mit Im zörnigklichen gleich on alle versatzung oben auf sein swert vnd las Im den ortt gerichts fürsich einschiessen zu dem gesichte oder der prust Wirt er dann des orttes gewar vnd versetzet mit sterck So reiß mit deinem swertt übersich auf an seins swertz klingen oben ab von seinem swertt Vnd hawe Im zu der andern seitten an seines swertz klingen wider ein zu dem kopffe Das heist oben ab genommen etc.

[13v.4] Wer dir vber haulbett
Zorn haulb ort dem drautt
Wirt ers gewar
Nÿm oben ab on for

Wiß dz der zorn haulb mit dem ort pricht alle ober haulb vnd ist doch nit mere dan eyn schlechter h baulber haulb vnd den tribe also [14r.1] Wan er von der rechten siten oben zu dem kopff haulbt so haulb von diner rechten auch von oben mit ym zorniglichen glich an alle versatzüng oben vff sin schwertt vnd laß im dz ortt gerichs fur sich eyn schuessen zu dem gesicht oder brust wurtt er dan des ortz gewar vnd versetz mit sterck so riß mit dinem schwertt vber sich vff an sins schwertz klingen oben ab von synen schwertt vnd haulb im zu der andern siten an sines schwertz klingen wider In zu dem kopff dz heist oben ab genomen

[82r.6] Ictus eius habitus. qui ex ira appellationem assumpsit.

Is ictus suo mucrone omnes Ictus superos avertit, quantumvis sit facilimus, & maxime agrestis: eum hoc modo exerceas. Si adversarius supernè caput tuum ex latere suo dextro adpetat, tu vicissim idem facito, remota omni defensione, gladiu ipsius contingens firmiter, atq subito mucronem ensis tui in faciem eius vel pectus [82v.1] convertito, Verum si is id observarit, nec non ensis parte firmiori impetum exceperit, tum ensem ab ipsius ense surrigas, eo supernè remoto, versus aliud ensis latus rursum converso, caput ferias.

tzum Ersten der Zornhaw.

[14v.4] Bis stercker wider windt
Stich sicht ers so nÿm es nÿder

Daß ist wan du mit ym zorniglichen eyn hauest helt er dan starck wider mit dem schwertt wiltu dan oben nit ab nemen so biß wider starck vnd far vff mit den armen zu diner [15r.1] rechten siten vnd wind din kurtz schnid an sin schwertt vnd sich im oben yn zu dem gesicht wirtt er des stichs gewar vnd vertt vff vnd versetz so blÿ du also sten In dem winden vnd setz Im den ortt vnten an

[087r.2] Bisz stercker wider
 wind stich sticht ers so niemb es wider

Das ist ain Leer wann du mit Im zornigclichen Einhawest. hellt er. dann starckh wider mit dem schwert. wiltu dann nit oben abnemen. so bis wider starckh [087v.1] vnnd far auf mit den Armen zu deiner Rechten seite vnd wind die kurtz schneid an seinem Schwert vnnd stich Im oben ein zu dem gesicht. wirt er des stichs gewar. vnd fert auf vnnd versetzt. so bleib du also steen. Inn dem winden vnnd setz Im den ort vnden an.

Bis stercker wider,
wint stich sihet ers so nim es nider.

Das ist, wenn du mit Im zorniglichen ein hewst, helt er dann starck wider mit dem Schwert, wiltu dann nit obenn abnemenn, so biß wider starck, vnnd far auf mit denn Armen, zu deiner rechtenn seyttenn, vnnd wind die kurtz schneyd, ann seinem schwert, vnd stich im oben ein, zu [17r] dem gesicht, wirt er des stichs gewar, vnd fert auf vnnd versetzt, so bleib du also stehenn in dem wind~, vnnd setz den ort vnten ann.

[09r] Das eben merck
Haw stich leger waich oder hertt
Indes vor vnd nach
Vnd hüt dein krieg sej nit gach.

Das ist ein lere Wann er dir mit einem haw oder mit einem stiche an dein swert pint So soltu dir mit dem krieg, das ist mit den winden nicht zu gach lassen sein Du merckest dann vor gar eben wann sein swert an das ander glitzet oder Im pant waich oder hert ist Vnd also balde du das enpfindest So winde Indes vnd arbeit mit dem krieg nach der waich vnd nach der herte zu der nechsten plösse Vnd was heist das [09v.1] vor vnd das nach das pistu vor gelert worden etc.

Das eben merck
Haw / stich / leger / weich oder hert
Indes vor vnnd nach
Vnd hüt dem krieg sey nit gach

Das ist ain leer / Wann er dir mit ainem haw / oder mit ainem stich an dein Schwert bindt / So solt du dir mit dem krieg / das ist mit dem winden / nit zugach lassen sein / Du merckest dann vor gar eben / wann sein Schwert an das ander glitzet / oder Im band herdt oder waich ist / Vnnd alsbald du das empfindest / So winde Indes vnd arbait mit dem krieg / nach der waich / und nit nach der herte / zw [74v] der nechsten blösse / vnnd das haist das vor vnnd das nach / das bist du vor gelernet worden.

[09v.2] Wes der krieg oben rempt
Niden wirt er beschempt

Wisse das die winden vnd die arbeit daraus mit dem ortt zu den vier plössen Dasselb heist der krieg den treibe also Wenn du Im mit dem zornhaw ein hewest alsobald er dann versetzet so far auff mit den armen vnd wind Im den ort an seinem swert oben ein zu der öbern plösse seiner lincken seitten Setzt er dann den obern stich ab so beleib also steen mit dem winden vnd lasse den [10r.1] ort vnttersich nider sincken zu der vnttern plösse ober seiner lincken seitten Volget er dann mit der versatzung deinem swertt nach So suche mit deinem ortt die unttern plösse seiner rechten seitten Volget der dann fürpas mit der versatzung so far auff mit dem swertt auff die lincken seitten vnd heng Im den ort oben ein zu der obern plösse seiner rechten seitten Vnd also wirt er mit dem krieg untten vnd oben beschempt Ist das du In recht treibest etc.

[15v.2] Wes der krieg oben rempt
Nyden wirtt er beschembt

Wiß dz dÿ winden vnd die arbeyt dar vß mit dem ortt zu den vier plossen daß selb heist der krieg Den trib also wan du mit dem zorn haulb [16r.1] helbst also bald er dan versetz so far vff mit den armen vnd wind im den ortt an sinem schwertt oben yn zu den obern plos siner lincken siten setz er dan den obern sich abe so blib also sten mit den winden vnd loß den ort vnder sich nider sincken zu der vndern blos ober siner lincken siten volget er dan mit der versatzüng dinem schwert nach so such mit dinen ort die vntern ploß siner rechten siten volget er dan vorbaß mit der versatzüng so far vff mit dem schwertt vff din lincke siten vnd heng Im den ort oben eyner zu der obern bloß siner rechten siten vnd also wurt er mit dem krieg vnten vnd oben beschempt Ist das du yn recht tribest

[087v.3] Was der krieg oben rempt
 niden wirt er beschempt

Wisz das die winnden Vnnd die arbait darausz mit dem Ort zu den vier plössen Dasselb haist der krieg. den treib also wann du Im mit dem zornhaw einhawest. Alsz bald er dann versetzt so far auf mit den armen vnnd wind Im den Ort ann seinem Schwert oben ein zu der obern plosse seiner Lincken seite. setzt er dann den obern stich ab. so beleib also steen mit dem winden. vnnd lasz den Ort vnndersich Nidersincken zu der lincken seiten volgt Er dann mit der versatzung deinem schwert nach so suche mit deinem Ort die vnndern plösse seiner rechten seite. volgt er dann virbas mit der versatzung so far auf mit dem schwert auff die Lincken seite. Vnnd henng Im den ~~~~ Ort oben ein zu [088r.1] der obern plössen. seinner rechten seiten. Vnnd also wirt er mit dem krieg vnnden vnnd oben beschempt. Ist das du In recht treybest.

[82v.4] Habitus, quem nos bellum appellamus est, cum intorsionibus et quicquod inde per mucronem versus quatour nuditates formatur, utimur. Verum eum hac ratione ex [83r.1] ercebis: Si contra hostem Ictum ex ira appellationem adeptum ferias, isque, cum exceperit, sublatis brachiis, mucronem ensis tui iuxta ipsius ensem superne contra hostis supernam nuditatem lateris sinistri. Verum si eam vim removerit, in habitu intorsionis consistere memineris, sed mucronem deorsum convertas in latus sinistrum. At si adversarius id quoque removeat, tunc inferiores eius nuditates lateris dextri mucrone investiges, et si id etiam repellat, tu ense sublato in latus sinistrum, contra latus hostis dextrum mucronem nuditates supernas inquirendo inmittas, itaque habitum belli vel militiae infernè et supernè hostis exagitabitur, si quidem eum iuxta Athletarum veram instructionem exercueris.

Wes der krieg oben rempt,
niden wirt er beschempt.

Wiß das die windenn vnnd die Arbeit, doraus mit dem ort zu den vier blossenn, dasselb heist der krieg, denn treib also, wenn du Im mit dẽ zornhaw ein hawst, also bald er dann versetzt, so far auf mit denn Armenn, vnnd wind im denn ort, ann seinem schwert, oben ein zu der obernn bloß, seiner linckenn seytten, Setzt er dann denn obernn stich ab, So bleib also [17v] stehenn, mit dem windenn, vnnd laß denn ort vntersich nider sinckenn, zu der vnternn blossen, ober seiner lincken seittenn, volget er dan mit der versatzung deinem Schwert noch, so such mit deinem ort die vnternn blöß seiner rechten seitten, Volgt er dann furbaß mit der versatzung, so far auf mit dem Schwert auff die linckenn seittenn, vnnd heng im den ort oben ein, zu der obern bloß seiner Rechtenn seitten, vnnd also wirt er mit dem krieg vntenn vnnd obenn beschembt, ist das du In recht treybst.

[10r.2] In allen winden
Hew stich snid lern finden
Auch soltu mit prüfen
Hew stich oder schnid

[10v] In allen treffen
Den maistern wiltu sie effen.

Wisse das du mit allen winden am swertt gantz ferttig solt sein Wann ein yedes winden hat besunder drew stuck Das ist ein haw ein stich vnd ein snidt Vnd wann du windest am swert So soltu gar eben prüfen vnde mercken das du die stucke nicht vngerecht treibest die In die winden gehörn Also das du nicht hawest wann du stechen solt vnd nicht sneidest wann du hawen solt vnd auch nit stichest wann du sneiden solt Vnd also soltu das gerecht stuck albeg vinden das mit recht gehört zutreiben In allen treffen [11r.1] vnd an winden des swertz wiltu anders die meister effen vnd teuschen die sich wider dich setzen vnd wieuil winden am swert sein vnd wie du die treiben solt Das vindestu Im letzten stuck des zettels das do sprichet Wer wol henget etc.

In allen winden
Haw stich schnit lern finden

Haw stich oder schneid
in allem treffen
Den Maistern / wilt du sie äffen

Wisse das du mit allen winden am Schwert gantz fertig solt sein / wann ein Jedes winden hat besonder drey Stück . Das ist ain haw / ain stich / und ain schnit / Vnd wann du windest am Schwert / So solt du gar eben brüefen vnd mercken / das du die Stück nit vngerecht treibest / die in die winden gehören. Also das du die nit hawest / wann du stechen solt / vnd nit schneidest / wann du hawen solt / vnnd auch nit stechest / wann du schneiden solt. Vnd also solt du das gerecht stück allweg finden / das mit recht gehört zutreiben in allen treffen / vnnd anwinden des Schwerts / wilt du anders die Maister äffen vnd teuschn / die sich wider dich setzen / vnd wieuil winden am Schwert sein / vnd [75r] wie du die treiben solt / das findest du Im letsten Stück des Zedels / das da spricht / Wer wol henget.

Inn allenn windenn,
hew, stich, schnit lern vindenn,
auch soltu mit
prufenn hew stich oder schnit
in allenn treffenn,
den meistern wiltu sie effenn.

Wiß das du mit allen windenn an schwert, gantz fertig solt sein, wan ein Jedes windenn hat besonder drew stuck, das ist ein haw, ein stich, vnnd ein schnit, vnnd wann du windest am schwert, so soltu gar ebenn prufenn vnnd merckenn, das du die stuck nit vnrecht treybst, die in die windenn gehornn, Also das du nit hawest, wenn du stechen solt, vnnd nit schneydest wenn du [18r] hawenn solt, vnnd auch nit stechst, wan du scheide[n] solt, vnnd also soltu das gerecht stuck alweg finden, das mit recht gehört zu treybenn in allen treffen, vnnd ann windenn des schwerts, wiltu annderst die meister effenn vnd dewschenn, die sich wider dich setzenn, Vnnd wie vil windenn am schwert sein, vnnd wie du die treybenn solt, das findestu im letztenn stuck des tzetels, das do sprichtt, Wer wol hengett.

[11r.2] Vier plösse wisß
So slechstu gar gewiß
On alle vor
On zweifel wie er gebor.

Das ist wann du mit dem zu vechten zu dem mann kommest wiltu dann gewiß fechten So soltu Im mit namen zu dem swert nit hawen wann du solt remen der vier plösse [11v.1] das ist die rechten seitten die andern die lincke oberhalb der gürttel des mannes Die andern zwo plösse das ist die lincke vnd die rechten seitten niderhalb der gürttell Derselbigen plösse nÿm dir eine für vnd hawe den künlichen zu vnd acht nicht was er gegen dir vichtet Versetzt er dann so arbeit In der versatzung bald zu der negsten plösse Also wartt aus des leibs vnd nit des swerts etc.

[83r.3] De quatuor nuditatibus.

Quum Quum in conspectum adversarij processeris, si quidem artificiose Athleticam voles exercere, feriundo ipsius ensem ne contingito, verum ex nuditatibus quatuor, unam observato: sunt autem istae, Una, latus dextrum, secunda sinistrum latus super cingulum, Reliquae, Latus dextrum et sinistrum infra cingulum, earum igitur si aliquam [83v.1] elegeris, audacter quassato, neque cures, quibus contra te utatur habitibus. Sed si se defenderit hostis ictus excipiendo, in tui defensione contra proximum nuditatem eius ferias, itaque corporis, non ensis rationem praecipuam habebis.

[11v.2] Wiltu rechen dich
Vier plösse prechen maisterlich
Oben duplir
Vntten recht mutir
Ich s[a]g[e f]

[12r.1] kein man schützet sich on for
Hastu vernommen
Zu slag mag er klein kommen

Das ist wann dir einer ernst lichen ein hewet Wiltu dich dann an Im rechen die plösß mit künstigkeit prechen das er sich on seinen danck slagen muß lassen So treib die dupliren gegen der sterck des swerts vnd das mutiren gegen der sweche So sage ich dir für war das er sich vor slegen nit gehüten kan, vnd mag dauor zu schlegen nit kommen etc.

[12r.2] Item das dupliren treib also wann er dir oben zu hawet von seiner rechten achseln So hawe auch von [12v.1] deiner rechten mit Im gleich starck oben ein zu dem kopffe Versetzt er den hawe mit sterck so far auf bald mit den armen vnd stos mit deiner lincken hant deinen knauff vntter deinen rechten arm vnde slag In mit der langen schneiden auß gecreutzten armen hintter seiner swertz klingen auf den kopff etc.

[17v.2] Item daß dupliren tribe also wan er dir oben [18r.1] zu haulbet von siner rechten achsell so haulb auch von diner rechten ym glich starck oben yn zu dem kopff versetz er den haulb mit sterck so far vff bald mit den armen vnd stos mit diner lincken hant dinen knauff vnter dinen rechten arm vnd schlag in mit der langen schniden vß gekrutzten armen hinter siner schwertz klingen vff den kopff ~

Item oder hastu In, vonn deiner linckenn Seitten mit der langẽ [19r] schneiden ann sein schwert gepundenn, so far bald auff mit dein Armenn, vnnd pleib also stehenn, ann dem Schwert, vnnd schlag in hinter seines schwerts klingenn mit der kurtzenn schneid auff denn kopff.

[089r.4] Item das Mutieren treib also / Wann du Im von deinner Rechten Achslen oben starckh einhawest. versetzt er vnnd ist waich Im schwert. so winde auf dein Linncke seiten. die kurtz schneide / an sein schwert / vnnd far wol auf. mit den Armen. vnd henng Im den ort oben yber sein Schwert vnd far damit auf an den. [089v.1] Armen / vnnd stich Im zu der annderen Plosse /.

[18r.3] Item daß mütiern zu der lincken siten mit der langen schniden an sin schwert gebunden so far vff mit den armen vnd plyb mit der selbigen schniden am schwertt sten vnd wind aber die kurtz schnid vber sin schwertt vnd far woll vff mit den armen vnd heng im den ortt oben vber sin schwert vnd vol far do mit den armen vnd stich im zue [18v.1] der vntern ploß siner lincken siten Also magstu zweÿ stuck triben auß allen haulben dar noch als du entpfindest die schwech vnd starck Im schwertt ~~

[13v] x Krump auf behende
Würff den ort auf die hende
Krump wer wol versetzet
Mit schritten vil hew letzet.

Wiß das krump haw ist der vier versetzen eins wider die vier hut Wann damit kriegt man den ochsen vnd auch den eber, Vnd den untterhaw den treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im komst Steet er denn gegen dir vnd helt sein swert vor dem kopff In der hut des ochsen auf seiner lincken seitten So setz den lincken fuß für vnd halt dein swert an der rechten achseln yn der hut vnd auß der hutt springe mit dem rechten fusse wol auff die rechten seitten vnd schlag In mit der langen sneiden aus ge= [14r.1] creutzten armen über sein hende etc.

[18v.2] Krump auff behende
wuerff den ort avff dÿ hende
Krümp wer wol setzet
Mit schritten vil heulb letzet

Wiß daß der krümpt haulb ist der vier versetzen eyns wider die vier hutt… wend do mit krieg man den vchsen vnd auch den eber vnd den unter haulb tribe also Wan du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst stett er dan gegen dir vnd helt sin schwertt vor dem kopff in der hut des vchsen vff siner lincken siten so setz den lincken fus fur vnd halt din messer schwert an diner rechten achselln in der hut vnd vß der hůt spring mit dem rechten fus [19r.1] wol vff die rechten siten vnd schlag in mit der langen schniden vß gekrutzten armen vber sin hende ~

[089v.3] Krumphaw mit seinen stucken

Krump auf behend
 wirf den ort auf die hend
 krump wer wol versetzt
 mit schritten vil hew letzt

Wisz das der krumphaw ist der vier Versetzen ains wider die vier hut / dann darmit kriegt man den Ochsen vnnd auch den Eber. vnnd den Vnnderhaw / den treyb. [090r.1] also / wann du mit dem zufechten zu dem Mann kumpst / Steet er dann gögen dir vnnd hellt seinn schwert vor dem kopff. Inn der hut des Ochsen. auf seiner Lincken seiten. So setz den Lincken fuosz für / vnnd halt dein schwert an der Rechten Achslen. Inn der hutt. vnnd ausz der hut sprinng mit dem rechten fuosz / wol auf die Rechte seiten. vnnd schlag Inn mit der Lanngen schneidin ausz. gecreytzten Armen Iber seinne hennd /

Krumphaw mit seinen Stucken

Krump auf behend
Wirf den ort auf die hend
Krump wer wol versetzt
Mit schritten vil hew letzt

Wiss das der Krumphaw ist der vier versetzen ains wider die vier hütt / [76r] Dann darmit kriegt man den Ochsen vnd auch den Eber. Vnd den vnderhaw den treib also / Wann du mit dem zufechten zu dem Mann kombst / stet er dann gegen dir / vnd helt sein Schwert vor dem kopf inn der hut des Ochsen / auf seiner lingken seitten / So setz den lingkenn fus für / vnd halt dein Schwert an der rechten achslen / Inn der hutt / vnd aus der hut spring mit dem rechten fus / wol auf die rechte seitten / vnd schlag In mit der langen schneidin aus gecreutzten armen über seine hend.

Krump auf behendt,
wirf denn ort auf die hend,
krump wer wol versetzet,
mit schritenn vil hew letzet.

Wis das der krumphaw ist, der vier versetzenn eins, wider die vier hut, wenn damit kriegt man denn Ochsenn vnd auch denn Alber, vnnd den Vnterhaw, denn treib also, wenn du mit dem zu fechten [19v] Zu Im kumbst, stet er dann gegenn dir, vnnd helt sein schwert vor dem kopf in der hut des ochsen, auf seiner linckenn seittenn, so setz den linckenn fus fur, vnnd halt dein schwert ann deiner rechtenn achselnn in der hut, vnd aus der hut spring mit dem rechtenn fus wol auf die rechtenn seyttenn, vnd schlag in mit der langen schneydenn, aus gecreutztenn Armenn vber sein hendt.

Item denn krumphaw soltu auch treibenn auß der schranck hutt von beyden seitten, vnnd in die hut schick dich also, wen du mit dem zu fechtenn, zu dem mann kumpst so setz denn linckenn fus vor, vnnd halt dein schwert mit dem ort nebenn deiner rechten seittenn auf der erdenn, das die lang schneyden am schwert obenn gewent sey, vnnd gib dich also bloß mit der linckenn seittenn, hewt er dann dir zu der ploß obenn ein, so spring aus dem haw, mit dem rechtenn fus, wol auf die rechtenn seittenn gegenn Im, vnnd stos mit der lincken handt dein knopf deins schwerts, vnter deinen rechtenn Arm, vnnd schlag inn mit gecreutztenn henndenn aus der langen schneydenn mit dem [20r] ort auf sein hend.

[19r.3] Item also schick dich mit der schranck hut zu diner lincken siten wan du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst so setz diner rechten fus fur vnd halt din schwertt mit dem ort neben diner lincken siten vff der erden mit gekrutzten henden dz die kurtz schnid am schwertt oben sin vnd gib dich mit der rechten siten ploß hautt er dir dan zu der ploß [19v.1] so schrit mit dem lincken fus wol vß dem haulb vff diner lincken siten vnd schlag in mit dem schwent vber sin hende ~

Haw krump zu den flechen
Den Maistern wilt du sie schwechen
Wann es glitzet oben
Stand ab das will Ich loben

Merck das Stück solt du treiben gegen den Maistern aus dem Band des Schwerts / vnd das merck also. Wann du mit dem zufechten [76v] zu dem Mann kombst / so leg dein Schwert zu deiner rechten seitten in die Schranckhut / oder halt es auf deiner nechsten achslen / hawet er dir dann oben zu der blösse / so haw starck mit gecreutzten armen mit der langn schneidin gegen seinem haw / Vnd alsbald die Schwert zusamen glitzen / so wind Indes mit dem Schwert gegen deiner lingken seitten / vnnd far auf mit den armen / vnd stich Im zu der obern blösse / Oder wilt du In nit stechen / So merck alsbald es glitzet / so haw Im Indes mit der kurtzen schneiden zu kopff vnd zu leib.

[84v.3] Alia eiusdem ratio

In coruscatione ensium hac ratione, ut infra patebit, te geras, Contra Athleticea magistros hoc habitu ex coniunctione ensium uteris : Si ad adversarium concesseris, ensem tuum in cancellatam custodiam lateris dextri colloces, vel [85r.1] in humeru proximum, et si adversarius supernam nuditatem sauciare cupiat, tum brachiis cancellatis acerrime eius ictui ob[ ]viam ferias acie longa premissa, verum quam primum enses coruscare mutuo ceperint, subito ensem torqueas, versus sinistrum latus, inde brachiis sublatis, superiorem nuditatem fodias, at si fodere nolveris, quodfocere tuo arbitratu licebit, tum ensium coruscatione facta, acie brevi caput atque alias corporis partes sauciare conaberis.

Haw krump zu den flechenn,
den meistern wiltu sie schwechenn,
wann es glitzet oben,
so stand ab das wil Ich lobenn.

Merck das stuck soltu treybenn, gegenn denn meisternn, aus dem pand des schwerts, vnnd das merck also, wann du mit dem zu fechtenn zu im kumbst, so leg dein schwert zu deiner Rechtenn seittenn in die schranck hut, oder halt es vff deiner rechtenn achselnn, hawt er dir dann obenn zu der blöß, so haw starck mit gecreutztenn Armenn, mit der langen schneydenn gegenn seinem haw, vnnd als bald die schwert zu samenn glitzenn, so wind in des mit dem [20v] schwert, gegenn deiner linckenn seittenn, vnd far Auff mit denn Armenn, vnnd stich im zu der obernn bloß, oder wiltu in nit stechen, so merck als bald es glitztet, so haw im in des mit der kurtzenn schneidt zum kopf vnd zum leib.

[16r] Krump wer dich ÿrret
Der edel krieg In verirret
Das er nicht wais für wor
Wo er sej one vor.

Merck wann du den krump haw treibest So mustu dich albegen damit plos geben Vnd das vernyme also Wann du mit dem krump haw von deiner rechten seitten ein hewest oder an sein swert pindest Dieweil pistu plos mit der lincken seitten Ist er dann also gescheid vnd wil dir vom swertt zu der plösse hawen vnd wil dich mit behendigkeit irre machen so beleib mit deinem swert an dem seinen vnd volge daran seinem hawe nach vnd wind Im den ort Indes zu dem gesichte vnd arbait Im fürpas mit [16v.1] dem krieg zu den plössen So wirt er für war nicht wissen an welchen enden er sich vor dir vor hewen oder vor stichen schützen sol.

[85r.3] Alia Cautela. vel usus ictus Curvj.

Cum hoc ictu uteris, semper adversario te nudum exhibere necesse est, atque hoc inde percipito. Si eum ictum ex latere dextro ferias tuo, vel ensem eius con= [85v.1] tingas, nudus de latere sinistro adpares, atque si is tanta fuerit industria preaditus, remoto ense à mutua ensium collisione, nec non nuditatem, quam ei prebuisti feriundo appetat, teque velocitate conetur decipere, tuus subinde eius ensi inhaereat, insequaturque ictum ipsius, verum pòst in visum hostis, ensis tui mucronè contorqueas, atque crebris ictibus, quiea militia dicitur Germanis Athletis, utitor nuditates acquirendo, ea igitur ratione adversarium tantum conturbabis, ut neque contra ictus tuos, neque habitus pungendi se tueri queat.

Krump wer dich irret,
der Edel krieg in verwirret,
das er nit weis furwar,
woer sey on far.

Merck wenn du denn krumphaw treibst so mustu dich alwegenn da mit bloß gebenn, vnnd das vernim also, wenn du mit dem krumphaw, von deiner rechten seitten ein hewst [21r] oder an sein schwert bindest, dieweil bistu bloß mit der linckenn seyttenn, ist er dann also gescheid, vnnd wil dir vom schwert zu der bloß hawen, vnd wil dich mit behendigkeit Irr machen, so bleib mit deinem schwert ann dem seinen, vnd volg doran seynẽ haw noch, vnnd wind im denn ort In des zu dem gesicht, vnnd arbeit im furbaß mit dem krieg zu den blossenn, so wirt er furwar nit wissen an welchen endenn er sich vor dir vor hewen oder stichen huten oder schutzenn sol.

[16v.2] Zwer benÿmet
Was vom tag her kommet.

Merck der Zwer haw pricht die hut vom tag vnd alle haw die vom tag oben nider gehawen werden, vnd die zwer die treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zum man geest Steet er dann gegen dir vnd helt sein swert mit auffgerichten armen übersich hoch über dein haubt In der hut vnd wart auf dich So merck wann du nahent zu Im kommest so setz den [17r.1] lincken fuß für vnd halt dein swert mit der flech an deiner rechten achsel Dritt er dann zu dir vnd drewet dit zuslahen so kumm du vor vnd spring mit dem rechten fusse wol auf dein rechte seitten vnd Im sprung wende dein swert mit dem gehültze vor deinem haubt das dein dawmen vnden kommen vnd slag In mit der kurtzen sneiden zu der lincken seitten seins kopffes etc.

Zwirch benimet,
was vom tag herkommett.

Merck der zwirchaw pricht die hut vom tag, vnnd alle hew, die vom tag obenn nider gehawenn werdenn, vnnd die zwirch die treyb also, wen du mit dem zu fechtenn zu dem mann gest, stet er dann gegen dir, vnnd helt sein schwert mit aufgerichtenn armenn vber sich hoch, vber dein haupt in der hut vnnd wartt auf dich, So merck wenn du nahent, zu Im kumbst, so setz denn linckenn fus vor, vnnd halt dein schwert mit der flech, an deiner rechtenn achselnn, trit er dann zu dir, vnd drawt dir zu schlagenn, so kum du vor, vnnd spring mit dem Rechtenn fus, wol auff dein Rechte seyttenn, vnnd Im spring wend dich dein [21v] schwert, mit dem gehiltz vor deinem haupt, das dein dawmenn vntenn kummenn, vnd schlag in mit der kurtzenn schneydenn zu der lincken seittenn seines kopfs.

[17v.2] Ist er dir aber mit der versatzung zu starck das du zu den stucken nit kommen magst So stos mit dem ge= [18r.1] hültz sein swert hin weck vnd slag In mit der zwer zu der andernn seitten Oder wil er dir ein lauffen So nÿm den schnit untter seinen armen etc.

[18r.2] Zwer zu dem pflug
Zu dem ochsen hart gefug
Was sich wol zweret
Mit sprüngen dem haubt gefere

Merck du hast vor gehöret wie das der ochs vnd der pflug sein genant zwej leger oder zwej hütten So sein sie hie geheissen vier plösse Der ochs das seint die [18v.1] obern zwu plösse die recht vnd die lincke seitten an dem haubt So ist der pflug die unttern zwu plösse auch die recht vnd die lincke seiten niderhalb der gürttel des mans vnd die plössen soltu mit den zwer slegen In einem zufechten alle vier versuchen etc.

[22v.3] Zwer zu dem pflug
Zu dem ochsen hart gefug

[23r.1] Was sich woll zwerett
Mit springen dem haulbt geferett

Merck du hast vor gehortt wie dz der ochsch vnd der pfug sin genant zweÿ leger oder zwie hutten so sin sie hie geheissen die vier ploß der ochß dz sint die ober zwei ploß die rechte vnd die lincke site an dem haupt So ist der pfug die vnter zwin ploß auch die recht vnd die lincke sitt nidert halbt der gurttell des mans vnd die plossen soltu mit den zwer schlegen In eynem zu vechten alle vier versuchen ~

[18v.2] Hie merck die zwer slege zu den vier plössen etc.

Item wann du mit dem zu vechten zu Im kommest Steet er dann gegen dir In der hut vom tag so spring mit dem rechten fusse gegen Im wol auf dein rechte seitten vnd slag In mit der zwer auß gantzer [19r.1] kunst oben zu dem ochsen seiner lincken seitten Versetzt er denn Slag In bald untten zu dem pflug seiner rechten seitten vnd treib dann fürpas die zwersleg behendiglichen albeg, einen zu dem ochsen Den andern zu dem pfluge creutzweiß von einer seitten zu der andern zu kopff vnd zu leibe etc.

[092v.2] Hie merckh die Zwerchschleg Zu den vier plossen

Item wann Du mit dem zufechten zu Im kumpst / Steet Er dann gögen dir Inn der hut / vom tag. so sprinng mit dem Rechten fuoss gögen Im wol auf. dein Rechte seiten. vnnd schlag Inn mit der zwer. ausz ganntzer Kunnst / oben zu dem Ochsen seinner Linncken seiten / versetzt Er dann. den schlag. In bald vnnden zu dem pflug seiner Rechten seiten. Vnnd treib dann virbas die zwerchschleg behendig- [093r.1] clichen alweg ainnen zu dem Ochsen / Den anndern zu dem Pflug Creytzweis von ainer seiten zu der Anndern. zu kopff vnnd zu Leyb /

[86r.4] Quum ad adversarium accesseris, et is contra te in custodia de die constiterit, tum adversus eum in latus dextrum prosilias dextro pede, atque totis viribus transfersarium [86v.1] lateri capitis eius sinistro, quod Bos dicitur, infligas superné, at si eum impetum repellat hostis, mox latus inferius dextrum, quod prope vel sub cingulum constat, inferné, quod aratrum dicitur. atque ita porrò Transversarios alternatim exerceas, facto altero superné, mox inferné aratrum concutias crucis instar.

Item auch [22v] soltu gedennckenn, das du mit einem Jedenn zwirschschlag alweg weit solt ausspringenn auff ein Seyttenn, so magstu in wol damit zu dem haupt treffenn, vnnd wart dastu die weil oben vor dem hauptt mit dem gehiltz wol bedeckt seyest.

Feler werer furet
Von vnden nach wunsch rüret

Merck der feler ist ain stuck damit die fechter geblendt werden / vnnd nach wunsch gerüert vnnd geschlagen / die da geren versetzen / vnd [78r] die da hawen zu dem Schwert / vnd nit zu den Blössenn des Leibs.

[19v.2] Item den feler treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst So haw die untterhewe von beiden seitten, kompstu dann an In mit einem untterhaw von deiner rechten seitten So scheuß den ort damit lanck ein zu der prust so muß er versetzen so spring bald mit dem lincken fus auf sein rechten [20r.1] seitten vnd tue als du In mit der zwer dartzu slahen wöllest vnd vertzuck den haw vnd slag bald wider umb zu der lincken seitten Oder kompstu vor der lincken seitten mit dem untterhaw an Ine So scheusß Im den ort aber lanck ein vnd treib dass geferte als voran zum nechsten geschrieben stet etc.

[23v.3] alliud ~

Item den feller tribe also wan du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst so haulb die vntern haulb von beiden siten chümstu dan yn in mit eynem vnter haulb von diner rechten siten so schueß im den ort do mit lang in zu der brust so muß er versetzen so spring bald mit dem lincken fus vff sin rechte siten vnd thün als du In mit der zwer dar zu schlagen wollest vnd verzuck den haulb vnd schlag bald wider vmb zu der lincken siten [24r.1] oder kümpstu von der lincken siten mit dem vnter haulb an yn so schuß im den ort oben lang in vnd tribe dz gefertt als vor an zu dem nechsten geschreben stetht

[20r.2] Verkeret zwinget
Durchlauffen auch mit ringet
Den elenpogen nym gewiß
Spring Im yn die wege.

Mercke den verkerer soltu vertackt dar pringen In dem zufechten wann [20v.1] damit zwingstu den man das du Im magst durchlauffen vnd recht gefassen mit ringen etc.

[20v.2] Item den verkerer treibe also wann du mit dem zufechten die helfft zu dem gegangen pist, vnd gee fürpas die andern helfft zu Im ye vnd ye mit dem lincken fusse vor Vnd hawe von der rechten seitten nach ÿeden zu dritt einen freien untterhawe dem lincken fus nach Vnd mit dem hawe so verkere vnd wentt die langen sneid am swertt albeg übersich Vnd alsbald du Im damit an sein swert pindest So heng Im den ort Indes oben ein vnd stich Im zu dem gesichte Versetzt er den stich vnd fert hoch auff mit den armen So lauff Im durch Oder be= [21r.1] leibt er mit der versatzung nider mit den henden So begreiff mit der lincken hant seinen rechten elenpogen vnd halt vest vnd spring mit dem lincken fuß für seinen rechten vnd stos In also darüber.

[24r.3] Item den verkerer tribe also wan du mit dem zu vechten die helfft zu dem man gegangen bist vnd gat furbas die andern helff zu ym ye mit dem lincken fus vor vnd haulb von der rechten siten nach yedem zu dritt eynen fryhen vnter haulb din lincken fus noch vnd mit dem haulb so verker oder wind die lang schnid des schwertz alwegen vber sich vnd als bald du ym do mit an sin schwert bindest so heng Im Indes den ort eben yn vnd stich im zu dem gesicht versetz er dan den stich vnd fert hoch vff mit den armen so lauff im durch [24v.1] oder blipt er mit der versatzüng nider mit den henden so begriff mit der lincken hant sinen rechten elnbogen vnd halt vest vnd spring mit dem lincken fus fur sinen rechten vnd stos yn also dar vber

[21v] Merck das heist der zwifach feler vnd treibe In also Wann du mit dem zu fechten zu Im kompst so setz den lincken fus vor vnd halt dein swert an der rechten achseln Vnd wann du sihest das er dir eben ist so spring gegen Im wol aus mit dem rechten fus auf dein rechte seitten Vnd tue als du In mit einem freien zwer slag zu seiner lincken seitten zum kopff wöllest hawen vnd vertzugk den hawe vnd spring mit dem lincken fus zu seiner rechten seiten wol umb In vnd slag In mit der zwer zum kopffe Versetzt er vnd du triffest sein swert So schreitt zu derselbigen seitten neben Im hin weck vnd schneid In hintter seiner swertz klingen aus dem dupliren mit der kurtzen sneiden In das maul oder valle Im mit dem [22r.1] swertt über pede arm vnd schneide das treib zu paiden seitten Auch magstu den feler gleich treiben aus dem oberhaw als aus den zwer slegen Ist das du wilt etc.

[24v.3] Feler zwÿfach
Trifft man den schnÿdt mit macht
Zwÿfach furbas
Schreÿtt ein linck vnd bis nit las

Merck dz heist der zwiffach feller vnd tribe In also wan du mit dem zu vechten zu im kümpst so setz den lincken fus fur vnd halt din schwertt an der rechten achsell vnd wen du sicht dz er oben ist so spring gegem Im wul usß mit dem rechten fus vff din rechte siten vnd thün als du yn mit eynen frichen zwer schlag zu siner lincken siten zu sinem kopff wollest haulben vnd verzuck den haulb vnd spring mit dem lincken fus zu siner rechten siten wol vmb yn vnd schlag in mit der zwer zu dem kopff versetz [25r.1] er dan vnd du triffst sin schwertt so schritt mit der selbign siten neben ym hin weck vnd schnid yn hinder sin schwertz klingen vß dem duppliren mit der kurtzen schniden in dz maull oder fal ym mit dem schwertt vber beyd arm dz tribe zu beyden siten auch magstu den feller glich triben vß dem ober haulb als vß den zwer schechgen

[87r.4] De Duplici Ictu Erratico.

Is est geminus, qui iam describetur subsequenter, eumque hoc modo exerceas, in congressu mutuo sinistrum pedem praeponas, dextro humero ensem adiungas, et si prospexeris hostem esse tibi exoptatum quem ferias, tum dextro pede prosilias in latus dextrum tuum, teque ea ratione componas, quasi latus capitis adversarij sinistrum transversario libero percussurus, verum ictu retracto, si in latus eius dextrum sinistro pede prosilveris, transversario caput ipsius quassato. at si is impetum eum exceperit, tuque ensem tantum contigeris, paulum iuxta id latus progressus, ex duplationis habitu retro medium [87v.1] hostis ensem acie brevi os proscindas, vel utrunque brachium. Hunc habitum de latere utroque exercere licet, atque aequé ex ictu superno quam transversario erraticum formare potes.

[22r.2] Schiler ein bricht
Was puffel slecht oder sticht
Wer wechsel draut
Schiler yn daraus beraubt.

Wiß der Schiler ist ein seltzsam gut ernsthafft stuck Wann er pricht mit gewalt ein mit haw vnd mit stich vnd geet zu mit verkortem swert Darumb so sein vil maister des swertz die von dem [22v.1] haw nit wissen zu sagen Vnde auch die hut die da heist der pflug.

Schillerhaw mit seinen Stucken

Schiller embricht
Was biffel schlecht oder sticht
Wer wechsel trawt
Schiller In daraus beraubt

Wiss der Schiller ist ain seltzam gut ernsthafft Stuck / wann er bricht [79r] mit gewalt ein mit haw / vnd mit stich / vnd geet zu mit verkertem Schwert / Darumb so seind vil maister / die von dem haw nit wissen zusagen / vnd auch die hut die da haist der Pflug.

Schiler einpricht,
was puffel schlecht oder sticht,

[24r] Wer wechsel drawt,
schiler in doraus beraubtt.

Wis der schiler ist ein gut Seltzam ennderhafft stuck, wann er bricht mit gewalt ein mit haw vnnd mit stich, vnnd get zu mit verkerttem schwert, darumb so sein vil meister des schwerts, die vonn dem haw nit wissenn zu sagen, vnnd auch die hut die do heist der Pflug.

[22v.2] Item den schiler treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu dem man kompst So setz den lincken fusß vor vnd halt dein swert an deiner rechten achseln Hawet er dir dann von oben zum kopffe So verwend dein swert vnd spring zu mit dem rechten fus vnd haw gegen seinem haw mit der kurtzen schneiden langk aus gestrackten armen oben über sein swert Im zum gesichte oder der prust, Ist er dann also gescheid vnd verfelet mit dem haw deines swertz vnd wechselt vnden durch So beleib Im mit dem ort auß langen ar= [23r.1] men vor dem gesichte so mag er dir nicht geschaden noch vnden durch kommen etc..

[25r.3] Item den schiller tribe also wan du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst so setz din lincken fus vor vnd halt din schwert an diner rechten [25v.1] achseln Haut er dir dann von oben zu dem kopff so verwind din schwertt vnd spring zu mit dem rechten fus vnd haulb gegen sinen haulb mit der kurtzen schniden lang vß gestrackten armen oben vber sin schwertt zu dem gesicht oder brust Ist er dan also gescheide vnd verfehet mit dem haulb dines schwertz vnd wechselt vnten durch so plyb Im mit dem ort vß langen armen vor dem gesicht so mag er dir nit geschaden noch vnten durch komen ~

[87v.4] Alius habitus.

Sequitur alius habitus. Si contra hostem consistas, iuxta humerum dextrum ensem tenens, is autem in custodia Aratri contrà consistat, minaturque punctionem infernam, tunc tu superné porrectim aciem brevem praemittens, [88r.1] ictum à limis oculis nominatum ferias, atque mucronem vel contra visum ipsius vel pectus inde impellito, et ea ratione si fueris usus, adversarius inferné te pungendo adprehendere nequibit.

Item ein ander stuck,

wen du gegẽ im stest, vnnd heltest dein schwert ann deiner Rechtenn achselnn, stet er dan gegen dir, In der [24v] hut des Pflugs, vnnd trewt dir vnten zu stechen, So haw im aus dem schiler mit der kurtzenn schneydenn, lanngk obenn ein, vnnd scheus im denn ortt tzu dem gesicht oder der brust, so mag er dich vnntenn mit dem stich nit erlangen.

[23r.3] Item ein anders

Wenn du gegen Im steest vnd hast dein swert an deiner rechten achseln Steet er [23v.1] dann wider gegen dir In der hut des pflugs vnd trewet dir untten zu stechen So verwende den haw Im mit der kurtzen schneiden lanck oben ein so mag er dich vndten mit dem stich nicht erlangen.

[23v.2] Schil kurtz er dich an
Durchwechsel gesigt Im an.

Das ist ein lere Wann du zu geest mit dem zufechten So soltu schilen mit deinem gesicht oder sehen ob er dir kurtz ficht Vnd die kürtze des swertz vernÿme also Wann er die arme mit dem [24r.1] haw nit lanck von Im reckt so ist er verkürtzt legstu dich In die hut aber wil er mit dem swert darauf vallen so ist aber verkürtzt Vicht er gegen dir aus dem ochsen oder auß dem pflug das ist auch kurtz vnd alle winden vor dem man die seint alle kurtz Vnd sulchen vechtern den soltu durchwechseln Damit zwingstu sie das sie müssen versetzen so magstu dann frej gehawen vnd arbeitten mit dem swert vnd auch mit ringen etc.

Schill kurtz er dich an
Durchwechsel gesigst Im an

Das ist ain leer / Wann du zugeest mit dem zufechten / so solt du schillen mit deinem gesicht / oder sehen ob er dir kurtz ficht / vnd die kurtze des Schwerts vernimb also / wann er die arm mit dem haw nit langk [79v] von Im reckt / so ist es verkurtzt / Legst du dich in die hut aber will er mit dem Schwert darauff fallen / so ist er aber verkurtzt / ficht er gegen dir aus dem Ochsen / oder aus dem Pflug / das ist auch kurtz / vnd alle winden vor dem Mann / die seind alle kurtz / vnd sollichen fechtern den solt du durchwechslen / damit zwingst du Sie / das sie muessen versetzen / So magst du frey gehawen vnd arbaiten mit dem Schwert / vnd auch mit ringen.

Schil kurtz er dich ann,
durchwechsel gesigt im ann.

Das ist ein lehre, wan du zu gehest, mitt dem zu fechtenn, so soltu schilenn mit deinem gesicht oder sehenn ober dir kurtz ficht, Vnnd die kurtz des schwerts die vernim also, Wen er die arm mit dem haw nit langk vonn Im recktt so ist er verkurtzt, legstu dich in die hut. Aber [!] wil er mit dem schwert darauff falnn, so ist er aber verkurtzt, ficht er gegenn dir aus dem Ochsenn, oder aus dem pflug das ist auch kurtz, vnnd alle windenn vor dem mann, die seinn alle kurtz, vnnd solchen fechternn denn soltu [25r] durchwechselnn, damit tzwingstu sie, das sie mussenn versetzenn, so magstu dann frey gehawen, vnnd arbeittenn mit dem schwert, vnnd auch mit Ringen.

[24.2] Item ein ander lere

Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im geest so soltu schilen mit dem gesichte ob er kurtz gegen dir ficht Das soltu also erkennen Wann er dir zu [24v.1] hewet reckt er dann die arm nit lanck aus vor Im mit dem haw so ist das sein swert verkürtzet, vnd allen vechtern die so kurtz vechten den wechsel frölich durch aus hewen vnd auß stichen mit dem langen ort damit bestettigstu sie am swert das sie dich müssen zu dem anwind lassen kommen vnd sich schlagen lassen.

[26r.2] Item ein ander lere

wan du mit dem zu vechten zu im gest so soltu schillen mit dem gesicht ob er kurtz gegen dir vicht dz soltu also erkennen wan er dir zu haulbt reckt er dan die arm nit lang vß von Im mit dem haulb so ist sin schwertt verkurtzett vnd allen vechtern die so kurtz vechten den wechsel frolich durch auß haulben vnd auß stichen mit dem [26v.1] langen ort do mit bestetigestu sie an dem schwertt dz sie dich müssen zu dem an binden lassen kumen vnd sich schlagen loßen

[88r.4] Item si ad hostem concedes, in ipso progressu, limis oculis observabis, num breviter ensem exerceat, id que ea ratione deprehendas, in conflictu si non porrexerit brachia in ipso ictu [88v.1] libere transmittes tum ictibus, tum vero punctionibus ex mucrone longiori, et ea ratione adversarius cogetur, ut tibi sit concessum, strenue contra ipsum habitus quosuis usurpare non citra ipsius corporis detrimentum.

[24v.2] Schil zu dem ortt
Nym den hals on forcht.

Merck das ist ein stuck wider den langen ort mit einem betriegnüs des gesichts Das treibe also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst [25r.1] Steet der dann vnd helt dir seinen ort gegen dem gesichte oder prust So halt dein swert an der rechten achseln vnd schil mit dem gesichte zum ort vnd tue als du Im dartzu hawen wöllest Vnd haw starck aus dem schiler mit der kurtzen schneiden an sein swert vnd scheus Im den ort damit lanck ein zu dem hals mit einem zu dritt deins rechten fuß etc.

Schil zu dem ort,
nim den hals on forchtt.

Merck das ist ein stuck wider denn lanngen ortt, mit einem betrignis des gesichts, das treyb also, wenn du mit dem tzu fechtenn zu im kumbst, stet er dann vnnd helt dir seinenn ort, gegen deinem gesicht oder der Brust, so halt dein schwert an der Rechtenn Achselnn, vnnd schil mit dem gesicht zu dem ort, vnnd thu als du Im dartzu hawenn wollest, vnnd haw starck aus dem schiler, mitt der kurtzenn schneydenn ann sein schwert, vnnd [25v] scheus im denn ortt damit lanngk ein zu dem hals mit einem tzu trit deins rechtenn fus.

[25r.2] Schil zu dem obern
Haubt hend wiltu bedobern.

Item wenn er gegen dir steet In dem langen ort wiltu Im dann über [25v.1] sein hend slahen So schil Im zum gesicht vnd zum haubt vnd thue als du In darauf slahen wöllest vnd schlag In auß dem schiler mit dem ort auf sein hende etc.

[26v.3] Schil zu dem obern
Haubt[128] hende wiltu bedobern

Item wan er gegen dir stett in dem langen ortt wiltu im dan vber sin hende schlagen so [27r.1] schil im zu dem gesicht vnd zu dem haubptt vnd thun als du yn dar vff sclagen wollest vnd schlag in vß dem schiller mit dem ortt vff sin hende

Schill zu dem obern
Haubt hend wilt du bedobern

Item wann er gegen dir steet in dem langen ort / wilt du Im dann vber seine hend schlagen / So schill Im zum gesicht vnnd zum haubt / vnnd thu als du In darauff schlagenn [80r] wöllest / vnnd schlag In aus dem Schiller mit dem ort auf seine hend.

[25v.2] Feler zwifach
trifft man den snid mit macht
Zwifach es fürpas
Schreitt ein linck vnd pis nit la[s]

Das ist wie du den feler zu beiden seitten solt zwifach treiben Vnd das vernyme also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kommest So [26r] setz den lincken fus vor vnd haltt dein swert an der rechten achselnn vnd wann du sihest das er dir eben ist So spring gegen Im wol aus mit dem rechten fus auf dein rechte seitten vnd tue als du In mit einem freien überhaw zu seiner lincken seitten zu seinem kopf wöllest hawen Vert er dann vor mit der versatzůng so vertzuck den haw wider auf vnd spring bald mit dem lincken fus wol umb den man zu seiner rechten seitten vnd Im sprung tue aber als du In zu der rechten seitten slahen wöllest vnd vertzugk vnd spring wider mit dem rechten fus umb yn auf sein lincke seitten vnd slag zu derselbigen seitten frölichen mit ein Will er dir dann dieweil nach der plösse greiffen so falle Im mit der langen sneiden In die arm mit dem schnid vnd truck von dir Vnd das soltu wissen [26v.1] von baiden seitten zetreiben vnd das magstu aus den zwer slegen auch treiben etc.

[27r.3] Feler zwÿfach
Trifft man den schnit mit macht
Zwyefach es furbas
Schreÿtt ein linck vnd biß nit laß

Daß ist wie du den feller zu beyden siten solt triben zwiffach vnd dz vernym also wan du mit dem zu vechten zu im kümpst so setz den lincken fus vor vnd halt din schwertt an diner rechten achseln vnd wan du sychst dz er dir eben ist so spring gegen im wol vß mit dem rechten fus aüff [27v.1] din rechten siten vnd thün yn mit eynen frÿhen ober haulb zu siner lincken siten zu sinem kopff wollest haulben vert er dan vor mit der versatzüng so verzuck den haulb wider vff vnd spring bald mit dem lincken fus wol vmb den man zu siner rechten siten vnd im sprüng thün aber als du In zu der rechten siten schlagen wollest vnd verzůck vnd spring wider mit dem rechten fus vmb yn vff sin lincke siten vnd sclag zu der selbigen siten frolichen mit ein wil er dir dan die wiell noch der plos griffen so fal ÿm mit der langen schniden in die arm mit dem schnitt vnd truck von dir vnd dz soltu wissen von beiden siten zu triben vnd dz magstu auß den zwer schlegen auch tribenn

[26v.2] Der scheitteler
mit seiner kor
Ist dem antlütz
vnd der prust vast geuor.
Was von Im komet
Die kron das ab nÿmet
Schneid durch die kron
So prichstu sie schon
Die strich die truck
Mit schniden sie ab zuck.

Wisß das der schaitteler pricht die [27r.1] hut alber vnd Ist dem antlütz vnd der prust mit seiner kor gar geuërlich etc.

[27v.2] Der scheÿtler
mit syner kor
Ist dem antlutz
vnd der brust gewar
Was von yn kümett
dÿ kron das ab nÿmett
Schneydt durch die kron
So prichstu sie schon

[28r.1] Die strich die trueck
Mit schneyden sie ab zueck

Wiß dz der schittler bricht die hutt alber vnd ist dem antlitz vnd der brust mit siner kor gar geverlich

[80r] Schaitler Haw mit seinen Stucken

Der Schaiteler
mit seiner kor
Ist dem antlitz
vnd der brust vast gefar
[80v] Was von Im kommet
Die Kron das abnimet
Schneid durch die Kron
So brichst du sie schon
Die strich die truck
Mit schnitten sie zuck

Wiss das der Schaiteler bricht die hut Alber / vnd ist dem antlitz vnnd der brust mit seiner kor gar geferlich.

[27r.2] Item den Schaitteler treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kommest, legt er sich dann In die hut alber So setz den lincken fus für vnd halt dein swert mit aufgereckten armen hoch über dein haubt In der hut vom tag vnd spring zu Im mit dem rechten fus vnd haw mit der langen schneiden starck von oben nider Vnd bleib mit den armen hoch vnd sencke Im den ort vnttersich zu seinem gesichte oder der prust Versetzt er dann mit der kron also das der ort vnd das ein gehültz an seinem swertt baide übersich steen vnd fert [27v.1] damit auf vnd stöst dir den ortt übersich So wend dein schwert vntter seiner kron durch mit der schneiden In sein arm vnd truck so ist die kron wider geprochen Vnd mit dem trucken nym den schnid vnd zeuch dich damit abe.

[89r.3] Eum igitur hoc modo exerceto, si adversarius se in congressu mutuo in custodiam de populo praepararit, tu ensem supra caput extentis brachijs attollas in custodia de die, contraque hostem dextro prosilias pede, firmiterque é superné deorsum ferias acie longa praemissa, brachijs identidem sublatis mucronem in faciem vel pectus hostis demittas deorsum, verum si habitu Coronae id repellat hostis ita ut utriusque ensis capuli ab suo gladio sint erecti, sursumque tollat, necnon mucronem ensis tui sursum torqueat, tum ensem [89v.1] sub corona hostis transigas conversa in brachium ipsius acie, inde si urseris, habitus ipsius irritus fiet, verum in ipso urgendi habitu eum proscindas, atque ab eo inde recedas.

[27v.1] Vier leger allein
Dauon haltu fleuch die gemein
Ochs pflug alber
Vom tag sein dir nit vnmër.

Merck diese vier leger das sein die vier hut da du aus vechten [28r.1] solt Die erst hut heisset der Ochs etc.

[28r.3] Item zu der lincken seitten schicke dich also In den ochsen Stee mit dem rechten fus vor vnd halt dein swert zu deiner lincken seitten mit dem gehultz für das haubt das die lang sneiden gegen dir stee vnd halt Im den ort also gegen dem gesichte [28v.1] Vnd das ist der ochs von beiden seitten.

[28v.3] Item zu der lincken seitten schick dich also In den pflug Setz den rechten fuß vor vnd halt dein swert neben deiner lincken seitten vnttersich zu deiner lincken hüfft das die lang sneid oben gewant sej vnd der ort übersich stee dem man ge= [29r.1] gen dem gesichte etc.

[29r.5] Item zu der lincken siten schick dich also in den pflug setz den rechten fus vor vnd halt din schwert neben diner rechten lincken siten vntter sich zů [29v.1] diner lincken hueff dz die lang schnid oben gewantt sy vnd der ortt vbersich sten dem man gegem dem gesicht ~~

Item das erst [27v] das ist der krumphaw der bricht die hut aus dem Ochsenn.

[29v.3] Das ander das ist der zwer haw [30r.1] der pricht die hut vom tag.

[099v.4] Ob dir versetzt ist
 merck wie er darkomen ist
 hor was Ich rat
 reysz ab schnel mit drat

Merckh wann Er dir versetzt hat. Vnnd will sich vom Schwert nit abziehen. vnnd maint er wol dich zu kainem stuck lassen komen. So thuo als du dich vom schwert abziehen wöllest. vnnd zuck dein schwert ann dich [100r.1] bisz zu halber Klinngen. vnnd far damit dem Schwert bald auf. vnnd haw Im schnell mit der kurtzen schneidin oder mit dem Duplieren zum kopff.

[30v.2] Item ein anders

Wann er dir ver= [31r.1] setzet hat so reisse mit deinem swert an seiner swertz klingen über sich auff gegen seinem ortt als du Im oben wöllest abnemen So bleib am swert vnd haw Im slecht an der clingen wider ein zum kopffe etc.

Das ansetzen

Setz an vier enden
Bleib darauf wiltu enden

Wiss das das ansetzen ist ain ernsthafft stuck / wann es geet zu der nähm [82v] der vier blössen / vnnd gehört zutreiben / wann du bald end wilt geben mit dem Schwert.

[31v.3] Item oder hewet er dir zu von vnden auff von seiner rechten seitten [32r.1] So scheusse Im den ort langk ein zu der nechsten plösse seiner lincken seitten etc.

Item oder hewt er dir tzu vonn vntenn auff vonn seiner linckenn seittenn, so scheus im den ort lang ein [28v] tzu der vnnternn blöß seiner Rechten seiten vnnd wart alweg damit des angesetzes, Wirt er dann des einschiessens gewar vnnd versetzt, so bleib mit dem schwert auf dem seinen vnd arbeit do behendiglich tzu der nechsten bloß.

[32v.2] Item das erst stuck aus den nachreissen

das treibe also wann du [33r.1] mit dem zu fechten zu Im kommest so setz den lincken fus für vnd stee In der hut vom tag vnd sihe gar eben was er gegen dir ficht, hewt er dir dann oben langk ein von seiner rechten achseln so versetze Im nicht vnd wart das er dich mit dem hawe nit erlange So mercke die weil sein swert mit dem hawe vnttersich geet gegen der erden So spring zu Im mit dem rechten fus vnd hawe Im oben ein zu der plösse seiner rechten seitten ee wann er mit dem swert wider auf kommet So ist er geslagen etc.

[32r.3] Item daß erst stuck vß den noch reissen

dz tribe also wan du mit dem zu vechten zu im kümpst so setz din lincken fus vor vnd ste in der hut vom tag vnd sich gar eben wz er gegen dir vichtt haulbt er dir dan oben lang von siner rechten [32v.1] achseln so versetz im nit vnd wart dz er dich mit dem haulb nit erlang so merck die weill sin schwertt mit dem haulb vntersich geth gegen der erden so spring mit dem rechten fus vnd haulb im oben ein zu der ploß siner rechten siten ee wan er mit dem schwert wider vff kümpt so ist er geschlagen ~  

Item das erst stuck aus dem nachraisen

das treib also, wann du mit dem tzufechten zu im kumbst, So setz denn lincken fus fur, vnnd stehe in der hut vom tag, vnnd sihe gar ebenn was er gegenn dir ficht, hawt er dir dan oben langk ein, vonn seiner Rechtenn achseln, so versetz im nit, vnnd wart das er dich mit dem haw nit erlang, so merck dieweil sein schwertt mit dem haw vntersich gehet, gegenn der erdenn so spring tzu mit dem Rechtenn fus, vnd haw [29r] im obenn ein, tzu der bloß seiner Rechtenn seitten ehe wann er mit dem schwert wider aufkumbtt so ist er geschlagenn.

[33r.2] Item ein ander stuck

Wann er sich verhewet vnd du Im nach hewest fert er dann bald auf mit dem swert vnd versetzet So beleib mit [33v.1] der langen sneiden auf seinem swert starck Hebt er dann mit dem swert übersich So spring mit dem lincken fus wol hintter seinen rechten vnd slage In mit der zwer oder sust zum kopffe seiner rechten seitten vnd arbait bald widerumb zu seiner lincken seitten mit dem duplieren oder sust mit andern stucken darnach du enpfindest ob er hertt oder waich ist am swertt Vnd das ist die eusser mÿnne etc.

[33v.2] Item aber ein ander stuck

Wann er sich vor dir verhewet vnd du Im nach heuest Bindestu dann auf sein swertt gegen seiner lincken seitten Schlecht er dann aus der versatzung mit der zwer bald uber dich zu deiner rechten seitten So [34r.1] kumm Im In des mit der zwer forn für vntter seinem swertt gegen seiner lincken seitten an seinem hals Oder spring mit dem lincken fus auff sein rechte seitten vnd haw seinem hawe nach zu der rechten seitten Oder treib den snid Im über sein arm zum kopffe etc.

[32v.3] Item aber ein stuck

wan er sich vor dir verhaulbet vnd du im noch haulbst pinstestu den vff sin schwert siner lincken siten schlecht er dan vsß der versatzung mit der zwer bald vmb dich zu diner rechten siten so küm im Indes mit der were vorn fur vnter sin schwertt gegen siner lincken siten vnd haulb sinen haulb noch zu der rechten [33r.1] siten oder tribe den schnidt ym vber sin arm zü dem kopff

Item aber ein stuck,

wann er sich vor dir vorhawet vnnd du im nachauest, bindestu dann auf sein schwert gegenn seiner linckenn seittenn, schlecht er dann aus der versatzung mit der wer bald vmb dich, tzu deiner Rechtenn seittenn, so kum Im In des, mit der wer vorn fur, vnter seinem schwert, gegenn seiner linckenn seittenn ann seinen hals oder spring mit dem linckenn fus auf seinn Rechte seittenn, vnnd haw seinem haw nach, tzu [29v] der Rechtenn seittenn, oder treyb denn schnit im vber sein Arm tzu dem kopff.

[34r.2] Item aber ein nachreissen

Wann du gegen Im fichst aus vntterhawen oder auß den streichen Oder legstu dich gegen Im In die hut alber Felt er dir dann mit dem swert auf das dein ee dann du auf kommest So beleib also vntten am swertt vnd heb übersich will er dir dann auß der versatzung ein hawen oder am swert einwinden [34v.1] So las Im vom swert nit abkommen vnd volge Im daran nach vnd arbeit damit zu der nechsten plösse.

Ein anders Nachraisen.

Item wann du gegen [83v] Im fichst aus vnderhawen / oder aus streichen / oder legst dich gegen Im in die hut Alber / Felt er dir dann mit dem Schwert auff / das dein ee dann du aufkomest / so pleib also vnden am Schwert / vnd heb übersich / Will er dir dann aus der versatzung einhawen / oder am Schwert einwinden / So lass In vom Schwert nit abkomen / vnnd volg Im dran nach / vnd arbait damit zu der nechsten blösse.

[34v.3] Das fulen lere
Indes das versneidet sere.

Wisß das Im swert das fulen vnd das wort Indes die gröst kunst [35r.1] ist Vnd wer ein maister des swertz ist oder sein wil vnd kan er nicht das fulen vnd vernÿmpt dartzu nit das wort Indes So ist er nicht ein maister er ist ein püffel des swertz Darumb soltu vor allen sachen gar wol lernen das wort Indes vnd das fulen.

Das füllen lere,
In des das verschneydet sehre.

Wiß das im schwert das fuln vnd das wort In des, die grost kunst ist, vnd wer ein meister des schwerts ist oder sein wil, kann er nit das fulln, vnnd vernimbst dartzu nit das wort In des, so ist er nit ein meister, er ist ein puffel des schwerts, darumb soltu vor allen sachenn, gar wol lernenn das wort In des, vnnd das [30r] fulln.

[35r.2] Das fulen mercke also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst vnd einer dem andern an sein swert pindet So soltu Indem die swert zusamen glitzen zuhant fulen ob er waich er hert angepunden hat Vnd alsbald du waich oder hertt fulest So gedencke an das wort Indes Das ist das du In dem fulen behendiglich mit arbeitten solt mit dem swert So [35v.1] wirt er geschlagen ee er sein Innen wirt etc.

[103r.4] Nachreysen zwifach
 den alten schnit mit mach

Das Ist das du die nachraisen sollt treiben zu beden seiten. vnnd den schnidt auch darein brinngen Vnnd das vernim also. wann er sich vor dir verhawet. es sey von der Rechten seiten oder von der Linncken seiten. so haw Im frölich nach. zu der Plösse. fert er dann auf vnnd pinndt dir vnnden an das Schwert. so merck so bald ain schwert an [103v.1] das annder glitzet so fall Im Indes Mit der Lanngen schneiden. auf sein Arem vnnd truckh mit der schneid vnndersich oder schneid Im nach dem maul

[36v] Wer überwindet
Uberlauff den der wirt beschemet
Wann es glitzent oben
So sterck das hör ich loben
Dein arbeit mach
Oder druck zwifach.

Das ist wenn dir einer von vnden zu ficht wie du In solt überlauffen Das vernyme also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kommest Hewet der dir dann vnden zu das versetze Im nicht Svnder mercke wann sein vnderhaw gegen dir geet so hawe Im von deiner rechten achseln von oben lanck vnd scheusse Im den ort langk ein zum gesichte [37r.1] oder der prust Vnd setze Im an so kan er dich vnden nit erlangen Vnd fert er denn von vnden auf vnd versetzt so bleib mit der langen schneiden starck auf dem swert vnd arbeit behendiglichen zu der nechsten plösse etc.

[34r.2] Were vnten remet
Vber lovff den der wirt beschemet
Wan es glitz oben
So sterck das hor ich loben
Dÿn arbeÿt mach
Oder drueck zwÿffach

Daß ist wen dir eyner vnten zu vichtt wie du In solt vber lauffen dz vernym also wen du mit dem zu vechten zu Im kümpst haulbt er dir dan vnten zu dz versetz im nichtt sünder merck wen sin vnter haulb gegen dir getth so haulb im von diner rechten achseln von oben lanck vnd schueeß im den ort lang yn zu dem gesichtt oder zu der brust vnd setz Im an so kan er dich [34v.1] vnten nicht erlangen vnd vert er dan von vnten vff vnd versetz so plib mit der langen schniden starck avff dem schwertt vnd arbeitt behendeglich zu den nesten ploß ~  

Das überlauffen

Wer überwindet
Vberlauf den der wirt beschemet
Wann es glitzet oben
So sterck das hör Ich loben
Dem arbait nach
Oder truck zwifach

Das ist / wann dir ainer von vnden zufecht / wie du Im solt überlauffen / das vernimb also / wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kombst / hawt er dir dnn vnden zu / das versetz Im nit / Sonder merck wann sein vnderhaw gegen dir geet / so haw Im von deiner rechten achslen von oben lanck / vnnd scheus Im den ort langk ein zum gesicht / oder der brust / vnnd setz Im an / so kan er dich vnden nit erlangen / vnnd fert er dann von [84v] vnden auff / vnd versetzt / so pleib mit der langen schneidin starck auff dem Schwert / vnnd arbait behendigelichen zu der nechsten blösse.

[30v] Wer vndenn windet,
vberlauf den der wirt beschemet,
wan es glitzet oben,
So sterck das hör loben,
dein arbeit mach
oder truck tzwifach.

Das ist wenn dir einer vnntenn tzu ficht, wie du Inn solt vberlauffenn, das vernim also, wan du mit dem tzu fechtenn tzu Im kumbst, hawt er dir dann vntenn zu, das versetz im nit, sonnder merck wann sein vnterhaw gegenn dir gehet, so haw im vonn deiner Rechtenn achseln, vonn obenn lang, vnd scheus im den ort langk ein, [31r] tzu dem gesicht, oder der brust, vnnd setz im an, so kan er dich vntenn nit erlangenn, vnnd fert er dan von vntenn auff, vnnd versetzet, so pleib mit der lanngenn schneydenn starck auf dem schwert, vnnd arbeit behendiglich tzu der nechstenn bloß.

[37v] Lere absetzen
Hew stich künstlich letzen
Wer auf dich stichet
Dein ort triffet vnd seinen priche[t][179]
Von baiden seitten
Triff alle mal wiltu schreitt[en]

Item merck Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst stelt er sich dann gegen dir als wöll er stechen So setz deinen lincken fus für vnd lege dich gegen Im Inn pflug zu deiner rechten seitten vnd gib dich plos mit deiner lincken Sticht er dich dann zu der plösse so wind mit deinem swert auf dein lincke seitten gegen seinem stiche die kurtzen schneiden an sein swert vnd [38r.1] setz damit abe das dein ort gegen Im pleib steen vnd schreitt damit zu dem rechten fusse vnd stich Im Indes zum angesicht oder der prust etc.

[34v.2] Leren ab setzen
Heulb stich künstlich letzen
Wer vff dich sticht
Den ort trifft vnd sinen bricht
Von beyden sitenn
Triff alle mol wiltu schritten

Merck wen dü mit dem zu vechten zu Im kümpst stelt er sich dan gegen dir als woll er stechen so setz dinen lincken fus vor vnd leg dich gegen im In pflüg zu diner rechten siten vnd geb dich ploeß mit diner lincken Sticht er dich dann zu der ploeß so wind mit dinen schwertt auff din lincke siten gegen sine stich die kurtz schnid an sin schwertt vnd setz do mit ab den ortt ab gegen dir Im so pleib sten vnd schrit do mit zu mit dem rechten fus vnd stich [35r.1] Im Indes zu dem angesicht oder zu der brustt

[104r.2] Das absetzen.

Leere absetzen
 haw stich künstlich letzen
 wer auf dich stichet
 dein Ort triffet
 vnd seinen bricht von baiden seiten
 Triff alle mal wiltu schreiten.

Item merckh wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kömpst. stölt er sich dann gögen dir als wol er stechen. so setz deinnen Linncken fuosz fur vnnd leg dich gögen Im Im pfluog zu deinner rechten seiten. vnnd gib dich Plösz mit deiner Lincken seiten. [104v.1] sticht er dann zu der Plösse so winnd mit deinnem Schwert auf dein Linncken seiten. gögen seinnem stich die Kurtz schneide an sein schwert vnnd setz damit abe. das dein Ort gögen Im bleib steen. vnnd schreit damit zu dem rechten fuosz vnnd stich Im Inndes zum angesicht oder der prust.

Lernn absetzenn,
hew stich kunstlich letzen,
wer auf dich stichett,
dein ort triffet vnnd seinen brichett,
Vonn bayden seittenn,
trif alle mal wiltu schreiten.

Merck wenn du mit dem tzufechtenn tzu Im kumbst stelt er sich dann gegenn dir, als wol er dich stechen, So setz deinenn linckenn fus fur, vnnd leg dich gegenn Im in Pflug tzu deiner Rechtenn seittenn, vnnd gib dich bloß mit deiner linckenn, Sticht er dich dann tzu der Ploß, so wind mit deinẽ schwert auff dein lincke seittenn, gegenn seinem stich, die kurtz schneydt, ann sein schwert, vnnd setz damit ab das dein ortt gegenn Im bleib stehenn, vnnd schreitt damit tzu mit dem Rechtenn fus, vnnd stich im [31v] Inn des zu dem angesicht, oder tzu der Brust.

Item ein anders stuck.

Wann du steest zu deiner rechten seiten in dem Pflug / hawt er dir dann zu der lingken seiten oben zu der blösse / so far auf mit dem Schwert / vnd winde damit auff dein lingke seitten gegen seinem haw / das gehiltz vor dem haubt in dem Ochssen vnd schreit damit zu dem rechten fus / vnd stich In zu dem [85r] gesichte oder der brust / vnd die stuck treib von der lingken seittenn auch also aus dem Pflug.

[93r.4] Alia Forma Praecedentis.

Si in Aratri habitu de latere dextro consistas, et adversarius nuditatem sinistri lateris supernè conetur ferire, tu sublato ense, contra ipsius Ictum in latus sinistrum eum convertas [93v.1] capulo in forma Bovis pro facie tua constituto, alterum pedem si dextro adiunxeris, faciem inde vel pectus adversarij pungas, idque ex Aratro de latere sinistro facias.

[35r.5] Durch wechseln lere
Von beÿden siten stich mit fer

[35v.1] wer auff dich bindet
Durch wechseln in schir schnit oder findet

Wiß der durch wechsel ist vil vnd mangerleÿ vnd die magstu triben ausß allen wenheulb gegen den vechtern die do haulben noch dem schwertt vnd nicht zů den plossen des mans vnd die soltu gar woll lernen triben mit fursichtikeÿtt dz man dir icht an setz die wiell du Im durch wechselst ~

Item die durchwechsel treib also, wan du mit dem tzufechtenn tzu Im kumbst, so haw im obenn langk ein tzu dem kopff, haut er dir dann gegenn dir zu dem schwert vnnd nit tzu [32r] dem leib, so laß denn ortt mit dem haw vntenn durch wischenn, ee er dir ann das schwert bint, vnnd stich in zu der anndernn seittenn, wirt er dann des stichs gewar, vnnd fert mit dem schwert dem stich bald noch mit versatzung, so wechsel aber durch, tzu der andernn seittenn, vnnd das treyb alweg wen er dir nach dem schwertt fert mit der versatzung, zu beiden seittenn.

[39r.2] Item aber ein durchwechseln

Wann [39v.1] du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst So setz deinen lincken fus für vnd halt Im den langen ort gegen dem gesichte Hewet er dir dann von oben oder von vnden zu dem swert vnd will dir das hin weck slahen oder dauon pinden las den ort unttersich sincken vnd stich zu der andern seitten vnd thue das gegen allen hewen etc.

[39v.2] Item das stuck mercke gar eben

Wann er dir versatzt hat oder sust an dein swert gepunden, helt er dir dann am swert seinen ort nicht gegen der plösse deins leibs vnd lest den neben dir beseit außgeen auf die seiten So wechsel Im künlich durch Oder [40r.1] pleibt er dir mit dem ort vor dem gesicht oder gegen den plössen So wechsel nit durch vnd pleibe am swertt vnd arbaitt Im damit zu der negsten plösse So mag er dir nit nach reissen noch angesetzen.

[93v.5] Etiam id observes,

cum adversarius impetum exceperit, vel ensem tuum in primo conflictu contigerit, et si sui ensis mucronem non versus corporis tui nuditatem converterit, verum [94r.1] iuxta latus frustra porrexerit, tum animosè ensem transfigas: Sin vero pro facie tua mucronem tenuerit, vel nuditates versus, tum transmittere nolito, verum remaneas in ense ipsius haerens, atque inde contra proximam nuditatem laborabis, et ea ratione cavebis, ne te hostis urgere possit instando: neque mucronem nuditatibus tuis adiungere poterit.

[36r.2] Trit nohent In winden
das zucken gibt gut fünde
zuck triff er zuck me
Er befindt arbeit dy ym thut we
Vnd zuck alle treffen
den meinstern wiltu sÿ effen

Wiß dz zůcken gehorett ze triben gegen den meinstern die do starck mit der versatzüng an dz schwertt pinden vnd gegen den die do i am schwert pliben sten vnd warten ob man sich vor In woll verhauwen oder sich vom schwertt ab ziehen wiltu dan die selbigen meinstern teuschen oder effen so tribe dz zucken gegen In also haulb Im von der rechten siten oben starck In zu dem kopff vert er dar an [36v.1] an will versetzen so zuck din schwertt an dich Ee wan er dar an bindt sto so stich Im zu der andern siten vnd dz thün In allen treffen des schwertz

[40v.2] Item ein ander Zucken

Wann er [41r.1] an dein swert gepůnden hat Steet er dann gegen dir am swert vnd wart ob du dich vom swert wöllest abziehen So tue als du wöllest zucken vnd pleib am swertt vnd zuck dein swert bis an die helfft der clingen an dich vnd stich Im am swert bald wider ein zum gesichte oder der prust Triffestu In nit recht mit dem stich so arbeit mit dem dupliren oder sust mit andern stucken was dir das pest ist.

Item ein ander Zucken.

Wann er dir an dein schwert gebunden hat / stet er dann gegen dir am schwert / vnd wartet ob du dich vom schwert wöllest abziehen / so thu als du wöllest zucken / vnd pleib am schwert / vnd zuck dein schwert bis an die helfft der klingen an dich / vnnd stich Im am schwert bald wider ein zum gesicht oder der brust / trifst du In nit recht mit dem stich / so arbait mit dem duplieren [86r] oder sonst mit ander stucken was dir das best ist.

Item ein annder tzuckenn,

wann er ann dein schwert gepundenn hat, stehet er dann gegenn dir ann dein schwert, vnnd wartt ob du dich vom schwert wolst abtziehenn, So thu als du wollest tzuckenn, vnnd pleib am schwert vnnd tzuck dein schwert biß ann die helft der klingenn ann dich, vnnd stich in am schwert bald [33r] wider ein tzu dem gesicht oder der Brust, trifstu In dann nit recht mit dem stich, so arbeit mit dem dupliernn, oder sonnst mit anndernn stucken was dir das pest ist.

[36v.3] Durch lauffen las hangen
Mit dem knopf wiltu rangen
Wer gegen dir sterck
Durch lauff do mit merck

Merck die durchlauffen vnd die ringen gehoren zu triben gegen den meinsten (!) die gern In louffen vnd die tribe also wen er dir versetz vnd vertt do mit hoch vff mit den armen vnd laufft dir In vnd wil dich oben mit sterck vber tringen so far auch vff mit den armen vnd halt din schwert mit der lincken hant bÿ dem knopff uber [37r.1] din haupt vnd loß din klingen hinten vber din rueck nider hangen vnd lauff mit dem haupt durch die arm siner rechten siten vnd spring mit dem rechten fus hinter sinen rechten vnd mit dem sprung far im mit dem rechten arm siner lincken siten woll vmb den liebt vnd fas In also vff din rechte huff vnd wurff In vor dich nider auff sin kopff

Item einannder ringenn,

wann er dir ein lauft mitt [33v] aufgerecktenn armenn, vnnd du im wider so lauf im durch mit dem hauptt zu seiner Rechtenn seittenn, vnnd schreit mit deinem Rechtenn fus vorn für sein Rechtenn, vnnd far im mit dem Rechten arm vnter seinenn Rechtenn durch, hinten vmb seinenn leib, vnnd senck dich ein wenig nider, vnd fas in auff die Rechtenn huf, vnnd wirf in hinter dich, die tzu Ringenn soltu treybnn zu beidenn seittenn.

[42r.2] Item aber ein ander ringen

wann er dir ein leuffet zu deiner rechten seitten vnd ist hoch mit den armen vnd du auch So halt dein swert zu der rechten hant vnd stos da= [42v.1] mit seinen arm von dir vnd spring mit deinem lincken fus forn für sein rechten vnd far Im mit dem lincken arm wol hintten umb den leib vnd senck dich ein wenig nider vnd faß In auf dein lincke hüff vnd würffe In für dich auf das antlütz etc.

Item aber ein ander ringen /

Wann er dir einlauffet zu deiner [86v] rechten seitten / vnnd ist hoch mit den armen / vnd du auch / So halt dein schwert zu der rechten hand / vnd stoss da In mit seinem arm von dir / vnd spring mit deinem lingken fus / vornen für sein rechten / vnnd far Im mit dem lingken arm wol hinden vmb sein leib / vnnd senck dich ein wenig nider / vnd fass In auf dein lingke hüff / vnnd wurff In für dich auf das antlitz.

[42v.2] Item aber ein ander ringen

wann er dir ein leuffet vnd ist hoch mit den armen vnd du auch so soltu dein swert In der rechten hant halten vnd so stos Im damit sein arm von dir vnd spring mit dem lincken fus hintter seinen rechten vnd far mit dem lincken arm vnden durch vor seiner prust In sein lincke seitten vnd fasß In auf dein [43r.1] lincke hüff vnd würff In hintter dich Die zwaj ringen die treibe auch zu beiden seitten etc.

Item aber ein Ringenn,

wann er dir einlaufft, vnd Ist hoch mit denn Armenn, vnnd du auch, so soltu dein schwert in deiner Rechtenn hanndt [34r] haltenn, vnnd stos im damit seinenn Arm von dir, vnnd spring mit dem linckenn fus hinter seinenn Rechtenn, vnnd far mit dem linckenn arm vntenn durch vor seiner brust in sein lincke seittenn, vnnd fas in auff dein lincke huff vnnd wirf in hinter dich die tzway Ringenn die treyb auch tzu bayden seyttenn.

[43r.3] Item Wann er dir ein leuffett Im swert vnd helt die hend nider So verkere dein lincke hant vnd begreiff damit sein rechte Inwendig zwischen seinen baiden henden vnd ruck damit auf dein lincke seitten vnd mit der rechten slage [43v.1] In mit dem swert über den kopff Oder wiltu In nit slagen so spring mit dem rechten fus hintter seinen lincken vnd far Im mit dem rechten arm vorn oder hintten vmb den hals vnd würffe In also über dein rechts knie etc.

[43v.2] Item aber ein ander ringen

Wann er dir ein lauffet Im swert vnd ist nider mit den henden So las dein lincke hant vorn vom swert vnd mit der rechten far Im mit dem knauff aussen über sein rechte hant vnd truck damit nider vnd faß In mit der lincken hant pej dem rechten elnpogen vnd spring mit dem lincken fuß für sein [44r.1] rechten vnd truck In also darüber.

[37v.4] Item aber eyn ander ringen

wan er dir In laufft im schwert vnd ist nider mit den henden [38r.1] so loß din lincke hant vorn vom schwertt vnd mit der rechten far mit dem knoppff vssen vber sin rechte hant vnd druck do mit nider vnd fas in mit der lincken hant bÿ dem rechten elnbogen vnd spring mit dem lincken fus fur sinen rechten vnd druck In also dar vber ~

Item aber ein annder Ringenn,

wann er dir einlauft im schwert vnnd ist nider mit denn hendenn, so las dein lincke handt vorm [!] vom schwert, Vnd mit der Rechten [34v] far im mit dem knopff aussenn vber sein Rechte hand, vnnd druck damit nider vnnd fas in mit der linckenn hand bey dem Rechtenn Elnpogenn, vnd spring mit dem linckenn fus fur seinen Rechtenn, vnd truck in also dor vber.

[44r.3] Item aber ein ander ringen

Wann er dir ein leuffet Im swert so las dein swert fallen vnd verkere dein rechte hant vnd begreiffe damit sein rechte auswendig vnd mit der lincken faß In pej dem rechten [44v.1] elnpogen vnd spring mit dem lincken fus für seinen rechten arm über deinen lincken vnd hebe In damit über sich Also ist er verrigelt vnd magst Im also den arm prechen Oder für dich über das linck bain werffen etc.

Item aber ein ander Ringen.

Wann er dir einlaufft im schwert [87r] so lass dein schwert fallen / vnnd verker dein rechte hand / vnd begreiff damit sein gerechte auswendig / vnd mit der lingken hand fass In bey dem rechten elnbogen / vnd spring mit dem lingken fus für sein rechten arm / über deinen lingken / vnd heb In damit übersich / also ist er verriglet / vnd magst Im also den arm brechen / oder für dich über das lingk bain werffen.

[44v.2] Schneid ab die herten
Von vnden In baiden geferten.

Das ist ein pruch wider die über binden deins swertz Den [45r.1] treibe also Wann du zu Im fichst auß vnder hewen oder aus den streit hewen Oder ligst gegen Im In der hut die da heisset das alber Felt er dir dann mit dem swert auf das dein ee dann du mit dem swert auf kommest So beleib vnden am swert vnd heb mit der kurtzen sneiden fast übersich Truckt er dann vast nider so streich vnden mit dem swert an seiner swertzklingen hinttersich ab von seinem swert Vnd hawe am swert bald wider oben ein zum antlütz etc.

[38r.4] Schneÿd ab dÿ hertenn
[38v.1] Von vntenn in beÿden geferten

Daß ist brüch wider die vber wenden dines schwertz den tribe also wen du zu Im vichst vß vnter haulben oder vß den streytt haulben oder ligstu gegen im in der hutt die do heist der alber velt er dir dan mit dem schwertt auff dz din ee dan du mit dem schwertt auff kümpt so plib vnten am schwertt vnd hebe mit der kurtzen schniden vast vber sich truck er dan vast nider so strich vnten mit dem schwertt an sin schwertz klingen sich ab von sinem schwertt vnd haulb am schwertt bald wider oben In zu dem antlutz

Schneid ab die hertten,
Von vntenn ein beydenn gefertenn.

Das ist ein pruch wider die [35r] vberwindenn deins schwerts, denn treib also, wenn du tzu im fichtest, aus vnterhewenn, oder aus den streithewenn, oder ligstu gegenn Im in der hut, die da heist Alber, felt er dir dann mit dem schwert auff das dein, ee dann du mit dem schwert aufkumbst so bleib vnntenn am schwert, vnnd heb mit der kurtzenn schneydenn fast vbersich, truckt er dan fast nider so streich vntenn mit dem schwert, ann seiner schwerts klingenn hintersich ab vonn seinem schwert, vnd haw am schwert bald wider obenn ein tzu dem Antlitz.

[45r.2] Item ein anders

Wann du zu Im vichtest mit untterhewen oder ligst In der hut alber Felt er dir dann mit dem swert auf das dein [45v.1] nahent pej dem gehültz das sein ort zu seiner rechten seitten aus geet So far behendiglichen auf mit dem knauff über sein swert vnd schlage In mit der langen schneiden zum kopffe Oder pint er dir auf dein swert zu deiner lincken seitten So far behendiglich auff mit dem knopff über sein swert vnd slage In mit der kurtzen sneiden zum kopffe Vnd das haissen die snappen oder die schnellen etc.

[38v.2] Item ein anders ringen

wen du zu vichtest sinen lieb mit vnter haulben oder ligst in der hut alber felt er dir mit dem schwertt vff dz din nohent bÿ dem gehultz dz sin ortt zu diner rechten siten vß geth so far behendeglich vff mit dem knopf vber sin schwertt vnd schlag in mit der langen schniden zu dem kopf oder bind er dir vff din schwertt zu diner lincken siten so far behendiglich vff mit dem knopff vber [39r.1] sin schwertt vnd schlag In mit der kurtzen schniden zu dem kopf vnd dz heissett die schnoppen oder die schnellen

[45v.2] Vier sein der snid
Zwen vnden zwen oben mit.

Item merck die vier schnid Des [46r.1] ersten die zwen obern die gehören zetreiben gegen den vechtern die auß der versatzung ader auß dem pand des swertz gern umb slagen zu der andern seitten, Vnd das priche ee mit dem snid also wann er dir mit dem versetzen oder sust an dein swert bindet zu deiner lincken seitten vnd schlecht damit bald umb mit der zwer oder sust zu deiner rechten seitten So spring auß dem hawe mit dem lincken fus auf sein rechte seitten vnd falle Im mit der langen sneiden oben über pede arm vnd truck mit dem schnid von dir Das soltu treiben von baiden seitten albeg wann er auß der versatzung umb slecht etc.

[108v.3] Vier seinn der schnit
zwen vnden zwen oben mit

Item merckh die vier schnit. Des ersten die zwen obern die gehoren ze- [109r.1] Treiben. gogen den fechtern. die ausz der Versatzung. oder ausz dem pannd des schwerts geren vmbschlagen zu der anndern seiten vnnd das priche Ee mit dem schnit also. wann er dir mit dem versetzen oder sunnst an dein schwert pinndet. zu deinner Linncken seiten. vnnd schlecht darmit bald vmb mit der zwerh. oder sunst zu deinner rechten seiten. So sprinng auss dem haw mit dem Linncken fuosz auf seinn rechten seite. vnnd fall Im mit der Lanngen schneidin oben vber bed Arm. vnnd truckh mit dem schnit von dir Das soltu treiben von baiden seiten. alweeg wann Eer ausz der versatzunng vmbschlecht.

Vier sein der schnit
Zwen vnden zwen oben mit.

Item merck die vier schnit / Des ersten die zwen obern / die gehören zu- [87v] treiben gegen den fechtern die aus der versatzung / oder aus dem band des schwerts geren vmbschlagen zu der andern seiten / vnd das brich ehe mit dem schnit also / wann er dir mit dem versetzen oder sonst an dein schwert bindet zu deiner lingken seiten / vnd schlecht darmit bald vmb mit der zwerch / oder sonst zu deiner rechten seiten / so spring aus dem haw mit dem lingken fus auf sein rechte seiten / vnd fall Im mit der langen schneidin oben über bed arm / vnnd truck mit dem schnit von dir / das solt du treiben von baiden seiten / allweg wann er aus der versatzung vmbschlecht.

Vier sein der schnit,
tzwen vnten tzwen oben mitt.

Merck die vier schnit des Erstenn, die tzwen obernn [35v] die gehornn tzu treyben gegenn denn fechternn die aus der versatzung oder aus dem pand des schwerts gernn vmbschlagenn zu der anndern seittenn vnnd das brich ee mit dem schnit, also wan er dir mit dem versetzenn oder sonst ann dein schwertt bindt, zu deiner linckenn seitten, vnnd schlecht damit bald vmb mit der tzwirch, oder sonst zu deiner Rechtenn seittenn, so spring aus dem haw, mit dem linckenn fus auf sein Rechte seittenn, vnnd fal im mit der lanngenn schneyden obenn vber baid arm, vnnd truck mit dem schnit vonn dir, das soltu treybenn vonn baiden seitten alweg wann er aus der versatzung vmbschlecht.

[46r.2] Item die zwen untter schnid gehörn [46v.1] zetreiben gegen den vechtern die da ein lauffen mit aufgerichten armen Vnd die treibe also. Wann er dir an dein swert pindet es sej mit versatzung oder sust Fert er dann hoch auf mit den armen vnd leuffet dir ein zu deiner lincken seitten So verwende dein swert das dein dawmen vnden kommen mit der langen schneiden vntter sein gehültz In sein arm vnd truck mit dem snid übersich

[95v.4] Inferiores duae incisiones exerceantur contra gladiatores sublatis brachijs incurrentes : ijs igitur hac ratione utitor, quoties adversarius ensem tuum ex primo congressu feriat, brachique sus= [96r.1] tulerit, atque sinistro latere incurrat, ensem tuum commutabis ita, ut pollex substet, acies longa itidem capulo ensis hostilis substet, pertingat autem brachium ipsius, ex ea forma incîdendo sursum tendas,

Item die tzwen vntern schnit die gehorn tzu treybenn gegenn denn fechternn, die da einlauffenn mit ausgerecktenn armenn, vnnd die treib also, wann er dir ann dein schwertt bint, es sey mit versatzung oder sonst, fert er dann hoch auff, mit denn armenn vnnd lauft dir ein tzu deiner linckenn seittenn, so verwend dein schwert, das dein daumen vnnten kummenn mitt der langenn schneydenn, vnter sein gehiltz in sein Arm [36r] vnnd druck mit dem schnit vbersich,

[39v.3] Den schnidt den windt
Zů flehen trueck dein hendt

Daß ist wie du die obern schnidt solt wechseln ausß den vntern dz merck also wen er dir ein laufft zu diner lincken siten mit vff [40r.1] gestreckten armen so verwind din schwert mit der langen schniden vnter sin gehultz in sin arm vnd truck vast vber sich vnd schrit do mit auff sin rechte siten vnd wend den knopff mit vnten durch vnd küm mit dem schwertt nit von sinen armen vnd wend dz schwertt auff den vntern schnidt in den obern vber sin arm mit der langen schniden

Item Lauft er dir ein zu deiner rechten seiten mit aufgerichten armen / So wend Im dein schwert mit der kurtzen schneidin / vnder sein [88r] gehiltz in sein arm / vnd truck vast übersich / vnd schreit auf sein lingge seiten / vnnd lass den knopff mit vnden durchgeen / vnd wende das schwert mit der langen schneiden über sein arm in den schnit / vnd truck von dir.

Item laufft er dir ein tzu deiner Rechtenn seittenn mit auf gerecktenn armenn, so wend im dein schwert, mit der kurtzenn schneydenn, vnnter seinn gehiltz, in sein arm, vnnd truck fast vbersich, vnd schreit [36v] auf sein lincke seittenn, vnnd las denn knopff mit vnnten durch gehenn, vnnd wend das schwerdt, mit der lanngenn schneydenn vber sein arm, in den schnit vnnd truck vonn dir.

[47v.2] Zwej hengen werden
aus einer hant von der erden
In allem gefert
Haw stich leger waich oder hert.

[48r.1] Wisß die zwej hangen von der erden Das ist der pflug von beiden seitten DarInn soltu auch haben das fuln In hewen vnd stichen vnd Im pand des swertz ob er er darInnen waich oder hert ist etc.

[40r.3] Zweÿ hengen werdenn
Auß eÿner hant von der erdenn
In allen gefertt

[40v.1] Heulb stich leger wiech oder hert

Wiß dÿ zweÿ hengen von der erden dz ist der pflug von beiden siten dar In soltu auch haben dz fullen yn heulben In stichen vnd Im band des schwertz ob er darin weich oder hart ist

[109v.3] Von den henngen

Zway henngen werden
ausz ainner hand von der erden

[110r.1] Inn allem gefert
haw stich leger waich oder hert

Wisz die zway henngen von der Erden. das ist der pflug vonn baiden seiten. dar Inn soltu auch haben das fullen Inn hewen vnd stichen. vnnd Im bannd des schwerts. ob er dar Ime waich oder hert ist.

[48v] Sprechfenster mach
Stant frölich besich sein sach
Wer sich vor dir zeuget ab
Schlag In schnell das er snab
Ich sage für war
kein man schützet sich on far
hastu vernommen.
Zu slag mag er clein kommen.

Item merck du hast vor gehört wie du dich vor dem man mit dem swert solt schicken In die vier hut So soltu nu wissen das das Sprech fenster ist ein hut darInn du wol sicher magst sten vnd die hut ist der lang ortt der ist die edelst vnd peste were [49r.1] am swertt Wer daraus recht fechten kan der zwinget den man damit das er sich on seinen danck slagen muß lassen vnde mag dauor zu slage nit wol kommen etc.

[110r.3] Von dem Sprechfenster.

Sprachfenster mach
stannd frolich besich sein sach
wer sich vor dir zeuchet ab
schlag In schnell das er schnab

[110v.1] Ich sage fürwar
kain man schützet sich on far
hastu vernommen
zu schlag mag er klain komen

Item merckh du hast vor gehort. wie du Dich vor dem mann. mit dem schwert sollt schickhen Inn die vier hut. so soltü Nunn wissen das. das sprechfennster ist ain hut dar Inn du wol sicher magst stehen. vnnd die hut ist der Lanng Ort / der ist die edlest vnnd Böste wehre am schwert. wer daraus recht Fechten kann der zwinnget den Mann damit Das er sich on seinnen dannckh schlagen muss lassen. vnd mag dauor zuschlagen nit wol komen.

Von dem Sprechfenster.

Sprachfenster mach
Stand frölich besich sein sach
Wer sich vor dir zeuhet ab
Schlag In schnell das er schnap
Ich sage fürwar
Kain Mann schützet sich on far
Hast du vernommen
Zu schlag mag er klain komen

Item merck du hast vor gehört / wie du dich vor dem mann mit dem schwert solt schicken in die vier hut / So solt du nun wissen das / das Sprechfenster ist ain hut / darinn du wol sicher magst steen / vnnd die hut ist der lang ort / der ist die edlest vnd beste where am Schwert / [88v] Wer daraus recht fechten kan / der zwinget den Mann damit / das er sich on seinen danck schlagen muss lassen / vnd mag daruor zuschlagen nit wol komen.

Sprech fenster mach,
Stand frolich vnnd sihe sein sach,
wer sich vor dir tzeuchet ab,
Schlag in schnel das er schnab,
Ich sag furwar,
kein mann schützet sich an far,
hastu vernummen,
tzu schlag mag er klein kummenn.

Merck du hast vor gehortt, wie du dich vor dem man [37r] mit dem schwert solt schickenn, in die vier hut, so soltu me wissenn, das das Sprechfenster ist ein hut, darin du wol sicher magst stehenn, vnnd die hut ist der lang ort, der ist die edelst vnnd die pest wer, am schwert, wer daraus recht fechtenn kann, der tzwinget damit denn mann, das er sich an seinen dannck mus schlagenn lassenn, vnnd mag dar vor tzu schlagenn nit wol kummenn.

[49r.2] Item das Sprechfenster mache also Wann du mit dem zufechten zum man geest mit welchem hawe du dann an In kommest es sej ein ober oder ein untter hawe so las Im den ort albeg langk aus den armen mit dem hawe einschiessen zum gesichte oder der prust Damit zwingstu In das er muß versetzen oder an pinden Vnd wann er also angepunden hat so bleib Im starck mit der langen schneiden auf dem swertt [49v.1] vnd stee frölichen vnd besihe sein sach was er fürpas vechten wil Zeucht er sich zu ruck ab vom swert so volge Im nach mit dem ortt zum gesicht oder der prust Oder slecht er aus dem pande vmb zu der andern seitten So schneide Im starck über die arm vnd arbeit Im oben ein zum kopf Oder will er sich vom swertt nit abtziehen noch vmb slahen So arbeit mit dem dupliren oder sust mit andern stucken darnach als du enpfindest ob er starck oder swach am swert ist etc.

[110v.2] Item das Sprechfennster mach also. Wann du mit Dem zufechten zum mann geest. mit welchem haw du dann an In kompst. Es sey ain Ober oder ain Vnnder haw. so lass Im den Ort alweg Lanng auss den Armen. mit dem haw einschiessen zum gesicht oder der Prust. damit zwingstu In daz er muosz versetzen oder anbinnden. Vnnd wann er also angepvnden hat. so bleib [111r.1] Im starckh mit der Lanngen schneidin auff Dem schwert. vnnd stee frolich. vnnd besich seinn sach. was er furbas fechten will zeucht er sich zuruckh ab vom schwert. so volg Im nach mit dem Ort zum gesicht oder der Prust. oder schlecht er ausz dem pannd vmb zu der anndern seiten. So schneid Im starckh vber die Arm. vnnd arbait Im oben zum kopf / oder wil er sich vonn schwert nit abziechen / noch vmbschlagen. So arbait mit dem Duplieren oder sunnst mit andern stucken / darnach als du In entpfindest. ob er starck oder schwach am Schwert ist.

Item das Sprech fenster mach also, wenn du mit dem tzu fechtenn tzu dem mann gehest, mit welchem haw du da ann in kumbst, es sey ein ober ein vnterhaw, so las im den ort alweg langk aus den armenn, mit dem haw einschiessenn tzu dem gesicht oder prust, damit tzwingstu in, das er mus versetzenn oder anpindenn, Vnnd wenn er also angebunden hat so bleib im starck mit der lanngenn schneydenn auff dem schwert, vnd stehe frölichenn, vnd besihe sein sach, was er furbaß fechtenn wil, tzeucht er sich tzu Ruck ab vonn dem schwert, so volg im nach mit dem ort, zu dem gesicht oder der brust Oder schlecht er aus dem band vmb tzu der andern seittenn, So schneid im starck vber die arm, vnnd [37v] arbeit im obenn ein zu dem kopff, oder wil er sich vom schwert nit abtziehenn noch vmbschlagenn so arbeit mit dem dupliernn, oder sonnst mitt[225] anndernn stuckenn, Darnach als du empfindest, ob er starck oder schwach am schwert ist.[226]

[49v.2] Item so soltu die Sprechfenster das sein zwo hut aus dem langen ortt eine am swert vnd die andern [50r.1] vor dem man ee wann du Im an sein swert pindest oder die swert zesammen glitzen vnd ist doch In Im selber nit mee dann ein hut

[41v.2] Item so soltu die sprerch fenster dz sindt zwo hutte auß dem langen ortt ein am schwert vnd die ander vor dem man ee wan du ÿm [42r.1] an sin schwertt bindest oder die schwertt zu samen glictzen vnd ist doch In Im selber nit mer dan eyn huten~  

[50r.3] Item merck das heist auch ein sprech= [50v] fenster Wann du schier mit dem zufechten zum man kommen pist So setz den lincken fus für vnd halt Im den ort langk aus den armen gegen dem gesicht oder der prust ee wann du Im an das swert pindest Vnd stee frölichen vnd besihe was er gegen dir vechten wil Hewet er dir dann oben ein so far auf mit dem swert vnd wind gegen seinem haw In den ochsen vnd stich Im zum gesicht Oder hewet er dir zum swert vnd nicht zum leibe So wechsel künlich durch vnd stich Im zu der andern seitten Oder lewfft er ein vnd ist hoch mit den armen So treib den vnttern schnid Oder ist er nider mit den armen so wartt der Ringen Also magstu alle stuck aus den armen treiben welches dir am pesten ist etc.

[42r.3] Item merck dz heist ein sprech fenter wen du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst so setz den lincken fus fur vnd halt im den ort lang vß den armen gegen dem gesichtt oder der brust E wan du im an dz schwertt bindest vnd bestee froelichen vnd sich wz er gegen dir vechten will Haut er dir dan oben eyn so far vff mit dem schwert vnd wind gegem sinem haulb in den ochsen vnd stich im zu dem gesicht oder hautt er dir zu dem schwertt vnd nicht zu dem lieb so wechsel kůnlich důrch vnd stich ÿm zu der andern sitenn [42v.1] oder laufft er yn vnd ist hoch mit den armen so trib den vntern schnidt oder ist er nider mit den armen so wartt der ringen also magstu alle stuck auß den armen triben welches dir am bestenn ist

Item merck das haist auch ein Sprechfenster / wann du schier mit dem zufechten zum Mann komen bist / So setz den lingken fus für / vnnd halt Im den ort lang aus dem armen gegen dem gesichtt / oder der brust / ee wann du Im an das schwert bindest / vnnd stee frölichen / vnd besich was er gegen dir fechten wöll / hwt er dir dan oben ein / so far auf mit dem schwert / vnd wind gegen seinem haw / in den Ochsen / vnnd stich Im zum gesichte / Oder hawt er [89r] dir zum schwert vnd nit zum leib / So wechsel künlich durch / vnd stich Im zu der andern seiten / Oder laufft er ein / vnd ist hoch mit denn armen / so treib den vndern schnit / Oder ist er nider mit den armen / so wart der ringen . Also magst du alle stuck aus den armen treibn / welches dir am besten ist.

Item merck das heist ein sprechfennster, wenn du mit dem tzu fechten schier zu dem mann kummenn bist, so setz den linckenn fus für, vnd halt im den ort langk aus [38r] denn armenn gegenn dem gesicht oder der brust, ee wann du im ann das schwert bindest, vnd bestehe frolichenn, vnnd besihe was er gegenn dir fechten wil, haut er dir dann obenn ein, so far auf mit dem schwert, vnnd wind gegenn seinem haw in den Ochsenn, vnnd stich im tzu dem gesicht, oder hawt er dir tzu dem schwert, vnnd nicht tzu dem leib, so wechsel künlich, vnnd stich im tzu der anndernn seittenn, Oder laufft er ein, vnnd ist hoch mit de[n] armenn, so treib denn Vnternn schnit, Oder ist er nider mit denn armenn, so wart der ringenn, Also magstu alle stuck aus denn Armenn treyben welches dir am pestenn ist.

[51v] Das ist ein lere vnd ermanung der kunst des swertz das du darInn gar wol gericht vnd geübelt solt sein das du sie behendiglich künnest füren vnd mit behendigkeit die prüch gegen seinen stucken recht treiben Also das du auf yeden pruch besunder solt treiben die drew wunder die dir hernach außgericht werden Auch soltu wissen die vier hengen der sein zwej vnden vnd zwej oben, Die obern das ist der ochs Die vndern das ist der pflug zu beiden seitten vnd aus den vier hengen Soltu prengen acht winden Vnd dieselben acht winden soltu fürpas also betrachten vnd recht wegen Das du aus yedem winden solt besunder treiben ein haw vnd ein stich vnd einen schnid Das sein die vorgeschrie= [52r.1] ben vier winden etc.

[111v.2] Von den winnden

Wer wol füeret vnnd wol pricht
 vnd entlich gar bericht
 vnd bricht besonnder
 jetlichs Inn drey wonnder
 wer recht wol hennget
 vnnd winnden damit prinnget

[112r] vnd der winnden acht
mit rechtem wegen betracht
vnd Ir ainer
der winden salb drit
so zweintzig
vnd vier zele sy einntzig
von baiden seyten
Acht winnden leren mit schreyten .
vnnd prieff die gefert
nit mer dann waich oder hert

Das ist ain Lere vnnd ermannung. der Kunnst des schwerts. das du dar Inn gar wol pricht vnnd geiebt sollt sein. das du sy behenndigelich kinndest fueren vnnd mit behenndigkait die prüch gögen seinnen stuckhen recht treiben allso das du auf Jeden pruch besvnnder soldt treiben die drew wvnder / die Dir hernach ausgericht werden. Auch soldu wissen die Vier henngen. der sein zway vnnden. vnnd zway oben Die obern das ist der Ochs / die vndern das ist der Pflug zu baiden seiten. vnnd auss den Vier henngen soltu pringen Acht winnden. soltu furbas also treiben betrachten vnnd recht erwegen. Das du auss Jedem winnden solt besvnnder treiben ain haw vnnd ain stich vnd ainnen schnit. Das sennd die vorgeschribnen Vier winnden.

Die beschliessung der rechtenn tzetelnn.

Wer wol furet vnnd wol pricht,
vnnd entlich gar bericht,
vnnd bricht besunder,
Jeglichs in drey wunder,
wer recht wol henget,
vnnd windenn damit brenget,
vnnd der win [!] acht,
mit rechtenn wegenn betracht,
vnnd ir einer
der windenn, salb drit,
so sein Ir tzwaintzigk
vnnd vier, zel sie embsigk
vonn baydenn seittenn,
Acht winden lern [38v] mit schreyttenn,
vnnd pruf die geuert,
nit mer dann waich oder hertt.

Das ist ein lehre vnnd ermanung der kunst des schwerts, das du darin gar wol geubet vnnd gericht solt sein das du sie behendiglich künest furenn, vnnd mit behendigkeytt die brüch gegenn seinen stuckenn recht treybenn, Also das du auf ieden pruch besonnder solt treybenn die drei wunder die dir hernach ausgericht werdenn, Auch soltu wissenn die vier hengenn, der sein tzway vntenn vnnd tzway obenn, die obernn, das ist der Ochs, die vnternn das ist der Pflug tzu bayden seittenn, vnnd aus denn vier hengenn soltu bringẽ acht windenn, Vnnd dieselbenn acht windenn, soltu also betrachtenn vnnd recht wegen, das du aus Jedem windenn, solt besunder treyben ein haw ein stich, vnnd ein schnit, das sein die vorgeschribnenn vier windenn.

[52r.2] Item hie merck Wie du aus den vier hengen solt treiben acht winden Das erst über hengen hat zwu winden das treib also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kommest So stee von deiner rechten seitten In dem ochsen Hewet er dir dann oben ein zu deiner lincken seitten so winde gegen seinem hawe die kurtzen sneiden an seinem swert aber Inn ochsen vnd stich In oben ein zum gesicht Das ist das einwinden Setzt er den stich ab seiner lincken seiten so bleib am swert vnd wind wider auf dein rechte seiten In den ochsen die langen schneiden an sein swert vnd stich Im oben ein Zum gesicht Das ist ein hengen [52v.1] von deiner rechten seitten mit zwejen winden an seinem swert

[43r.2] Item merck wie du auß den vier hengen solt triben acht winden dz erst vber hengen hatt zweÿ winden dz tribe also wan du mit dem zu vechten zu dem man kümpst so ste von diner rechten siten In den ochßen haut er dir dan oben zu diner lincken siten so wind gegen sinem haulb die kurtzen schniden an sinem schwert [43v.1] aber in vchsen vnd stich ym oben yn zu dem gesicht dz ist dy eyn winden setz er den stich abe gegen siner lincken siten so blyb am schwertt vnd wind wider vff din rechte siten in den ochsen die lange schniden an sin schwertt vnd stich ym oben yn zu dem gesicht dz ist dz eyn hengen von diner rechten siten mit zweyen winden an sinem schwertt ~

Item merck wie du aus denn Vier hengenn solt treybn acht windenn, das erst vberhengenn hat tzway windenn, das treib also, Wenn du mit dem tzu fechtenn zu im kumbst, so stehe von deiner Rechten [39r] seittenn In dem Ochsenn, hawt er dir dan oben ein tzu der linckenn seittenn, so wind gegenn seinem haw die kurtzenn schneydenn an seinem schwertt, aber in ochsenn, vnnd stich im obenn ein tzu dem gesicht, das ist das ein windenn. Setzt er denn stich ab gegenn seiner linckenn seittenn, so pleib am schwert, vnnd wind wider auff dein Rechte seitten in denn Ochsenn die langenn schneydenn ann sein schwert, vnnd stich im obenn ein tzu dem gesicht, das ist das ein henngenn vonn deiner Rechtenn seittenn mit tzweienn windenn ann seinẽ schwert.

[52v.2] Item das ander ober hengen aber mit zweien winden das treibe also Wann du mit dem zufechten zu Im kompst So stee von deiner lincken seitten Im ochsen Hewet er dir dann oben ein zu deiner rechten seitten so winde gegen seinem hawe die langen sneiden an sein swert vnd stich In oben ein zum gesicht. das ist aber ein winden Setzt er den stich ab gegen seiner rechten seitten So beleib am swert vnd wind wider auf dein lincke seitten In den ochsen die kurtzen schneiden an sein swert vnd stiche In oben ein zum gesicht Das ist das ander [53r.1] über hengen von der lincken seitten aber mit zweien winden an seinem swert etc.

Item das annder oberhenngenn, aber mit tzweyenn windenn, das treyb also, wenn du mit dem tzufechtenn zu im kumbst, so stehe vonn deiner linckenn seittenn in dem Ochsenn, hawt er dir dan obenn ein, tzu deiner Rechtenn seittenn, so wind gegenn seynem haw die lanngenn schneydenn an sein schwert vnnd stich im obenn ein tzu dem gesicht, das ist aber ein windenn, Setzt er denn stich ab gegenn seiner Rechtenn seittenn, so bleib am schwert, vnd wind wider auf dein lincke seittenn In den Ochsenn, die kurtzenn schneydenn ann sein schwert, vnnd stich im obenn ein tzu dem gesicht, das ist das [39v] annder vberhenngenn vonn deiner linckenn seitten aber mit tzwayenn windenn an seinem schwertt.

[53r.2] Item Nun soltu wissen das du aus den zweien vndern hengen, das ist der pflugk von baiden seitten, Auch soltu treiben vier winden mit allen Iren geferten als auß den obern Das sein die acht winden Vnd als offt du windest so gedencke In einem yeglichen winden besunder an den haw vnd an den stich vnd an den schnid Also kommen aus den acht winden viervndzweintzigk Vnd aus welichem winden vnd gegen welchen stucken vnd gegen welchen hawen du den haw oder den stich oder den schnid treiben solt Das vindestu alles [53v] vor In den stucken geschrieben etc.

[97r.4] Observandum tibi insuper erit, ex duabus infernis proclinationibus itidem quatuor intorsiones exercendas eße, quod est Aratrum utrinque, ut super memoratum est, adhibitis earum habitibus singulis ex superno ictu formatis. Quoties igitur cunque intorsionum generibus voles uti, semper ictus, punctionis, atque incisionis memor esto, quos habitus usurpare ut supra dictum est, oportet. [97v.1] Igitur ex octo intorsionibus proveniunt viginti quattuor habitus tot enim octo ex sese pariunt. Qua autem ratione iis sit utendum, et contra quos habitus, nec non quomodo formentur aut quando sit usurpandum, partim in superioribus, partim vero ex subsequentibus cognosci potest.

Mounted Fencing

Draft Translation (from the Latin) Draft translation
by Per Magnus Haaland

Augsburg Version (1460s) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Salzburg Version (1491) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Vienna Version (1512) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

Graz Version (1538) [edit]
Transcription open for editting

Dresden (Mair) Version (1542) [edit]
Transcribed by Pierre-Henry Bas

Vienna (Mair) German Version (1550s) [edit]

Munich (Mair) Version (1540s) [edit]
Transcribed by Saskia Roselaar

Vienna (Mair) Latin Version (1550s) [edit]

Munich Version (1556) [edit]

Rostock Version (1570) [edit]
Transcribed by Dierk Hagedorn

[95r] Item zu Rosß mit Ritterlicher wëre

[61r] Item zu ros mit ritterlicher werr

[301r] Die Kampfstuckh zu Roß

21 Das ist in dem sperlauff der dem andern
22 Begeget under augen

Item schick dich also mit der andern [97v] hut

vaß die gleuen als vor vnd thue als sie dir zuswer sej vnd senck sie nider zu deiner lincken seitten vnd halt sie neben deines roß hals etc.

Die vierdt hut gehet aus der halbenn glefenn, da soltu [42v] dich mit schickenn, fas dein glefenn inn der mit, auf das lenngst vnnter denn armenn, vnd halt im denn ort gegenn dem gesicht.

Eos igitur habitus qui ex commemoratis custodijs quatuor for [209v] mantur viriliter et totis animi viribus exerceto, in subsequentibus autem doceberis eos.

Item auß der ersten hut Wenn du die gleuen auf das lengst gefast vnd mit Im zusammen [98v] reittest So thue gleich als du In ÿn das gesicht wöllest stechen In des las dein gleuen vornen sincken Vnd wechsel damit vnden durch sein gleuen zu seiner rechten seitten, so get sein gleuen auff deiner rechten seitten hinweck vnd die dein triffet etc.

Item darumb [117v] Spricht die Erst figur Jag von der prust zw seiner rechtenn hand

Alia figura

Propterea prima monet figura: de pectore illum adgre [210r] ditor versus adversarij latus dextrum.

Item darumb spricht die erst figur, Jag von der [43r] brust tzu seiner Rechtenn handt.

Tertiae custodiae habitus

Cum hastam equestrem mediam manu utraque contines in concursu [210v] mutuo, tum hastam hostilem anteriori tuae hastae parte repellito, inde si fueris progressus, adversario cuspidem adponito.

Item die vierden hut

Wenn du [99v] hast ein halbe gleuen vnd er ein gantze vnd du mit Im zusammen reittest So las den zawm faren vnd leit Im mit der lincken hant sein gleuen ab vnd reit für dich vnd setz Im an etc.

Item vnd darumb spricht die .12. figur, mit lerer hand ler tzwenn strich gegen aller [43v] wer.

Item wen dw neben Inn komest vnd hatt sein Schwertt gezogenn vnd will Schlagen So greiff mit der linken hand an den elnpogenn vnd Stoß In oben von dir vnd erheb In mit dem linken fus sein Rechten [118r] zw paider seytten so velt er

Item Wiltu In nit werffen Wenn du Im mit der lincken hant den elenpogen begriffen hast so begreiff sein swert pej dem knauf mit der rechten hant vnd zeuch [100v] es zu dir mit der lincken hant Stoß Im den elenpogen von dir so nympstu Im das swert etc.

Item wiltu in nit werffenn, wen du in mit der linckenn handt denn Elnpogenn begriffenn hast, so begreif sein schwert, bey dem knopf, mit der Rechtenn handt, vnnd zeuch es [44r] tzu dir mit der linckenn hanndt, stos im den Elnbogenn vonn dir, so nimbstu im das schwert.

Ratio solem adversario demonstrandi.

Si latere sinistro hosti te applicare nequiveris cum hastis vestris vos [212r] mutuo non contigeritis, tum dextrum latus ipsi adiungito, atque deijcias eum capite ipsius retorto

Item wolt er sein schwert [44v] tziehenn, so far im mit deinem Rechtenn arm, durch seinenn Rechtenn, vnnd druck in fast tzu dir, vnd wend dein Roß von im so felt er.

Item wen dw Im sein hand begriffen hast als vor So leg dich mit der Brust vast auff seinen arm [118v] vnd reytt fur So muß er aber hinweck

Si manum adversarij adpraehenderis ut ante, tunc pectore tuo bra [212v] chium ipsius totis viribus adgraves, inde si fueris progressus, rursus corruet.

Item hat er ein schwert, so greif im mit der lincken hanndt [45r] seinenn Rechtenn Elnbogenn, vnnd mit der Rechtenn hanndt, sein schwert bey dem knopff, vnnd stos mit deiner linckenn, vnnd tzeuch mit der Rechtenn, das schwert tzu dir, so nimbst es im.

Das gleuen stechen
Fechten sittiglichen
hüt ler prechen

[102v] Das soltu also vernemen

Vnd wiß auch das du mit der gleuen nit solt hürtten durch rauschen, wenn du solt damit sittiglichen reitten vnd nit rennen Wann wer da rentt vnd hurrt mit der gleuen der mag noch kan damit kein kunst getreiben noch vorteil suchen etc.

Item das ist das sie also fürsichtig mit der gleuen zu roß oder [103r] mit dem swert vnd dem ringen soltu behend sein zu roß vnd nit langksam als du hiernach wol hören würdest etc.

Item das ist das du sitiglichenn solt reitenn mit der glefenn tzu Roß, oder mit dem schwert, vnnd mit dem Ringenn soltu behendt sein zu Roß, vnnd nit langsam, als du [45v] hernach wol hörenn wirst.

halt dein swert hoch auf deiner rechten [103v] seitten das dein dawmen vnden sej vnd heng Im den ort zu dem gesicht etc.

Item die vierd hutt

halt dein Schwertt hoch auff deiner Rechten seittenn das dein [119r] dawm vnten sey vnd heng Im den ortt zw dem gesicht

Die stuckh treyb auß der Ersten hut von dem ~ linncken Arm.

Hos subsequentes habitus ex prima custodia exerceas.

die stuck treib aus der Erstenn hut vonn dem linckenn arm.

Ob es sich verwanndelt,
das schwert gegen schwert würd gehanndelt,
Recht fas die sterck,
Taschenhawenn such vnnd merck.

Das ist [46r] ob ir baid vonn denn glefenn wertt kummen, vnnd wie das tzu gangenn wer, ee er tzu seinem schwert wer kummenn vnnd du tzu deinem.

· Figura ·

Item das lert die Sibent Figur [104v] Hie heb an den man taschen hawen zu suchen etc.

Item wen du Im denn haw versetzett hast als vor, vnd wilt der vordernn stuck nit treybenn, so far im mit dem knopf Inwenndig vber sein Rechte handt, bey dem gehiltz, vnnd truck die fast an dein brust [46v] vnnd reit fur dich, so nimbstu im sein schwerdt vnnd die stuck treib aus der obern hut, Vonn der Rechtenn seittenn. + end[253]

Ler wol schutten
alle treffen on for Damit In not
an setz ver=
straiff heng Im zu dem hor.

Hie merck wie du den man zwingen solt das du Im ein vorteil an gewinst vnd das du Im mit sterck [105r] da zwingest du In mit das er sich muß plos geben, das weist die fünfft figur als auß etc.

Er woll starck schutten
alle treffen an var Damit Im nott
an setz ver=
streiff henng Im zw dem hor

Hie merck wie dw den man zwingenn solt das dw Im ein vorteil angewinst vnd das dw Inn mit Sterck da zwinstu In das er sich muß Bloß gebenn [119v] das weist die funft figur


Admonet quinta, ut in omni primi congressus conflictu [215r] fortis sis, vel hasta equestri vel ense utendo atque semper mucronem contra hostem porrigas.

Item haw Im ein oberhaw zu dem kopf starck versetzt er vnd ist waich am swertt so setz Im denn den [105v] ort an Setzt er den ort ab auff sein lincke seitten so far von vnden auf durch sein swert mit deinem knopff vmb seinen hals vnd reitt für dich Oder wentt dein Rosß vmb so felt er etc.

Item hau im eyn ober hau zu dem kopff starck, versez er und ist weych am schwert, so sez im den ort an, sez er den ort ab auff seyn lyncke seyten, [65v] so var von unden auff durch seyn schwert mit deynnem knopff umb seyn hals und reyt vor dych oder went deyn ros um, so velt er etc

Item haw Im ain oberhaw zu dem kopff starckh, versetzt er dir unnd ist waich am swert, so setz Im den ort an, setzt er den ort ab auf sein lincken seiten
So far von unnden auf durch Sein swert mit deinnem knopff umb seinnen hals unnd Reit fur dich Oder wennd dein Rosß umb so fellt er.

wid~ anfang[254] Item haw im ein oberhaw zu dem kopff [47r] starck, versetzt er vnnd ist waich am schwert, so setz im den den [!] ort ann, Setzt er denn ort ab, auf sein lincke seittenn, so far vonn vnten auff durch sein schwert mit deinem knopf vmb seinẽ hals vnnd reit fur dich, oder wendt dein Roß vmb, so felt er.

Etsi ictum excipiat adversarius tuum, tum habitu demon [215v] strandi solis utitor admoto, vel supposito ense maxillae.

Item haw Im aber ein oberhaw zw dem kopff fertt er hoch auff mit der versatzung So var mit deinem gehiltz vnten sein elnbogen vnd mit dem Rechten fus vnter sein Steick leder vnd Stoß oben mit dem gehiltz vnd heb vnten mit dem fus So velt er [65v] so var von unden auff durch seyn schwert mit deynnem knopff umb seyn hals und reyt vor dych oder went deyn ros um, so velt er etc

Extorquendi gladii ratio

Cum adversarius vim illatam transversim excipiat, dextram [216r] manum subleves, et ensem sub brachio ipsius dextro transmittas, idem etiam tuo brachio adprehendas. Inde progreditor, et ea ratione ensem hosti extorquere licet. Hoc docet quarta figura.

Item wenn er dir versetzt mit der tzwer, so far hoch auf, mit deiner Rechtenn handt, vnnd far Im [47v] mit dem schwert, durch seinenn Rechtenn Arm, vnd begreif im seinenn Arm mit deinem, vnd Reitt fur dich, so nimbstu im das schwert, das lerett die .4. figur.

Verum si is mucronem eundem removerit brachio sublato, [216v] tu quantum poteris proxime ad illum accedas, et post interne manu sinistra ultra brachium hostis dextrum sublata ea inversa hostis brachium praedictum cepisti. Inde ensem vel pugionem quaerito, nuditatem vel dorsum eius diligenter observans. Postea autem manu dextra frenum capiti equi hostilis detrahas, atque ea ratione primas tu obtinebis, et freni adversarii equum spoliabis.

Item wert er denn stich, vnnd fert hoch auf, so reit an in, vnnd far mit deiner linckenn handt vonn Inwenndig auff vber seinenn Rechtenn arm, vnnd begreif den tzaum, vnnter seinem Rechtenn Arm, vnnd [48r] mit lincker verkerter hanndt, so hastu in gefanngenn bey dem arm, So such sein messer oder degenn damit such die bloß, oder Ruck mit deiner rechtenn handt sein tzaum, dem Roß vber die oren so machst in tzaumlos.

Praedictas nuditates ensis mucrone conquirito, nam ver [217r] beribus, ictibus atque nodo nihil efficere poteris contra armatum quod qudem decima monet figura.

Item die stueck tribe auß der hutt võ dem sattell bogen

Item wan du mit der hutt Ryttest In den man haulbett er dir dan zu z dem kopff von siner rechte~ siten eÿn ober haulb So far mit dem swertt auch auff von der sattell boge~ vnd wind do mit hoch [149v] fur daß haupt das er dan vnte~ küm auff din lincke site~ so sechstu dan haulb in dem gehultz Indes stich im zu dem gesicht zu siner lincken site~ so fechstu dan haulb In dem gehultz

Item die stuck treib aus der hut vonn dem Satelbogenn.

Item wenn du mit der hut reitest tzu dem mann, haut er dir dann tzu dein kopff, von seiner Rechtenn seittenn ein oberhaw, so far mit dem [48v] schwert auf vonn dem Satelpogenn, vnd wind damit hoch fur das haupt, das der daum vntenn kum auf dein lincke seitten so fechstu denn haw in dein gehiltz, In des stich im zu dem gesicht, tzu seiner linckenn seitten.

Item weist er den ab zw seiner linkenn seyttenn so Reitt neben Im hinweck vnd haw In mit der langenn [120v] schneidenn hinten In den hals vnd das Ist der tuckisch haw

Item reitt einer auf dich mit der gleuen vnd an welcher seitten er dir will ansetzen da wind gegen [109r] Im mit dem swert an sein gleuen als vor vnd stich In zu dem gesicht oder wo du In magst gehaben etc.

Item reit [49r] einer auf dich mit der glefenn, vnnd an welcher seittenn er dir wil ansetzenn, so wind gegenn Im mit dem schwert ann sein glefenn als vor, vnnd stich im, tzu dem gesicht, oder wo du inn magst gehaben.


Octava ut manum dextram torqueas docet mucronemque dextrum visui ipsius immittas, hoc est, ut eques semper ensem torqueas ex custodia vel contra hostis equestrem hastam, vel ensem, [218r] atque celerrime adversarium pungere memineris ubicunque nudus adparuerit.

wid. anfang[259] Das ist ein hut mit dem halben schwert.

Wenn du hast gelegt dein schwert, auf dein lincke hanndt tzu dem tzaum, so las den tzaum [49v] farnn, vnnd greif mit der linckenn hanndt mittenn Inn die klingenn, vnnd halt dein schwert also vor dir.

De hasta equestri exercenda

Si quispiam contra latus dextrum tuum equo invehitur equestri [218v] utens hasta, tu de manu sinistra eam ense tuo repellas, ense post sub axillam iniecto hosti mucronem adponas.

Item ligstu In der hutt vnd hawt er dir obenn zw So var hoch auff vnd vach den haw zwischen dein beid hend vnd heng Im [121r] den ortt zwischenn dein beid hend vnd setz Im den ortt zw dem gesicht vnd setz Im an

Item auch magstu im mit dem halben schwert absetzenn, was auf dich gestochen wirt, es sey mit der glefenn oder schwert, darumb soltu mit der linckenn hand deinem schwert [50r] auch tzu hilf kummenn, wenn es dir not ist, als der glefenn, als die .6. figur lernett.

Der Schopffgriff weret
wer sich ringens zu dir keret

[316v] Alles unnder augen
Greijff In an recht mit schlaugen

Rinngen unnder Augen

Merckh das Ist der Possten Rinngen ainns als es zu Roß gesein mag, darumb haist es der schopffgriff, das eß nitt Jederman verstan soll.

Correptio iubata omnem luctam infirmat
quae a fronte peragitur.

Hic habitus valde utilis est in dimicatione equestri, proptereaque [219v] eam adpellationem sortitus est, ne quilibet eum intelligat.

Der schofgrif weret,
wer sich ringenns zu dir keret
Als vnteraugenn,
greif in an recht mit flaug~.

Merck das ist der rechtenn vnnd besten ringenn [50v] eins, als es tzu Roß gesein mag, darumb heist es der Schofgriff, das es nit Jeder man Verstehenn mag.

Item oder In den Gloßen heist es der schofgrif Wann der schoff ist der recht arm deins widersagens So sotu albeg nach greiffen [111v] Wenn du zuroß ringest Wenn mit der lincken hant helt er den zawm die ist dir nit also schedlich etc.


Item Wenn du wilt ringen so reit dem man zu der rechten seitten vnd greiff In an mit ringen Greifft er dich wider an so begreiff mit deiner lincken hant seinen rechten arm hintter seine hant vnd zeuch den arm für dich vnd far mit dem rechten arm über vnd druck damit nider vnd begreiff damit den sattelpogen vnd reit für dich so muß er fallen Vnd wiß das du mit dem ringen prichest alle ringen damit man [112r] dich vornen anfellet Darümb spricht die dreÿtzehent figur.

Item wiltu ringen so reitt dem mann zw seiner R seiten vnd greiff In an mit ringen greifft er dich wider an so greiff mit deiner linken hand seinen Rechten arm hinter seiner hand vnd zeuch den arm fur dich vnd far mit dem .R. arm vber den vnd truck da mit nyder [121v] vnd begreiff damit den satelbogenn vnd reitt fur dich so muß er vallen vnd wiß das dw mit dem Ringen prichst alle ringenn da mit man dich vorn an velt darumb Spricht die 13 figur

Item wiltu ringenn so reit dem man tzu der der Rechtenn seittenn, vnnd greif in an mit ringẽ, greift er dich wider ann, so begreif mit deiner linckenn hanndt, seinen Rechtenn arm, hinter seiner hanndt, vnnd zeuch denn arm fur dich, vnnd far mit dem Rechten Arm vber, vnnd druck damit nider, vnnd begreif damit denn Satelpogenn, vnnd reit fur dich, so mus er fallenn, vnnd wiß das du mit [51r] dem Ringenn prichst alle Ringenn, damit mann dich vornn anfellett, darumb spricht die 13 figu[r]

Wer dich an vellet
Wider reittens der wirt gefellet
Hanges gen der erden
Vbergreif In recht mit geperden

Item das ist ein slechtes ringen Reitt dir einer zu der rechten seitten vnd vert dir mit seinem rechten arm vmb den hals, far Im [112v] also vmb den seinen vnd halt In vast hintten pej der Joppen oder was er an hat vnd henck dich nider auch In die lincken seitten als du von dem Roß wöllest fallen vnd zeuch In also nach dir von dem Roß. Hastu dich zu ser nider gehangen das dich duncket du müst auch vallen so halt In vast so zeucht er dich wider ein hin In den sattel mit seinem fall etc.

Czu baiden seitten
ker dich an In on wider reitten.

Item Merck das ist das du dich In allen anreitten nahent zu dem man solt halten Wann du dich zu roß mit einem fohen wilt [113r] oder ringen Ettlich hofleut treiben ir stuck an dem zureitten zu dem man Darümb wenn du an den man kompst So bleib pej Im vnd las In zu keinen dingen nach stucken kommen ~

Utrinque proxime
hostem accedito

Si cum hoste equestri congredi statueris, vel luctari, tunc quam proxime poteris ad ipsum adpropinquato. Quidam aulici habitus suos in accursu antequam in hostis conspectum processerint, contra adversarium exercent, quod quidem excercitis et equestrium dimicationum [220v] non adprobatur. Tu vero si prope ad hostem processeris, remaneas, atque ea ratione eum urgeas, ut is nullos omnino habitus queat exercere.

Ob du wilt reitten
Roß lauffs zu der andern seitten
Die sterck schut
Damit on nott

[113v] Wer dir das weret
Swert vah trag nahent der hant

Zu der lincken seitten

Item Merck das ist wiltu einem zu der lincken seitten reitten So soltu starck sein mit der wer es sej gleuen oder mit swert vnd wart ob du dem man mügest den ort angesetzen, da soltu In mit zwingen gleich gleich als du zu der rechten seitten hast geton Damit zwingstu In zu den stucken die man zu der lincken seitten treiben sol Wenn es seindt ettliche stuck die man zu der lincken seitten treibt die da zu der rechten seitten nit mügen geen etc. ~

Ob dü Wilt Rÿttenn
Roß laüfs zur Andern sÿtten

[152v] Die stueck schott
Do mit In nott
Were dir werett
Swert fache trage nahe der hant

Item daß ist wiltu ene~ uff sin lincke site~ ritten So soltu starck sin mit der were eß sÿ gleffen oder swertt vnd wart ob du dem man den ort magst an setzen do soltu In mit zwingen glich als du Im zu der rechte~ site~ hast gethon do mit zwingstu In mit den stucken die mã zu der lincken site~ triben soll wan eß sin ettlich stueck die man zu der lincke~ site~ tribtt die zu der rechte~ seytte~ nit mogen gen ~

Ob du willt reijtten
Roß laufs zu der anndern seijten

[318v] Die sterckh schut
Damit on not
Wer dir das wert
Schwert fach trag nahent der hand wer

Zu der Linnckhen seiten

Item merck das Ist wiltu ainem zu der linncken seitten reitten so solltu starckh sein mit der wehr. Es seij gleven oder mit schwert unnd wart ob du dem mann den ort mugest ansetzen, da soltu In mit zwinngen gleich als du zu der rechten seiten hast gethan. ~ Damit zwingst du In zu den stuckhen, die man zu der linncken seitten treiben soll, wann es seind ettliche stuckh die man zu der linncken seitten treibt, die da zu der rechten seiten nit mogen gan.

Ob du wilt reitenn,
Roslaufs zu der andernn seittenn,
die sterck schüt,
damit in not,
wer dir das werett,
Schwert fahe trag nahenn der hanndt.

Item das ist wiltu einen zu der linckenn seittenn reitenn, so soltu starck sein mit der were, es sey glefenn oder schwert vnnd wart ob du dem man den ort mügst [52r] anngesetzenn, da soltu in mit tzwingenn, gleich als du tzu der Rechtenn seittenn hast gethann, damit tzwingstu Inn mit den stuckenn, die mann tzu der linckenn seittenn treiben sol, wann es sein etlich stuck, die man tzu der linckenn seiten treibt, die tzu der Rechtenn seitten nit gegen.

[52r.3] anf[263] Item wann du dem mann reitest zu seiner linckenn seittenn, mit eim oberhaw, so stich im nach der bloß mit gestreckten armenn, vnnd haut er mit dir gleich ein, vnd ist starck mit dem schwert, vnnd wil dich vbersterckenn vnnd sucht dir die bloß auch mit dem ort, so far mit deinem linckenn arm, vonn Inwendig, Auss[en] vber sein schwert, vnnd truck das fast in dein lincke seittenn, vnnd reit nebenn Im hin weck, so nimbstu Im das schwert, vnnd das lert die .16. figur die spricht, Die wer fahe in der mit Inn [52v.1] dem widerreittenn.

der vmb ker
Gerwt zu iagen der wer
Mit allen kunsten
Der da iagt der schicktt nach guste[n]

Item Wenn du mit einem zu der lincken seitten zu reittest vnd dich dein Roß übertrüg das du zu den vorgeschriben stucken nit kommen möchst So las dein Roß nit ferrer von Im lauffen vnd würff das Roß vmb auf dein lincke seitten [115r] Also das du mit deiner lincken seitten an sein rechte kummest vnd treib die stuck vnd die ringen vnd alle kunst die zu der rechten seitten gehören die dauor geschrieben steen etc.

Oder vmb ker
gerüt zw Jagenn der wer
mit allenn kunstenn
Der do Jagt der schickt nach gunstenn'

Wenn dw mit eynem zw der linkenn seyttenn zw Reitzt vnd dich dein Roß vber trug das dw In den vorgeschribenn stuckenn nicht kumen mochtest so las dein Roß nit fer von Im lawffenn wurff dein Roß auff dein linke seytten Also das dw mit deiner linkenn seytenn an sein Rechte kumest vnd treib die Stuck vnd die ringenn vnd alle kunst die zw der Rechten seyten gehorenn [122v] die do vorgeschribenn stenn

Oder umbker
Gerwt zu Jagen der wehr

[319v] Mitt allen Kunnsten
der da Jagt der schickt nach gunsten

Item wann du mit ainnem zu der linncken seitten zu reittest unnd dich dein Roß ubertrueg, das du zu den vorgeschribne stucken nit kumen mechtest, so laß dein Roß nit feren von Im lauffen unnd wirff, das Roß umb auf dein linncken seitten. Allso das du mit deinner linncken seitten, an sein rechte kommest, unnd treibe die stuckh unnd die Ringen, unnd alle Kunst die zu der Rechten seitten gehören die da vorgeschriben steen.

Ob du vertzagest
Vnd an danck linck iagest
Sein swert auf rast
Ring vnd stoß nit vast.

Item Merck das ist ob dein Roß also hertmeulich wer, oder das sich dein widersach also gen dir weret das du on danck must zu seiner [115v] lincken seitten zu reitten So leg dein swert In die hut auff die lincken hant etc.

Quid agendum, si equus tuus adeo sit effrenis, ut etiam invitus ad latus hostis sinistrum accedere cogaris strenuitate quoque adversarii.
Id si tibi contigerit, quod iam commemoratum est, tunc ensem manui sinistrae superimponas in habitum custodiae.

· Swert nemen ·

Item Wenn du Im seinen Rechten arm In die lincken seitten truckest [116r] so reitt neben Im hinweck so muß er das swert lassen vallen etc.

Captandi hostis dextram freno ratio

Manu item sinistra hostis dextram captare freno equi tui poteris, [222v] atque inde discedere.

Item [53v] versetz im denn vberhaw als vor aus der hut vnnd Reit nebenn Im hinweck, vnnd schlag In mit einem freienn vberhaw tzu dem kopff.

Item köme er mit seiner lincken seitten In dein rechte vnd woltt dich mit dem sunnen zaigen werffen Vnd ist er starcker dann du so far von Inwendig auf über sein lincken arm mit deinem rechten Oder ist er swecher dann du so far außsen über sein lincken arm vnd komm mit deiner lincken hant der rechten zuhilff vnd truck vast wider Vnd weicht er aber mit dem arm So begreiff In denn mit der lincken [117r] hant vnd mit der rechten starck darüber vnd reitt für dich so felt er.

Item kem er mit seyner linken seiten an dein R vnd wolt dich mit dem sunnen zeigenn werffenn vnd [123r] Ist er stercker dan dw So far Inwendig auff vber sein linkenn arm mit deiner Rechtenn Oder Ist er schwecher dan dw so var aussenn vber sein linken arm vnd kum mit deiner linken hand der R zw hilff vnd truck vast nyder vnd weicht er aber mit dem arm so begreiff Im den mit der L hand vnd mit der Rechten starck dar vber vnd reitt fur dich so velt er

Porro, si is sinistro latere suo dextro lateri tuo adiungatur, atque [223r] conetur prosternere te solis demonstrandi habitu, et fortior te viribus sit, tum brachium dextrum interne hostis brachio sinistro superiniicias. Sin autem is te inferior viribus sit, tum externe superiniicito sinistro ipsius brachio. Inde autem si dextrae sinistra manu opem tuleris, totis viribus reprimas, sin autem brachium removerit, tum sinistra manu ipsum complectitor, dextram vero firmiter superiniicias, inde si fueris progressus, adversarius concidet.

Item kom er mit seiner linckenn seittenn, in dein Rechte, Vnnd wolt dich mit dem sunnen tzaigenn werffenn, vnnd ist er stercker denn du, so far vonn Inwendig auf, vber sein linckenn arm, mit deinem Rechtenn. Oder ist er schwecher dan [54r] du, so far aussenn vber sein linckenn arm, Vnnd kum mit deiner linckenn hant, der Rechten tzu hilf, vnnd truck fast nider, vnd weicht/er aber mit dem arm, so begreif in dann mit der linckenn hant, vnnd mit der Rechtenn starck, daruber, vnnd reitt fur dich so felt er.

Jagt man dich rechtes
ker vmb wart vechtes
Mit armen fahen
So mag dir kein schad nahen.

Item das ist das du mercken solt Wenn du mit einem zusammen reitten wilt, ob er dir zu der gerechten seitten wöll zu reitten vnd dir den vorteil angewÿnnen [117v] so las In dartzu nit kommen Svnder went dich albeg mit deiner lincken seitten zu seiner rechten Vnd wart das du nahent an In kompst vnd wart seins rechten armes mit den ringen vnd stucken die die dauor vnd nach geschriben steen etc. ~

Item wer das sach, das du gedrungenn würst, das du flieh [54v] müst, vnnd rit der dir dann einer hinten, tzu deiner Rechtenn seittenn mit einem spies oder schwert, vnnd wolt dir ansetzenn, so wint dich aus dem stich gegenn Im auf dein lincke seitten vnd wint mit deinem schwert gegenn seinem spies oder schwert, das dein daumenn vntenn kom vnnd setz im an.

Item auch soltu In der flucht behend sein also das dw dich wol künest vmb wendenn In dem satell von eyner seytenn zw der andern [123v] vnd mit dem hindern dich Stechenn zw paidenn seyttenn

Lest[266]+ Die schwerdt nemenn,
behalten ler on schemen.

Hie merck wie du einem sein schwert nemẽ solt, vnnd in dartzu behaltenn, das er sich nit ge= [55r] werenn mag.

Item Reitt zu der rechten seitten [118v] vnd such sein plöß wie du magst mit hawen oder mit stechen, versetz er vnd kompt nahent an dich so begreiff seinen rechten arm hintter seiner rechten hant mit deiner lincken vnd verkertten hant vnd ruck den für dich vnd halt In vest hin bej vnd beig deinem lincken arm außwendig an sein pindt seins swerttes So muß er das swert lassen fallen vnd wenn du In pei dem arm also heltest so magstu In mit dem swert slahen oder mit dem schofgriff werffen wie du wilt Oder mit dem zawm fahen etc. ~

Si cum aliquo viribus te praestantiori concurris, ipsum eo modo inter [224v] cludas, ut armis suis uti nequeat, idque exerceas, cum sinistro latere tuo ipsius dextro iungeris.

Item [55v] Wenn du mit deiner linckenn seitten an In kumbst, vnnd hat er dann sein wer getzogenn, Es sey schwert meß oder degenn, vnnd wil dich schlagenn oder stechenn, so begreif mitt deiner Rechtenn handt seinenn Rechten arm, vorn bey der handt vnnd reit im dan vmb, vnd Ruck denn vnter dein brust, vnnd leg dich mit dem leib darauf, so prichst im denn arm. Das ist der vngenant grif.

Swert nemen.

Item wiltu den arm nicht prechen wenn du In hast geruckt vntter dein [119v] prust So greiff mit deiner lincken hant an sein rechten elenpogen vnd stoß In damit von dir vnd begreiff mit deiner rechten hant sein swert pej dem knopff oder pej der hanthaben vnd ruck da mit an dich so nÿmpstu Im das swert

Wiltu an fassen
Neben reitten daß soltu nit lossen
Das sonnen zeichen
Den lincken arm wiltu naigen

[156r] Daß vor haupt tast
Gegen nack druck vast
Daß er sich schwencket
Vnd selten wider vff glencket

+ Item daß ist fassen dinges Ringen magstu triben zu allen zitten wan du an den man komest ~

Admonitio, si complecti hostem voles, ut prope accedas.
Eum habitum utrinque exercere poteris, ubicunque hostem fueris adgressus.

[225r] Ratio demonstrandi solem

Wiltu ann fassenn,
neben reiten das solt nit
[56r] lassenn,
das sunnentzaigenn,
den lincken arm wiltu naigenn,
das vorhaupt tast,
gegen nack truck ser fast,
das er sich schwencket,
vnnd seltenn wider auf gelencket.

Das ist fassenn dingens ringenn, das magstu treibenn zu allen seittenn wen du an den man kumbst.

· Figura ·

Item darümb spricht die fünfftzehent [120v] In der nehe vah die hant verkere sein antlutz da der nack ist etc.

Item das Ringenn heist das sunnenn tzaigenn, darumb das es Jederman nit vernem, wann es [56v] ist verporgenn.

Item kompt er mit seiner lincken seitten an dein rechte vnd hat begriffen deinen lincken arm mit seiner lincken hant So wend dich gegen Im vnd far gerichts Inwendig auf mit deinem rechten arm vnd truck In hinden mit der sterck deins armes seinen arm hinwegk [121v] vnd slag damit den arm über sein vnd reit für dich etc.

Item kumbt er mit seiner linckenn seittenn an dein Rechte, vnnd hatt begriffenn, deinenn linckenn arm, mit seiner linckenn handt, so wenndt dich gegenn Im [57r] fur gerichtz. Inwenndig auf mit dem Rechtenn arm vnnd truck in hintenn mit der sterck deins arms, seinenn arm hinwegk. Vnnd schlag damit denn arm vber sein vnnd reit fur dich.

Wiltu Aber dich moßen
Daß vohes luecht von dir loßen
Ringest dan for
Gefangen hin an schnüre

Ite~ daß ringen heissett dz verborge~ Ringe~ vnd ist der beste~ eins wan es glichet sich woll dem schoff griff wan du do mit eyne~ haltest er sÿ starck oder schwach vnd magstu In also halte~ [157v] daß er sich nit gewere~ mag wie lang du wiltt wan du In recht y begriffest ~


Occultae luctae speties,
quae firmissime hostem retinebis.

Wiltu aber dich mossenn,
das vahens leicht vonn dir lassenn,
Ringest dann fur,
gefangenn hin on schnur.

Item das Ringenn heisset das verborgenn Ringenn, vnnd ist der bestenn eins, Wann es gleichet sich wol dem schofgrif, wenn du [57v] domit einenn heltest, er sey starck oder schwach vnnd magst in also haltenn, das er sich nit gewerenn mag, wie lang du wilt, wenn du in anders recht begreifst.

Item wiltu Aber thun alls die leichtuertigen mayster die Ir kunst [124v] gering wegen durch Roms [!] wegen vnd machen dy kunst gemayn die sie kunnen oder wissen vnd darumb werden sie vnbehalten vor andern weyssen maystern vnd von Rittern vnd knechten

Si vero idem facere volueris, quod solet fieri a levibus et gloriosis thrasonibus, qui ostentationis tantum gratia athleticam exercent artemque manifestam omnibus exhibent, quam noverint, a peritis [226v] dimicationum certe athletis exiguam laudem auferes.

Item wiltu das Ringenn offenbar machenn, oder Jedermann sehenn lassenn, so thu im also, Reit mit deiner linckenn seittenn ann sein Rechte, vnnd greiff mit deiner Rechtenn handt sein Rechtenn arm vornn bey der handt, vnnd truck den fur dich, vnnd reit vmb begreif mit deiner linckenn handt, ann seinenn Rechtenn Elnpogen, vnd stoß denn von dir, vnnd mit der Rechtenn handt stoß seinen Rechten arm, aber vber dein [58r] linckenn arm gar wol, vnd heb also mit deinem linckenn arm seinen Rechtenn arm vbersich auff, vnnd also halt in gefangenn, vnnd gebunden ann alle pant, vnnd magst in also haltenn Wie lang du wilt, das get zu beiden seitten tzu.

Magnopere curabis, ut semper corripiendo hostem praevenias, nam si is correptiones atque luctas in primis autem quatuor species luctarum principales (quarum prima est correptio iubata, secunda innominata, tertia occulta, quarta demonstrandi solis ratio), prior arripuerit, tu praepedieris, ne ullos habitus praescriptos exercere possis. Interea etiam freno hostem irretiendi habitus ne obliviscaris. Cum praedictas luctae species rite et artificiose noveris et exerceas, [227r] difficile erit, ut quisquam te equo deturbet citra sui corporis detrimentum.

Additional Resources

The following is a list of publications containing scans, transcriptions, and translations relevant to this article, as well as published peer-reviewed research.


  1. The Fellowship of Liechtenauer is recorded in three versions of Paulus Kal's treatise: MS 1825 (1460s), Cgm 1507 (ca. 1470), and MS KK5126 (1480s).
  2. Subsequently copied into the Graz and Munich versions as part of Lew's mounted gloss.
  3. Some instead render it "Here ends the art of the Jewish man called Lew".
  4. Jaquet, Daniel; Walczak, Bartłomiej. "Liegnitzer, Hundsfeld or Lew? The question of authorship of popular Medieval fighting teachings". Acta Periodica Duellatorum 2(1): 105-148. 2014. doi:10.1515/apd-2015-0015.
  5. See the colophon on folio 123r.
  6. Both Augsburg and Salzburg contain significant scribal errors of omission that allow us to identify manuscripts copied from them.
  7. Zabinski, pp 82-83
  8. Medel's section of the Cod. I.6.2º.5 is internally dated on folio 21r.
  9. The record of the Marxbrüder in the manuscript ends on folio 20r with the year 1566, so Mair couldn't have compiled it before then.
  10. alt: enclosed, defined, deduced
  11. "the cut" omitted by the Salzburg
  12. "the hew" omitted from the Salzburg.
  13. "side" inserted by Salzburg
  14. S. "right-side foot".
  15. Salzburg: "with the strong"
  16. Mair: "If he comes then onto your sword with the strong".
  17. sic : nahent
  18. Salzburg/Rostock: on the right
  19. alt: crumple, crush, win by force, conquer
  20. Augsburg: "or"
  21. Liechtenauer's verse has in der rechten, "on the right", here, but it has been changed in all copies except the Salzburg and the Rostock.
  22. A. "or"
  23. sic : rechten
  24. Salzburg: "the art or to fence"
  25. S. "art or fencing".
  26. Salzburg, Rostock: "before"
  27. lit: cut
  28. S., R. "before"
  29. sic : lonen
  30. Salzburg: "Crooked cut"
  31. Salzburg: "Crosswise cut"
  32. lit: "hang"
  33. lit: "wind"
  34. S. "crooked hew"
  35. S. "thwart hew"
  36. Mair: twelve
  37. Mair: "twelve"
  38. 38.00 38.01 38.02 38.03 38.04 38.05 38.06 38.07 38.08 38.09 38.10 38.11 38.12 38.13 38.14 38.15 38.16 Word omitted from the Salzburg and Rostock.
  39. Salzburg: "cut"
  40. Salzburg omits "side"
  41. S. "peasant hew".
  42. 42.00 42.01 42.02 42.03 42.04 42.05 42.06 42.07 42.08 42.09 42.10 42.11 42.12 42.13 42.14 42.15 42.16 42.17 42.18 42.19 42.20 42.21 42.22 42.23 42.24 42.25 42.26 42.27 42.28 42.29 42.30 42.31 42.32 42.33 42.34 42.35 42.36 42.37 Word omitted from the Salzburg.
  43. Could be read as “schlichter”.
  44. Mair: "This is a lesson"
  45. Mair: "This is a lesson on when".
  46. Assuming this is a misspelling or variant of "stecken"; otherwise, the phrase is "stabs with you" which is nonsensical in context.
  47. corrected from sein, see Danzig
  48. "with a" omitted from Rostock.
  49. Mair adds "not", making it "after the Soft and not after the Hard".
  50. Mair: to their left side
  51. "The lower opening" is omitted in Mair, shortening it to "to the left side".
  52. "And you shall... with the other" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of also soltu das.
  53. Couplet 104, part of the group 102-109.
  54. "come" is omitted in the Salzburg
  55. "of the opponent… of the belt" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of der gürttell.
  56. 56.00 56.01 56.02 56.03 56.04 56.05 56.06 56.07 56.08 56.09 56.10 Word omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.
  57. "of the man… of the girdle" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of der gürttell.
  58. Salzburg omits "of the sword"
  59.  "To you truthfully" effaced from the Augsburg by damage to the page.
  60. "of the sword" omitted from the Salzburg.
  61. Fehlstelle im Manuskript
  62. Augsburg: "move on the arms"
  63. "and you bind with… standing on the sword" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.
  64. "with the arms… and drive" omitted from the Rostock. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of den armen.
  65. "And wind yet… and stab him" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.
  66. In the Rome (Danzig branch), it is "...Die do haist der öchss vnd auch der öber vnd den vnder haw" => "That is here called the ox and also the descending and the rising cut". In the Vienna(Nicholas branch) it is: "...da mit pricht man den ochsenn vnd auch den ober oder denn vnder[e]nn haw" => "with this one breaks the ox and also the descending or the rising cut". The likelihood is that "eber" is a scribal error. That being said, "eber" is also a guard in Lecküchner's treatise and cannot be ruled out.
  67. Here Salzburg segues into Sigmund ain Ringeck's gloss of the same verse describing how the Crooked hew is used as a counter-cut: "This is how you shall cut crooked to the hands, and execute the play thus: When he cuts from your right side with the over- or under-cut, spring away from the cut with the right foot against him well to his left side, and strike him with outstretched arms with the [point] upon his hands."
  68. Literally "boar" (eber) in Augsburg, Salzburg, and Mair, probably due to a scribal error from über. Rostock further changes this to alber.
  69. A. "him"
  70. A., M. "the"
  71. Mair omits "the cut"
  72. A, M: "the
  73. "the hew" omitted in Mair.
  74. "with the short edge" omitted in the Salzburg
  75. A., M., R. "the"
  76. "with the short edge" omitted from the Salzburg.
  77. Salzburg: "that cut from the bind of the sword"
  78. S. "bind of the sword hews".
  79. A., R. "him".
  80. sic : schwerts
  81. Salzburg: "come to the opponent"
  82. "the head, then throw your sword on" omitted from Mair. This is probably a scribal error, jumping from dem to dein.
  83. A., M., S. "go"
  84. "the head, then throw your sword on" omitted from Mair. This is probably a scribal error, jumping from dem to dein.
  85. Rostock and Salzburg add: "or guard"
  86. Augsburg and Mair just have "protect".
  87. "before your" omitted from the Salzburg and Rostock.
  88. A., M., R. "your"
  89. A., M., R. "the"
  90. Lit. "his".
  91. "after the Weak of his sword" omitted from Mair. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of Schwerts.
  92. 92.0 92.1 92.2 92.3 92.4 Word omitted from the Augsburg, Rostock, and Mair.
  93. Salzburg and Rostock double "schlag".
  94. "and to the body" omitted from the Salzburg.
  95. A. treffen, S. griffen.
  96. A., M., R. "him"
  97. 97.0 97.1 97.2 97.3 97.4 97.5 Word omitted from the Rostock.
  98. Mair: extended
  99. M. "you shall bring the Inverter with extended arms".
  100. Mair: When you arrive at the opponent with the initiation of fencing and have moved half way into it
  101. A., S., R. "when you are gone half to him with the pre-fencing"
  102. A., M., R. "each and every"
  103. Mair has "from the right side, in accordance with the right side, in accordance with each step forward", which is probably scribal error of duplication, where the scribe repeated a line of text.
  104. A., M. "and"
  105. A. "on"
  106. A., M. "when"
  107. Couplet 91.
  108. S. has vier oder trieb, which should perhaps be read as fahr oder treib, "drive or drive".
  109. Scribal error in S. and R., replacing "even to you" with "above".
  110. S. "to his"
  111. A. "to the"
  112. M. "with"
  113. "and slice" omitted from the Salzburg.
  114. "if that is what you wish" omitted from the Salzburg.
  115. sic : deinem
  116. "of the sword" omitted in Mair.
  117. A., R. "the"
  118. "with the stab" omitted from the Rostock.
  119. A., M., R. "the"
  120. A., M., R. aber: "yet"; this seems to be a misspelling of alber.
  121. "and all Windings... are all short" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of kurtz vnd.
  122. "that so fight short" omitted from Mair. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping from fechtern to fechten.
  123. 123.00 123.01 123.02 123.03 123.04 123.05 123.06 123.07 123.08 123.09 123.10 Word omitted from Mair.
  124. A., M. anwind: "wind on".
  125. A., M., R. "him".
  126. S. "your"
  127. R. "the breast".
  128. Korrigiert aus »Hautt«.
  129. These verses are glossed previously, as the Rostock indicates (see the next note), but with a significantly different play.
  130. A., M., R. "the"
  131. R. "his"
  132. "as if you" omitted from the Salzburg and Rostock.
  133. Rostock ends here with the statement (written in Latin) "Previously in the chapter Vom Feler", which is odd because this is the exact point when the text ceases to bear any resemblance to the earlier version in that chapter.
  134. "in the arms with the edge" omitted from Mair and the Rostock. This is probably a scribal error, jumping from schneiden to schnitt.
  135. Disappears into the margin.
  136. S. "he then".
  137. S. "the one hilt".
  138. S. "thrusts your point up".
  139. Clause omitted from the Augsburg, Mair, and the Rostock.
  140. Word omitted in the Augsburg, Salzburg, and Mair.
  141. Augsburg doubles the phrase "and hold your sword on your right side with the hilt in front". This is probably a scribal error in which the scribe's eye jumped to the wrong line.
  142. 142.0 142.1 142.2 142.3 Word omitted from the Augsburg, Salzburg, and Mair.
  143. "this is" omitted in the Augsburg, the Rostock, and the Mair.
  144. Mittels Einfügezeichen korrigiert aus »siten rechten«
  145. M. "his"
  146. A. "quickly there".
  147. "many and" omitted in Mair; Augsburg omits "many" and just says "are and multiple".
  148. "that fence from free long hews" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of fechten.
  149. "do not hold" omitted from the Salzburg.
  150. "to him" omitted from the Salzburg and Mair. Rostock just has "to".
  151. 151.0 151.1 Title is repeated in Mair.
  152. M. "if he the drives his sword quickly upward".
  153. M. "Soft or Hard".
  154. A. zwer: "thwart".
  155. "on his neck... on his right side" omitted from the Salzburg. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping from to the second instance of seiten.
  156. "Strike or" omitted from the Augsburg, Salzburg, and Rostock.
  157. S., R. "ere when you come up"
  158. S. "to"
  159. 159.0 159.1 159.2 159.3 159.4 159.5 159.6 159.7 Word omitted from the Augsburg and Mair.
  160. "The word" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.
  161. A., R. "in"
  162. Salzburg doubles "the feeling".
  163. "Feel and cannot undertake" omitted from the Salzburg. This is probably a scribal error, jumping from one instance of nicht to the next.
  164. This seems to be a translation of verse 77 rather than 78, possibly moved here as a means of avoiding having to translate Indes.
  165. S. "work".
  166. S., R. entphindest: "perceive".
  167. S., R. "ere when".
  168. M. "undertake"
  169. Word doubled in the Salzburg.
  170. S. "word".
  171. S. "right or left side".
  172. S. "takes aim from below", which matches the standard Recital. R. "whoever winds from below".
  173. S. "Whoever aims below", which matches the standard Recital. R. "whoever winds below", which might represent an intermediate change between these two readings.
  174. Mair: under
  175. S. bindest gebünde~.
  176. M. "under"
  177. S. "his"
  178. M. "left side"
  179. 179.0 179.1 Disappears into the binding.
  180. S. "his"
  181. S. "after".
  182. R. "hews you"
  183. S., R. "change through"
  184. Corrected from 'mit'.
  185. S. "the"
  186. S., R. "wind".
  187. S. "Technique".
  188. R. "on"
  189. Word doubled in the Augsburg.
  190. S. "your"
  191. A., R. "the"
  192. "down a little" omitted from the Salzburg.
  193. A., M., R. "the"
  194. A., S., R. "the"
  195. "before you" omitted from the Salzburg.
  196. S., R. "a"
  197. M. "rightful"
  198. Word doubled in Mair.
  199. S: force
  200. S. dring.
  201. "at the sword" omitted from the Salzburg.
  202. M. "rightful"
  203. Word omitted from the Augsburg, the Salzburg, and the Rostock.
  204. "and thrust... the right" omitted from the Augsburg and Mair. This omission is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of siner rechte~.
  205. R. "but"
  206. sic : sein rechten bis repetita
  207. S., M., R. "over-winding"
  208. S., M., R. "over-winding"
  209. L: "When you fence to your opponent with rising cuts"
  210. S., R. "Another wrestling".
  211. A., M. "him".
  212. A. "his"; M. "the".
  213. M. "on"
  214. S. "weapon".
  215. S. "your".
  216. M. "with his"
  217. A: wind
  218. A. "with".
  219. S. "on"
  220. s: wind
  221. S. "his".
  222. "and from each single Winding" omitted from the Salzburg. This is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of winden.
  223. S. "be it Over-/Under-hew".
  224. A., S., R. "the"
  225. ”einwindẽ durchwindẽ“ written in another hand above the line.
  226. Illegible word from another hand written above the line.
  227. s: best
  228. R. "change"
  229. R. "correct"
  230. "I mean" omitted from the Augsburg, the Rostock, and Mair.
  231. "So they are" omitted from the Augsburg and Mair.
  232. S., R. "meditate and judge"
  233. "and the same Eight Windings" omitted from Mair. This is probably a scribal error, jumping to the second instance of winden.
  234. Rest der Zeile verschwindet im Bund
  235. A., M., R. "him".
  236. M. "against his hew oppositely"
  237. S., R. "against".
  238. S., R. "the one"
  239. M. "hangings"
  240. S. "your".
  241. M. "another"
  242. S., R. "your".
  243. "on the" omitted from Mair.
  244. "in the techniques" omitted from the Salzburg and the Rostock.
  245. korrigiert aus »schnudt«
  246. Germ. And the eyes
  247. illegible deletion
  248. S corrected from D
  249. Germ. ”the sharp grip”
  250. Unleserlich. Gemeint ist die 20. Figur. Illegible. Refers to the 20th figure.
  251. Marginalie von anderer Hand. Marginal note from a different hand.
  252. German. How you use the bag strike at your opponent.
  253. Auf beiden Seiten neben dem Text, oberhalb einer Linie. On either side of the text, above a line.
  254. Marginalie. Marginal note.
  255. Marginalie neben einer Linie. Marginal note next to a line.
  256. Germ. If you have caught the opponent by the reins, you can pursue his openings.
  257. Unleserliche Streichung
  258. Germ. Do not!
  259. Marginalie. Maginal note.
  260. Illegible deletion
  261. Die Wörter »so« und »Spricht« sind im Manuskript vertauscht, was durch entsprechende, oberen Anführungen gleichenden, Einfügezeichen kenntlcih gemacht wird.
  262. Über der Streichung eingefügt.
  263. Marginalie. Marginal note.
  264. Germ. The left
  265. Der Text läuft in den Bund.
  266. Marginalie. Marginal note.
  267. Germ. sword, messer, or dagger
  268. Der Text läuft oben aus der Seite heraus (beschnittenes Buchformat?).